Saturday, June 11, 2005

Undecided Opportunity

When i always think of something, which is in desperate measures, partly uncertain. Since after the day me and cy went to watch Star Wars, he did mentioned about ego and inner voice. I had most of the ego voice instead of inner voice, i became undecided on issues that is vital, will effect my further destiny in life.

I'm currently working in a company selling clothes, supposed to be in a wholesale department, just arrange stocks, QS, sort of other relevant tasks, a year later i was promoted and dealing in retail outlets all over Peninsula Malaysia. My task was simple actually, just go to a designated branch and help out operating the business, as replacement, the supervisors could take their leaves and once they get back, i'm outta somewhere if designated again. So its been three years i'm in, i felt left out of entertainment, fashion and food. I know i'm working in a clothes company, but it doesn't mean it's fashion, all these clothes i'm selling is almost seasonal, depends on the religious seasons. Soon as i bought my ride, my salary was deducted 30%, and kinda striving, thrifting.. Damn suffocated, i tell you. I was advised not to compare with others which leads to greed on things that desire my lust of luxuries. Hey, come on, who doesn't think that way? All i know that i need to upgrade myself to adapt this society, before things getting expensive and soon enough i'm incapable to pay my dues. Living in a normal and peaceful life is all we need, how about you're living a place, paying rm200 rent of room per month, near dirty kitchen and toilets, cockroaches and rats everywhere, always in freaking warm temperature, 2 floors up and i've to que most of the time using the toilets. I've a friend offers me rm200 rent of room per month, floor with tiles, cabinet, clean kitchen and toilets, sofa, astro, washing machines, fridge, car porch and 6 little cute pussies. How about that? But something still holds me back from that, why? My ego voice. I'm frustrated, thought it was going to be easy, but the fact is, deep thoughts are necessity, can't bared myself taking such risks, i can be harmful to myself of my financial crisis. I'm doomed, i guess, and i've been day dreaming, sleepless nights, just thinking of the risks. Sounds like getting married to me, yall people agreed? Hehe..

I took an opportunity asking a friend Jeff who's currently working for his father, the sleeping director. His uncle was the assistant director, doing fine, and some other friends joined the venture. I've told Jeff about my criteria, hope he's willing to lend a hand. He agreed, only if i'm determined for the job, but i'm not that ready enough, too much responsibles left behind my current job. I'm not sure how do i gonna tell my boss about my resignation. Once my boss told me before, i can join any other companies to continue striving, and for now, i think it's not what it's seems. My company has outnumbered staffs, lotsa havocs happened, and i'm designated to take up the shits, how pathetic. When i think back 3 years ago, i wish i wasn't here, it's all about the promises from my dad, and it became none, got worsen each year. I'm proud to own my ride, not my salary anymore, used to.

Jeff offers me the job, which i'm gonna stationed in Ipoh, permanent. Gosh, if i'm moving there, consider i'm no longer a KL resident. Where am i gonna stay if i'm back to KL? Cy's place? Nah, not even my girl's house. I was thinking of keeping the room in KL, still pay for it although i'm not staying there, somehow it's stupid. What can i do then? I love my hometown, Ipoh has the same entertainment, chicks, not the environment, roads and culture. I'm sure i'm going to do this, cuz i trust Jeff, and by all means, i can feel my proper life in future if i work for him. I'm sure i wanna do this, please God give me a good sign, so i can make sure my decisions won't destroy me.

Star Wars..

it was friday night, finished work, all well dressed up, rushing my time to his place so i won't be left out of parking. it's common to have so many visitors in mid valley, either the people came just for a casual drinks, or movies. after all, we reached in very early time. met cy's friend's friend, don't know who are they. paid the tickets and we went outside the mall for a walk.

we had a conversation about love relationship, for all the months had passed, cy's feeling stil hanging around. somehow he found that god has given him a sign searching a mind set to calm himself. the topic was getting more sensitive when it camee to be my issue, and we skipped it.

the show started at 12.30am, we went in and i felt amazed of the interior comfort. sliding sofas with tall tables served with drinks and popcorns on the house, it's paid, along with the ticket.. that's what they meant of Gold Class, limited seats, wide space and full privacy. the crowds were modest, i could tell from the environment.

there's not much to say about the time we're watching, some part of the scenes we did put some comments. after the show, all i knew that i pee a lot, maybe around 500ml of urine.. i know it sounds gross, fuck it. my first time watching movie in Gold Class, felt extremely amazed..

it's very late and still we went for some drinks. soon enough after we had the previous conversation, cy discover an understanding from the show, did preached me some few facts of life. i felt the same way from the show but not so detailed as him cuz he's always smarter than me, wisdomised from books and researches, me? i'm suck, never took initiative to learn other teachings on facts of life. i'm buddhist, prayed in my childhood, regularly with my aunt. since i moved to kl, i'm starting to dislike the way of praying cuz my mom overwhelmed herself on religious belief, and really did made my dad mad about it cuz my mom hardly spend her time at home doing house chores, totally pathetic. a lot of facts that by theory, we only belive something that's watching over our lives, something powerful enough to control the circulation, nature and circumstances.

you know what i'm talking about, people. just believe that.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bad Encounter..

One friday evening i finished work earlier, decide to look for my good friend cy see if he's going anywhere. He told me he's at his friend's birthday party somewhere at damansara, only after 11pm he'll be off to clubbing. So i took bath and put up nice outfit, went to Giant Superstore browse around. My boss Kit called me, asking my location. I invited him to join me and cy for clubbing. He insist to look for me and talk about it. I waited quite sometime, almost 10pm. He reached at Giant with Arif, his best pal, so called. I saw him was only dressed up with short pants, so i asked him if he does not wanna go. He said he didn't have any money, then quickly he said he's trading his Camry to Wish, and bought new pair of Levi's jeans cost around rm200+. I felt he's screwing my mind, for once he's broke and getting something new for himself.

I got into his car for some cool air, so he started to make a topic of someone's mistake. Eventually it was our company's truck driver, who helps around and ended up being boycott by my boss. Kit was talking about it with anger, saying really negative things that makes me pissed off. He pointed whoever follows or talk to the driver, that person will be blacklisted. He's talking about me then, cuz i've been too close with him these few weeks. I denied his facts, it's all bullshits, why people would wanna be a victim if they're not involved? The driver has a bad mouth, talks a lot of bad things about company. I think if he didn't start criticise, someone will, cuz the company's systems are dropping, it's unstable. The supervisors work like dog shit and whenever they need a long breakaway, my boss always ask them wait, wait what? That's not the only matters, when we went for our holidays, they'll called us about when we'll come back for work, day by day. Such annoying, can't even focus on our rest, work is all we had in our mind after that fucking call. We really got frustrated, i'm sure their parents or loved ones heard of their complaints, only my boss didn't realise, but if he do, he'll say it's nothing to talk about, you don't like the way it is, just quit and leave elsewhere. It felt like crunching our testis, fuck. Then again Kit was so into criticise at the driver. Arif cut in and telling Kit we're not kids, we don't suck milk but drink, can't expect we all follow his rules. Then they started quarrel, ended up Kit fucking slap Arif's face, pretty hard. I thought, shit, what the fuck was wrong with my boss? Fucking sohai slap he gave, what in the world he has to give a big slap on someone who talks back to him is elder than him which is not as rich as him! After the slap, he chased us out from the car, as like i'm involved too.. See what i mean. I know he's rich, but over reacted on things that has sensitivity. From that point, i swear to myself never ever go out with him anymore, even i was being persuaded. Arif was so mad about it, earn a slap for nothing. I'm sympathy at him, like a slave to Kit, although Kit paid Arif's bills and goodies at his own will, not his wish. Why do foreigners have to be so damn slave to anyone's richer, can't they just like Americans or British came to Malaysia and be well respected? Sad to say, black skins always a nigga.. Means shit. I did look through the dictionary, as i know.

Later on Kit called me again, insist to fetch Arif back home instead of me. There he goes again, at his own will, like i don't. I told Arif don't ever try talk to him so much, if not he'll torture him for sure. Then i head to fetch cy, told him about the situation. Cy got pissed off, saying that next time no hanging out with him anymore, quit the fucking job and find others to have peaceful mind. The fact is, i can't run, i may stick with him for some outstation tasks, unless i quit, but i can't, i'm stucked..

I guess i only can help myself then, try avoiding him as much as i could..

A new Girl I met Pt.2

Another Friday night, finished work at 6pm, got to know by tomorrow i'm gonna replace supervisor at puchong, he's on leave for 2 weeks, heard that his girl came back from overseas.
I was at home, watching news, listening to music, thinking of where i'll be at, no particular plans made, called up cy see if could hang out at his house. Went over his house, played Xbox, and he asked me if i'm interested of going pubs with him, just only 2 of us. And i said ok, maybe we could get hooked up. Then, Elva left message to cy. He's in vain, thought only 2 fellows going there.

We ended up bringing her there, ordered drinks and enjoyed the scene. Spotted 2 girls with beautiful eyes, dressed gorgeously, cute smile, freaking hourglass.. We didn't make any move, cuz i noticed that their boyfriends just around the corner, and precisely i don't wanna get in any trouble. Then Elva was stood there in silent, seems she's not happy about something. I went talked to her, but this time she's not talking about her friends, something about her personal life. She said she hates people calling her decent, just because of that word, she just lost her boyfriend, who never felt deserved what he really had in life. Pity of her, assumed no guys like decent girls, maybe they're not romantic, or a clubbing freak, wear sexy clothes, intimacy.. Actually every girls could be like that, just needs some training, or by demand, they'll learn from it. It takes time, just like brushing a skill up, any professions is the same, practise makes perfect. Also she told me, whenever she fell for someone, the guy was either attached, or just about to breakup, not even bachelor. So what i think most of her target could be good looking guys, guess only..

Met Emily, Andrik's ex, with a new boyfriend tagging along. The guy looks like malay, didn't bother much. She and cy talked to each other while i was sight seeing. Then i heard Emily wished to be with Andrik again. A happy sign, though, only Andrik was still single, not anymore, heard he had more hotter chick in Aussie, it's been quite awhile they.were together.

Later on, we were introduced to 2 Hong Kong chicks, they're absolutely not so pretty, only 1 of them considered cute face, but plum. The other one skinny, singlet with jeans, danced like lala. Oh well, took up initiative talked to them, and some words i might say, they don't understand much, different dialect, so we spoke English instead. Elva drank quite much, started to have funny character, and she felt like puking. So i took care of her, and she felt uneasy at me. I know what's she really up to, and it's only left me to do the care, not cy, kept busy on chatting with some other chicks. The place was almost end of business hour, i was drunk, managed to drive them somewhere near Elva's place had supper. Then when i fetched her at her house downstairs, cy insisted me sending her up. Boy, i'm fucking drunk and sleepy, unfortunately she's staying way high up the shop houses. When we walked up, i was holding her, and she pushed me away. I told her tried to hold on to her so she won't fell off the staircase. When we reached her door steps, i asked her about her sister. She said all of the people in her house went back to hometown since weekend started, and for then she stayed alone. After she went inside the house, i came down, talked to cy about the chat me and Elva had at the pub. He felt scary about it.

All i wanted was to go home, but cy insisted me crashed in his house. Therefore, once reach his house, i parked the car opposite his house, a stupid pole string which used to stabilize the pole was attached on the tar road, i was right onto it and earn a fucking scratch without noticed it was there. Fuck, drunk and made stupid mistake on parking. If it wasn't about crashing cy's place, it wouldn't happened like that.. Sad, sad, sad...

A new Girl I met Pt.1

I met her at loft, from a friend. She's not alone, with her friend Elaine, that's what i remembered. Her name's Elva, she's from Malacca, currently staying with her sister in Kuchai Lama. She's a decent looking girl, all i know by that moment i knew her, she was talking in mandarin dialect. So i talked the same, then only she noticed me i'm not any foreigner, cuz my looks does have differences from Chinese.

Her friend Elaine looks pretty classy, i heard she's a make up artist, dressed with tubes and long pants in black silky. She didn't pay much attention at me cuz i'm like a sohai to her, small time playa, but it didn't bother me, cuz i don't go flirting with girls in arrogant attitude, breaks my mood. I prefer open minded, so Elva talked to me most. The more i heard she said was more like about her friends, nothing about her. Well, i think she's pretty excited on other people's life, not her own.

Actually when we first came to Loft, we're at downstairs chatting with some Chivas, friends coming over and joined us, only then we went upstairs and chill out. I'm still with them, chatting nonsense, that's what i always do, only they don't pay much attention at me, sort of like loser. When we're decided to go home, i never tried asked for phone numbers, fuck them, hehe, tired of trying to click with them.

For some weeks later i went clubbing with cy again, this time i only met Elva. She's like muted, only drank, said nothing at all, staring at me, nod at me, then look other ways. How cruel, can't let out the opportunities for guys. Later on something happened that made us stay out of the club, it was a bitch who got drunk and was seduced to go home with an indian sohai. A friend Kidd tried to fetch that bitch home, being responsible, but the indian dumb shit was stubborn, dragging our time, same to that bitch, wanted to get fucked so much that made me wanna fucked her as well. Suddenly a guy who claims he's that indian dumbass' brother, saying some shit like he's backup. Cy can't bared his words, walked up to him and talked about it. So the brother dumb shit fucking over sohai reacting, screw cy up. Then a friend, John walked up and tried to talk, and he's lifting his hand onto that dumbshit's arm, so that dumbshit over reacted again and start saying "why are you touching me?" repeatedly, damn sohai. I went up there and pushed them away. If i don't do that, bloods everywhere, ended up in lock up and i can't work on the next day, and that's sucks. With all the troubles, Kidd finally persuaded that bitch gone inside the car and went off, left Elva there and she's supposed to follow them. So she has to follow my ride back home. Before then, we went for drinks, and i did asked her about her impression on me. She told me she was afraid of me, thought i have much intention at her. Believe me readers, i don't, only she's pretty decent that can be friends with my girl, she's decent too! On our way sending her back, i asked for her number. She didn't gave me, cy asked me to shut the fuck up. Damn, but it doesn't matter, soon i'll know her number. Then i crash in cy's crib for tomorrow's plan.

Next day, cy's mom bump in the room and ask me to remove the car out from the front gate. I was having a really nice sleep and the mood has gone. After that, cy received a call from Kenny, invited us for Karaoke at Redbox Sunway. So cy gave his mobile to me, showing Elva's number and asked me to call her if she's interested of joining. Imagine that, he wasn't supposed to give her number to me, and he did, maybe he's blurred or something, well, i called up her and she's fine with it. After cy finished his bath, i told him he had slipped his policy. Haha, in my mind now i still remember her number, unless i lost memory, but it wouldn't happen. He was shocked about it.

Ok, skip the fetching and lunch part, we went in the karaoke room, we found there's lots of people. So we changed room and guess what? We're in the VIP room! Room 54, heard it was called Chivas Regal room. 50' plasma tv, another 25' tv placed at the corner, ps game console, bar seats, about 300 square feet wide, buffet dinner and sang for like total 8 hours! Fucking amazing, my only first time experience. Everyone sang, and everyone's making a joke on me cuz i sang the most, like "having a mini concert" in the VIP room. Elva sang too, can't imagine she could sang that well, just like the singer's voice. All i know she sat at the corner the whole day except us, way too much carried away, run, jump, lie down, sat on the floor. The best was the buffet, took a lots of food, not all were nice to chew, like the sushi, like expired taste.

I didn't really talked to Elva much cuz her stories was all about her friends, not that i'm not interested, just as i couldn't imagine the stories she told me, some amusing, some.. I don't know how to explain it. There's lot more a i could say but it'll be continue.. Tired la my fingers..


It was monday, i finished work at 10.30pm, in a retail outlet at Puchong Prima, for like 2 weeks as replacement. Called Jeffrey for a drink, but he asked me to meet him at the pool.

As soon as i arrived, i called him so he could come down from his house. We sat at the barbecue area near the pool, and we forgot about the drinks. Jeff told me he's going to Ipoh, try to a new apartment to make it as a hostel for his salesmen, his company expanded another branch in Ipoh cuz there could have more potential prospects, sounds like everyone delighted to be there, but not me. He was wondering if i'm serious on changing jobs. I'm still thinking of it, can't decide in haste. He said if he found a place to stay, he's gonna renovate the place, fully furnished with aircond, fridge, stove and etc. So in my mind, i was thinking if i did move there, i'll be no longer a resident in KL, cuz if i still pay my rent in Tmn Muda, i mean of course i could, but is it worth it? I'm afraid if the job doesn't click my lifestyle, i maybe abandoned, can't expect me slept over at cy place for temporary period just to look for new place to live. My place very near to his company, 15 minutes driving distance, don't have to worry about the petrol consumption, and milage service due. Imagine if i were in Ipoh, 200km+ distance, come back once a week, gonna cost me about rm50. It's cheap as you think, but it's weekend, everyone goes clubbing, beers and food, gonna cost me a fortune. If i made rm2500, still broke, or even more, but in KL, i'm a rich fuck.

How's gonna be? This job really provides weekend off and my current job supposed to have, now 7 days per week, 12 hours per day, and its not bringing me future of comfort, still struggling like fuck. I'm getting sick and tired, lost my interest on lots of entertainment, shit, it's very hard to explain, not the right way of how i live.



Thinking, focusing..

Monday, June 06, 2005

Sort of Rap Shit

i made something up, which is quite obscene, and i hope it never offence any readers here unless they wouild like to share thoughts of creating rhyme. i create the song only about 2 hours, and i can't believe i wrote this. lets hope the rappers out there give some mercy on my lyrics cuz i'm no so good at english though.. heh, here goes..

Good Making-munky dude
You're so seductive
beautifully attractive
The feel in me burst in massive
that your features ignite my aggressive
So activeTo get in your smooth slick
slippery, sexy hourglass, most terrific
My blood flows like heavy road traffic
damn shorty, you ain't no other superfly chick
In a full split
Follow my ride to my luxury condo
turn on the smooth instrumental saxo
Together we both like indulging ghettos
with some chit chat and brandy XO
Then comes the flow
So shorty, I know how you feel
to me this whole scenario wasn't real
We're here in my crib, so it was kinda thrilled
precisely shorty, you got that sex appeal
And I peel
One by one from your Gucci and Prada
DKNY, Dolce and Gabbana
Drop it all the way until your bra
and I saw again the name was nana
Would I ever
Think of others when I'm getting you
I'm still wonder if this is true
But I'm coming easy on this mood
we just met, I don't mean to crude
You know we should..

Kissing, hugging, touching, caressing,
Grinding, rubbing, make it interesting
When I'm trying, to get in, you're starting, screaming
and I'm thinking, that's the feeling, so baby, good making..

And I know I got you all wild
cause I've used quite much of super styles
Shorty seems flowing ups and downs
better get her ride and slide, make her more of prowl
Like versatile
Yet I pushed it a lil bit hard
the noises of enjoyment that she starts
She ain't had enough on every single part
that I can't figure out, what is not and which is what?
Done a few rounds and sixty-nine
She uses her body and gave some grinds
Almost blow me out of my mind
but the whole session was doing just fine
Between the lines
I wish she could take up the lead
doing ups and downs, shorty, full of speed
Sliding in and out, shorty, got that deep
it's about time, I'm gonna spread my seeds
Is for her needs
Shorty got her hands on my gun
recharging it, ready for the splash to run
The flows come to her face full of spunk
explained the situation that we had fun
When I come
Over her top requested for a blow
she thirst in eager with temptation shows
So clean as she did that until it glows
all my sweat and blood smoothly flows
there it goes..

Kissing, hugging, touching, caressing,
Grinding, rubbing, make it interesting
When I'm trying, to get in, you're starting, screaming
and I'm thinking, that's the feeling, so baby, good making..

Everlasting is all we need
All the things that we complete
Shorty don't you try to plea
Better get a hold on my D
Show me what's in your mind
Everyone does have their signs
The feelings I can't decline
Cause i want you to be mine

I turn myself on the bedside
while shorty is cleaning herself on my side
Smiling and teasing, ask me if it was tight
after all it's wet, so it was easy to slide
I turn on the lights
Shorty still lying with the same pose
ask me if I can give her the same dose
She got the feel of burst just that close
told me she loves that superstyle most
With a toast
Poured some XO with some ice again
chill down the mood and let our lust regain
And then we're ready for another game
it'll be better and will not be the same
As it rains
But the temperature in the room rises
in this condition makes no suprises
Gave us opportunity to do some exercises
shorty, tonight is specially about us
We're on thirst
I put some snoop doggy dogg songs
light up the tube from my miniature bong
The smoke got spreaded and the smell so strong
if you wanna have fun, you gotta go ding dong
All night long
Maybe this is the best round we do
we can do it a lot more if you want to
So shorty, you're now my precious boo
you love me much do, I love you much too
Lets groove..

Kissing, hugging, touching, caressing,
Grinding, rubbing, make it interesting
When I'm trying, to get in, you're starting, screaming
and I'm thinking, that's the feeling, so baby, good making..

Kissing, hugging, touching, caressing,
Grinding, rubbing, make it interesting
When I'm trying, to get in, you're starting, screaming
and I'm thinking, that's the feeling, so baby, good making..

Shorty shorty shorty good making..
Shorty shorty shorty good making..
Shorty shorty shorty good making..
Shorty shorty shorty good making..


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Most Terrible Ride in Our Lives!!

Posted by Hello

I went holiday with my girl during Chinese New Year at Genting Highlands. We did had lots of fun up there, even went for few outdoor games. We came out from the First World Hotel and saw a massive construction of ride, still in progress. So we stood there and wonder how it's gonna be. My girl wanted to ride, and therefore we asked the local authority about it. He said it'll be operate after few hours or more. So we went for other games.

We came back to that ride and that's almost evening to night time. We saw lots of people took the ride and came out with pale faces. It looks terrible to me but tomake ourselves clear on this ride, we had to go in and experienced it. The cost was expensive, but I don't know if it's worth awhile. So there's a counter which selling ride pictures taken for everyone who rides on. I don't even know how it works, cant' find the photographer too. We were warned to drop off valubles and gadgets into the safe deposits, and had to pay for it. The cabinet had RM1 coin slot, and it's all exchanged to the previous customers and left none for us. So we baredly hold on our stuffs, kept deeply in our pockets.

And it's our turn to ride on, it was four seater.. I mean, you had to lean forward on the deck and hold on the studs tight, and legs were on the stairs, that's how it looked like. When the ride moved, it's automated turned our positions to superman mode. I felt thrilled, so did my girl. Then the ride was brought up high sky. By then I saw the photographer, gave a big smile at it and here we go!!

*Schroom!* *Sheeeh!* It was outrageous, impossibility fast, ridiculously turns, I can't see a damn fucking thing, like flashes all over my view, the next thing I knew, it ended up about 5 minutes, that's all. I was not focusing the ride by then, cuz I felt my moblie phone was gonna dropped out. Even my girl felt the same way, her mobile phone was half way out from her back pocket, scary.. We went back to the counter, saw our picture was taken, and saw my girl's face like freaked out badly.. I kept the picture at my room, soon enough I'll scan out the picture and post in here..

Next time, if I'm there taking that ride, I'm bringing my waist pouch, for damn fucking sure..

Our Valentine Gift

Posted by Hello

It was placed at my girl's house, special gift for her, to remember us, our trip, out time spending and our love.

Damansara Ikano Curve

Posted by Hello

Ah.. I love this place, great environment, nice people, good but expensive food, clean and civilize.

I'm with my girl browsing around there cuz she told me she never been there, specially Ikea. I'm sure Ikea in Damansara is the largest I've been, cuz there are so many furnitures to browse at, got my eyes dried out and sored.

After a few rounds of walk, we went to washroom, so it was just behind the coffee shop under management of Ikea. So after I came out from the washroom, the smell of coffee aroma ignited my indulgence, same goes to my girl. It was fascinating, I went over and check the coffee menu. It cost RM3 and you can refill anytime, no limits.

We drank a few cups in different tastes, mostly cappucino, it tasted so heavenly nice, I wish they would've outdoor so I could enjoy the coffee while smoking cigarettes. Too bad it didn't. The place was massive, I can figured out how long it's gonna take to finish browsing without shopping and I'm sure one day was too sufficient. I thought of trying to run around, I bet it's killing, might ended up long term coma by cause of over tiredness, hehe..

By the way, don't mind about my assumptions theory, try figure it out how long will you take to finish browsing Damansara 1 Utama, the Curve and Powerpoint...

David Tao's Promo Tour

Posted by Hello

Before David Tao's promo, i'm stucked in between my job, i already told you guys i'm working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week unless i'm sick and tired, only can take off days. I've promised my girl to go there with her in any chances, in the end i did. the story goes..

I was in Bangi operating expo, the weather was so hot and we're sweating every single minute.I had a good staff who worked in my company more than a year, he's enthusiastic on the work and precisely he's a foreigner, so had to work and earn cash, save some and go back t his country. But i never heard that he wanted to go back cuz he always wanted to be malaysian citizen, Myanmar wasa chaos country to him.

I received a call from my boss, asking me to leave for Kelantan. I'm surprised of the call cuz i hate to go such places, far and Malay territory. I've been there, with my boss and other staffs, opened a shop there. The shop was facing at the main road, the people speaks in the languages we hardly could understand, also the most notorious, the rubber factory.. God damn it, the fucking shit smell was fucking dumb shit stink the hell would have vanished in centuries, see how fatal it was..

We carried out our work for a week and we manage to handle our puke sense, only one staff who fell sick by cause of food and the fucking smell. We don't spend much time on our work too, trying to avoid ouselves topuke, pathetic reasons.

Then again, i told my boss if i'm going there again, i might need a day off to sort things out before things got rotten of being there in a long period. So i was given permission, head back my place and changed nice outfit, fetched my girl and head to Sunway Lagoon.

I've received a call from my good friend telling me some firends clubbing, asked me if i'm joining. And i agreed, but i'll be going just after the promo tour. My girl brought the cd, wondered if David would held a autograph session. We were there and it's almost night time, packed and fucking long queue, everyone's sweating pigs, the walk to the stage was far too, and i wish i could wear some tee with thin fabrics, my girl was wearing sphegetti straps, how lucky she was.

The stage was near to the wave pool side, so it was packed, until some crowds had to stand on waters. The event started at 8pm, everyone's lost their patience cuz David was not out for performance. Some games were played and gifted with goodie bags, not me, too far to get selected. My girl was happy and excited, even more when David came out at 9pm. Fuck, 1 hour of patience and sweat, anyway it's worth awhile. He started to joke around and the host was telling him that the crowds are mostly guys. He said it was nothing to mind about, he gave a nice compliment to the guys: "although all the guys were more than the girls, what i've seen most of you are great looking!" We all cheered out loud, and seriously, the grils here were no match to my girl, some fat, full of acnes, very low height, braces, long faces, disorderly outfitted, and they were crazed without controlling themsleves, even they looked like Honkies to me.

He sang pretty well, all new songs. I saw there's a stall selling his new LP just further away from stage, on second thought, i'm sure there'll be an autograph session. Finally David agreed to have a final autograph session, and it's gonna be a long queue. My girl was so happy and i let her brought the cd and let David signed on it. She was on queue at the stage about half an hour, got back and was happy about it, kept telling me she was anxious and excited, lost in words to David. In reply, David asked her how's her feeling cuz she's stoned and still standing without a word out from her mouth. It happened to me 2 years ago when David came doing his 3rd album promo tour, so it's common to all of us, you know what, face to face with your most favourite idol, what the fuck you expected?

Again it was a great experience going such event, and David did said he'll come again for another concert.

Look at the size of LALA!!!

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It's almost time i need to leave Kelantan for some other tasks, so in the mean time of staying there, i knew a friend, who was the landlord of our expo, he brought me and another staff went to the seaside and have some nice seafood, amazed on this dish cuz the lalas were so huge, the filling was huge too. The beach was about 20 minutes drive from the expo, going through some small roads, bumpy rides.. It's fun though..

The friend i mentioned, he's fat, hole at the right side of his teeth. His name's Nordin, very funny person and don't really take things personally, and rich too, very business minded person. When i first knew him, i heard he had a lot of antic cars, all rare prototype, i'm sure i never seen those in my life, but all the cars were old, rusty, somehow he never spend any money to refurbish the cars. He likes cars, can talked about it non-stop.

He has an expo at the centre of the grand night market in Wakaf Che Yeh, business quite slow down. The people's earnings are very low here, they could only afford food, in big time spending, it would be around festive seasons. It's big market, but the stalls mostly the same, less stocks like closing down or bankrupting..

Nordin was also a contrater, takes reparing and building projects, so my expo requires some refurbishments, installing partitions and extend the space of the toilet. He usually came over and invites me for some drinks and chit chat. He always lokes to take advantage of making jokes at me, telling me about the paradise in Golok, just after passing through the conjunction of Thailand. The stories he told was so interesting, in fact if i was single, i might thought of going there find some Thai chicks.. Sorry darling, just joking..

Wanna know more about the chicks in Thailand, i mean Golok? ok ok..


Right, i'm telling out no matter what.

Nordin told me a few stories, but i can tell one, cuz my fingers were aching...

a wood truck driver was fetching the goods to a destination whereby he had to pass through Golok. So when he was there, he decided to make a stop and continue his long journey the day after. He went out for a dinner at the local, when he was browsing throughout the town, there were so many girls wandering around, mostly pretty. He was anxious, and interested of knowing one of the, without concerning if they're prostitutes.So he got to know one, went for some drinks, clubbind and made out. The Thai girl was a fantastic dream girl to him, she treated him so well that he never expected and dreamed of. The girl was without agent all the while, so she's free to go elsewhere with him. And the truck driver decided to stay put, day after day he's getting broke. He can't go back and leave the girl alone, he never thought of going back to Malaysia anymore, as the place like condemned to him. The girl can't leave Golok, she didn't had a passport. The driver was helpless, thought of the truck, sold it off, even the goods, leave all the memories of Malaysia behind, begin to start a new life there with his new wife.

Weeks or so his employer Mr Lim (fake name) got anxioous too about his empployee's disappearance. He tried to locate the driver but no sign of him. So he made his decision to go Golok and find the driver. As soon as he arrived, he found out the truck was on least and freaked him out. He asked the owner of the car seller about his employeee's whereabouts. The owner told him that the driver needs money to start a new life. Mr Lim couldn't believed of what he heard, race to the town searching for the driver. Soon as he got there, it's almost night time, the scenery was fascinating, indulged Mr Lim. The nthe girls were there, as usual, trying to make some business. So Mr Lim looked at them, felt never before, of their beauties and body features, absolutely out of the world. He could pick anyone, ease his mind cracking on his search, cuz all the girls had no differences, pretty. On his second thought, he chose not to. He walked by, the girls started attracting him. He was not let loose, until he heard the price, blew his mind out.. Cheap, and the girls know their way of attracting business. He could afford anytime, and not only one, as many as he wanted to...

He got cought up finally, one of the girls seduced him, he followed the girl back to motel, gave him some nice scrubs and special treatment, made him an emperor, gave him full services. On the next day he realised his pursue, he knew he had a wife, kids, but his selfishness turned him not to bother his old life anymore, on quarrelling with his wife, no respect from his children. Yup, why he need to struggle more? He's a business minded person, he won't get starved easily, and he's fucking loaded. He left a few days back t Malaysia, sell of his properties, factories and his cars, left a few legacy for his sorry family, then he goes back there, married the girl and lived happily ever after..

Mr Lim knows the reason of the driver's disappearance, just like him, doing the same as the driver did. He thought that if he never been there, he would continue having disasterous life, till he's through..

No regards of his family, but this is a true story, believe it or not..

Anyone thinks this is fake, try out in Golok, i'm sure you'll thank me.. But one thing to remind yall.. I NEVER BEEN THERE... hehehe...

No passport ma, how to go there.. sohai..

Another Cat Shitting

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This cat was ashamed, but i took a quick shot before it got away. Can you guys take pictures of cats shitting? It's not easy, seriously.. hehe..

Cat Shitting

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This picture was taken from Kelantan, I was there for like almost a month and not much customers by that time. Happenly i wanted to buy somthing across the streets and i saw a cat was shitting there without any fear and embarassment, its eyes looks kinda gentle, weird, got no other pictures to start my blog, hehe.
Since we had moved opposite the grand market in Wakaf Che Yeh, things changed a lot. Example, supposed we're operating business in a shop, it's all about cutting cost, and my boss decided to move in an expo cuz the rent was cheaper and easier to handle documents and registration. Bad point is, Kelantan is a place always in hot weather, hardly rain, and the temperature was 34 degrees on daytime, 32 degrees at night time, killing huh?

I've heard a lot of stories about the people there. I'm not sure if I'm telling this may cause offensive to them, but hey, if klates mind about my critics, why they bother doing much negatives? Ok, first i've heard from my staffs about girls. Whoever muslims came from another state searching soul mates, Kelantan is the place. Its near Thailand, so most of them were mixed, drown up with beautiful features, looks, body, you name it, even they're hardworking types, do care about family business, thrifty, don't even mind about how you look, fat? Ugly? They only need you to be honest and sincere to them, and they'll make themsleves a slave to you, the best dessert at night, do you right. Tempting eh? The religion believers are so strong minded that they have to follow their prayer's time, not even miss a single one. Somehow it's kinda odd if they are strictly not allowed going places without wearing a "tudung" ( i don't know how to explain it in English). So i'll always get confused on their looks, almost look alike if only they're not pretty, and i know i can remember those who were pretties, hehe.. Common sense la.. Some doesn't bother wearing tudung cuz the weather is so hot and made their hair looks like bird nest and starting to have foul smells, sometimes when i get close to them, i felt like fainting and puking, seriously. Some they do care about their smells, they bought perfume cologne just to fade away the foul smells, sometimes it smells so strong that i felt the same, fainting and puking. Another term is definately outrageous: i went to town for some shopping, saw a place where people can sit and relax. Therefore it's not only one particular place for everyone, it's seperated.. One for the mens, the other one for the ladies.. I don't really think the crowds followed the rules, i've seen an old man sitting and relaxing at the ladies' booth, so he was offending. Although he's old, rules are rules.. But i took no action, cuz i found it bullshit. Well, that's all the information i know, anyone interest can go there for holiday, there's people from other countries too, like Germany, England, etc..

Boys in Kelantan.. No offence, what i've heard they don't work for their lives. Even they do work, they don't put any effort, not in least, i'm telling you. Being friends with them is totally out of the questions, cuz they're cpcksuckers, they won;t be sincere to you. They don't have jobs, means they don't have money. Without any money with them, they can't survive without food and other expenses. So what they'll do? They're fucking smart, making plans and strategies on how to steal, even rob. Cars stolen each day, houses break-ins, it's so devastating staying there, you'll find yourself paranoid every moment when you look atthem. They dominate the place, if happenly you've any misunderstood with them, don't even think of fighting back, they'll remember you and find back ups to beat the hell out of you. They're punks, worship guerilla nazi styles, with stupid hair cuts covering their eyes, curly, always likes to gear up with caps and accessories, tight tee, second hand Levi's jeans carrot cut, wears second hand branded shoes with shoemarks almost wear out. And bundles are hot selling there, i wonder if they do notice about the bundles, like worn by other people who had skin disease that can be contagious and outbreaks the town. I heard they don't even bath, nazi rules, that's for sure, they'll stink like fucking skunk pig shit, joining groups by groups, gathering themselves at shoplots day dreaming of getting chicks, fame and luxuries. I don't say they don't have chicks, the Kelantan girls are horny, easy to get and the boys only let them work for money, gave the boys some on expenses. The boys just hang around daytime and wait for their chicks come bac and fuck. Seems peaceful life to me, honestly useless..

Any Kelantan boys reading this, i'm sure you're gonna and hate me, but this is what i've heard, and somehow experienced. I work in company and did employed Kelantan boys, all the facts i've told yall had happened because they proven it. I heard critics from you boys about chinese too, so it's a fair play. Any critics brings improvement for the future, no hatred, you don't like what i'm saying, change,make better fututre in Kelantan, everyone's looking forward to this.

Deadly Experience

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A question for you, have you ever got drunk and had sex after, straight away traveled in distance of 400km from dusk till dawn? I'm a moron..

It was the night david tao came for a autograph session here in sunway lagoon, i've promised my girl to go with her, cuz we bought the cd and once again i need the cd to be autographed. This time i let my girl be on stage personally meet the great guru from taiwan. It was fun though, only the area was packed and hot, mostly guys and geeks there, no coolios or such.

We spent few hours there, after that we head to poppy garden, meeting my friends there. My girl hardly goes clubbing, she much too decent to do so, only i'm the one can bring her there cuz it's safe with me, rather with her girlfriends who never go clubbing too, considered lacked of experiences, they may caught in trouble with guys there, precisely. I had lotsa drinks cuz benson was the host, he bought much the drinks and encourage me had more if i wanted to.

By the time when we're leaving, i'm a goner, almost drop dead. I had sex that night, sent my girl back, and i start my journey to kelantan, and not too sure how far. It begins quite exciting, cuz i'm drunk, duh.. Soon it passed 2 hours, sun rises and start stitching my eyes, my contact lenses got dried out pretty fast and i'm lazy to take it out. I became drowsy, lack of focus on the road. On second blink, i heard the sound of crash. The moment i woke up from my drowsiness, i'm crashing on the sideways, jammed my brake that leads me to opposite of the lane, then come back the usual lane, i stopped aside. I was stunned awhile and got out the car, surveyed the car's front bumper. Fortunately nothing happened. I drive off again, with my eyes widely opened, full focus on the road.

Then i stop at the stalls, drank coffee and chill myself down. The feeling was so horrible, i thought i lost my control, losing the figure of my car. It was safe by then. I felt so sleepy and freaked out. And my staff called me many times asking me to reach early. I kept go on driving even i was sleepy, drowsy, not sober enough.

I reached there about 6 hours later, my whole fucking body cramp, lost my feels in me, can't think of anything. Even can't pay attention on people's talking. I went for another drink with my staffs, then i went to sleep for 3 hours, start working again. I was told to stay there in long period and that's really even freaked me out. My staffs are quitting, found new job to stride. I'm envy of them, i was thinking of quittin too but i felt insecured and may abandon my ride. I stuck on their plans, work on and think of nothing.. Except the deadly experience.

Lost interest but..

I've been very busy at job recently, which in sense of few months of not doing anythin about my emails, online games and also my blog. My good friend was telling me that i've dead blog, i wish i could log in and type something interesting about my discovers in life, whenever i was home, i got lazy. I don't own a pc at home, my good friend has one and he has the time and opportunity. I work 12 hours or more, includes going to work and going back home, it does consume time, so mostly i slept at least 6 hours a day, and i've to work almost everyday.

Before my good friend was single by now, he spend most of his time with his loved one, we hardly meet each other and we don't go clubbing anymore. Everyone got busier and busier, time goes by, situation and personality changes. I work in this company for 3 years, no raise, only deducted 30% from what i deserve since last year, and truly remember it was the time i just bought a brand new car and my boss told us the company is cutting cost and wish all of us considered of continue working or quit. I'm still here, striving, almost half past dead.

And by the mean while, i was introduced to this blog. I like it a lot, whenever i need to spit some anger and memories, this is where i need to go, leave all the issues here, then in few years later i might review back, as reference or just recall back just to make sure i'm not left out on something precious happened in my life. I did a few as you can see, later on i was sent outstation supervise other branches. A lot of supervisors quit, just as the cut-cost announced. Some left with few days sales money about rm5,000++. Then again i've to encounter some major problems in finance and staffs, which i can't let others do.

I tried to blame myself of being a pioneer in my company, i'm too smart, friendly, everyone likes me, i guess, and soon things got screw up, conspiracy started. Therefore again staffs leaving for a new life, and i was supposed to leave too. I can't, i wish i could, but it's the point of being a friend of my boss, he did took care of me very well indeed previously, and i'm honestly not trying to take him for granted. So my time spending getting less, no time for pubs, clubbing, drinking, or even meet my girl. I'm in full responsible on everything, and i feel like i'm more than a boss, better. My boss getting cunning these days, after the bank closes at 4pm, he'll start disconnect his phone contacts and sometime i've to depend myself to sort things out, without his knowledge.

And from that moment, i'm becoming cunning, i took my lead, simply make any day as my off day, or just do my own stuffs even when i'm on duty, with no hard feelings, cuz i know my company won't suspect anything i do, they don't even have the time to survey the branches as they need to do so. I'm truly disappointed at this company, without proper system and lack of staffs, this will lead company closing down and my boss become failure again, once more i'll hear them eating one single bread sharing each other.

So, when i started handle my free time, again i can meet my good friend again, spend time with my girl, go cybercafe and play nfsu2, even i check mails! And now i never thought that my phone can do more miracles, example, i can write my own blog in my phone first, if i can get my hands on the pc, i can simply transfer this file to pc and directly paste it at the blog, so it can be updated. Some people figure out that, but i'm too busy and forgetful on things surrounding me, i'm slow thinker though.. Hope this routine will never stops.

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.