Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cute dogs on... Bike? (Friday 25/8/06)

In the bike's bucket, the second stands tall and the third would like to jump off...
On my off day, at night... I was readin some comics and found out i'm out of cigarettes. Thought of buyin some lpc's favorite snacks, i went far to the medan's mobile bookstore and bought cigarettes but the snacks were out of stocks.

Once i turn around wanted to leave the place, then found a man shoutin at his bike, with 3 dogs ridin on it. The weird part is, the dogs never ran off from the bike even they're tempted to follow their master. Cute ain't?

I can't bare myself leaving there, i took my phone out and snapped the unusual scene. Well, can't say unusual but it's for myself, ok? Somehow, people watched me doing so. I'm not embarrassed, it's lucky for me taking such moment to share with others. You'll never know...

Right, continue my Samurai Champloo's anime and some readings on One Piece... Going way up to volume 35!

Friday, August 25, 2006

What a moody day... Long time never been to clubs... (Thursday 24/8/06)

Work. Is all i had to do for living...

Yeah, for sure. As usual.

And i was quitting the job. My dad's patience running out, and i gotta move out, from Taman Muda to Pudu's Majestic. Heh, i'm gonna be fucking lonely for 2 months, or more, i can't be sure about myself. And so, the next day's my off day, confirmed last week with my superior. I was excited about my plans of the day: Reading comics, buy groceries and watch some anime... Dumb-bored activities... Yeah, my girl's at work till weekend. She won't be coming to visit me unless weekends and i had to work, probably at night again. It's been 3 years we got together and our most visits always fall around that moment. Some quite good times we had, the whole day. It's fascinating... Like a dream. It'll be worst next month onwards, until i got my own room and i'll have back my privacy and freedom.

I was at the bus stop. While waiting for the damn bus to get moving, i had a nice drink and wondering of calling my dad. So i did, even i told him tomorrow's my off day. Suddenly, he was so pissed at me. Aw man, was it my mistake to tell my dad my shit? Again, i slipped. He really got the intention to burst my anger. I'm steady, listened every single yell from him. It's almost overwhelmed my limits and i'm gonna let the burst out, i controlled myself too hard i kept quite. There goes my dad too, silent... And kept provoking me. Then, i told him off by saying it's nothing, expressed my sadness through my voice. He's at ease at my feedbacks, thought i might ended up fucking up the situation. I just need to hang up and tolerate my anger out from his existence. He... Damn, i fucking hate criticising my dad here.

I was fucking moody, while at work, i was hardly insisted to serve customers. Even once i did, i felt they're so stupid at their knowledge of IT. I'm trying hard to respect their status of knowledge but they're much of asking stupid questions inflicted my mood, digging out the depths. Fucked up, i had to tell my colleague that i should rather do some arrangement on games' codes while he serve customers.

I was busy at myself preparing for battle of the weekends. Everyone's free time to shop at Low Yat, and mostly's on softwares. I rearranged back the codes in order. Since the ex staff left, for the whole year he worked, he never put much effort on the games' codes. What makes the business slow was all his fault, never attempt to rearrange the titles according to codes and never been serious on sales. Once i was stationed here, i'm cooperating with my other transferred colleague to refurbish the whole place. Its large, and it's potential's gonna be revive again.

I was still thinking of my dad's babbling. Over and over, i felt headache. I thought of quitting the task, and further more, i still doing it. I cared to take things seriously, i never liked myself to be a nuisance on job again. It's better off to do the best before leaving the job. Somehow i did it, i might raised some respect and trusts from the company, and redeem back the deeds i've done last days.

I was curious about my colleague, the one who put the blame at me of the chocolate issue. He shared his thoughts of love relationships to me. I shared my thoughts too, hopefully he can be advised to make any decisions wisely on issues. I'm at ease, the day has come to prove that i'm just a victim like him fooled by another colleague.

Again, my ex called. Once i saw her profile appeared on my mobile phone's screen, i begun to sigh. I knew she's probably wanted to have more fun, by the way of finding me as a good companion. She's desperate, while her husband was outstationed and she found out a lady was pursueing her husband's love and riches. Dear lord, why can't be a man with loyalty and respect on his love?

This time, real dancing club. Oh man, i'm desperate to dance. No time and budget for me to be tempted. But then, it's all about the invitation. It's been long time my friends would never bother calling me out for clubs. They knew i'm drifting away, working hard and less time for some fun. She told me she'll be meeting some girls and tag along. Wowee... Yeah! Just the time i need to groove some, with the pretty chick's support, i regain my pride of dancing... Yah!

Seriously, not flirting with them. It's just the spirit of regaining interest of dancing, while they looked at you with styles of dancing and they'll caught up by the moves... Just the attraction, by all means.

Soon, after she called, it's about time to finish the whole arrangement. Cy called, and i knew the next thing he'll request was the animes... Hehe, well done, myself. Some titles i jot down in my phone, i found some and kept for my friend. Also i bought some DVD-Rs. In reply, he'll be coming to fetch me back. And that's a saving trip for me.

After work, i stayed much time at the main entrance waiting for my pal to fetch me. He told me he'll be meeting someone to be fetched back home, so on the way he's meeting me with his stuffs. He came, and saw a girl was siting at the front passenger seat. Closely, it was Jamie. It's been awhile from the recent clubbing. She was in trouble waiting for the bus, spent an hour with sighs and nervous. Cy's the guy who could offer the help for her, as she can't find anyone kind enough. Both was talkative, especially Jamie. I never find a girl like her, happy go lucky kind of person.

Cy said there'll be another gig coming soon end of September. Gosh, i'm all excited again.

When almost reaching the area near to her place, she said about hungry. Hmm, i wonder where goes my dinner...? Sigh, i forgotten about it. I worked and concentrate on my task so much... Sigh... They started to talk about burgers. Then she pointed out the burger stall opposite our way and cy agreed while turning and heading that stall. I was quite worried about my ex's appointment. She's coming to fetch me at a time and i'm at few minutes away from the time we promised. Damn, i'm so hungry and i really wanted to have some nice, delicious burgers before clubbing. The orders made and we waited damn fucking long time. The smell was so delicious, it tempted us much. Then we got our burgers, rushed back to change some nice clothes and went out to rendezvous.

My ex told me her friends stood her up. She called another group of friends and will meet at the nearest place to Loft. Yes, i've been there, with my school friends. The DJ's quite aggressive at their records, played hard beats and got us grooved. And so, we met up her friends and reached our destination. A girl and a guy. The girl's from Kelantan, quite pretty la... The guy? Muscular... And cute face, manly and macho. He beaten me by his appearance, i'm just a chump... Strangely, her girl friend can't really understand much English, though i expected her friends just like her, and lived in KL as well might change the lifestyle and language speaking.

Oh oh... The place not crowded. The beats on and none of the crowds grooving at dance floor. Everyone's with their loves, hugging and teasing each other... I thought of my girl. Yet my ex's beside me, i'm sure she wanted to have some of those too. I'm pity at her, for her marriage it became sour within the expectation. I'm just glad she would stay strong and live happily, no matter when or where she plan to go clubbing with anyone she trusts. Some moments later, the music begin to flow stronger, the girls with sexy dresses became aggressive, danced sexily and lured some perverts out to get closer to them. It's a horny night, i just can't bring myself stepping out to dance with them. I'm tempted to dance sexily with them, just imagine i'm leaving my ex behind and some guys might go hitting on her. She likes to go out with me, so i could protect her, by her trust, i'm considered a good guy. Hehe, my pride to be good.

There's dancers behind the DJ console area, lastly there's a man i met before... the one who starred anti-piracy advertisement profuction by KRU... (I was there and helped cy worked as part time... i did recognised the man...)
Well, i supposed the place got me very bored and i sat and groove my body. I'm getting tired, it's more than 14 hours i'm awake and my body couldn't stand the tiredness. I only finished my Dewar's (fucking stupid hostess, i said i want JD coke and you gave me others!) and no further on drinks. I got my sweets, packing some fresh breath and eyeing on the chicks dancing sexily at the dance floor. The guy and the girl, flirting each other, while my ex running around to her group of friends opposite our place and to her elder brother who just came for a visit. I'm alone eyeing the chicks... Hmm, i'm thinking back the Guinness's Black Party with my girl. How i missed that moment.

Then, we left. And back home, i'm tired. Still, i played the anime and watched a few episods then... Zzzz...

Wait a minute... Where's my ex now? She's back to Penang? Why she never called? She's angry with me? What should i do?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Meeting An Old Friend, Part 2...(Wednesday 23/8/06)

My another ex from Taiping, who worked in Penang is coming to KL. She's attending a course provided by her company (Bank) with accommodation as well. And so, she called me earlier and told me she wanted to go Lunar Bar once she reached. I tried to make Wednesday my day off and my colleague's day off fall on the same day. The hostel was stated at Bangi, and it's a far away distance to meet up. Seeing myself without a vehicle, travelling has been impossible from my condition. I'm in vain, so i told her we just have to decide while she reached.

I worked all alone at the shop, neglecting sales. I'm not gonna ruin the sales, just busy rearrange the titles according the titles. I can see my colleague put up efforts to do some work. The place looked nicer, i'm fully glad. Then when the day goes by, i wondered something been missing during the day. Yeah, my ex's arrival! I called her and she was at the hostel in Bangi. She never bothered to let me know of her arrival. She was excited everytime she came and by priority, she'll call me. This time she's been sad to call me cuz she might been disappointed at my no-reply behavior. My phone's line cut and i can't really reply her. Very sorry.

She knew i planned for Pocket Pc and PC end of the year. Maybe i was wrong about her, she knew if she's tempted to go out with me, she'll probably would spend most of my money on drinks and stuffs. She knew i'm just an ordinary guy, and she's pretty, could temp me to be soft. It shows that she's not selfish, she knew it's not worth for me acting rash on the visit. She knew i wanted to see her so much as reasons of her growth and pretty. She knew if she ever see me again, she might be doing mistakes on falling back in love with me. She knew it's still not the right time meeting each other while she's up hooked at a guy she fell in love, but was neglecting her, she fell terribly devastated. It's just unfair for the pretty girls, always been dumped and not being cared and loved as they're in most priority. Anyway, any girls would be the same.

Ended up, i was never planned to meet her up. Just as normal, i went back home, watched anime and slept.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

HP iPaq RW6828... so far, the best pocket pc I ever surveyed...

HP has jumped headfirst into the O2 Xda Atom's territory, having just released its new iPAQ rw6828 smart phone. Its petite, chic design is very similar to that of the Atom, but dig deeper and you'll find that this device has much more to offer than just good looks.


Part of the company's Designed in Asia for Asia (DIAFA) initiative, HP describes the rw6828 as a designer device that's been built from the ground up to reflect the young Asian consumer's chic, minimalist style today. While we're not sure of the exact criteria that HP uses to distinguish Asian consumers -- and by Asia they're referring to the entire Asia Pacific region -- from the rest of the world, we can confirm that the rw6828 is indeed an attractive handheld.

It comes in both white and metallic silver colour schemes, and features a changeable screen protector. The screen protector is somewhat garish, but it's a necessary evil for safeguarding against scratches.

The handheld is small and lightweight, measuring 102mm by 58mm by 19.5mm and weighing in at 140 grams. Its size means that, unlike with most smart phones, you can comfortably hold the rw6828 up to your ear to make calls, without worrying about muscle fatigue or simply looking dorky.

The unit's design is minimalist -- there's no keyboard and few function buttons to clutter the face. The lack of a keyboard means that the rw6828 isn't ideal for heavy data-entry, but on the positive side it has allowed HP to integrate a large 240x320, 18-bit screen. The above-average screen size is great for watching video content or GPS maps, though you'll need to fork out extra for a GPS receiver as one isn't included.

In place of a keyboard, all data is entered using the stylus and touch screen. Handwriting recognition is pleasing and usually accurate, but it's still a lot slower than bashing out e-mails on a hardware keyboard.

As an aside, those that require a keyboard and an integrated GPS receiver but aren't fazed too much by multimedia features may want to take a look at the iPAQ hw6965 instead.


We were extremely excited to receive the rw6828 for evaluation, as it's the first Windows Mobile 5 device we've tested that supports push-e-mail. For the unaware, this feature pushes new e-mail messages straight to the phone just like a regular SMS text message, without forcing the user to continually hit sendreceive. It's extremely handy for business users that spend much of their work day on the road, and it's also useful for staying on top of your personal e-mail.

In addition to mobile messaging, the rw6828 offers virtually every connectivity option under the sun, including tri-band (90018001900MHz) GSM, GPRSEDGE, Bluetooth 1.2, Infrared and 802.11b Wi-Fi. All of these features can be turned off, which not only conserves battery power but also enables users to operate the device like a regular PDA during air travel.

Naturally, the phonepush-e-mail combination puts the device in direct competition with the BlackBerry. However, one qualm that we've always had with the BlackBerry is that its lack of multimedia features alienates non-corporate users and even corporate customers that use their device for non-work purposes. Although RIM promises that a prosumer BlackBerry is in the works, HP has beaten it to the punch with the rw6828, which offers a slew of multimedia functions.

Audio playback is catered for by an integrated FM radio and PocketMusic MP3 playback software. These can be tapped into using either a regular set of headphones or the integrated dual stereo speakers, and both options offer up impressive sound quality. You'll want to buy an expansion card to stick into the device's mini-SD slot, however, as it only comes with 128MB of flash ROM. These audio features are certainly attractive, but make no mistake, it won't replace the intuitive interface and long battery life of your current MP3 player. But that's OK, since HP reps said it themselves at the launch event in Hong Kong -- we're not targeting iPod.

In addition to audio, the rw6828 also supports video playback using any Windows Mobile 5 media player software such as VLC. Again, picture quality is pleasing and playback is smooth.

Rounding out the device's excellent multimedia feature-set is an integrated HP 2.0-megapixel camera with a flash and self-portrait mirror. This is similar to the O2 Atom's camera offering, and while shots are suitable for e-mailing around to your mates, the quality is distinctly underwhelming and you certainly won't be making prints of any photographs.

Since the device runs on Windows Mobile 5 Phone Edition, it also comes with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Outlook 2002 pre-installed. These are handy for those that need to stay productive whilst on the move, and offer more features than many of the third-party software offerings available for the BlackBerry. However, keep in mind that the mobile version of PowerPoint only allows you to view, not edit, presentations, so don't bank on making last-minute modifications before entering the board room.


One of the things we love about the rw6828 is how easy it is to get up and running. Minimal software configuration is required, and configuring the push-e-mail feature is painless. Simply enter your e-mail address, and the device will attempt to pull all other details (such as server addresses) directly from the Internet. We used Google's Gmail, and it found these settings without issue.

Only the headers of e-mails are pushed to the phone, and after seeing the subject and sender you can choose whether or not you'd like to download the full text and attachments. This is thoughtful of HP, as it helps to avoid unnecessary data usage, in turn minimising your phone bill.

Most e-mails came through with proper yet basic formatting, and text is readable. Scrolling through long messages and documents is done using the stylus or the front-mounted buttons, which we found isn't as fast or efficient as the BlackBerry's side-mounted jog wheel.

As detailed above, the device's multimedia features are head and shoulders above those offered by any current BlackBerry device. Video files are played back smoothly and in high detail, and audio quality is equally impressive. The only let-down is the camera, which produces fairly grainy shots that are often out of focus, particularly when indoors.

Being such a converged device, we expected the rw6828's battery life to take a back seat. Thankfully, HP proved us wrong; our Spb Benchmark battery tests produced a battery life score of seven hours and three minutes. The Spb tests attempt to imitate a regular usage environment and produce a fairly accurate result, assuming non-stop usage. Under regular, intermittent usage, we went three to four days without needing to reach for the charger.

The HP iPAQ rw6828 is available now for AU$999 and is exclusive to Optus for the month of June. Optus also offers a two-year contract with an AU$99 upfront fee and monthly payments of AU$75.

Below is a user's comments:

I picked one up Dec. 24th. So far I really like it, but yes, the odd screen shape has caused some programs to not display correctly...
Well yeah some of the progs don't display correctly but it's not a major issue for me tho!

Apparently it runs Windows Mobile 2003, and I hear there is anew version out, not sure it that can be upgraded or not...
Nopes, this particular model can't be upgraded to PPC 2005 due to hardware restrictions.

This is my first PocketPC phone, I have always used Palm based phones before, so, there has been a bit of a learning curve. It is sort of annoying that when you X out of a program it doesn't actually close it, and that you have to go into the memory menu to do that, but that appears to just be an issue with the OS.
Umm you can download the Magic Button software to fix it...

Web browsing is decent, if a bit slow. From what I had heard I thought EDGE was supposed to give broadband speeds, but I am getting something akin to an old 14.4 modem, maybe I need to go into Cingular and talk to them about it.
I'm on EDGE and it's a non issue...

Battery life isn't as long as advertised. I was told 7 days standbye, 4 hours talk. I haven't tried to talk on it for four hours straight, but I Am getting like 2 days battery life on one charge on average... sort of dissapointing compared to my old Palm phones.
Well if you don't use your phone features and it's on standby, I've managed 8.5 days standby.

I am also dissapointed that a lot of the PocketPC software out there makes you have to pay for it, while Palm has a lot more free stuff...
My dear friend, go to google and search for Windows Mobile 2003 second edition freeware.. you'll be amazed =)

now I just need to figure out what video format Windows Media Mobile expects my avi and mpeg files to be in so that I can download some stargate episodes onto it for when I have time to kill at work.
You can download this player, it runs on a way smaller footprint and supports most, if not all of the major codecs available. The Core Pocket Media Player 0.71 at (it's freeware btw hehehe *gRiN*)

Also sort of dissapointing that there is no USB connection on it to use it as a portable flash drive, but I figure I Can just get a USB->SD mini-drive adapter and pop out the card to do that.
Well you can buy the USB sync cable for less than US$10 and use it as a flash drive via "File -> Explore" in ActiveSync when yr device is connected.


*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.