Saturday, September 02, 2006

My New Room... (Saturday 2/9/06)

Goodbye Taman Muda, it's been 3 years over i stayed there and without a teardrop from me, i packed my things up on 31st and thought of new environment and life in Pudu...

Why? Yes, Taman Muda's place my very own love nest. I'm leaving all my sweet memories behind and seek a better one. I'm not forgetting the old, never ever. Just i wished i would stay there till i got my very own house in future...

I've planned to ask cy helping me to move out. And so, on Thursday 31st August, i never went to work. My girl wanted to spend time with me and i guessed i ended up at cy's house the day before. I was there, watched some movies, burned some nice Infid and uploaded posts and even changed my blog's theme song. I slept almost 7am with One Piece comics on my tummy. I awoke around 11am, by that time i realised cy's sister wore slippers walking around brushing at the floor, created annoying noise and woke me up. Then, i went back to cy's room and he was asleep, my phone caught much missed calls from my old company. I knew they were desperate to have me helping them for the last day. Heh, i can't help much cuz i need to have a good day to spend with my best pal and my girl before time wasted.

We went for a movie, Monster House. So far most of the cartoon were all in animal or object form. This time is human, and most likely the reactions and dialogs created with excellency. I'm very impressed of all the computer graphics. What went wrong was, we went for a smoke at the roof car park, just about time we planned to check in and the show started about 3-5 minutes. Also, cy held the tickets and got us all wrong at seats. We're like changing seats from far right to left, then centre. However, we did have fun for the day and went back to his house to have dinner. His mom's cooking, especially soup of the day, so delicious and sophisticated, totally unbeatable.

So my girl followed me back to my house after the dinner. We watched One Piece the movie and she said she was confused about the characters and story. Honestly, it's best to watch or read the series before the movie, so you could understand the flow of both characters and story. Also, we... Heh, it's not gonna stated here. Just movies, you know* !

Next day, i woke up quite late while a call from my dad. He told me that i'll be moving in a room next door from my uncle's... And, i'm surprised! I thought i'd never convince my dad and my uncles about this issue. I really wish i could have my own room so i won't be disturb much during my private moment. What it'll be? I'm used to be alone at my own room, doing stuffs freely. Not illegal stuffs of course, i'm all grown up!

I packed all the stuffs except my clothes laying at the luggage bags. It's almost 3pm and i rushed out to Pudu and fetch the van from my uncle's company. I was there and they were busy packing goods for shipment. I ended up helping them while waiting for the van usage. I told my uncle i haven't seen the room yet. Since my uncle's wife fond at the landlord, he tried to call her but no one was at home. The time had been hesitated my temp of moving out cuz i've promised the day itself i'll leave all empty. Soon i got the van, i drove to cy house and picked him up, caught up in traffic jam and reached at almost 7pm. We had dinner, sat a while and went back to my place.

I planned to move the wardrobe and dressing table, once cy looked at the wardrobe, he's annoyed with the old peace of wardrobe with all the dust around. I knew he minded it, i already expected him so but i've decided to move it into new room of mine. Throughout his advise, it's best to change a new one since i'm moving in new place, with his temporary contribution (i know, i had to pay back...) for the wardrobe. He's kind, but i ought to have the old one cuz it's still in good shape, doubtless the design and dust...

Then, he came up an idea of finding a new wardrobe in the nearest furniture shop. It was just downstairs, we went down and checked out the price. Damn, still expensive... We talked, discussed and decided to go Giant at Taman Connaught to search for new nice cheap wardrobe.

Alas, found a wardrobe similar to Ikea's design, it left only one and the promoter told me it's a slightly damaged model. It's so nice, so classy and trendy, i felt like wanna own it. Throughout the inspection, it's still not wise to be purchased. It's wrecked, perhaps i'll be coming back or go somewhere else to find similar or the same one.

And of course, i did nothing the end of the day, just bought a new bedsheet, 2 big sized pillow cases, and a Japanese table, short and had to be sit on ground to use it, suitable to do some drawings. It's after 9pm and i got my uncle worried and angry of my lateness. Heh, as usual, i'm being misunderstood that i used the van wandering around the town...

And so, i quickly drove to my uncle's house and meet him. I knew the landlord was waiting for me the whole night. I went up and saw my room... At least it's better than previous room, extra space and the windows are facing out the clean atmosphere, rather my previous one facing stiffed environment. The landlord suggested that i should repaint the room for soothing view. Also, the floor was based in cement, i'm terrified of my things left on floor would caught moist and with things layered glossy interface, it'll be damned if it's stuck on floor. Once tear it out, the whole thing's fucked up. Yeah, i've experience such matter, my portable VCD player was the victim.

Repaint and layered with the plastic floor mat... Quite budget for me, it'll take some time to make things done as like much more comfortable than current. For now, i just had to wait till i got much money to do so... Fuck it for now...

Since i can't really move this day, i returned the van after sending cy back home. Along the journey, we did quarrel because i can't hold up anger upon my uncle's nagging. I heard my uncle's wife said i'm staying temporary. I was quite mad at that time cuz i told myself not to move around that much, i've lost many important stuffs and costs me more than i expected. Somehow i bursted out in front of cy... You know i hardly could control myself, i don't mean to say those cuz i'm in rage mode. I'm sorry, pal... (yeah, taichi taichi style leh, i'll try my best..)

I went back by cab, before that my uncle insisted to fetch me back. It's 10.30pm, too late for them but not me, heh. Just worried they might say things to my dad. So i ought to take a cab back home and rest.

Next day, 1st September... I woke up at 9.30am, my dad called again, just to make sure i'm done with packing. After refreshments, i continued my clothes packing until my uncle called and informed that he'll be coming late due to traffic jam. I've done packing at 12pm, went out for lunch and did some comic readings. Still early, and i went to cybercafe surfing for 2 hours, and haven't got any calls from my uncle yet. I went back and did a comic reading. Later on, he called and i went meeting him to lead him to my place.

There i go, one man show.

Once started, i had to go.

Leaving this memoriable place, i gained my sorrows.

To a new place, a better tomorrow...

Yeah, that's what i'm in evolving status. I'm a changed person. I'm working hard to be better or the best i could. 8th August 2008 is my target, my happiness and my future life, with my girl, till we get old and our death together...

Damn, my stuffs are heavy and many. Carrying those down were quite pain in the ass, 2 floors way down. How about the next trip will be 4 floors up? I doubt my stamina...

Just in luck, my uncle asked me to call my cousins, the form reinforcements... They're on duty to help me carrying stuffs way up till my room. I'm glad that i don't have to be a pathetic sohai carrying all my stuffs alone. Thank you, and thank you once more.

Finally... I'm in my own room! It's 7pm, and i got no time for dinner. I started unpacking my stuffs with tiredness. On the halfway, i missed my old room. It's been 3 years... Sigh...

My room's sorta messy, and i was in progress to unpack all the stuffs...
Till 9pm, it's considered done. Got myself very hungry, i went to have supper nearby my new place (i think it's my place already...) and found out much people around here with same home dialect as mine, Hakka. Heh, it's home now.

I just remember, there are pets... A small fluffy dog and 2 cats. The cats at mature form, horny and cute... I mean, they're tempted to be caress and pat. While the dog's a pain in the ass too, it can bark non stop even it's held by landlord. I felt uneasy and annoyed by the dog, which in case i needed to go out late night, it'll be a troublesome pet to hold me back from late night outgoings...

Introducing, this cat really annoying, whenever you go, it follows tightly...
It's kinda hard to stay still for photo taking...
This is another intimidated type cat... always runs away when someone walk pass... i mean me...
Well how about that, new room, new place,new environment, new job, new life... Furthermore, new furniture... And more new things coming up.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Female Cat in Tmn Desa... (Thursday 31/8/06)

It looked at me with concentration...
Jordan, me and cy at the usual mamak with their nice Indo Mee. While Jordan was telling his depressing feelings, a cat came.

When i tried to touch it, it scared like to be hitted by me.. i guessed someone must have been torture it. Now.. ahh.. it's cute and it let me to touch it...
It's a female cat. Its eyes real big, looking at me wondering if i could offer some food for it. It replied with a meow once i greet it, with big round eyes staring at me. Makes me thinking of Baby and Fifa, Din's cats.

Aw... She's cute...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Merdeka's parting... Partying? I mean I'm gonna start a new life... (Wednesday 30/8/06)

Malaysians know Merdeka, means our country has retrieved the freedom from foreign government since 31st August 1957... Well, i'm not here telling other history. This is my blog, and it's my history...

Sorry, i'll carry on...

After my girl left last night, i stayed up whole night updating my blog and i hardly slept enough for the next day. I did woke up late, the late of the late i never been. I don't feel any shit about it. I just took my time grooming up and simply chose a simple casual attire and left to work.

Damn it... Rained like cats and dogs. I went back to my place few times. First, i forgotten about the cds... Then my cigarettes... Lastly, my money... How fucking dumb that i've reminded myself so much about my stuffs before i go. I guessed i'm having a hard time leaving my 3 years old place i've been staying all along. The first that i could appreciate my place as the 'love nest'... Those memories can't take out from that room and once i left, someone might move in and erase all the memories i left, therefore they'll plant another memories of theirs...

I feel very, very fucking sad... Why my dad bother asking me to move out? It's more than 10 times moving here and then since i started working at 15. I thought it might be my second to final stop. Just the deal was made, i've to oblige. It's the price to pay, with my plans on new pc and pocket pc by end of the year, all i gotta do is...


My bag soaked, so do my jeans at the lower knee. I looked at my umbrella, it's bend out of shape. Couldn't remember how it became like this. The counter was opened by another new colleague who just joined few days after me. You know what, he's given nickname 'Bao Choi Tao', mean cabbage hair. I heard that nickname the first time from my company's accountant, and it's so funny. He's like a nerd, his pants were way damn geeky. You could have a nice cargo pants with nice designed side and back pockets but just as the design was sort of like... Way out of the ghetto shit... I did take notice of that, i said to him,

"Why the hell that pants looked shitty trend. Can't you just buy something nice instead of that shit?"

He replied geeky, "I don't mind wearing it, i just don't wanna trouble myself finding the best pants. Anything would be fine for me..."

Look, it's not fine or what. That flashy pants really annoying, it's not cool, and when times i need to get the keys from him, he would slip his hands into his pants' pocket, the way he did, it's funny yet irritating.

It's a cheap pants, at least i should've let him know it's best to wear it at home. Sigh...

Everyone doesn't like him at all. When he started to work here, everyone gossip about him. Said he's never bother working, never bother to learn much for the first few days, absent like fuck only, late like he's caught up with lost and found department... So much to say about him. I know, it's not right saying something bad about someone. I guess this just a beginning of what i'm supposed to say.

Today, i could see he's not as he's been. I can feel that he's working on it. Trying hard, he's willing to listen some of my advices. Of course, dealing within my last day resignation, i was known as any other person who couldn't care much for his last day. I've seen this fucked up staffs with couldn't care much attitude. I showed them, at first it's hard for them to believe. Even the last day, every colleagues asked me not to pretend hardworking, not even my superiors would be proud.

It's not the point of proudness. I'm giving in myself to let others feel the impact of determination and initiative. Hard to believe i never really been like that. Throughout the discussions with my best pal and some inspiration... (you know what...) I encouraged myself to be better everyday. I started to exercise every morning once i woke up, doing push-ups. In progress, i've developed back my hard-to-be-seen six packs. Well, actually it's better looking than my previous belly stomach. I hardly spend my time at cybercafe, mostly stayed at home watching anime, writing posts from my phone. I hardly calling up friends, my tabs on phone getting cheaper. I'm saving more, a hope to get my very own pc and pocket pc.

My girl's meeting her girl friends at Sunway for the countdown, mainly just the sake of watching fireworks. I planned to go there with cy, maybe he could make some girl friends there. And so, i'm getting all excited and kept working with concentration the whole day, thank lord the time flew way fast.

Cy called back once he woke up. He decided to go with me once he finished his paintings. And so, it's time to close the counter. I called my girl and she was there with her friends, with a sad reply, the girl supposed to be there, the cun one, stood them up, i mean, us... Damn...

I called back to cy, and he never intend to go out anymore... Shit man, i'm stucked and vain. I left my colleagues back there and i called them back again. They were surprised that i'm not leaving yet. They planned to go for supper at this Tong Loh Wan restaurant. It's like Wong Kok restaurant, just as the trendy restaurants were made famous everywhere. Also, it's my last day of cooperating with them, it won't hurt if i joined them.

we just get started to order some food...
on my left side.. i dunno his name, front left of me, Heng (dota guy) and Keat (the attitude guy)...
from left: Zhou (Peter's friend, stayed under one roof), Peter (my sifu, he's a fucking magic drawer...), Leong (Damn him because he's the one who triggers the misunderstood about the chocolate...) and last but not least, Bee (He's more into trance music than electronicas...)
shit... i can't get the right position to take the pics...
lastly, all because Merdeka does not bring much entertainment on us, Keat started yawning, while i'm busy taking pictures, the rest were scolding me to behave... hehehe....
The food was nice, paid cheap for those. Then we went to Sg Wang and wanna go to Times Square by short cut. The road along Sg Wang and Bukit Bintang were closed for shows and celebrations. What i seen most, the crowds spraying color foams everywhere, never bother whoever comes, became victims. It's a lunatic event, everyone dressed like superstar, almost the scenario of rave party. Nah, not even trance music were played, only our country song and some other local celebrities singing. Once thing particular... If you guys know who's Rainie Yang, the young princess of pop singer, created a hair and fashion trend for every fans of hers. I mean, thanks to her, i'm seeing her everywhere. Just imagine Beckham's cock hair, whenever guys did the same cock hair, i see Beckham and it's haunting me... That's why my hair stays nerd, i'm casting myself away from those addictive trend.

And so, we reached Times Square and never one of us could have a plan... I got so bored and i don't feel like going home. The atmosphere indulged my sense of having fun, not being wild but at least having some drinks with friends, or go for Karaoke, or just clubbing... None seemed came true, all planned to go home...

Then, cy called and i decided to spend an overnight at his house. It's better than wandering around the crowded place.

I bid my colleagues goodbye, took 2 trips of bus to a place nearby cy's place and he came and picked me up. Jordan's on his way meeting us at the usual mamak. He just came back from Penang by this afternoon. He called earlier and wasn't sure about his plan for the night. He was busy meeting up his relatives and doing his stuffs. And just we reached the mamak, he came, with a depressed face. (Actually Jordan, maybe i don't know much about you, i can't figure out your emotions from your looks...)

As a respect, i'm not revealing my friend's story here. His problems were reviewed from his blog so if you guys were tempted to be busybody, you should check out his blog, hehe...

I'm planning to put my band's song as my blog's theme. Cy's working on it, in the meanwhile he's busy at his paintings.

He showed me a movie called 'Spun', and i watched it... I should check dictionary of what 'Spun' means though... (Spin's past tense? Or maybe another hidden meaning?)


John Leguizamo (One of my favorite actor)
Brittany Murphy
Mena Suvari
Mickey Rourke

Eric Roberts... Huh?!!

And some other good actors in the movie.

The main actor... Ah, i forgot his name. I think he's from the movie 'I Love Huckabees', the main actor. It doesn't matter, what i'm saying is the movie was very explicit psychedelical confusion (technical feelings?). It's all about dr... Eh, check it out yourself la, this post getting long and it's not what it seems.

No party, no beers and no any exciting entertainment. Just movie, and late supper. Well... I'm getting mature, old, sick and tired having fun. I just wanna peace and relaxation. Please, please... No arguement between me and my relatives. Just 2 months and i'm back to my own privacy.

Get ready for the full fledge patience mode, Andy!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A girl named Natasha... (Tuesday 29/8/06)

My girl came to my place, and left at night while after sending her, i went to cybercafe to check my emails. Therefore, a anonymous mail delivered earlier which stated about a girl who wanna get to know guys online through emails. Supposed i thought it was a prank or spam, i did reply back and she wrote another one for me... It says...


Hello my stranger

I am so happy to see that you have decided to reply, I see it is very short letter.

It is all right because you are astonished to get my letter. I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I have not any secrets. The thing is that I will work in your country for three months or so and I would like to meet a nice man to fall in love or just be closest friends. I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here, it is hardly possible to explain from first time but I want you to know my plans. I will work in any shop, bar or restaurant.

The agency that i am going through will suggest me some locations. It will be my choice in the end as to what option to go for. So I will have a simple work till I improve my English. And I can choose any town of your area, agency will only help me to get a visa and all travel documents + some suggested placed to work in. My best friend last year met the man from the USA when she worked there for three months, too. She had two jobs. From morning till 4 pm she worked in amusement park and after it she worked as a waitress in some bar till midnight. She was very tired of course but made very good money there. It is special programme for young people who wants to work abroad and I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place .I want to repeat the same way,it is only my chance to meet a nice man. I want to work in USA or in Europe or any nice country. I am full of plans and different dreams and I want to share my life with good man because I'm also full of love and tenderness, I know that I am not so beautiful like Hollywood Princess but I do hope to meet my Prince and I am sure he will be not be disappoined to meet me in the real life! This is why I am going to go through the same way. Well, I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply. I will leave russia in two weeks or so (I can't tell you everything exactly
right now) and I would like to be sure that I have the man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I want to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better. If you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too. I will tell you all details about me and my life if you like my pictures and want to meet me!? please send picture of you too!!! I wrote to you with *****

Now I write you from my personal mailbox *****, please write me back here and here only. I will be checking it often. Kiss you, Natasha (this is my real name)!


Simply a weird email, it's hard to believe. The email was non-existing, and it's probably a hack or something. Once i read the very first mail delivered by her, i only reply,

"Who are you? Are you for real?"

Honestly, i just make fun of replying the email and i never expect further more.

This has become an odd situation for me. I'm not hooked up by this girl, is the reply. She really replies as though it's like in secretly communicating with me. I suspect it's trying to hit a target, which is me who cared to reply, eventually she knew i might be listening to what she needs to say.

She sent me pics of hers. Both were not exactly looks the same person. I've analysed thoroughly and what she mentioned about learning English during her work in any other country... And she did wrote a proper English email to me. I smell fake, and i still doubt it.

Guys guys, should i proceed to investigate and drop it?




Sunday, August 27, 2006

My girl's day of excitement...(Saturday 26/8/06)

Today's the day of lucky draw held in 1 Utama organised by a property company. My girl's name was on list in newspaper. Her dad signed her name up, due to the regulations, her dad had exceeded the age limit. My girl was surprised at first, not knowing she was signed up until she found out from the newspaper. After her work, she rushed there to participate.

I was at work, not much of customers. I guess most of the people already used up much of their money for groceries and bills, any other optional expenses, they sort of like thrifty on spending. I mean, everyone does, but for us as in sales, who cares? We just want to get more sales, and no matter what sort of tactics to lure the customers to buy more, we just had to do it without bother about their savings... So does in return when we need to buy something, we would be tempted to buy a nicer but much expensive than expected.

My girl called and told me she reached there and already registered. She was told that her name written on a coupon should be put in a box where it was on the stage, for later lucky draw show. Her parents were there too, hoping she really wins the prizes worth at least RM5,000. She kept asking what should we do if we got the money. I said to her that we should go for a vacation, settle down our hard days work and stress. All the while, she was excited, she can't stop talking on the phone with me, while i was taking a short break at the toilet smoking.

Then, about evening, she called and said she didn't win anything but she got something she always wanted in return. Hmmm... Camera? She said her dad loan her some money to buy it. The Canon A430 4mp camera's on promotion price, with camera bag, straps, extra 512mb SD card and some relevant accessories, all together worth RM500. A compact camera suitable for my darling's keeping within her tiny handbags and pouches, she's delighted to bring it anywhere she'll be.

After my working hours, she came and fetched me back home. We had supper at a food court nearby my place. She brought the camera and showed to me, did a demo of its function like a pro. She told me she's not an IT savvy, yet she did lot more than i knew how to operate. Well of course, i'm very keen at electronic gadgets, it's not even difficult for me to discover it's potential and usage. She talked about her story of the lucky draw, and her gathering with her primary school friends tomorrow. She was way too happy that with her tiny new gadget, she won't be left out not taking any precious moments. Ahh, another good news, she can take more pictures of our upcoming gig this time. I guess she could learn to take more pictures rather '3' pictures only... Ok ok la, yet again i've made a joke at you darling... Haha... Happy ain't? (cy forced me to ask you that once in a while...)

She brought some movies, Click and Pirates of the Caribbean's Dead Man's Chest. Also her Cameron Highland's company trip pictures burned in a cd. I looked at the pictures output from the dvd player, the shots repeated many times, ended up they took a few pictures only. Quite dumb photographer if you're not liking me saying that, once you looked at the cd photo album, then you'll know. Then we watched Click. Damn, it was so funny, Kate Beckinsale's a fucking hot chick, a dream woman for every man. Nice hot curves, beauty smiles, sexy voice, and definately blowing off my mind. I'm very impressed of David Hasselhoff's acting, he's good in a character of an annoying boss, naive, nuisance and pervert. It's been a while i seen him acting after Baywatch.

Then watched Pirates of the Caribbean... Yawn... I can't take anymore of the whole's day work tiredness... Zzzz... Huh? My girl? Next to me, same like a pig... Zzzz...

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.