Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Trip to Melaka... Finally, all the year's stresses released... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Monday 01/01/07)

Yeah, it was my fault that i made my girl woke up early this morning, this is the price to pay... *cramp*...
It's Saturday, it's all we've been waiting for... The party that'll be held in A' Famosa, Melaka.

cy drove us all the way, Chang Shen was next to him...
My girl reached my place around afternoon. We spent all day at my place watching movies. After that, she sent me to cy's place to stay overnight.

She awake and was excited to the Melaka's A' Famosa environment...

Since he was at the toilet, i went outside his house for a smoke. Suddenly, a car came and stopped right at cy's house front. It was Fang Heng who drove and Jason came out from the car. I was surprised to see him, it's been so long that we never get to meet up. As soon as he came in, cy just finished his business and welcomed Jason. And so, we were in the room reminiscent some of our old days and Jason told us most of his current condition. It's kinda sad but somehow from every steps he had taken, he learned more and even i felt he's more mature than me. Somehow, i'm glad to see everyone's perfect condition.

Her favorite dress bought in Sg Wang...
He left after awhile, and both of us enjoyed Nacho Libre which i bought earlier nearby my place. Even though it's quite hilarious, but we had late nights these few days and we had to charge our body fully for the party.

She looks cool with the hat on...
On the new year's eve, i woke up earlier around 11pm. Cy still sleeping and i got myself bored and troubled to be alone awaken. His brother was watching drama series on the next room. I thought of my girl and i forgotten to tell her that we'll be going around afternoon... I'm sure she awoke at morning and was still waiting for our arrival. I'm sorry darling, i didn't really remember to inform you...

Man, my sideburn really long like pubic hair shit... by the way, it never took us long time to reach, i think mayb cy drove fast enough to reach...
I went to her place, her parents were out. She packed her things earlier this morning and she went grumpy at my mistake. Then, we headed back to cy's house and he was awoke and blurred. I called our old school friend Chang Shen and he reached here by cab. He was somehow the same like last time, same face, same hair, only different character. He's not as mischieve as i knew him in school days anymore, that's really kept me wondering.

This is A' Famosa Resorts. We're not staying int this place, but the apartments scattered around the area...
We had our lunch nearby his place. We bought some food and drinks before we make a move, as we were told that the place was so deeply isolated from any convenient shops. Along the journey, cy sped and somehow we reached at Melaka in an hour past. The apartment that we rented was so far deeply inside the residents, as we turned and turned, and finally saw all of them stood out at the car porch. We were quite a last batch to reach there. There were some people which we never met joined us, wondered who's friends were they. The apartment? Fucking nice. The best we ever rented all the while. Pool at the rear, after a good look at it, it was polluted with leaves, and some creatures swimming at the surface. Blimey, i was thinking of them fooling around and might throw someone in the pool... No, i'm sure everyone's cool, no one will be in that pool... Ok, i'm cool... Just afraid it might happen, you know...

These are like similar apartment we're gonna stay in...
Air conditioner was chill and i got goosebumps all over me and i started to shiver. I never intend to take any hot baths, i knew i had to be dirty after all... By 7pm, we started our journey to the party site. The place called Carnival. I heard A' Famosa's one of their famous recreational park was build with some country style. Cowboy was sort of like a trademark for that place.

I saw swimming pool behind every apartment.. i guess...
Before we went in, all our entrance coupon were exchanged with a security band. We saw quite a crowd marching in the Carnival and some of them, i mean, most of them wore shuffling pants. I remembered the very first time i saw people wearing these pants, and i was impressed by the designs on it. Every fluorescent colored layers on the pants were pvcs, vividly brightened itself when disco lights flashed around it. Some got their tees with battery operated glowing designs on them. I knew where they actually got it, but i wasn't sure if they got it in the same place. I had a cap that i wore this day, it was bought at Genting Highlands during a honeymoon trip with my girl years ago, a present from my darling.

It's very deep inside... so deep inside.. no wonder they said no nearby grocery stores...
The cap we bought from a shop in the shopping arcade that sold many designs of logos, any types, that really attracted a lot of crowds purchasing their goods. I found some tees with the batteries operated glowing light logo on tee, and some caps too. I'm sure there were some other types that glow lights in dark...

From left: Andrik, Fang Seng, Andrik's friend, Jeffrey and I don't remember his name... why am i such a lost in time and space?
The batteries still healthy, and i had another badge which it was a free gift from Heineken... Gosh, i don't remember where i got it, anyway, it's a Heineken bottle cap, at the centre of it, there's a small red LED light. it'll lit up in blinking with a press of button behind of it. It's a cool thing to decorate it on my pants down below before the shoe height. Imagine, it flashes when you dance around, or shuffles... Heh, i'm sure it's fucking cool shit.

According from Left: Fang Heng, Um.. Andrik's friend, another same, Jeffrey, Chin Yew, Andrik and... this guy really an interesting person...
And then, the place, the event that we wanted to be, called 'Hardsequence', wasn't filled with crowds yet. Some wandering around the carnival. Some cafes, some restaurants. The designs were in Cowboy style, the environment was cool and awesome, and i was glad to be here. So all of us had a walk front the lower slope, up ahead from shops to shops. Chicks were dressed exposingly and all the guys can't take off their eyes on the floozies. Fuck, there's much more cool sexy chicks here than KL. I say, KL's scene, bye bye...

the groups chilled before the time comes... what was i doing then? hmm.. i think i tried to avoid camera much as i was having some shit going on...
There were some pubs trashing hardsequence music and allured some of my friends. The place was dark, hardly could see anybody hang out in there. We just stood right at the doorway for some cool air. The hype was in progress, everyone's sweating like mad, it's not even raining. Some cool breeze passed along and it couldn't help at all, the crowds heated up the place from time to time. By 9pm, we pin pointed our base and some started jiggling and shuffling with the underground drum and bass music. However, i felt odd about the DJs, they played some tracks that i couldn't catch up its tempo. My girl didn't dance at all, she made friends with a girl we just met in the apartment and girlfriend of Fang Heng's younger brother. I saw them so indulged with their conversations and later on, i still found them talking, and on they go... My girl was entertaining herself, why am i paranoid of her getting bored at a place like this? Ok, i'm just worried, that's all.

What's more, Dennis came and joined us. His hair was long, big sized and grew moustache and beard. He'll be staying with us until the sunrise.

I guess i only know the top right girl, her name's Angel... Don't blame me, i'm just blurred that time, couldn't bare myself to remember... beside Angel, her boyfriend while next the boyfriend was his friend who came to experience...
Since lunch, me and my girl had nothing filled in our stomach. I took her to the food stalls that sold 'corn in cup'. She bought one and we went back to our base. She started muching while sitting on the pavement, and our friends still dancing and shuffling. I heard Jason said that one of the DJs was his friend, who will be on deck by 12 midnight.

We're now, set to go! i only dressed like punk, while my girl wore alluring attire... my God!
We saw the fireworks started earlier. Everyone was surprised and swiftly took out their cameras and started snapping. I felt odd and the fireworks weren't that exciting. It stopped after a few shots.

Ah... she just wanted to see if she's photogenic if she was on make ups and sexy attire... hehe...
Some friends scattered around the area, in and out they went. Everyone's on the hype and i was worried something could happen. Mike drank a lot of beers and got drunk so much, that he couldn't even stand or walk straight. And also, he was a little grumpy mood, that was really scary. After few years away from his home, he was completely changed from how i knew him. I was told that he'll be alright even when he's drunk.

It's not even packed yet during the entry time... everyone scattered around while i stayed...
Funny how, i was so tired of the music, and sat beside Chang Shen. He was so quiet ever since he came to cy's place. Suddenly, i felt he went backwards stretching... And he even like pressuring his body... Oh my, he threw up... Everyone's busy at their dancing and wasn't aware of him. Later, he was fine.

Fang Seng, Jeffrey and Fang Meng's girlfriend...
Cy was busy handling some shots on his video camera. I don't know what he was up to, since we were here, we should put things down and start partying. He went flirting around along with some friends, giving away his contacts to a guy that one of the authorities at the event.

Lovely couple...
Our friends are good in dancing. Especially Andrik and his friends that we don't know at first. I wasn't a shuffler, i'm just a guy with some influences of Usher, Omarion, and some of their relevant dancing styles. I was dancing and the girl that talked to my girl, Angel, was very excited at dancing and was curious of my style of dancing. I told her i'm just not what she thought of, i'm just an R&B groover. She was very good on shuffling, i never knew much of those... Sadly, the more i think of it, the more i felt i'm old and rusty, my moonwalk shit was just a part of my past already...

Mike was um... where is he before he's being taken pictures?
Soon, the countdown started, the fireworks brighten the sky, everyone's cheering 'Happy New Year' and we all gave compliments and hugs to each other. The feeling of the new coming year was so different from what i felt last time. We got this happening, and everything got smoothened, the guys were enjoying the scene and i got everything i need from the scene too... What's more, i'm partying with my more than 10 years old friendship pals... That's the most happy thing ever happened in my life.

Far right, Dennis Reddy, until now he could speak slightly Cantonese that we usually said...
Especially Jeffrey, he came with his sneakers and cargo pants. He kept taking out his stuffs from the pockets, and i found a nickname 'Doraemon'. My my, he got everything that we need unexpectedly. Funny friend, he's the man!

The front one, Fang Meng... at last, i could really spectate the effort he made... practise shufflin'...
Mike was down much while he was sitting at the pavement while his head on his hands. I thought maybe he threw up, or just not getting over with the alcohols twisting his mind... A while later, he got up and asked me to go with him to somewhere. I never really understood what he wanted, when he tried to speak up, burps and foul languages came from his mouth. As he went, he got the wrong direction, that was not really the exit. I saw his went behind the bush farther than our base. Then, i found him disappeared... Fuck, where did he went? I went around nearby the bush, the podium and everywhere... Oh my God, where the hell is he?

These chicks can't stop talking and gossipping about everything...
Andrik was dancing at the front of our base. Only left both of us, and a few friends at the pavement. I told him that Mike got lost. We went together and i asked a guy who sat behind the bush with his cellphone on his hands. He replied me that he found no one passing through here. I saw the fence was broken in a man size that fits anyone to enter.

What a cool pose, guys!
I'm not so sure if Mike's the cause, Andrik said he wouldn't be as vulgar to break things up. I aware that he's like the same character like me, with all the hatreds and miseries compiled in all the years we've been through. But i know i won't be vulgar when i got drunk or any drugs, i'm in control and i had my limits. He drank more than 10 cans of Carlsberg since at apartment. Fucking scary, i wanted to go out and search for him, and he got back from the entrance... Damn, i was so scared he went to bring troubles around here.

Centre Blue Shirt: Jason Chang... He's in Australia for work sake and he'll be there for 2 years, this is only about a short trip to meet us up...
Soon, i got fed up with the beats. I can't really understand what the DJs tried to spread their signals towards the audience. I can't say they were good, but they've made the scene alive, they do deserved credits from me... They're good though.

Tell me about, the scenes were fantastic!
Most of the friends hanged out at the shops near the entrance. I wanted to go back to the apartment, just coincident that some also felt like going back. As we made the poll, our due will be at 2.30am. Yet, everyone's still in hype, the main veterans wanted to stay on until the party's over. Sadly, we don't even know where's the place. The map was in the apartment, the place was dark and we knew we could get lost somehow. Luckily one of us remembered the apartment number. 1235... Hmmm... Nice number.

DJs scratches a lot, somehow i felt it's not cooping up my grooves...
Thus, we were still in the middle of the decision. I don't know why we still waiting since we agreed to go... About 2.15am, all of us headed back. Everyone got highed on alcohols and we got lost after all. It's not that much of troubles we met as we knew the number of our apartment.

This was taken when the authorities test launch for safety and effeciency...
As we reached, i went to take bath and felt refreshen. Jeffrey headed bed earlier, he was having sore body and needed rest desperately. He used our room and for the sake of my friend, i had to tell my girl to find a spot to sleep. I still go on, chatting with friends who willing to stay up late. From the living room, we shifted to the porch behind near the pool. We had a long night, and we realised that the sky started to bright... It's already 7am and everyone's into sleeping mode already. I went back in and checked my girl, suprisingly someone put some blankets on my girl, Chang Shen (he slept while sitting on the chair, straight.) and a Malay lady who came with her fiance that just joined us after the party, i guess... Can't find anyone did that too, everyone's sleeping, we were at outside... Who would that be?

Jason and Fang Heng always get the hypes...
Cy was hungry and asked if anyone of us would join him for complimentary breakfast. Talking about breakfast, not a single one tempted to go. He went himself with his Doraemon bag and will be rendezvous with us at the check out area.

okay, everyone gather around... wait.. wait.. WAIT... oh gees...
I chilled at the kitchen, some grabbed their pillows and slept on the floor near the music. Until 8am, finally i wanted to doze off. Found my girl awoke at the sofa. I went and cuddled her to see if she's alright. She was worried of me not sleeping all night. I'm fine all the while, i never felt any suffocation from alcohols. I came sober during the sunrise. As i've chilled myself after coming in from outside, everything got off from me, i became normal again.

okay, this considered better... eh, who's that guy? DJ?
I was tired, not too tired but just nice to close my eyes and say goodbye to the whole hype of the party... Yes, anyone in drunk and sober situation, they need to sleep. Seriously, it's essential to prevent any migrane or sickness. If you gotta stay on the whole day, the symptoms will strike one by one, from a time being.

This was taken when they went and chilled out in a dark pub with hardsequences...
About 12.15pm, my girl woke me up and said we're leaving soon. I hurried myself to get cleaned up and packed my stuffs. Everyone's ready to go. Only cy's stuffs left scattered on the bed. We helped him packed his things with a bag and we got everything on Jason's car. As we reached the rendezvous point, cy was away to toilet and i had some troubles with the sun stitching my eyes all the way. It's hot, and we're sweating like mad. This was our last stop that we'll be heading our own way back home. Chang Shen will be with us until we fetched him home.

aww... my eyes... while far beside me, he had the same shit.. only the centre ones looked okay...
During the journey, it rained heavily and unexpected. It was me who drove them and i had to travel slow with the traffic. I guessed we've spent much time on the road and we still haven't reach Nilai yet. Chang Shen suggested that we should stop at the Restaurant and Restrooms in Seremban. The restaurant was fully packed with many people from outer states. They were on their way back home from their hometown, God knows where. Hardly that we find a table to dine, i found a family just about to leave and they saw me standing right next to them. They were polite and left the table to me.

Chicks crazed on cams...
The stalls packed with people buying their own food. I was waiting at the table around 15 minutes, only my turn to find my food. After the long night, i can't find myself hungry at all, and perhaps it's best to consume some for energy and digestions, it's been awhile that i realised i didn't purge for few days. I bought sandwiches, and a cup of cold coffee, and those were just nice to fill me.

Fang Heng: Ah, he's the man...
It rained heavily again. We only ate halfway and saw an on-tour group rushed in from the buses. They were all soaked and wet. The girls passed our seats... Oh my, where they came from. Some of them cuntet and i could tell they had been partying some other happening places in other states. We had the same, it's our face that only clubbers could tell.

Fang Meng: You know Chin Yew, you better stop recording videos and start dancing with me, okay??
The rain became drizzling. We started back our journey home and we sent Chang Shen back home first. Then, when i wanted to go all the way to my girl's house, cy wanted us to company him for a movie. I said i was very tired and need to go home straight. "Come on, i felt i might get more depressed at home..." dang, a friend's in need. Alrighty then...

Chicks on cams... again...
After decided a movie to watch, we went Mid Valley and found it was packed with traffic, jammed the whole fucking road, and it rained heavily again. We took about half an hour to reach in the car park and cy left earlier to buy movie tickets. Soon, i parked his car and went to meet him up. He asked me to take some video shots at the round balcony. My girl helped to walk around as i was pretending to film my girl.

actually my attention was attracted by this young little pretty lady, dunno where she came from.. but all i know, my friends have a lot of friends here...
On last Saturday night, cy discussed with me about the short film he wanted to do. He made plans and somehow he needed some references of the location. The inside story? Heh, it's totally confidential. Till it's finished, i'll be reviewing it in future in this blog.

yeah, Fang Seng's friend though...
The movie started at 5.05pm. I don't see much crowds in this cinema, maybe the movie was released few weeks ago, more or less, not everyone likes to watch artistic movie. Cy got frustrated without getting snacks he wanted, his choices sold out earlier before we came.

Can you imagine that Mike's only drank but none other than that? wonder why he stood there...
The screen wasn't big at all, and i never really do enjoy watching movie in cinema. I can't make much difference between the screen sizes, if i chose to watch at home, with my 21" TV. It didn't matter to me, as long i had my freedom to let the movie pauses at any time. None other than air conditioner in the cinema... Fucking cold! With the rain combining the temperature of the air conditioner, i was froze till i almost got cramps on my legs. I wore short cargo pants and tight tee, my girl wore a third-quarter but she had a sweater with her, while cy still wearing the same attire since last night, big tee and jeans... Damn, i was keeping myself hoping the movie finished in short time, before i really frozen...

someone's eager to be taken pictures...
After the movie, cy wept and told me this was the best movie he ever watched, the scripts and actings were so well. My girl cried too, she was very sympathy at the main character who lived in devastated life. I tried to say something to cheer cy up. "Why you always 'potong' my mood, i'm trying to get the mood of the movie. The acting was... Sob sob, my God, can you believe the guy was very poor and sad, his family..." and so on he commented the movie. I was so fucking freezing in there and tried to find a spot which is warm or hot. The exit led us at the staircase and we had a smoke there. And on cy cried and was so indulge with the sad scenes...

this looks very stand-out picture, regardless the people behind, they worked like just a scenery...
My girl made a promise to go back and have dinner with them, together with me. Cy was alone, called some friends nearby his area for dinner but he found none to company him. Thus, he found himself rather tarpow his dinner and will have it at home. After he sent us back to my girl's place, we had our dinner. Soon, we wanna go back to my place and her parents stopped her.

i think they both met long time as i could tell that they were not keen at my girl at first...
"Haiya, ask Andy take a cab or train back to his home la, why with the fuss that you had to fetch him back around this hour? You should know better that you're a girl and it's dangerous to be alone at dark. If you insisted, maybe your dad could follow you so you guys may have a road trip just for fun, ok?" sighed her mom. She went berserk in mind, urging her mom not to. Her mom was stubborn and eagerly to make things difficult for her.

cheers! i thought getting a can of beer, but what the hell, i never really did taste any water or food during the party...
She rushed out and started the car. The gate wasn't open yet. I put my luggage in the car and saw her dad in a rush, pulling his pants and adjusting the belt. She went panicked and hurried to drive out the porch. Then i said to her, "I think perhaps we'll be seeing each other next time. Don't get mad at them, just for once, let this go..."

Everyone's tired of dancing...
i knew she can't help it. She knew what she wants after all, ever since she planned for this when we met on Saturday. Her dad came in the car and my girl argued with her dad. Actually, her dad was in vain to be his exact decision. He can't made up his mind, whether he knew what he should do or not. He came with us just because he was told to. Her mom is a furious person, talkative and barely to have anyone cutting her conversations. When a woman overpowered a man, this is what will gonna happen.

There's nothing much for a place to sit...
Soon, her dad went soft at his heart after my girl begged him to be nice for this time. It was quite embarrassing to have parents like that, which were just like mine, that i really hated for so long.

Wow, they really like to be taken pictures!
She cried, and whined that why she couldn't live as a normal girl like any other in this city. Although we had 4 years of relationship, and i've been often visiting her parents every month. Still now, they can't let their daughter go, and let her suffered from her curfews... I never been forcing her, i just let her decide, if it's very wrong, i might say something to her. But this time, she needs to be strong enough to defend her freedom.

The 3 couples who joined the school friends...
I was so tired and went to sleep until around 4am, i sent my girl to her car and she reached home at 4.30pm. After i came back to my room, i didn't feel sleepy anymore... Damn, the night's late, and i haven't got the tiredness. So, i got this post written, till now it's Tuesday, 11am. A replacement holiday for Hari Raya Haji on Sunday. My girl didn't work today, and she promised to be a good girl and bring her parents to go window shopping.

yeah, that's somehow Jason's friend right?
Me? Ok, i just wanted to say, it's 2007 and for the celebration and party, it's totally unforgettable awesome! Thanks to Fang Heng and his brothers and friends, Andrik and his friends, Jason and his friends, Dennis, Jeffrey, cy, Chang Shen, Mike and my girl... All 19 of us under one roof... Shared among each other, with drinks and food, plus the rental, each has to pay RM35 only. Travels and tolls were exclusive, on our own anyway. We even planned to go Melbourne for the unusual experience, way too different from the local raves.

the largest picture ever saved, about 1.0mb here... why this could be so special?
It's already worth it to spend on this trip. However, the next one's trip... The expenses are quite heavy burden to save up that kind of budget, air tickets, food, place to stay and some other expenses. A year's time to save money. Would that be enough to go for that?

Peace to you all, and have a happy new year!
I wish a very Happy New Year to everyone in blogs and readers! May new year leads new leaps of success... Thank you for reading.

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.