Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Man Called Levi... (Thursday 10/8/06)

I realised that time passes by quickly like in a blink of an eye. I started to get used to my boring life, wake up, work, went home, took bath, watched some nice movies and sleep.

Yes, it's a boring life.

Yet, i've targeted to learn as a sound engineer. It's been my dream to become one ever since i started to play drums. Usually every musician would wanna become famous on mainstream music industry, just like any other international bands. Somehow i think it might be tough for me, to become someone famous, with sacrifices of not meeting your love ones, papparazis, can't even do your own personal stuffs, stress and depressed. Sounds nice to become a famous celebrity, when comes to responsibility, not everyone can handle it. You've to protect your fame, more than you protect your self-respect.

I've my own band, and we're not as famous as Butterfingers or OAG. I'm already satisfied being with friends jamming together on stage. Mostly, we thought we're getting the fame, soon as more we perform, we ought to know what's really like to be a musician. Some good musicians not so famous, and i can't really explain why, lots of reasons.

Just being a drummer it's not enough for me to be in profession. I needed to find some resources and knowledge from others. Usually none other sound engineer would like to share such interests with a newbie like me, it could scared them off or just that i'm a chump, an annoying one. (Well, if i don't know shit, i could ask lots of questions until that person fed up.)

So maybe i should start to have myself collecting contacts from the customers who purchase music softwares. It's rare to find such customers. Until today, i was running 2 counters in each few hours. Just in luck, i found a man in his 40's looking at the music softwares. I approached him and started to talk to him.

A: "Yes sir, how may i help you?"
C: "Ah yes, are these suitable for vocal recordings?"
A: "Yes, yes. We only have these 2. Have a look at the descriptions and see if it's suitable for your usage."
C: "Very well. Thank you"

He's very specific at the titles, and i was beside him followed his concentration. Then i thought it might be a good idea if i say something to start with.

A: "Sir, have you tried some music programs like FL Studio Producer Edition? I've used it and it creates fascinating loops."
C: "Hmm... Is that something like Sonar?"
A: "I'm sorry, i'm not so fond at Sonar. Actually what's its purpose?"
C: "Oh, it's a great recording software, it can consist up to 200 tracks..."

I was stunned. Cool Edit Pro 2 can do multi sequences, yet this Sonar was the one which did more? Damn, i was so left out like a dumbass. I always tell myself to become a sound engineer but i never put my effort. I regretted seriously, but it's not stopping to begin in this very moment.

A: "Oh really? That sounds interesting. I did some D.I.Y recordings before and i've used Sound Forge to do so, then i'll use a cheapskate multi sequencer to output."
C: "Yes, i'm currently using Sound Forge too. What kind of instrument you play?"
A: "I play drums. My best pal's a guitarist, which makes 2 of us only."
C: "Oh I see... (then he kept introduce me some good apps for music production rather me doing the job... Embarrassed...)
A: "Wow, you do knew a lot. Are you a sound engineer?"
C: "No, actually it's just my hobby. I did some jobs but not real big deal. I'm interested in doing sound recordings and play some nice beats.
A: "That's great, seems like we have something in common now. By the way, my name's Andy, what's yours?"
C: "Levi..."
A: "Huh? Sorry..."
C: "Levi. You know, the jeans..." (showing his pants yet it's not a Levi's)
A: "Ah... Yes, yes. Levi......"

On second thought, i doubt that he purposely named himself Levi as he thinks the brand name strikes people's attention then curiosity.

Ah ehm... Continue,

L: "You know what, you could call me sometime, or just come to my house and i'll show you my stuffs, ok?"
A: "No kidding! That's great! I'm grateful at your invitation. Let's exchange numbers, shall we?"
L: "Sure, sure. I'll give you my number and in return you give a miss call to me."
(This could be my most embarrassing day...)
A: "Emm... My phone line's cut. But i'll be paying it few days later. I'll help you to input my details at your phone."
L: "Hahaha... Mine's cut too. I'll recharge the credits soon after this.
(You know, you shouldn't ask me to give you a miss call, then we both won't get so embarrassed to each other...)

He decided to purchase 2 titles of vocal recording softwares and was ready in a rush.

A: "Ok, it's done. So i'm considering to spend a day off at your house and experience your music stuffs, i'll call you when it'll be decided. So i hope i'll see you again soon."
L: "Yes, certainly. I'll show you what Sonar could do."
A: "Sure thing, sir. Thank you and do come again."

...And that's the way it made my day, served customers happily and nothing's gonna stop my happy day. Yes, first contact. Then there'll be another one, and another one, duplicates and i'll be indulging with them in the world of sound.

And there's another case later on, it's funny, and not even relevant from the post title. Heh, i thought it might be the best to share with you readers...

Once ago a doctor who came to buy Adobe's collection of softwares. He was in vain after the installation. Then he came back and seek for help. So my senior went and helped him solving the installation error. Therefore, he remembered us and with gratitude from our kindness and friendly, he came back to our counter again. This time he can't save his files after composed. Questions by questions, i answered that the settings were not in proper. He was in vain too, with a desperation look. In that mean while, i hope my lady boss wouldn't be in a right time showing up while i'm at it. Fuck it, i just don't want fuck up the deeds. Thoroughly, i was curious about the saving options. Hmmm... What's with this... Ok, let's try. Just one click to disable such option, then save the file. It went stabilised. The doc's face still in vain, embarrassed at his discoveries. Then he thanked me, gratefully. I say it's already answered the question of his before we solve it. He knocked his head with his bare wrist. I was surprised and told him that it's not his mistake, just not sure which could've done it.

I wonder why he's so modest and honest at his attitude? He can't control himself and used his wrist to knock at his head, showing it's a silly man i am. I recall it back most of the time during work and i could feel he's serious at things he's doing. I found out that he's a health doctor and developed a slimming solution for both sex. And he always been followed by his wife, who looks young at 30's, distinguish and beautiful. She had a mild perfume that's quite a fucking expensive one. And the doctor was an old man. Hmmm... With only man could create success in his life, without relating the looks and growns, it's all about the Sultan's head. In a price of security and prosperous, it's an ideal thought for all well educated ladies. And mostly they're hot mamas. Ah well, does money destroys our trueself? Or love should be something real in life? Or just for the poor men, they'll fucked up themselves with the rejected ones?

I'm home. Huh? What the...

I guessed i was right. A blink of an eye... Time passed by and my blog's a year old, 2333 and over hits at my blog, comments and shoutouts.

I'm older, and older than everyone else. People won't believe that i'm 26. I'm worried at my age now.

I don't wanna say, i'm done for.

It's because i've met the first one. So i should continue my journey.


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