Saturday, January 20, 2007

Almost bad luck... In contrary of consequences... (Friday 19/1/07)

My girl called earlier in the afternoon, panicked to tell me that her manager was on emergency leave, due to his daughter that admitted hospital. It's Friday, for every week they'll held a wine tasting, today there'll be lots of customers coming to attend.

I was quite worried of her being alone in the office, either she'll be somehow (touch wood) provoked by any customers (maybe they'll get horny when they're drunk...) or my girl would drink a lot since there are so many choices.

I got myself ready and headed to her office, firstly, i took Monorail from Times Square, then it rained heavily. I thought i could get much nearer to Bangsar (cheaper cab rate...) but it was preferred to take a cab from the Monorail station.

It jammed starting from Brickfields, seeing the meter's rate increasing madly, somehow the cab driver knew the best route was using Jalan Duta, taking the new route exiting to Mont Kiara...

By the time i reached near Uncle Don's shoplots row, i had to pay RM8.40. Pain in the ass, i've got no choice but to shrug off this misery. Man, it's expensive to be here!

It's around 5pm, just nice to have dinner together with my girl, for many meal time, she'll be like an alarm clock ringing non-stop for food. I wasn't that much hungry, before i came, i had late lunch.

She kept telling out her day's story of her manager's issue. It's a pity to hear that his daughter's heart had a hole and the operation could offer only within 50/50 chances of transplantation.

After i reached, she had received a few phone calls and lastly, her manager notified her that he'll be coming to meet the customers and help her, since he knew my girl had low blood pressure and can't drink so much wines.

How nice of him... Not! Why the hell he tell her in the very last minute? In fact, i'm not well entertained to hear his return. I came all the way, with rained and expensive cab fare, and probably i'm wasted to be here either. In addition, he told my girl that she could leave anytime as soon as he arrived. So then, i made plans with Yulius, since it was a good opportunity to meet him up.

We just simply went to a mamak restaurant and had dinner, then while we went back to her office, her tenants called and wanted to submit rental payments.

It was a Korean guy, operating a Korean restaurant around somewhere nearby the area. My girl was fascinated with his tall and muscular features. Once he came, i found nothing special about him. Just that his hair style was as typical as the Korean actors. He spoke quite well in English, within his home language dialect mixed up with his English, my girl can't seem to understand much of his words.

Then, her manager came. He was surprised that i'm around, from the office i came out. Actually, i don't feel like getting fond at him, my bad, i pulled a worst introduction i could ever imagine...

Even though, he was kinda busy preparing the sets for the wine tasting session. Half an hour later, his customers (2 persons) came and we started to get to know each other. One of them, which looked much older, talked sweet at the wine he tasted. He never provide me any name card beside his friend that came along, knew that both weren't small timers. They knew very well in the distinguish rules of wines. I was sort of isolated from them, as far as i concern, i was wearing a cap, untugged shirt and simply jeans with sneakers, i felt a little embarrased to get involved into their conversation, but yet, i get to talk to my girl, on and on without concerning theirs.

I told my girl that we should go since we made plans to meet Yulius. She was quite procrastinate at it, kept herself busy washing wine glasses for her manager. As the time came, Yulius replied that he's not gonna be free soon. And we had missed the meet up, but still, i hoped that we should leave as soon as possible... The aircond's killing me, freezing me like an ice man...

When we gonna leave, her manager wanted her car's parking space. Due to me, getting blurred cuz maybe i drank too much wine in different brands, i'm a bit highed and never noticed that i should get into the car. My girl was in, and she opened the door and called me to get into the car.

We left, unknown destination. We wanted to be at a nice place to have dinner, so she chose OUG, as she wanted to check out Halo Cafe's business. Soon as we arrived, she found out her handbag was nowhere to found in the car...

She became panicked, i started to locate her handbag by calling her cellphone.

"Hello, i was trying to look for you! I think your girlfriend dropped the handbag once you got into the car and left."

Me: "Oh my, that was a close call. Thank you. Was everything safe in there? I'm sorry, may i know your name?"


Me: "Oh Yanti... My name's Andy."

Yanti: "Ok, so now where are you? Could you come over to Menara Duta? I just got home with your girlfriend's handbag."

I can't figured out where the hell that place be...

Me: "I'm sorry, i don't know. Anywhere else would be a better rendezvous?"

Yanti: "We're just about to leave to Penang by 10pm, do you know where's the Duta's toll?"

Oh my god, this is getting tricky...

Me: "Umm... Not really... Where was it? Can it be somewhere better to meet up?"

Maybe i was highed enough to think much of the locations...

Yanti: "How about i let you talk to my husband, i think he'll guide you better..."

Man: "Hello? Do you know Duta's Toll?"

Again, he made me confused more...

Man: "Where you came from, before you enter KL, you must bypass this toll..."

Now he's talking...

Me: "Yeah, i know. So you'll be there at 10pm? I'm at OUG now, so probably i'll be there in time. I'll see you guys there, thank you very much!"

I accelerated like a mad racer on the road, what i'm worrying about wasn't her handbag, i was worried that my girl would cried of her careless. I knew she's to blame of being blur in times. And i don't want to see her in that state.

As we arrived, i can't find them around there. I called many times to my girl's cellphone and they don't seem to pick up. My phone's running out of batt, and once they returned the call, my phone off itself, few times in the row.

My girl started to cry. I wonder why she was so panicked after all the handbag was discovered. Somehow i'm worried that they won't turn up. My girl started a joke, that she'll buy the lottery ticket using the number plate of Yanti's car.

Soon, they came, a black Mercedes Benz with a 'Q' initial number plate, number '8'... Gee, could she buy the lottery with just one number only?

Yanti was a very beautiful lady, and her husband was a tough guy, big sized and distinguish gentleman. Some guys came out from the car too, i supposed they might be relatives.

As i token of appreciation, i took out RM10... I knew it's a little money to offer, a red note in near Chinese New Year may bring prosperity together... Somehow i convinced her to keep it, and she wasn't looking at what i've given her, yet she wasn't expecting to receive any compliments from us.

My girl checked everything and safe. Only she realised that her cellphone's cover was cracked, doubt that her manager drove and run over it while parking his car, without noticing of running over a handbag...

By God's mercy, help those who had kindred heart, no doubt of their wealth or health. Thank you...

(I can't amen, i'm a buddhist... amitabha...)

It's a pity to be at the toll, i knew it's going to be a long trip back home. Yet i took the wrong route to exit to Damansara... Again, the same place i went wrong last time.

We kept blaming the fault to her manager... Why in the first place to inform such last minute? If it wasn't him, throughout the night, i'm sure everything's fine...

Thus, i told my girl that today's a bad day, but tomorrow may come a better one, so in contrary, shit happens, as long the ending was a nice one...

A piece of advise: ladies, don't leave your handbag on your lap, just throw it behind the seats and it'll stay until you take it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A contribution from my influence... (Wednesday 17/1/07)

I'm sorry that it's not in very high resolutions..

I used only my own low-pixeled cellphone camera to capture this. And I think probably I've drawn it, at least I could let my friends know about it...

And I've another portrait coming up, which relevant to this portrait and it has more elements and consequences, which I guess... for you to judge, whether good or bad...

Till then, cheerios!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sick?... The auditions... A short film from my pal... (Friday 12/1/07)

I was sick after waking up, while i was taking bath, at all the sudden, i vomited... All water based, and i only figured out what i've ate yesterday and i'm sure it's clean as i'm eating at the same place everyday. My girl was free at night since her company's wine tasting was cancelled due lacked of guests. She was once pissed at the route to my place, it's pretty jam and what i've used to it, i don't think it'll get her an hour to reach my place.

I was very weak, i can't lift my head up, both hands helding on my mini desk, looking at a direction, panting and worrying i might vomit again. I knew tonight i have to go cy's place to check out his short film's actress who studied in Sunway College at 9pm. Once i got this news to my girl, she turned sad and never wanted to come and see me for tonight. I was in need of her to be at my side and she went to her desire of coming or not.

I was so sad that she could just being like that, in reply, i just tell her i'm not feeling well and i hope she could stick with her plan of going home, and i'll be cancelling my plan. Eventually, she came. She was happy to hear i've cancelled my appointment... Sigh...

We had dinner nearby my place. I was halfway of vomiting at the restaurant and tried to, but the toilet was specified for peeing only... No WC? My goodness, i held my vomit and went back to my seat. Until the food came, i ate... Oddly, i felt much better then. We ate slowly, enjoying 'Loh Mee' since it's been awhile both of us never taste it, especially with black vinegar, the best!

After dinner, we went to the nearest pharmacy and got some medicine for me, as the pharmacist said i'm lacked of salt and eventually would bring me to vomiting status, while my girl's old sickness came back, her nose block, that she had to buy some medicine to stop the blocks for a time being. Pity her, we both had the same childhood sickness. Only mine was recognised during my time working in Meikah, my heart stressed very much and got unknown time bomb in my body... "Heart Attack"... Life's fragile...

My TV's out of color's depth, there's no blue from the RGB mode, so the whole screen was with green on corners, and red in the middle... Like an effect of a dream... She was worried that i've to change another new one, but it can be repaired. Once i've seen my parent's house TV had the same shit, only the TV electrician brought a small wired device that scan through the TV screen and the colors came back as normal. I don't know how much it costs, but it's not necessary for now. What's more important, the DVD player MUST not spoiled...

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.