Wednesday, November 01, 2006

To Penang! My schedule is pretty uptight... Day 5 (Tuesday 31/10/06)

Phew! I've done much writings on post last night, revised and completed totally. Again, this is a new chapter.

I left the tv on for the whole night. In the morning, i was awake, found out my cousin's not around, could be at the outside's toilet. The tv's off... I sat down near the window, i opened it and lit a cigarette. I felt numb at this trip. I got more homesick than last time... Somehow i don't. Somehow i just leave it naturally, without pressuring myself.

I do hated going outstation. I love going to Penang. Am i deceiving my statement? I'm in vain, my life's all about work. Stucked in between work and fun schedule, by all means, work's more important. What's life gonna be if i missed out a chance of a lifetime, like Airtight Noise gig performance while i've to go outstation. Or my girl's in hospital while i'm outstation. Or my best friend's wedding but i'm outstation.

That's what makes me hate money. I don't have much money to spend, but all these are already important. I feel like i becoming a sadist again. I don't care about life anymore, i don't care about work, i don't care about myself... Do i have to be like that? What's work and what's fun?

A snap out of my mind, my cousin came in. I hurried into bathroom and got myself refreshed. Packed up, and left to meet our first client which i never expected.

Yeah, the 'Dog's eyes looking down on people', a quote from Chinese. My cousin never give of shit and disgraced him like,

"You always said nothing to order, you don't even bother to support me..."

Indeed, his voice had a struck on that fucker. But that fucker just kept quiet, busy doing his stuffs. My cousin looked at him walking here and there. He doesn't want to stay there long enough. He passed me the payment statement and said,

"Just pass this to that girl, i don't even bother to look at the whole damn family."

I would felt the same way. This fucker's boss was fond with my cousin, usually would order a lot. For me, i'll just give up, find a new account and manage it properly.

We left, and stopped halfway for my cousin to deposit the payment. I parked the car at the side road below the pedestrian bridge. I got out from the car and smoked, looking at the opposite of the road. Cops were there, an old man was talking to one of them. At the bus stop, bunch of Malay kids enjoying their 'Lepak', and couples on the bridge's staircase romancing.

Soon, came a Malay lady from far, she kept brushing her hair off from the passing cars' wind blew her hair. Seriously, she looked quite pretty, despite her attire, no tights though. A Malay guy came down from the bridge and headed to the parking lot. As near as the lady got close to use the bridge, the Malay guy came out driving his car. From his eyes pinpointing the lady, about 30 seconds, his car almost reached out the main road and the vehicles passing through never bother to warn him.

I only looked at the lady, without anyone could possibly noticed that i'm looking at her. But this pervert sure had the will to look until he didn't care of the consequences.

Later, my cousin came back, and we went to the client's place which was our last stop yesterday. He took lots of orders from us, maybe my cousin already made good contacts with him. Soon, the boss's family members came to pay him a visit. He could just walked away from us and entertained his family... It's nothing personal, but hey man, we're dealing business here, if it was customers, we won't stop you. At least have some business respects la, we've been running out of time and stayed too long in this turf, also considerate our time is very valuable... But all the while, clients won't bother much. After all, the boss never spent much of the time entertaining his parents and continued our business.

Yeah, i'm kinda pissed to have some interruptions like that. What if i did to others? Sure 'One Dog Color' la in the other way round... That's the translation from Chinese... Yeah, you got my point now, Chinese?

Then, we went to meet another client whereby there was an ugly modified Waja... Hmmm, it was not around. I guessed it had been sent to metal scraps field... Hehe.

Nothing special about this client, typical China man and took quite a lot of orders. Then, we headed to Bukit Mertajam.

Actually Sg Petani's distance to Butterworth about 20km, and Penang's 30km, more or less. While we reached the client's place, the boss wasn't around. Got diverted to no place to go, we went to usual place where my cousin liked to go. Yeah, the client was part of his friend and partner.

The salesman, previously joined us staying in a 3-beds room, came too, all the way from Ipoh. His name's Koo, few years older than me. I was outside wandering around, called my girl and smoking. Then, all three of them, my cousin, Koo and the boss went to the cellphone shop next few shops.

Koo was tempted to buy new cellphone, while his old fucked up Samsung (yeah, Samsung's cellphones pretty fucked up functions.) was useless for him, as from his opinion. He thought of buying the Samsung's latest model, looked like LG's chocolate, sliding screen version. I proposed to him to buy Sony Ericsson. He was in vain choosing which cellphone could be a friendly user, quality and advance features.

What's more does Samsung could offer? Much expensive price to provide cheapskate functions? Only outer looks could melt a girl's heart when a guy's using it? Bullshit. Somehow, it can tell a person's character and attitude by choosing a specific model or brand. Don't you think so?

Whatever... If you don't get my point.

"I just came to do business but i've bought a new cellphone before i did any..." laughed Koo.

Well, it depends on his business margin. I could take it as a joke.

We almost spend all evening 'lepaking' (staying at the same place without anything to do but doing nonsense) at the client's place. For me, i'm damned from boredom. But it's alright, for this trip, it's business trip, working... Sucks...

Later, we left to a stall selling porridge with some delicacies. The food was fantastic, my cousin ordered so many dishes of delicacies, mostly Koo ate the most, he also can't finished all, ended up i ate the rest... Not really keeping up weight from that portion, just nice.

We went to the motel near Chain Ferry. The motel was almost fully occupied, and i didn't get a chance to watch Astro channel AXN... Yeah, all China men, all wanted to watch Cantonese drama.

Suddenly, a pretty lady (just a swift glance from her front and behind) came out from a room next 2 rooms from ours. I mean, wow! How could a pretty staying in such motel? Hardly could believe it. Though she's pretty, but her voice... My, when she spoke to a businessman sitting in the living room, her voice like an aunt from morning wet market. I'm surprised. Koo was interested at her too, anxious to know how she looked like. Anyhow, she's not my cup of tea.

I could settle down my boredom without AXN. I flipped through local tv channels and all bullshit programmes. I went back to bed, wrote some of this post, and got out to living room again. About midnight, we almost went to bed. Koo asked if we wanna go for a late night drink. It was so cold due to the aircond settings, even my cousin didn't wanna go, but i did want to. Yeah, his eyes needed some good rest.

We went to the nearest mamak and had drinks. Their shown WWE No Mercy, with a 'LIVE' word on the right screen... Huh? They can't be serious, it was shown middle of late night? It was showing one of the wrestlers tempted to a sexy busty female wrestler, she took off her dress left top and bottom lingerie... It's pretty catching and most of the viewers were Malays... I mean, it happened while we just got our drinks...

Mamak people are smart, they knew such programme could entertain anyone who came and eats or drinks, it became a traditional attraction. But this is advance, they never bought the WWE series, they recorded it live!

After drinks, we headed back and i was sleepless at first, trying to get this post done. The whole night was raining heavily, and aircond's cold and i was worried to catch cold again.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

To Penang! My schedule is pretty uptight... Day 4 (Monday 30/10/06)

Perlis flags... so many of them on one T-Conjunction... i don't see these in KL, except election flags... yeah... erhmm...
Again, i woke up just after my cousin. I was blurred in the morning, took out a cigarette and lit it, sat in the living room facing the tv, changed the channel to sports, there goes the horse galloping championship... (hehe, i'm pretty low standard enough till i don't know what it's called...)

I knew one of the rich and famous's daughter rode galloping horses... Hehe, you know what i mean... But she's not as veteran as the pros. I couldn't care much of it cuz i just awake, though my cousin taking bath and...

Yeah, the old fart again. This time more occupants came and the bathrooms fully occupied each of it. He kept brushing, and brushing... I'm just in vain whether i should ask him why the hell he needs to brush his teeth, or gum, so many times and so long... Damn, one rice could brought up a hundred people, but this is one of his kind, a unique funny old fart. If i'm not mistaken, he'll be one of the Guinness World Record holder. Heh, believe me, you'll agree my proposal to him, if i ever mentioned this to him though... Haha...

I'm sure you don't think it's funny, cuz you weren't there! Forget it, let's move to another scene.

We packed everything and left to one last client's place. My cousin said that he had no choice to stay until today, the lady boss owed him big sum of payment and it's an urge to collect it by this month. Thus, she wasn't around. Since then, we waited for the right time to take some orders with her sister.

From 9.30pm, remember. We took our breakfast earlier before. The customers from everywhere came and purchased goods. Groups by groups, individuals by individuals, non-stop business running. I'm like a freak standing here and there cuz the situation was very busy. My cousin was in vain looking at the customers' flow. Until about noon, only the lady boss's sister was free.

How about that? 3 hours we've been idle. It's crazy, you know, we're salesmen and our time is definately MONEY. Because of the payment collection, the unnecessary sacrifice was made. I looked at my cousin, he's pretty upset and told me,

"This is definately not my month... This is pretty fucked up... I think next day's turf will be a hell for both of us..."

Actually, i'm not worried to be back in KL later than we expected. It's our job, and we've to meet these consequences as our sales had brought us this far. Yeah, the margins. Sounds like those holy sacrifices. This is not holy, this is survival. What could pays off our debts and bills, and fill our hunger everyday with good meals.

That reminds me of a new theory i've thought these days. I think i've mentioned about businessman's pressures. As you can see, some made it successfully rides luxury cars and big houses. Yeah, from what we see, they're living in luxury life. For heaven sake, it sounds insulting. Can't you think deeper? Do they deserved those? Yes they do.

In fact, there's 2 categories of rich men's luxury lifestyle.

1. Enjoying luxuries
2. Sympathy luxuries

Rich businessmen would spend any without worrying their time, work and pressures.

Others who made self-rich businessmen had taken up many years and pain-in-the-ass hardwork just to enjoy a little of luxuries. Yup, they still worrying about their business. Buying an expensive car to drive, just to pity themselves working too hard. In the end of the day, they wouldn't boast themselves getting rich. They knew the pain, they would work, and work, just for the sake of the family. Some might spend without hesitation, some kept saving like what's so important that they've been earning so much.

That's why most of the businessmen talking about buying a big house and expensive cars. I thought just to be exposing on their achievements, and yet, it's part of their business lives, influences could go bad, or good, depends on their strong will. These experiences took me another level. If i ever get to their status, i would consider to be like them. I do pity myself working hard, i should've something to get even of my effort. For sure, i won't be boasting to others i knew. I don't think it's a feeling to do so. Everyone deserves temporary luxury. We worked hard, we deserves going overseas for holiday, buying new clothes to style up, buying latest gadgets to fulfill their trends, buying this and that, it's common. Don't you think so? Every penny pays a penny's worth item. You've got that kind of money, do consider pamper yourself.

I don't know if you dig my theory here, as long you could understand what's life about. And i'm fully understand this, therefore i've lost my envy on the riches. What you've now, it's a prize of sympathy. Use it wisely and enjoy it fully. That's life, folks...

Sigh, we waited and done our business, it's 1pm. I'm freaking hungry and can't make any demands at my cousin. We're still waiting for the payment. One from this place, the other one would be the other branch. So, we went there.

The lady boss wasn't in, there goes my cousin's whining... He knew i was hungry, without wasting much time, we had our lunch, and went back to shop. Luckily, the lady boss was around. I just went in after my cousin, the lady boss felt suspicious of me from far, due to my tinted specs and slow walking from the door. I'm not freaking them out, i was worried of the car parked outside the road, on the white lane. Yes, her pretty daughter was there too, wore specs during that time. Both of her daughter were in the shop, but i prefer the youngest one, which i heard she's in college currently. Her elder sister quite chubby, but her... My my, lovely... Ah, too young to befriend.

After collected payment, it rained and we rushed down to Sg Petani. First stop, a salesman was engaging business. Next client, engaged with another salesman. Next client again, no salesman. We took a short while taking orders with the boss and left to the another one.

This client's place was at along the busy main road. Somehow we came almost evening time, night shift stalls started their business and the cars fully occupied the parking spaces, not as bad as i found a place to park next door. Here also had a Leng Lui staff, seemed pretty from far, the way how she dressed and her appearance, when getting near... You'll get my idea... Just a wannabe... Ok, my bad, she deserved to be pretty in every ways. How disappointing, for the whole day of taking orders, including this client, not even exceed 4 orders, which were not really making any margins at all. A total loss for the trip expenses. I knew it happens, once a client said to us,

"It's common to see everyone's in the same situation, no business. But if you see anyone who's doing high margins in this certain moment, that's absurd."

After that, we went to our last stop. This time was our bad timing, the client was engaged with a salesman, while there were few more waiting outside. The boss also went dizzy with the orders coming in, he had to postpone our appointment next morning.

My cousin was left no choice but to call it a day, since later there'll be a 'Gao Wong Yeh' festival will be held at the whole stretch road of that area.

Seriously, after fever and flu, i still have coughs. I didn't take medicine the whole day, afraid i'll get dizzy. Now the phlegm really annoyed me.


The second motel we stayed, same as last time. Private TV, 2 channels of Astro, programme only TVBS and AXN. I saw African and his mate stayed next to our room, just after we checked in. The bathroom was partitioned in the room, no WC, just hot shower and basin.

It wasn't as bad as the previous room we took, that the bathroom was so small, even worst than First World's hotel bathroom, but in advantage to have WC with it.

I was so hungry, again. I don't know what's with me. I felt better than my last trip, that i've consumed 16 meals and managed to purge 2 meals in 4 days. Now, i purge everyday, more or less. Thanks to the bananas taken first day of trip. My cousin wanted to watch the Chinese drama which almost showing last episod. Usually i knew he's been chasing this drama, when i had dinner at my uncle's house every weeknights, besides weekends.

After the drama, we went to a food court nearby the motel. My cousin's friend who's a partner with him currently, dealing business here. He looked alike a Hong Kong artist which is fat, hilarious and talkative. Trust me, i did mention to him about this and he never aware of that! Even to my cousin... Well, no point telling in the first place.

We left, and he called, on his way meeting us. We came back to the same place again. It rained, and we sat indoor. Luckily their conversation i could participate. We talked about my sales experiences, goods in quality and prices, gossips on friend's twisted relationships, cars, China attraction and some other issues.

The conversation reminded me of my ex's query. She asked about her guy friend's divorcing procedure and seeked helped from me few days ago. I called my girl cuz one of her primary school friend is a lawyer which almost in critical condition... He's going blind due to his childhood sickness.

Ah, i don't know much about him, but through my girl's conversation with him, he had been helpful enough to spend an hour explaining the whole procedures to my girl. Huh, if it's that so, i might as well taking an hour listening to my girl? Nah, by all necessary, she simplified her friend's procedure:

Both of the couples must seek consultation from a lawyer, must be under supervision during separation for a time being, until it's time, the divorce would proceed in a specific time, terms and conditions may apply.

These were told to my ex, and hopefully she could understand what i meant. So my cousin's partner was curious of me,

"Look at your cousin brother, he works a pimp? He sure has the attractions towards girls..."

I overheard his conversation with my cousin. After i've done talking with my ex, i asked of his meaning of critics. He was playing on me, and then i showed him my ex's photo. Looks like he's hooked on with her looks. Yeah, my ex's pretty, but it's not as good as my girl, the best of the best!

We chatted until late night, and called it a day. Went back, tune in tv (it was on all the while, my cousin's idea...), my cousin went to sleep, and i watched Ultimate Fighter Championship. Every contestants suffering from muscle strains on hard trainings and challenges.

#WELDE=could be light and amateur, maybe i got the wrong spelling... Nevermind...

There's one challenge, the welde weight contestants must do revolution on the heavy weight contestants. So first already did a hundred, before they continued, that hundred already taken up half an hour. The challenge sped until the welde weight contestant reached 200 over in an hour and 45 minutes... Who could ever did that? Not me, or any Malaysians! You know what happened to them later on? Every packed with ice cubes packets lying on their strained muscles. The most suffered was the welde weight contestant, while the heavy weight one lied on ground with the pain showing on his face.

Soon, after the weight qualification, both qualified to match up on contestant elimination. I watched the whole fight and was impressed of their determination to win. Every contestants and coaches agreed the same, the best fight they ever spectated.

The judges gave same points, leads to another. Finally, one of them eliminated, which was the shortest and smallest of all contestants. Pity him, as a professional black belt kickboxer, lost the match. While the winner, never mentioned of his martial arts background. Not much of other's concern, ya?

Well then, i managed to spend much time writing this post. I pray tomorrow we'll be finishing the whole Sg Petani's turf and reach Butterworth as soon as possible. Jordan, my friend, and I-Meng (if he's possible to meet up since he's a busy guy.), i really wanna meet them up. Hoping somehow i got the free time to join them yamcha... Huh? I mean we'll have drinks at mamak. Yamcha la! Ok? Not you but friends i knew. I apologise...

Monday, October 30, 2006

To Penang! My schedule is pretty uptight... Day 3 (Sunday 29/10/06)

Today's Yu Lim's wedding... Hmmm... I don't know if he remembers me since we met years ago. I hardly knew him, i only knew he's Andrik's friend, who stayed in Taman Taynton.

I wish him happy and stable always.

Ok, back to main topic.

I was awoke after my cousin went out from the room. He was watching Astro. I got myself refreshen and again, i saw something odd.

("Do you know that old folk was brushing his teeth since i came out from the room? After i've done shitting, even bathe, and still... He's working on his brushing non-stop.")

There he goes again.


Non-stop... He had started brushing before both of us awoke.

Nevertheless, we went out early to meet up clients. First stop, we had breakfast with the boss, exactly the same as last time. Remembered that i've mentioned the twins kept smiling whenever they will? I found out they were the boss' sons... Uh huh, the boss never reacted that way, luckily. But when it comes a joke, he'll be laughing like a thunder strike... I mean, it's loud.

After taken some orders, we left to another new client's place, which i never been. He never took any bags and samples along, so for an hour i stood outside, typing this post, and smoking... For an hour, everyone passed by few times might looked at me... Sigh, what's up with him in there?

My, this mosque quite huge in Perlis...
Soon, he came out and we went to Jitra. This boss was the last time talking much of irrelevant topics. Firstly, he talked about some political issues. Yeah, i'm not gonna state out here cuz i don't understand much what's going on in this country. Honestly, i don't give a shit. I got so many own problems, i don't have any vacancies for those. I apologised if i ever insulted any of it, no intention.

Then, the boss asked us,

"Did you realised the motorcycle which delivered the Thailand rice just now?"

I mean, huh? I never did notice someone came behind me and delivered the rice... And the story teller goes like this...

"He's been delivering rice more than 10 years, and best of all, his motorcycle could carry about 500kg of rice..."

Believe that? 500kg in a... Honda Cub? C70 wor... Can meh?

"Yes, and the bike did some modifications on the absorbers. Imagine my small pick up truck already a ton, and that bike could carry half of my pick up truck."

My lord, how could the old fart balanced while riding and delivering? I mean, 500kg of rice... One slipped and the old fart's highway to heaven, directly...

see how tall the Perlis Tower is? ok ok, i don't mean to insult, i'm just telling the fact that it's not tall... but then again, it's better than other places which doesn't have this...
"Not at all, he's well trained after so many years of delivering. He never considered having a truck to deliver, the petrol fees must have jeopardized his margins, so a bike could save more. Precisely, i was once been told, he's someone a billionaire."

it looks tll this way.. but not so tall as KL Tower la...
What? Why would he risked himself? A billionaire riding a 500kg weighting motorcycle...


I don't know, seemed hard to believe...

Anyway, we left after business. Straight back to motel. We're really in thirst to finish up the whole turf so we could catch up our time at other turfs. Just wanna go home early... Yeah, i missed my girl. When i got sick, i'm outstation and i really want her to be at my side.

Well, it's about 3pm. At the very first time we had our work finished earlier for the day. I called my girl, she told me on 8TV showing 'Autumn in My Heart' Korean drama. Yeah, of course, i love Song Hye Kyo... Mmm, she's a perfect hottie for me, can't be compared with the rest of the beauties in the world. Everything about her is PERFECT! But then, after our conversation, i felt sleepy. Must be the medicine i took earlier, then...


"Hah hahahaha...!!!"

*Huh? Who's laughing out there?*

I woke up, looked at the time... 7pm. All i heard my cousin was at the living room watching Astro, not sure what he's watching. I went out and joined him, and even joined the laughter.

It's a Taiwan show, the Jackie guy hosted a game show which all famous artists played along. The game was like reading Chinese in Sze Chuan language, sort of like Hokkien. The rules are simple, no one should laughed on anything appeals on the game.

Because the reading part already ignited everyone's curiosity and hilarious sense, mostly a girl Makiyo laughed the most. Whoever gets the penalty, will be spanked by a fake baseball bat. Speaking of punishment, it seemed painless, but the lady who used the bat had full-powered wack at the artist's ass. Yeah, for Makiyo, she shown more strictly painful on her face at the camera. Even a big fat guy about 6 feet tall gets the penalty wack, a few times for him already painful for his fatful ass. That bat lady's a lunatic, as you could imagined.

Yeah, i laughed much, it's a crazy show. Later on, we went for dinner far away from the motel. My cousin already made appointment with a client he met today. While waiting, i read the Chinese newspaper's entertainment section. One full page (not fully) reviews of David Tao's concert. Damn, his performance was much, much better than the one i went 2-3 years ago. He had those special performance like string tied fleeing on air at the concert intro (i guess...), deep V shirt that attracts most girls attended, also he performed guitar and piano playing. My God, i missed every single talent show of his. I'm like worship him to the max, sometimes when i'm bored at home, i could play his Karaoke VCD and sang a few times of his best songs. I think i'm much annoying my landlord and neighbours, or maybe i did entertained them cuz maybe my voice could reach David's standard, for a period, not for long... Yeah, some of his songs way too high pitched and i can't improvise. Forget this, let's continue... Damn, i missed David Tao's concert... Damn...

After we had our dinner, the client came.

The client, the boss treated us beers and both of them talked much about business. I was left alone listening non-too-much-of-my-concern news and stories, from business to China girls. Heh, i remembered one thing in my mind. My ex boss used to insult my sexual desperation at the China girls. Here's what he had said, in front of my colleagues, even my dad too...

"You know, since i've been to China, i understand much of the businessmen's motive to be there. Besides ordering goods, girls in China are their main attraction. Whoever being poisoned by the beauty of the East, i'm sure Andy's could be one of them. If i brought him there, i might lost him halfway! He'll be somewhere, in clubs? Or prostitute area? Couldn't imagine where he'll be... Haha...!"

Yeah, haha to yourself. He's been embarrassing me in front of the audience. I knew he was just playing, couldn't he tolerate my situation while my dad's around? What he had done, he had the deeds paid. I don't say i fully believe and pray to God, by circulation of deeds, in return he'll receive his own too, by now.

Ok, the boss kept saying much of the sexual delicacies there. I found it interesting to listen. Yeah, i'm not indulged of the sex thing with the China girl, it's the evolution of how they changed their ways of attraction, besides beauties. Last time, there isn't any massage thingy in trend. But the China more advance, they provided more adultry facilities to satisfy any businessmen or customers completely. Well said, it's a heaven to anyone who's been there. I never been there, and i can't feel anything here. What's more, i don't think it's a good idea to try out these fancy shit.

We left at midnight, back to our motel. I watched few programmes and slept. Tomorrow's forth day here, i'm getting homesick. Besides meeting my girl, i missed my room so much. I left my socks dried out for few days already, i guessed my landlord would've helped me collected every socks to prevent rain to resoak it. Heh, did i say it right? Whatever...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

To Penang! My schedule is pretty uptight... Day 2 (Saturday 28/10/06)

My phone rang alarm at 8am, and i slept again... Until my cousin woke me up, i swiftly refreshen myself and ready for the turf...

I cough a little at first..

And i felt the phlegm around my throat...

Oh ohh... I'm getting flu...

My cousin just got refreshen himself. He told me something about our neighbour stayed end of the hall.

"Do you know that old folk was brushing his teeth since i came out from the room? After i've done shitting, even bathe, and still... He's working on his brushing non-stop."

I looked out from the room across the end of the hall... Yeah, he's still brushing. It's so funny, but i thought he might did it once in awhile though.

Then, i wanna take my phone. Since the charger cable was hooked on the pillow, i flipped the pillow leads the cable with my cellphone and wham! The cellphone's front cover broke out, the keypads everywhere under the bed. Damn, i was well dressed and i tried to reach the bottom to search the keypads. In this rush, i managed to grab all of it, as i thought. Then we went to Kangar.

I took my cellphone out... Damn shit, the keypad '2' was elsewhere...

I was sort of pissed. Usually i'll be using this cellphone to write our destination log. It's essential cuz i worked like a secretary for my cousin as his mind would always diverted to other things. Too many diversions, too forgetful he'll be. Not only him, i also one of his kind. Are we or most of our same surnames had the same condition naturally?

Once we reach, the boss wasn't around. We left our stuffs at the client's shop and went for breakfast.

Then we came back, the lady boss took orders. Some moments later, the boss came back, and just in time we've finished doing business. Then, we headed to another destination.

This time, i drove... And i got much dizzy than earlier. I sneezed, and cough a little... I felt warm all over my body, the aircond seemed helpless to cool down instead, i felt even annoyed with the temperature.

We reached another client's shop. This shop was particulary busy all the time. My cousin ran around following the boss to take orders. Believe me, he had to. The shop was massive with all kinds of tools and spare parts, equipments, materials and more, uncountable items the boss owned. I was out of the shop smoking, trying to chill my feelings on my sickness. I knew i wasn't supposed to smoke while sick. Yeah, i don't bother much, it got started and i'm sure once i got my medicine, i wouldn't worried much...

Without wasting time, we went to another destination after done with current.

Damn... The shop's closed, my cousin called the lady boss, she said it'll be open next Monday. Then my cousin whined, "This time we'll be staying in Alor Setar for 3 days! This is screwed up."

Yeah, as i've told him, should make a schedule before anything goes wrong during this Raya festive. I even did the same before i went outstation. It's reliable and efficient.

No matter how much i've advised him, he's still diverted to another issue.

Then, we went Jitra, another client's place. The boss went out and we'll come back the next day. My cousin usually ordered 2 10kg of Thailand rice from them, by tomorrow the rice will be delivered.

Sigh, i'm getting much much sick than morning. We had lunch at a Malay restaurant, packed with people. Hardly i could find a seat, from the restaurant's behind, another well built space extended for the customers. It's behind was facing a river. Kids left running around the tables. I even felt annoyed because i'm getting more sick. The food tasted great, unlikely in KL's delicacies.

fucking lunatic cat... i never wanted to feed these cats anymore... clawed on me.. ouch... damn...
We went to next client's place. (so many 'another', perhaps 'next' should randomised the boredom of reading...) Not much of orders, somehow the shop was near to 2 of other client's shop. We headed next one, the boss asked us to come back by tomorrow. Another one, that we shouldn't exposed ourselves as we were not supposed to deal business between 2 clients which located so near. What to do, business is simply unpredictable even friends or families. Money always disturbs our survival.

I remembered this shop's lady boss was a hot mom. This time, i never felt she was anymore. Maybe i was sick, yes i'm sick...


It got worsen every hour. By that time, it's inconvenient for me to buy medicine... Come on, hurry up the business, i'm about to collapse, bro...!

Lastly, last client's shop we went. We saw the lamp post lying on the small road in front of the shop. It smashed and glasses scattered everywhere. At first i thought it's a parking spot, no wonder no one's taking up that spot.

The client said there's no casualties or losses, even no direct hit on any vehicles. To me, i couldn't concern much of those. My attraction towards the pharmacy was greater than the business talk. Nevertheless, i went over and bought the medicine. Fuck, they sold expensive there. Whichever, i needed it so much, who cares to pay more when it's a desperating moment.

Finally, we're back in our motel. I hadn't took the medicine, just trying to let the sickness went on. Yup, i need to eat before medical consumption. So i watched tv until dinner time.

You know, it's quite hard to spot any 'Leng Luis' in Alor Setar. Once we were in restaurant and ordered food, came a few couples. I spotted one, with a nice pair of C-cup, fair skin and curly golden brown hair. Her looks? Hmmm, pretty and satisfaction guaranteed. My cousin said she was a wrestler. Heh, when there's a boalster, why considered a wood prank? (i'm not complaining, darling...) The boyfriend? Huh, that's oddly confusing. A fatty. They were so romantic to each other, and i don't seemed interested to the girl anymore after seeing that situation.

I bought some 'Kuihs', freshly made and still warm. We went back to motel and no one's occupying the tv. Well, Astro time! But my cousin wanna watch football... Sigh, i really hate football to the max, what AC Milan, MU, Aston Villa... Whatever... Whaaaaaaaaaa... (cy knew what's with this...)

The football was everyone's gambling sport. When it comes on gambling, any relevant would pissed me off.

My girl sms me that her favourite Jet Li's Romeo Must Die on 8TV. So i watched until midnight, i went to bed, after consumed medicine. I felt a little drowsy, hopefully the early rest could heal most of my sickness... Sigh... I missed David Tao's concert...

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.