Friday, August 25, 2006

What a moody day... Long time never been to clubs... (Thursday 24/8/06)

Work. Is all i had to do for living...

Yeah, for sure. As usual.

And i was quitting the job. My dad's patience running out, and i gotta move out, from Taman Muda to Pudu's Majestic. Heh, i'm gonna be fucking lonely for 2 months, or more, i can't be sure about myself. And so, the next day's my off day, confirmed last week with my superior. I was excited about my plans of the day: Reading comics, buy groceries and watch some anime... Dumb-bored activities... Yeah, my girl's at work till weekend. She won't be coming to visit me unless weekends and i had to work, probably at night again. It's been 3 years we got together and our most visits always fall around that moment. Some quite good times we had, the whole day. It's fascinating... Like a dream. It'll be worst next month onwards, until i got my own room and i'll have back my privacy and freedom.

I was at the bus stop. While waiting for the damn bus to get moving, i had a nice drink and wondering of calling my dad. So i did, even i told him tomorrow's my off day. Suddenly, he was so pissed at me. Aw man, was it my mistake to tell my dad my shit? Again, i slipped. He really got the intention to burst my anger. I'm steady, listened every single yell from him. It's almost overwhelmed my limits and i'm gonna let the burst out, i controlled myself too hard i kept quite. There goes my dad too, silent... And kept provoking me. Then, i told him off by saying it's nothing, expressed my sadness through my voice. He's at ease at my feedbacks, thought i might ended up fucking up the situation. I just need to hang up and tolerate my anger out from his existence. He... Damn, i fucking hate criticising my dad here.

I was fucking moody, while at work, i was hardly insisted to serve customers. Even once i did, i felt they're so stupid at their knowledge of IT. I'm trying hard to respect their status of knowledge but they're much of asking stupid questions inflicted my mood, digging out the depths. Fucked up, i had to tell my colleague that i should rather do some arrangement on games' codes while he serve customers.

I was busy at myself preparing for battle of the weekends. Everyone's free time to shop at Low Yat, and mostly's on softwares. I rearranged back the codes in order. Since the ex staff left, for the whole year he worked, he never put much effort on the games' codes. What makes the business slow was all his fault, never attempt to rearrange the titles according to codes and never been serious on sales. Once i was stationed here, i'm cooperating with my other transferred colleague to refurbish the whole place. Its large, and it's potential's gonna be revive again.

I was still thinking of my dad's babbling. Over and over, i felt headache. I thought of quitting the task, and further more, i still doing it. I cared to take things seriously, i never liked myself to be a nuisance on job again. It's better off to do the best before leaving the job. Somehow i did it, i might raised some respect and trusts from the company, and redeem back the deeds i've done last days.

I was curious about my colleague, the one who put the blame at me of the chocolate issue. He shared his thoughts of love relationships to me. I shared my thoughts too, hopefully he can be advised to make any decisions wisely on issues. I'm at ease, the day has come to prove that i'm just a victim like him fooled by another colleague.

Again, my ex called. Once i saw her profile appeared on my mobile phone's screen, i begun to sigh. I knew she's probably wanted to have more fun, by the way of finding me as a good companion. She's desperate, while her husband was outstationed and she found out a lady was pursueing her husband's love and riches. Dear lord, why can't be a man with loyalty and respect on his love?

This time, real dancing club. Oh man, i'm desperate to dance. No time and budget for me to be tempted. But then, it's all about the invitation. It's been long time my friends would never bother calling me out for clubs. They knew i'm drifting away, working hard and less time for some fun. She told me she'll be meeting some girls and tag along. Wowee... Yeah! Just the time i need to groove some, with the pretty chick's support, i regain my pride of dancing... Yah!

Seriously, not flirting with them. It's just the spirit of regaining interest of dancing, while they looked at you with styles of dancing and they'll caught up by the moves... Just the attraction, by all means.

Soon, after she called, it's about time to finish the whole arrangement. Cy called, and i knew the next thing he'll request was the animes... Hehe, well done, myself. Some titles i jot down in my phone, i found some and kept for my friend. Also i bought some DVD-Rs. In reply, he'll be coming to fetch me back. And that's a saving trip for me.

After work, i stayed much time at the main entrance waiting for my pal to fetch me. He told me he'll be meeting someone to be fetched back home, so on the way he's meeting me with his stuffs. He came, and saw a girl was siting at the front passenger seat. Closely, it was Jamie. It's been awhile from the recent clubbing. She was in trouble waiting for the bus, spent an hour with sighs and nervous. Cy's the guy who could offer the help for her, as she can't find anyone kind enough. Both was talkative, especially Jamie. I never find a girl like her, happy go lucky kind of person.

Cy said there'll be another gig coming soon end of September. Gosh, i'm all excited again.

When almost reaching the area near to her place, she said about hungry. Hmm, i wonder where goes my dinner...? Sigh, i forgotten about it. I worked and concentrate on my task so much... Sigh... They started to talk about burgers. Then she pointed out the burger stall opposite our way and cy agreed while turning and heading that stall. I was quite worried about my ex's appointment. She's coming to fetch me at a time and i'm at few minutes away from the time we promised. Damn, i'm so hungry and i really wanted to have some nice, delicious burgers before clubbing. The orders made and we waited damn fucking long time. The smell was so delicious, it tempted us much. Then we got our burgers, rushed back to change some nice clothes and went out to rendezvous.

My ex told me her friends stood her up. She called another group of friends and will meet at the nearest place to Loft. Yes, i've been there, with my school friends. The DJ's quite aggressive at their records, played hard beats and got us grooved. And so, we met up her friends and reached our destination. A girl and a guy. The girl's from Kelantan, quite pretty la... The guy? Muscular... And cute face, manly and macho. He beaten me by his appearance, i'm just a chump... Strangely, her girl friend can't really understand much English, though i expected her friends just like her, and lived in KL as well might change the lifestyle and language speaking.

Oh oh... The place not crowded. The beats on and none of the crowds grooving at dance floor. Everyone's with their loves, hugging and teasing each other... I thought of my girl. Yet my ex's beside me, i'm sure she wanted to have some of those too. I'm pity at her, for her marriage it became sour within the expectation. I'm just glad she would stay strong and live happily, no matter when or where she plan to go clubbing with anyone she trusts. Some moments later, the music begin to flow stronger, the girls with sexy dresses became aggressive, danced sexily and lured some perverts out to get closer to them. It's a horny night, i just can't bring myself stepping out to dance with them. I'm tempted to dance sexily with them, just imagine i'm leaving my ex behind and some guys might go hitting on her. She likes to go out with me, so i could protect her, by her trust, i'm considered a good guy. Hehe, my pride to be good.

There's dancers behind the DJ console area, lastly there's a man i met before... the one who starred anti-piracy advertisement profuction by KRU... (I was there and helped cy worked as part time... i did recognised the man...)
Well, i supposed the place got me very bored and i sat and groove my body. I'm getting tired, it's more than 14 hours i'm awake and my body couldn't stand the tiredness. I only finished my Dewar's (fucking stupid hostess, i said i want JD coke and you gave me others!) and no further on drinks. I got my sweets, packing some fresh breath and eyeing on the chicks dancing sexily at the dance floor. The guy and the girl, flirting each other, while my ex running around to her group of friends opposite our place and to her elder brother who just came for a visit. I'm alone eyeing the chicks... Hmm, i'm thinking back the Guinness's Black Party with my girl. How i missed that moment.

Then, we left. And back home, i'm tired. Still, i played the anime and watched a few episods then... Zzzz...

Wait a minute... Where's my ex now? She's back to Penang? Why she never called? She's angry with me? What should i do?


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