Sunday, December 31, 2006

My 2007's Resolution... (Thursday 31/12/06)

Now and then, i've been in vain choosing my path of career. Once, i made up my mind on doing some private business which regretfully needed few k's to fill me in. Then food stall, wrecked up by low budget. Then worked in entertainment line... Tired and body sore like fuck... PC software, i got nerves to get the job back (hey, it pays heavily...) but then again, why go for something i DON'T like it at all?

Clockwise from top left: My table of wisdom, My lost count of time, my TV set and me on bed...
Yup, that's true, for the last time i've promised myself not to change anymore jobs... Ah, i've failed. I thought i could handle it much easier but i don't have any fucking knowledge of electricals and electronics. For 4 months i've bailed much of my stupid mistakes, thoroughly think through if i'm suitable with the job and... Nah, eventually i've failed much until below substance, i ain't good in any kind of those things. Yeah, into sales, precisely. Only matters i couldn't make that much of sales as the Raya season was over. Everyone's sceptic at their situation and therefore...

I was once being misunderstood of my working schedule. My criteria of work was not being suspect of laziness, and this matter already pointing fingers at me of not getting sales back from turfs.

Once again, i wanna say i'm sorry, i'm not really capable of anything but if i'm so into music and movies, why not i give a REAL try to work things out? No, i'm saying i once worked as freelance PA with my best pal cy in KRU's few shoots, Anita Sarawak, Pretty Ugly, Syuga, Fauzi Laili, and some other advertising jobs.

Well, i know pretty much of a PA's story. Cy once being a PA, worked like a dog and slave to superiors. That's how the world works, the best life experience that could change your life and perspective forever... (if you think so, pal!)

Seriously, in production line, working hours are not an issue to talk about unless the wrap was called. Yeah, it's a wrap, that's when the whole thing got done, called by the director (which is the guy you'll gonna hate or inspire).

Oh, old memories really tingling my mind. I worked more than 16 hours before, it's not really too damn tiring but it's good for sleeping time, you'll dozed off instantly. I believe it shouldn't be a problem for me to handle such situation.


-Yes, with all the cause, money's the savior. Honestly, money's been the first priority to all human nature, as if you're not a money lover, or perhaps there are things you should compare with. Nevertheless, money's still the highest, toppest, most important thing to remind of every single second, minute and day.

-I don't know what will happened if i never do anything i promised here, but as long i kept my words virtually, but readable, of course i would state out here.

-Anyway... I can't figure out, target my very own career. Yeah, what's wrong with me? (Hey man, i'm not well educated, give me some credits!) Actually, i'm so into music i found no job's relevant with mine, plus i don't have any papers to show. I've the talent, i wrote songs, compose my own music...

-What's bad enough that i don't have a PC. What i've used to compose music, which the saved files were totally gone few years ago, along with my friend's PC, he trade in with a company to get a brand new one. But i'm not giving up hope yet, i've met a guy who's in his late 40's doing freelance (actually he meant hobby, but he did come out some projects for the medias) of his music. He even introduced me a new software which could do editing in one track plus whole sequence editing.

-It shows that how passionate he was into music. I believe that he's the only person that had been circuling in my mind. No la, i'm not gay or something. He's my inspiration! If he's starting out late, why not me getting started now? I could see why some people went pathetic on their jobs which they're not interested, and of course, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. That's one way destroys another. Thanks for being existing and we shall have high hopes to own you more and more everytime... Ok ok, let's go to the next one.

-This is a very sensitive issue. Why i'm putting her in my new year's resolution? Heh, she's my angel of guidance. I'm a bad boy, remember? My girl's destiny's to take care of my behavior. I guess every guys does that to control their wildness. I stressed on this point because i love my girl very much and we've planned so many things ahead and honestly, i was a bit left out of track, so by all means, i must keep track of every possible earnings and researches on our future plannings. Oh, for this subject, i must be a good boy, specially for her.

4. BUY PC.
-Everyone owns a PC, even in a small office, or P.O.S... Everything's in digital now, and i'm still analog. Thanks to my cellphone, i'm able to write this shit nicely without promising good battery life or autosaves. Besides, every now and then, the world is downloading something. Usually movies, drama series, games and maybe some cracked programs helped major home users. As far as you concern, i'm watching movies by buying them, and no wonder i kept skint in the end of the month. (*Shrug*)

-Perhaps it's a real necessity, you can't be serious of me going cybercafe all the time, right? In fact, it's been years and years. Once i sat for an hour, RM2.50 gone. (i know, some places only RM1.50 or RM2.00) My place's cybercafe's availability was only one and only in 500m wide radius. There's another one which no one bothers to go, still using Windows 98, and sometimes the PC hanged for nothing. Believe me, since i've moved out from Taman Muda, i hardly do my friendster, blogger, myspace, multiply and some shit. Sometimes hotmail would've sent me a mail of my account expiration... The rate's expensive, one and only and no Single Player Games, all online games and that's sucked to the max.

-No doubt, i'm the kind of person that hopes most of my collections were taken free... Not stealing from friends or whatsoever. Torrent downloads are not unfamiliar in this age, also i could do some cool music, pictures, chatting with my girl online, anything possibly i could think of. By all means, it's VITAL!

5. HP iPaq RW6828.
-What's that? Heh, for the first time i thought of getting myself a new PDA... What my dad usually said, "Getting a new PDA? Are you doing business now or what?" (every parents think the same)

-Well, a PDA do pretty much of miracles compared to Symbian phones. I did browse internet (HTML), editing wav tracks, saving sms' into text, countdown timer for camera, unlimited audio and video recording, play gameboy-a-like games, watch high quality videos, Zip manager, picture edit, email client, video's audio changer, voice animation, memory monitor, Chinese input, and so much more, only using my current Nokia 3650.

-What does a PDA do more than a Symbian phone? Well, you must be kidding then. Any gadget freaks out there knew which's the better one. Ah, you still don't know? Never mind, read on. Till then, i'm not satisfied of the internet connection. Precisely, i had every 3rd party software installed in my current Symbian phone, not every one does it's job. Some so many bugs, some crashed halfway of usage, after all the cracks done some damages on my phone. (I can't say PDA's softwares are safeplays, before i get my hands on it, i wish i wouldn't know much of its weakness, yet i never used one before...) Mostly every 3rd party softwares are stand alone types, which you can't use it together with the main, little options on settings, by all means, it's so limited that i could throw up some blood out. (usually versed in Cantonese)

-I saw Yulius' Dopod recently, very nice and somehow i've chosen HP's iPaq. I even checked most of the comments from the users and so far i got more positive towards this device. People may seem suprised and sceptic of me carrying such device on the run. It's individual's preference, some may just aware of it's beauty, some just in fact, a phone within conventionally. Pretty less i heard some people are using devices to get-even-more-out-of-it, like Symbian phones or PDAs. (correction: lots of people using Symbian phones and i'm damn sure less usages on 3rd party software, or shall say they don't even know how it works!) Thus, with a PDA, surfing Wi-Fi's a journey away!


There you go, so far so good? I don't mind if you've anything to advise me. Just shoot, drop your voice out at my comments. Thanks for reading and wish me luck!

*Please, let things be done right!*


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