Friday, January 12, 2007

She played a quiet game... Local movie's a blockbuster but... (Wednesday 10/1/07)

I'm appointed to meet my ex from Taiping that worked in Penang, decided to come to KL work permanent. Only matter was she hadn't found any jobs. Same to me, she knew i'm free enough to guide her places that she couldn't reach by her own. Actually i don't feel like wanna go, i mean going out with her, but i felt that it's been many times we ought to meet up, either i never turn up, or she might just not interested to come out.

I'm naming her 'princess' all the way. It's about her character, i felt pressurized to be with her as i knew she could be in demand on everything she desired. I would be somewhat, a slave following her around. I don't like to be that way, yet she's only in her early 20's... I'm reaching end of my 20's...

Ok, you would wanna know if she's pretty? Before i get to meet her up, i've waited so long at the entrance of Times Square. She called and was stucked around the junction coming into Jalan Imbi, she said the mall that still under construction were under attention of all the crowds passing by, it's like the building's gonna fall down or something... Huh? If it does, my oh my, KL's creating another massive accident history.

She came after 15 minutes later, and once i got in, i saw her with her sunglasses on and kept talking on the phone, urged me to keep quiet. I don't know why she's so careful at anyone to anyone. No secrets, i mean, we're not couples, we're just friends. Sigh, girls always have the silent things on guys. But girls can't be as mysterious as guys.

And of course, she's mysterious, and guess what? She was once made me curious of her but since of all times she only kept it for herself, i mean, i don't give a shit anymore. Whatever she desired, i would just let it be. Wanna play games, girl? Don't think you could win me...

Once she was off the hook, she showed me the newspaper that she found the job and was on the way there. She wanted me to tell her the location of the place based on the uncertain address... Damn, it only written 'Taman Connaught', so big, where it should be at? She said she made the calls and roughly understand the exact location.

While i looked at it, the way it shown was something like fake shit job, like which i used to believe in and worked, conned and suffocated without salary for months, i thought it's best to tell her be careful of this kinda company. She went paranoid and asked me what can i advise her if she's rejecting the offer. She even asked me to help her do the rejection...

Aw man, she's insane. It's not even my concern, or my responsibility to reject them. In fact, no one does that, you think you're applying sick leave?

She called and everything comes back to zero substance again. She went suggesting to go somewhere lepak and got me surprised... She was confused to know where we should go and i thought going somewhere near my place would be better as i could leave to other place easier.

So we went Times Square... Damn, this place becoming my another home.

We had lunch at McD's, her treat as she wanted to, for the appreciation of me helping her... What? I don't know what she's up to. She seemed very sad and never wanna say anything at all. I was the one who did the talking and i found myself getting sick and tired looking at her face like that. I know i should get her some happy mode, believe me, i tried.

After lunch, we walked around. She saw some nice funky decoratives and bought a bed clock. Sigh, i don't see why she's in urge to buy that thing, and even she wanted to buy shoes... I asked her if she's having problems and perhaps buying things should calm her down. She told me she had spent RM800 in a week of her arrival, inclusive car petrols, and some other junk she bought and went so fancy restaurants...

I don't believe this, i guessed the guy at Penang caused her becoming such a big spender.

She left at 2.30pm, said she was tired... I was all alone at Times Square, thought of going back home, and i'm afraid i might fell asleep. I walked around the malls again, till 5pm, i took Monorail and reached KL Sentral.

At Brickfields, many Indians and foreigns stayed there wandering around, looking for friends and shopping. I've seen many of those foreigners like Bangladesh and Pakistan people holding MP4 players with Bollywood videos playing. My, they were more updated than mine, wonder where they got those videos...

I just simply took a bus that could reach Mid Valley. Just nice, the bus stopped at the north entrance. I called John and wondered if he's around. He was working and it's best to meet him up there since i'm way too early to be at the cinema, promised that we'll watch 'Cicak-man'.

I bought a mug of beer, sat at the balcony of Brewball. It's cozy, cold and lots of chicks to spot at. Actually, i've been having 4 years of relationship with my girl and usually when i see couples passing me by, i felt i missed her more and eager to have her by my side... But now it's different. I don't feel the envy, i don't feel the eager... It's not that i don't love her or miss her, it's me that i'm matured... It's like one of the examples, symptoms of getting old, bored of going clubbings, playing video games... Rather like being a ghetto boy than urban man...

John was busy at his work, and once he got free, he went to talk to his employer. Soon, he asked me join them at another table and we introduced each other.

John's employer was a nice guy, and another friend of his, who was his college mate in Nilai. All the while, i was having conversation with them and then i had it with his employer. I was curious about the franchise thing that he had mention earlier. So far i got nothing much from him, but he had given some other knowledge for all of us, it were much valueable than i expected.

Soon, his employer left and John treated me another beer and our conversation went on until my girl reached. Moments later, cy came and Andrik's still nowhere to be seen. The last i heard that he's with his friend in Bangsar.

It's almost starting and finally he showed up just in time. As the movie started, every audiences, mainly Indians and Malays quite sceptic at the show. They can't even keep themselves quiet and cy was really pissed at them, while Andrik was beside him to control his anger. Again they did, cy yelled, "Fuck! Man..." and the audiences from our behind questioned, "What was that?" "Don't know... What's going on?" and later on, no sound coming from behind again.

Not only cy was getting his nerves on them, same to me. I wished i could do something about the disciplinary of the cinema nuisances with some voice-outs on newspapers, that they should really kept in mind not to utter stupid remarks at any movies that really sucked while others trying to enjoy their paid seats, food and movies. Till then, my blog's part of the contribution, although i knew my blog's hits quite low in each week.

Overall, the movie was quite nice, and it's a breakthrough for local movie maker, like KRU. Cy's only appeared on the first scene in 1 second, Andrik went laughing out loud. It's okay for them, but they still prefer local movies like Sepet, Gangsters and some others. Anyway, it's a stupid but funny movie, kids would love them very much, our front at our seats, all kids... And they were the ones never made any noises comparing the adults, which considered our adults generation were just more than ego, thought we could do anything we want.

As we rendezvous at the usual mamak, cy's not there but Andrik. Since i had some nice shuffling videos, perhaps the best time to ask him before cy comes. What he meant of my knowledge of the shuffle culture, he guided me to watch few clips selected from him. And he went on telling me lots of the culture's story while cy came, and he started to criticise me of being so into it. Can't blame me, i love dancing, that's what made Andrik's in fit figure while i'm working at it.

Seriously, i've seen many of Yoga and fitness centres around the towns and cities, specially to encourage people to take care of their health. In fact, i'm skint and no way i should encouraged myself going such places, since my girl suggested to go swimming as it's the best of all the fitness could provide, muscles, staminas, and lots more. That's why every swimmers get beautiful body figures...

Dancing's part of it, and you don't have to pay due to dance, but dancing in clubs or raves (of course, you wanna pay for it, or not, it's up to you...) are good, when everyone dances, you do too.

Soon, we left to our home respectively and i told my girl to call a day while it's late for her during weekdays. She was fine and went home earlier after fetched me back.

The game my ex played, i'm tee-downed for sure, but the movie made me alive again... Yet, my ex asked me to go another place again the next day, i rejected her... You know, it's not easy to go out with her...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Yulius' new place... Where plans in hypothetical situation... (Tuesday 9/1/07)

Crawford was in Pudu for a few days of course trainings at UOB Bank. I didn't know about until i called and asked him some questions. Something crossed my mind that it's been awhile i haven't seen him and Yulius, so i planned that we'll go Yulius' place during night time.

Riding on his bike wasn't that easy. He asked me to use both of my hands on the fuel tank to stabilise myself. Due to the long trip, i mean it's just about half an hour of travel, both of my hands cramped like fuck...

Surprisingly, once we're in Hartamas area, he turned in a way of another condominium which i don't remember Yulius was staying where he used to. I looked at Crawford and asked, "What's this place? Yulius moved here already?" I was confused, and my friend here who never told me anything of moving to a new place, even house warming...

We came to a telecom device, which there was a list of resident's lot numbers with telecom codes beside. Simply, he pressed the number which was Yulius' place, Eleanor answered and gave the access at the security door before the lift lobby... High tech or just typical tech?

His place's main gate was widely open, same goes to the wooden door. Once i got in, the lights were dimmed and the colors of the decors from the living room lively spreading relaxing atmosphere. I found comfort here, and when we all started greeting each other, we never stopped talking since then...

I started to talk about my future plans to Eleanor. Currently her sister was an owner of Marmalade, and somehow i need some information from her, that she could help me get some from her sister. Yulius knew nothing of any kind of those, even the new branch opening in Bangsar also he can't predict when.

I haven't taken my dinner, before i came, i bought a small pack of Nasi Lemak and ate it. They ordered pizza earlier and left just enough for both of us, as they thought we might need some light snack during night time.

Later on, we watched Astro. Crawford fell asleep while i was playing Need For Speed Carbon. I've passed a few races and i felt not very excited to play all the way cuz it's not really the time and location to play it all finished.

Since i'm gonna breakthrough F&B line again, i thought of Yulius' cafe. Yet they've a place to crash for working sake, i suggested that Yulius could ask Eleanor's sister to hire me, to help him take care of the new or old branch.

About 1am, they wanted to sleep and Crawford still sleeping soundly. He woke up very early in the morning just for the training and it ended at evening time, so probably he's been running overtime for his strength.

I don't know how much is this miniature costs... but i think it must be very expensive!!!
Due of waking him up, i saw a miniature Kurt Cobain with his favorite blue in color guitar. Since Yulius got a 2MP camera from his Dopod, i got the picture taken, maybe cy's interested as we started off our band was all because of Nirvana since 1994.

We left after Crawford did some refreshments. When we reached my place, his bike's engine sound really annoying, it's not the exhaust, but the pistons running like there's tons of chains running inside.

Even i tried to call a day, i can't turn into bed. I felt pressured by all the plans which i'm not sure, but wanna make sure also have to wait till the time comes, or not in the moment for us to proceed. Damn, i do really want this plan happen.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Looking for Alternative... 6 Hours of Surveying... (Monday 8/1/07)

I woke up quite early in the morning, and was prepared to go and hunt for jobs.

First stop, i ran Times Square. For what i've seen, mostly the restaurants and cafe's in Western's. There were Asian's and i've pinpointed it so i could look for others to compare.

After the whole building i've walked, i've seen very less people enjoying food and drinks in those cafes, except Starbucks, even one in Borders was filled with readers and surfers. Everyone's willing to pay good drinks and enjoying it in a very cozy, quiet place.

Unlikely those fancy types of cafes, they hardly could scoop a few customers to fill their seats. Or maybe there were many choices to choose from, the customers may get tired and just simply thought of 'McDonald's' or 'KFC' kinda places, cuz they were everywhere and well recognised in local. Thus, the fast food chains always packed with people, from young till elders.

Then i went to Sg Wang. I wonder where's Wong Kok Char Chan Teng... The last time i saw, was like along the front row from the main entrance nearby only. I guessed it had been moved to Low Yat, probably... And up i went, taken my lunch and start surveying around. Not a single cafe or restaurant that suitable for me, but at BB Plaza's side, i spotted a few nice fancy restaurants that met my plan's criteria.

And on i walked, i found a section, called 'Nature Art', at Level 1. At first i saw some beads, for wristband and necklace. Not that i've seen as pretty as in Central Market, the shop had more unique wood-carved decoratives, stationaries, buddha heads, aroma therapy various types, lights, and even a bow comes with a bunch of arrows, costs RM50. I was there quite sometime and the promoter kept stalking me from behind, i became uneasy and left the area, wished that cy came along, i'm sure he'll love the nature items...

Since i walked too much and got myself very tired, i went to look around the video games centre at Sg Wang's 2nd level. I've seen punks, and everyone in punk trend, mostly they wore strappy pants, so many straps, from front to behind... And the girls had thick make-ups and dressed with bare-back or low-front-V kinda fashion clothes.

Maybe i'm getting old for those clothes, i don't feel comfortable looking at them wearing like this.

And i went around again, until i reached level 3... There was a newly opened cafe located at the side of the level. LCD screens showing Leehom's music video each sides of the pillar while below were sets of PC for any guests to use it. The staff's attire was orange in color, caps and apron. Not necessary to wear slacks for permanent, jeans should be alright. Nice, i guess working here might get my hair long.

They're still hiring people and i jotted down its phone number to call back some other day after i've finished my surveys. Till then, i felt so much tired and had to go home and take a good rest.

I fell sick once i reached home. I think i got myself under cold aircond a long time. It really got me suffocated of flu and fever.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Training myself to shuffle, Part 1... Aw man, was it so hard? (Sunday 7/1/07)


After my girl went home at late night, i wasn't asleep. I was at the cybercafe meeting up neighbours and we talked about Melbourne Shuffle.

No doubt, they weren't exposed in shuffle. They were just some guys interested to play with PC games, especially MMORPG games.

I'm totally out from the online game era, but i won't forget my own game favorites... Yes, indeed. I love playing racing games, like Need For Speed titles. So far i've informed my friend who worked in the cybercafe that this place should install some new games rather still, Command & Conquer Generals. Of course, they are fans everywhere, unlikely it's been ages to play with. I'm a game fanatic, but i won't throw myself in those things anymore. I'm already 27, there are much much more things for me to deal with.

Deal with... Hmmm, i know i'm kinda losing touch on my dance skills. I know you've expected that i'll say my career or money or some other priorities, this is just part of my entertainment besides work...

Few years ago, when we a bunch of friends still clubbing at R&B clubs and more i've been, i'm sort of bored at things running in long term. Everything changes, even the society and cultures. I'm not saying that R&B clubs becoming flop... (are they?)

Honestly, i'm into Usher's groove. Mine almost similar to Usher's side moonwalk, and perhaps it's been a while i've mastered it... On my own style though, i could say, not everyone noticed that i'm into such style.

Since the last time i went for Melaka's rave, the moments with friends and the happening scene... My friend kept reminiscent that trip, and that doesn't exclude everyone of us, i guess. And what i'm trying to apply here, that i begin to have some interests in shuffle.

So then, i log on and search for the videos. It didn't take me long time to discover a few proper webpages that provides free shuffle tutorials, considered every videos available are homemades, or some taken from other raves, local or overseas. Somehow, i'm surprised that most of the regulars upload their own shuffle videos and shared online with the other newbies.

Please take note that i'm not too over obsessed at this. I mean, i've been questioned many times about what is a shuffle? I'm gladly to answer that i didn't know any shit about it, and i'm quite satisfied of my own style.

Believe me, that's my first time answering this question. By that time, it's about 6 months ago. Could you imagine that i'm quite isolated from outer world? (Where have you been, man?) And thereafter, a few close friends of mine flock the same question to me. Easy boy, i'm not being snobbish, by hypothetical situation, it's like somebody asking me if i'm interested in football...

Since this been keeping me in curiosity for 6 months, i decided to check things out.

I've found quite numbers of tutorials and some live recording shufflers. I watched the tutorials first. What i've discovered that it's not only a person would share this tutorial videos, some other took part and shared the same, but some may just provide advanced styles. I've seen my friends shuffled at that rave, and i could say they're stunning! The moves are glance killers! Just imagine i suddenly flock my Usher's groove and i could get some odd attentions from the shufflers.

Just as i never expect, it never happened. Everyone's enjoying their grooves and the beats. They slid and drifted smoothly from surface. Man, they're so cool, i can't take my mind off their shuffles.

Thus, i got some videos in my cellphone and barely i could let my cellphone go for just an hour or so. (it's not 3gp, i've converted the files in avi for Smartmovie to review. Yet 3gp has been a nuisance on 'connecting' appearances while the file was too big to be played smoothly, it went scattering frames in 15fps. And Smartmovie made the framerates smooth as 20fps (totally smooth), easy to watch the videos.)

I had a PVC floor mat that i could use it for shuffles. Since the day i moved in here, my landlord offered me a bed size PVC floor mat from her sister. I knew she's being nice, but i prefer to have the whole floor covered... It's only a matter of time to me, cuz it's expensive!

I stayed until almost dawn, i went home and changed my training attire...

1. One head band to prevent sweats dripping into my eyes and too sweaty at my face gets me irritated.
2. Truck cap. Come on, everyone shuffles with style, caps are just one of our attire's decoration, i mean... It's cool la...
3. Short pants. I wore the same shit for months and i decided to use it as my shuffle pants. It's old, color faded and some marker pen marks on it. I do prefer shuffling in short pants cuz i won't feel much heat and sweats.
4. Socks. I tried to shuffle on cement floor and soon as i tried for 2nd attempt, i felt like my feet are getting blisters. Shoes are the best but my room's cleared from any shoes or flip-flops.
5. Talcum powder... Yeah, additional resource to make sure the floor you're gonna shuffle, is slippery and easy to grind in any directions.

As my own Trance MP3s on the player, i tried and tried and somehow, i obtained a smooth trick on steps. As more as i eager, i got myself uneasy for the very first few attempts. My legs cramped, and get tired easily. I thought of making a schedule, if i'm for real, i must make it somehow, like the guy in the video that i've embedded just after the 'Attention' at the sidebar. If you don't mind, get it played. After that, you'll catch my drift.

It's almost 9am in the morning and my body's been running 24 hours since yesterday's morning... When this happened, my memories of yesterday was quite twisted, i couldn't even remember! I'm way too weak to remember things, and i found my cellphone being much helpful to store data.

I'll try my best, for the vision to Australia's Melbourne Shuffle scenes... Wish me luck, and if i could really do shuffle, i wouldn't mind to record my shuffle and share in the forum of XES (i don't really wanna fill the link, but i've made a link with a picture of a shuffler, written 'Shuffler Community". Check it out.

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.