Friday, December 02, 2005

New Winston Packaging


MC Mistake

Still can't remove my bandages, in every people's eye, their saw me as if i'm in a fight, or just careless by falling down, or just something hitted me when i'm not aware.

My girl spent the whole evening with me. I knew past few days she was upset, at least for that moment she's by my side, she could eased her mind, and some positive support from her. We've been watching GunGrave again, for me, and my girl got interested at it, seeing people die in that cartoon. Sure to tell this is not meant for children to watch.

The next day, Thursday. I got up early for work. My arm got hurt, must be the antibiotic injection given by the doctor. My face's hurt too, numb, occured headache on me... It's 5.30am, i haven't decided if i wanted to go to work. Then i fall asleep again...

Soon, about 9.30am, my office called. Ms Liew, my boss's secretary, told me my MC was written on wrong date, 28th and 29th. I was shocked, which means i skipped work yesterday. My boss called me too, advised me to get the actual MC or else they'll deduct my salary. Damn, i wished i could rest...

What to do? At 12pm, i swallowed some pills, get dressed, ate breakfast, took a bus to KLCC for LRT interchange, then back again my girl's neighbourhood...

Once i got down from the LRT, it started drizzling. The distances between LRT and the clinic about 300 metres, across the traffic lights of the bridge. Not everyone has the umbrella, soon it became heavier than before. I was thirsty, had drinks at a mamak next to the clinic. Once i'm done, i went to the clinic and saw some workers fixing a security door access. I believe the MC can be replaced due it was a small matter, although i've given the MC to my company, yet i still have the receipt.

But the situation wasn't expected, the nurse told me i should come back at 9pm to see the same doctor so he could have the authority to provide a proper MC. So, i'm damned, earlier i got here, nothing i can do unless wait for the right time. It still rained heavily and i'm stucked in a restaurant, waiting for the rain stops. I called my girl, she was having lunch with her brother and mom at state. Then she asked me to go to her house hangout, better to wait at home, save some trips.

My girl informed me she's on her way back to her house while waiting for the car service done, when i was having another drink at a chinese restaurant. So i was on my way to her house. Passing by the accident location, my heart thumps faster, flashed back the scenario again, of how i got my face footed by a chump.

Coincidently, i was really walking by opposition of my girl and her brother's direction at the same time. I knew her brother wasn't happy about me. He knew his sister is deeply in love with me, all i knew he would rather have his sister all by his side, having fun together like the days used to... Time has changed, noticed his sister astray him for me, for her priority selection, me, he kinda lonely to be at home, while his sister was away all the time, spending with her new found 2 years love.

I understand how he felt, just like everyone's life turned around to be exact opposition of expectation. I've felt it alot, maybe it's time for him to know a 21 year old boy just right to learn more things about maturity.

Seemed like nothing to do at her place, her brother was at his room all the time listening music and doing something. Then i came up an idea, watch "Tung Tuk Shan Tam", starring Wong Chi Wah, the funny man. The rest of the characters were familiar actors, not sure their names. I watched about 7 episods, damn funny. He's an Inspector, brilliant but with Asthma sickness, he's very weak in physical. All the criminal cases he gone through were always have to use brain thinking method to solve the case, so interesting that it lures you to watch more following episods of how he solve cases one by one in connected story. Had dinner at her place, watched the drama again, then she send me to the clinic...

Funny part was, i need to use the toilet, so without notifying the nurses, i straight away walk to the toilet, and gave the nurses a freak out. They thought i'm some kinda criminal. My girl calmed them. After that, spoke to them about my MC, along to do my medical consultation. Then the doctor for today was not the one i'm looking for. I told the doctor my situation and all he can say was he can't possibly do it. Soon, he took out the bandage, and said my wound's recovering. I was sick the whole day and suffered until i'm recovered. I told the doctor because of the MC i got myself topsy turvy...

Later, i kept whining my case, just don't understand why this MC was written in wrong date and got myself into trouble. The nurse was sympathy at me, finally she called the doctor, Dr Mark. On Monday itself he was treating me, the way i looked at it, like when his nurse putting the bandage on my eye lid, he wasn't sure was it the right way to cover my wounds. The nurse took it out again and cause me in pain. He's like a fresh graduated but old timer image. Blah, end of the line, i'm not convinced he's a doctor.

Suprisingly, he knew i'm not satisfied that i've made myself a fool, came earlier at 2pm, but to wait for Dr Mark's shift, has to be at 9pm. Sick and suffered, still i don't get anything from it. So he offered his partner to give me the proper MC. Unlikely to know, his partner never wanted to hold responsibility on me. My case is assault crime, whatever it takes, he might have to answer the court because he issued the MC.

Along the conversation on the phone, Dr Mark said indeed it's a external injuries, mostly he'll write the exact date happened for the victim's reason to claim insurance. Yes, he has a point, no doubt that i don't know, the mistake has come to me, i should be blame... I didn't look at what the doctor wrote on the MC. So i'm damned...

Suddenly, i lost my Monday's receipt. I searched all over my pockets and wallet, none was found. Told the nurses to find it for me, somehow other patients waiting in the line. It's like a fucked up situation, i showed them the prove i came, the prove was lost, i had another receipt, lost receipt of 50 in exchanged of 10...


My girl was worried about me getting nervous. Everyone's looking at me a fool searching his whole body for a priceless trash. Then the nurse found it, folded together with my medical report. Thank God...

My girl sent me home, spent a little while at my place, and she's going to Mentakab on Saturday for 2 days. Cy called me and said the jamming session was on tonight... I looked at the date, Thursday... I remembered it's Friday night... Then he was kidding... Friday night at 11pm. I told him i've an accident on Monday, he was shocked and i don't have the mood telling the story again, been telling the police, my girl and her parents, more than five times i've told, and it kept me haunting...

One good thing about this blog, i'll say things here, with a proper statement, i required options for my friends, either they could read my blog, or maybe i'll just try to explain everything. (I'll get haunted again...)

However, i've gave up my intention to get the MC to replace my uppaid leave on 30th. What a losing trip plus effort. Fuck it...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

2nd Time Car Accident

Took me and carpenter Bou reached there from 7am to 11am...Monday, my whole day trip on Johor Bahru, went there to take site measurement. The new Jaya Jusco in Tebrau City was huge, parking spaces and outlets, something like 1U in Damansara. I was with my company's contracted carpenter, took me few weeks being fond with him.

The helmet is very hard to wear... it kept dropping off from my head.My girl sms me said that she took Medical Leave because she had fever, caught in drizzling weather on Sunday. Usually whenever one of us got sick, we'll visit each other. She was fine in the evening, asking me not to pay her a visit. I'm being kind and love to my darling, after my work, i went to her place.

We had drinks nearby her house, about 9.30pm i was about to leave. While sending her home, her place's road was narrow and only fits a car to pass through. I only let her get out from the car right in front of her house and i reverse back all the way about 80 metres. I was about to make a U-turn at the junction. Once i had myself in clear course, i made a quick turn. Suddenly a horn came, in between seconds, i knew a bike rammed on my right door so loud, and obviously it made me fucking paranoid of the motorist's condition.

In hurried, i got out from the car, tried to ask him if he had any injuries. He went berserk, cursing and shouting. Then i look back at my car, total destruction on the right door, still at the centre of the road. I had to move it, then the motorist was shouting at me. I really tried to drive my car away from the main road, then he showed up at the door, holding the bike's lock (some kind of U-shape type) wacked on the door glass, but it never broke, a scratch appeared. It got me more paranoid of his doings, so i tried to get out from the car, once i open the door, I LOOK...he changed his position and said "where are you trying to go?", his foot set on my face, my spectacles drop and a piece of glass detached from the spectacles. Even so, i'm still calm, cuz i know he's in rage, i'm in rage too, felt like giving him a blow. Every neighbours watching, i had to settle down, if not this Malay motorist bully will try something bad on me. Soon, a guy appeared, said we all had to go for the police, then this motorist (i got to know his name's Arif) said he wanted to take me to the Fire Rescue Department, just nearby the streets. Without any thoughts of being there, i had to follow him.

...SO UGLY...When we reached, he showed the bike's condition to his friend, who's the owner of the bike. The way i look, his friend can be talked in humble way rather that shithead, justify himself righteous all the way, but i kept more quiet, some say, some don't. They asked for money, 500 bucks for the replacement of the damages. My right eye, on the lid and slightly few cm away from my right eye, cut quite deep and still bleeding, and when i heard about the price, i knew it won't be that much, plus this Arif guy's gonna eat his blow after i report this matter to the police. The shithead kept talking it's my fault, this and that. So i admit it, ...LIKE THAT!!!...but i only can come up 200 for all the cost needs, besides, that Honda EX5's spare parts are not that expensive, no doubt it's not an expensive bike, only minor damages and still that shithead managed to ride on and fetch me over there (Fire Rescue Department). He took my car keys, unless i rest their case for paying the price, or else i won't rest my own case. I sms my boss, telling him i won't be working by tomorrow as i'm injured and some official matters had to be done in next 2 days. He called me and advised i should make a crime report. That i've to settle the car accident case, then i shall make the crime report. Fucking shithead...

For an hour of discussion, they rather me calling up my friends to get the money for them. I supposed i'm not gonna troubling anyone i knew, anyway i still can't get the keys. So i decided to call my darling... Shit, i shouldn't... Damn shithead...

Not only my girl came, her parents came too, started scolding those fellas of kicking on my face. My wound dried, not bleeding anymore. Then this shithead became reasonable again, righteous all the way. So both parties bargained the price just to get back my car. Without any choices, gave them 200 to settle down for the night and whatever it takes, they'll call me if the repairing's not enough budget.

Later, after she sent her parents back home, we went for medical treatment on my face in a clinic. She cried many times as she looked at my face. It's gonna be a long term scar to remember that shithead acting without thinking. Wasted my effort being nice to him, but i believed God serves purposes in terms of returning favor, either good or bad. I served mine in this case, which i did mistakes in the past, so just happened to be a judgement day for me.

My fault, and of course i had to pay for it, but not 500.

So i had to make a police report on my car to claim insurance. After i've registered myself, by using computer to write out the accident report, then i've to meet a traffic police to put a statement. His name's Tuan Mardad, a very humorous traffic policeman, kind hearted too. I told him the exact incident happened, and somehow he made lots of jokes about it. Seemed he had been gone through these accident cases and therefore he tried his best to cheer me up, same goes to my girl, who's been crying all night long.

Tuan Mardad saw the cuts on my right eye and my face, asked me how i got hurt myself like that. I told him it was the victim who assumed that i tried to run away but i'm not, so that shithead set his foot on me. Tuan Mardad said it was a crime to do so, have to make a crime report at Crime Investigation Department. Also i told Tuan Mardad the bike doesn't own a roadtax, and i asked him where's my summon. He said he won't write it to me until he finds out who's fault gonna be. So many car accident cases happened nearby Section 8, some brought the camera man to take some pictures and i saw their car had the worst collision than mine. Yeah, just the door, only it looked ugly and i'm not gonna hesitate to get it fixed...

Then i went to report the crime case, it was like 3am, my girl kept yawning, cried too much made her tired. The Policeman typed my statement, in fast PPM. Then the policeman needs my medical report from the clinic i went. Usually the priority of the medical treatment has to be done in PPUM, i was kinda panic if the clinic's report doesn't apply for the report, and i guess i had to pay for another treatment and again the give another new bandages on my eye and face...
Then i sent my girl home, i went home also about 4am. Can't really sleep although i'm tired, it's like a nightmare i've...

Tuesday... My phone rang, for the 3rd time i answered the call... It was the shithead, demanding more money for his insufficient repair cost. So i went to Sri Sentosa met the owner of the bike and shithead. That shithead still recall back the case yesterday of how badly mistake i made, i mean geez, how would he feel if i provoke him the same, and he kept quiet... Yup, another stupid mistake i made, i asked them to show me the receipt of the bike's repairing cost, and i paid them another rm180, which they at first demanded rm250. That's bullshit, no way i could give them that much. And so i followed them, at one junction i was on the queue line, they ran off... I knew it would happened, and of course i've cleared my sins, no matter more or less i've paid for, as long as they satisfied and not giving me any more demands or troubles, i rest my case. Then i had to go refer my crime report at the police station.

ASP (Assistant Superintendent Policeman) Nor Zamani, the one i'm gonna refer, was not in the police station, about half an hour i waited outside his office and one of the policeman who's doing photostates took initiative to call Zamani, notify him i was there waiting. Then he told me Zamani went Shah Alam had a examination. Don't know what's regarding, and i look at my watch, it's 4.30pm. So the policeman advised me to come back at 8pm to see Zamani. Then i bought the accident police report, cost me rm2, to claim my insurance. No choice to wait but i went back to my office, did some minor documents to make things easier for my boss Kenny, then i went home, watched GunGrave. Cun...

Then i went to Police Station at Section 8, PJ again. Before that, Tuan Zamani called me earlier to make a proper time to meet up. I was there earlier, waited till 8.30pm, he showed up, told me he had dinner and was late, apologized to me... Kind and modest...

Again i recall back what exactly happened to me after the accident. Again he asked my particulars and statement of the crime, even the suspect's particular, i'm not so sure his background, i won't forget his face, his name (either fake or real), and his friend's bike registration number. So Tuan Zamani called JPJ to check on this victim's vehicle, as i told him the bike's roadtax was due. Also i told him i have his friend's phone number (it was a mistake to ask me make missed call to him), he called that guy directly to ask that shithead's name, really called Arif, works in a factory. Then the police asked that shithead to come and see him, once he's at his office, he'll call me. Then i told him again that shithead demanded a total of rm380 for the whole repairing cost, and also i'm afraid he'll take revenge on me. Tuan Zamani said that shithead won't do such things if it settled in his office, also he will help me by asking that shithead to pay my medical treatment. In my mind, i'll demand rm200, can't work for 2 days, each rm75 worth my wages, then my medical cost, rm50, total of rm200. No doubt he's poor, just like how i'm gonna act the way he asked for the repairing money...

After all statement done, Tuan Mardad printed the report, and he'll call me once that shithead go to his office. Then i went to see my girl. Her mom rushed out to see how badly damaged my car was... Actually it's just the door, probably the workshop will change the whole door. My girl was again pretty upset about my face, she's not gonna forget about it, and tears started to drop, eyes red, i can see that. I calmed her down and said things to ease her mind. Only a short drinks we had, sent her home, and i went home, about 11.30pm i reached.

Watched GunGrave again, but a few episods, getting much more interesting about the main character...

Wednesday, woke up at 8.30am. I slept 3am last night and i felt exhausted, the last episod of GunGrave haven't watched. The last part was so emotional, i don't feel like watching the ending like this... And i slept again, until 3pm i woke up. Cleared my car's stuffs, set to go PJ's EON workshop. I left my car there, in case all the documents were prepared, they'll save their time to fix my car.

Called my girl, it was her last day of work, then she'll pursue her studies till 2007. She'll be meeting me nearby the workshop and go to my place chill out. She told me last night she'll go to her grandmom's house in Mentakab Pahang on Friday with her brother, probably will come back on Saturday. Oh shit, this Saturday's my cousin's wedding night, i can't really show them my injuries.

Oh no, what am i gonna do?

Whatever it is, tomorrow i'm gonna take public transport to my office. I'm sure my boss Kenny wasn't happy about my immobilised condition. I'm sorry, can't say it won't happen again, accident is blind, no one wants it to occur.

Monday, November 28, 2005

6th Jamming Session

I can't see it from here.. hmm.. what the fuck is that?It's been like a whole week i've stayed overnight at cy's place, watched movies, discussing about our gig preparation... Almost everynight...

Saturday, supposed need to meet up my girl at KLCC and make a technical solutions for her new supplementary line's services, woke up late, about 12pm, soon enough to know i had to go meet her up at her place even it's not about the KLCC thing, Delicious Ice Cream for my delicious darlingjust an essential meet up every weekend. We missed each other, a day in a week probably brought us this far, less argument, it seems like everything is so new for us to talk about, work stress, gossips, news and some intimate moments at my place... I blew it, i know, my apologies...

Watching movies together is an ideal to get us closer, and most importantly she didn't mind stay in and get cozy comfort. Her friend, She thinks this picture looks like a modelLianni, birthday today, invited us to have dinner together at Sunway's Kim Gary. I mean, wow, a nice and expensive place to dine in, my girl usually talked about this place, how nice and various selections the food have there. Can't blame that my first time being there, i don't spend my money on these places, or shall say i can't afford, not like any typical office staffs. ...and perhaps she's right...I'm earn much, just to cover my expenses, other than that, my limitation restricted me having more than 5 times eating at McDonald's.

Lianni reached earlier, she got table while we just arrived. Everyone's in the waiting line, just how lucky we were. The menu's twisted my mind, not exactly i was looking at the food names, the prices... Oh my God, that's way of like... Wait a minute, it make no differences than eating at McDonald's, came desserts and drinks... heh, i don't like my coffee served with milk...just some extra charges couldn't possibly cost more.

I had a camera borrowed from my carpenter, brought along for her special occasion, sometimes not everyone remembered taking a memorable photos with friends celebrating together. Took photos on food, ourselves and just my girl and her. LPC likes this Mango snow mountain... mmm... does it really tempting people out there?A few moments later, after our food served, a guy came in with a girl sat a few metres away from our table with a pillar covering him. Lianni was surprised that he was here, then story telling about this guy's affair in her friend's workplace. We doubted him having another affair with that girl, the way we look at their ways communicating each other, i don't see they're having relationship, We had sets of dinner, perfect combinations... mmm...just casual meet up. However, i took their pictures (not so clear) for Lianni, just in case she needed it to save her friend from being cheated.

The food was great, Baked Cheese Rice with Pork set, came with a pudding as dessert, creamed soup and a cup of coffee with milk. (I hated to have with milk in my coffee.) Then we left soon after the meal. So my girl wanted to watch Cello, as the way she pronounced it, Just see how we managed to finished up the food, even if a girl finishing it...sounded like it's a rare movie to find, as i know there's a movie called Cello, but not Chello... (sorry darling...)

Bought GunGrave in 2 DVDs and Macross Zero 5 episods in one single DVD. My girl bought Cello and Just Like Heaven. So we went back to my place, watched Just Like Heaven, then Macross. Cy and Jordan were expecting me to come over cy's place and watch movie, something relevant to Kurt Cobain's life. Sounded interesting but my girl wasn't happy that i've to stay overnight again, somehow i just had to go and join them, at least i know it's still weekend.

Aww... how lucky i am in between 2 cuntet chicks... like James Bond...Both also Leng Lui, both also best friends... Me? i'm just mistaken their table...Got to watch a movie called 'Last Days', an inspiration from Kurt Cobain's life in his fame and band 'Nirvana', starring Michael Pitt (The Dreamers) and featuring Kim Gordan (Sonic Youth). Well, i know this movie is gonna twist and bore people who watched it, as far as i know, it's a good movie, portrayed every single burden that Kurt Cobain had gone through, if people haven't read his comic of his life and Nirvana.

Sunday afternoon, again woke up at 12pm. mmm, she's pretty...Went to eat fish head soup again, and spotted a lot more cun chicks around. Afterall, lots of dispute going on judging the chick's looks, how pretty and sexy stuffs like that. I went dizzy having such topic running in my head, i just know i didn't sleep well, my back kinda hurt and i felt lie going home to have another sleep. Macross Zero got me stayed for another few hours finishing it, so i got home almost 5pm. Collected my laundry, watched GunGrave till episod 7. Then went to meet Jordan, this time i'm fetching him there, as i concerned my car's mileage got a little fast decreasing for my next car service, but what the hell, investment don't come contributeless before you get a fair returns.
Me got dopey eyes, yup, i purposely did it... (cy's criticizing...)Crawford came along, and we got ourselves ready for the session after some discussions and plannings. I brought my camera too, since Crawford had nothing to do, he'll take some shots of us practising. This time Jordan had his 'Pei Pa' (Sitar) ready with mini pickup, but settings gone wrong and not loud enough. So much plannings made and we jammed 2 hours, and each of us paying RM10 for the long session, and i felt this session has only served a purpose, for reference only, not completed song, at least we know ourselves where should we go in sequences. Everyone's got themselves enthusiastic on the plannings, each of us wrote down the references from the demos, except Yulius. Well, i knew he'll come around with us, just by here letting you know if you're reading this, dude, get the fucking REFERENCE! Demo... Instructor CY is in busy mode trying to have us in proper preparations before the recording starts...And so the music were played and everythings are under planned. Short supper ate, sent Jordan back to his car, went home, thought about this Friday's session. I left a few bucks to survive until the end of this month, damn pitiful. No one can feel it here cuz they don't care, so i'm just talking crap here though. Jordan's taking much pressure practising and blending into our kind of music, actually it's simple, relaxed your mind, think of something you need to play with, in emotional stuffs, happy or sad, by tunes and by right, it goes on what it represents your feeling.

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.