Thursday, August 03, 2006

What a sohai day... and my girl's birthday! (Wednesday 2/8/06)

I woke early to work this morning. As common, the bus always hesitate to move even it's already with quite number of passengers. Either i'll be early than as usual, or later, much big differences. If i'm early for the bus, i'll be here too early to wait for my colleague to open the counter. Or just as i take bus as usual, i'll be almost late to work, sometimes in advance of 5-8 minutes to reach the office, punch card... Damn, i really in vain to be punctual, it can't be in my demand...

I was transfered to another counter earlier on work, and this particular counter was not always crowded with customers, not as the usual place i've been. Last night, too many customers came and i got none of the time for bladder and snacks, or cigy breaks. Hours by hours non-stop, and costs me muscle pain on my legs and my neck, the worst one, felt fucking uneasy. But it's alright, i've learned so many softwares that i never heard before. Mostly Windows' software, Adobe, Autocad, SPSS, whatsoever... Good news is i can borrow some nice DVD animations back home and watch. I current don't have a pc, if i did, i could even bring some nice games and softwares back home to install without paying a dime.

It's a boring counter i'm at. Mostly the customers will go the counter i usually work at. My another colleague, he's a shuffler, a raver, with a moody face. I knew him since the 2nd day and he had given me sort of a bad impression. But i think it's alright cuz he's been a funny guy with other old time colleagues, i need to take some time getting along with such a person.

My day... Boring...

Getting boring...

So boring...

Bored till i could write this post...

Whenever there's customers came and asked for a software, the names were so weird that it never really existed, or maybe they asked some softwares that they think it possibly existed. The bottom line is, all fucking weird names or descriptions they requested. Then my colleague said to me, "Just tell them we don't have, i don't bother doing any businesses with them, today is a boring day and i had no mood to brace up myself." "How can you do that? I don't want to get in trouble... I just do what exactly has to be." "Why worried? It's not that you're the one who's getting scolded. Just tell them off, if it's an easy way to find for them, then it's a different story." Shit, why he wanted to react such attitude? Beside the counter i'm at, there's another pc software counter, and they're serving much customers than ours.

When it was too boring, my colleague even went out to buy dinner at Jalan Ah Loh, quite a distance from Low Yat. Then comes a lot of customers... Damn, hell i know which is which they requested, some i said don't have any (too technical to understand and hard to find for them), and some i let them browse themselves, either they'll buy or not... Fuck it, i'm not fond at this counter.

He came back after 15 minutes, and bought bread only... I wonder why he had to go so far and found nothing interesting for him, yet the place is a food heaven... I bought cheap Roti Kosong to fill my hunger while waiting for this damn day ends... Eh, today is also a special day for my girl but it's a working day and can't really celebrate. She's coming to Sg Wang and have dinner with her friend which i knew her when we're at Orange club, an event for ravers. She's nice, quite pretty and single. I have friends there and seems no one interested at her... Hmm...

Like what the neighbours said, "All the crowds came just to look for games and softwares more than hardwares..." I think this place was cursed by the previous staffs cuz this place really lack of Feng Shui. Everyone's out there near the escalators, browsing and purchasing, my colleagues always got busy now and then, while i'm sitting here, clock's ticking, countdown to close counter. Now, 7.50pm... I think my girl's having dinner now. I bought Sin City DVD next to my counter, previously my girl said she watched MTV Movie Awards at her cousin's place and found out Jessica Alba hosted the show. The show previewed Sin City, and she saw Jessica Alba danced sexily in that movie and she wanted to watch. I've watched it long time ago and i never own that movie, probably when i was at Kelantan, i did buy it and my ex-colleague took it without my notice.

In front of my counter, there's a computer shop with 2 big LCD screen previewing movie trailers like Superman, Firewall, Da Vinci Code, and the one fucking trailer i've seen but just awhile of the preview, Ghost Rider. Starring Nicholas Cage, Eva Mendes... Heh, so far he's a good actor and i'm kinda like his movies. Also Spiderman 3... The trailer shows that Spiderman was totally black in color. The villians are Sandman and Green Goblin. Was Spiderman possessed by Venom? Peter Parker's asking Mary Jane to marry him? Too many questions but the answer will be revealed by Summer (starting May) 2007...

Seems like i'm too free to write all these, ain't?

Long way waiting after work, i met my girl in front of Sushi King, and we went to Time Square to fetch our car and headed back to my love nest and... watched Sin city...

Actually she didn't know i bought the DVD, i let her guessed and she did guessed the right answer but i denied it, so she'll be in very curious to know what i've bought for her. Later on, I showed her i did bought Sin City. She's so happy and we watched together. In the end of the story, she couldn't really understand the whole story yet the movie won a lot of awards from MTV Movie Awards. Heh, noticed why there're many good actors in that movie?

It was so late and I ought to let my girl go home early for tomorrow's work. I companied her to her car that parked near to my place's alley and we did chat a while, until a Malay guy rode a motocycle in front of our car in distance with a quick stop. He looked at us with sort of greed and anger or such. Then slowly he fetched something out from his bike and i shoild've guessed he's gonna use something to break the car glass. The car's engine went running and with a blitz thought, i ordered my girl to drive instantly before that motherfucker come nay closer to us. My girl was quite nervous and she drove in speed out of the alley. Just a 100 meters away from the alley, i stepped out and looked behind, and i'm surte that motherfucker won't be chasing us from behind as we're at the food stalls crowded with people. I swear, if he did, he's gonna be replacing my fucking leg's wound deed. He's never been there after we left that alley, the bike's still left there. Actually i was quite worried about the incident would happened to us especially to my girl. I don't even want her to experience such case cuz she might be paranoid all the time. Thank God i'm a quick thinker in that particular moment.

Fucking robbers, can't they just find a job, no matter how much wages they got, just survive man! I think i need to train up beating these motherfuckers. My fist are for beating rapers and robbers. Maybe i should get some weapons. Whatever, i need peace in mind, forget about beating up someone... Yawn...

Happy birthday darling, I love you...


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