Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Amazing... Pissed Off! (Tuesday 15/8/06)

I was awake automatically at 8am, before my alarm clocks rang. I had a headache, wondering what's going to happen today. My DVD player still on, with the main title of One Piece. Damn, another day of forgetting to switch off every unnecessary electricity. I watched another episod. It's really tempting to watch the main hero doing "Gomu Gomu Nooooo...!" style. Sounds childish right? Wait till you guys really watch it.

I was on my way to work. The bus conductor became fond at me due of taking bus daily. Once he asked me whether there's a room rent around my place. Just in luck, i had a contact recorded in my hp. I gave him the contact and he was grateful not to ask me pay the bus fee... Hmm... Even though i still wanna pay and he refused.

So what? They hesitate too much on picking up more passengers along the way, waiting till they're done on each stop. When i reached office, i'm already late. Bah, so much for the kindness.

Today, one of my colleague on leave. My senior urged me to help him out rather the rest of the substitutes. Maybe i could perform better than the rest, i don't know, depends on his faith. I know that i can't work out things well with the guy which i ate his chocolate by accident. Ah, it reminds me more and more about the stupid mistake. Well, it turned out he's much later than me, my com's accountant came and pissed at those who came late. He ordered me to help him open another counter and wait till the guy came. It's not the first time though, and i got no contradiction from those who came late with the penalty of salary deduction.

And so, we got very busy. Non stop serving customers. Just happen that Yulius and Eleanor came to Low Yat to pay me a visit. We chat a few, i served a few, and Eleanor bought me lunch since i got no time to get it my own. Thanks Yulius Sou... Haha. After they went off, came an indian lady. With her superb body curved, beautiful face without a dot on it, tall and talked in very sweet voice. She was waiting for my senior to get her requested title quite some time and she's about to leave. So i spoke to her,

Me: "Hi, are you waiting for my partner to get stuff for you?"
Her: "Yes. I think he's taking too long and i'm in a rush."
Me: "Oh really? I'm sorry, i guessed that we're in the same boat, stucked in time."
Her: "You guys were busy, and even now you're having your lunch."
Me: "I mean, i can't leave my place due to the flow. So i've to stay here, even i'm eating but i've to serve too."
Her: "Ya la ya la, go ahead and eat your lunch then. You're not spending time helping of out though..."
Me: "Well, i can repay you a lunch together if could accept my apology."
Her: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes, of course. Give me your number then."
Her: "Wow, you sure very daring and very straight forward huh?"
Me: "Um huh.. I'm very straight to the point, no roundings. So what's your number anyway?"
Her: "You know, guys should give their numbers to the girls, not the other way round. That's what it should be."
Me: "Oh, is that it... Ok, if it's suits you then, i'll leave my number at the receipt."

I jot down my hp numbers with my name at the receipt, and gave it to her along with her purchased too. She was impressed at the way of my approach. Before she left, i said to her again, "By the way, do call me after 9pm. That'll be my free time." she smiled and left.

Me and my big flirty mouth.

Darling, i never know i could have the attention to a fine lady, which means i still have the attraction. Sure someone pissed at my actions.

Later on, the whole good scenarios turned upside down. From good to bad. After lunch, crowds kept coming in and i can't even stop and rest. One time, this Indian guy with his family came to find some softwares. I attended to them and he's like taking advantages on my modest. He went babbling on titles he wanted wherever i go. I went and take the titles, he followed, with his babbling too. Then came a few customers and asked me some titles. Once they stopped, the Indian guy asked me again, with some stupid questions that bothers me much on forgetting the title's codes. I mean, what the fuck was wrong with him? Can't he see me fucking busy at my tasks? Soon, the rest of the customers were settled, left him only. Then, he rushed me to get this and that, all because his wife was complaining us getting slow on their requests, also his daughter's crying. For fuck sake, he's so obsessed to take more titles. I thought i could fuck up his damn bulky wallet. After getting all the titles he wanted, he found himself got scolded by his wife again. Then, he refused to take the rest and only took few which never cost my effort. I was so fucking pissed off and wished i could fucking bitch slap him until his mom and wife can't recognise him. Stupid God damn motherfucking cocksucker.

Thanks to that Indian bastard, i'm all moody for sure. I became strict and ill-mannered. I wished i could stop that, it hurt me deeply though. So until night time, cy called and said he'll drop by to pick up some titles. Same as usual, by 9pm, still got people coming in and looked for softwares. It's already wasted all our fucking time to have a good rest in time.

So, after closing the shop, cy had something to say about my issue. My dad called him and something fishy about it. And then, cy started to say all the things my dad said to him, until we reached the parking lot and paid the ticket. When we wanted to leave the place, he forgotten where he left the ticket. He swore himself not to screw up again and he did. We took a very hard time looking for it as the validation only last for 15 minutes. Cy got panicked, and i could not possible do anything about it cuz he's the one who holds the ticket and it's just a little while ago he paid the ticket. Soon, he found it, he left it at the sunshade. Sigh, never thought he would be careless.

I went to his house and stayed overnight. So he went busy copying all the titles he picked and continued his paintings. I was helping him to get all titles copied in his pc's harddrive. Time lapsed quickly, and i thought i might be late for work. Heh, somehow i posted some on my blog from his pc, saved my cost on cybercafe.

He promised me to burn my favourite Mark Dacascos's 'Drive' movie. And he did it when i was sleeping. For so many months i've waited and finally i get to watch, yay!

Next morning, his mom came in the room and shouted. It got me awoke. It's 8.30am and ck's ready for work. He's fetching me right at the Old Klang Road's main road to catch a bus. When i reached Kota Raya, i walked along Jln Chew Lan all the way to my workplace. Now i reached at the office and no one's here yet. So i'm all alone writing this post.

Yeah, i'm tired. I slept at 4am last night.

I've surveyed around the shops in Low Yat to look for a nice pocket pc. I found a nice one, Hewlett Packett's pocket pc, worth RM2,500++. At first i've targeted N70 and seems like Symbians can't go further on their third party softwares. Talking about pocket pc, you can install dictionaries, with speech enable. Also, you could treat it as like an iPod, listening to music with bluetooth headphones, full ear covered. Movies? With 2GB memory SD card, any movies or MTV would do. Internet? It's Wi-Fi. Once i saw most of the Starbucks lovers like to surf internet using their laptops. I could imagine what if they're in rush to toilet? They'll sure have to wrap up all the stuffs then only can go to toilet. What if i'm using a pocket pc? I could spend my time at Starbucks writing blogs and post it instantly, or download musics and movie clips. That won't be hassle to me in rush to toilet. One slip into my pocket and to toilet i'll go without worrying my stuffs left at the table. And another useful tool for recording gig's demo. A perfect gadget for me.

Well, in order to get that piece of wonder, i've ought to strive very hard to save money and get it as soon as possible. It's been three years i'm using this Nokia 3650 and it's not going further anymore on the latest softwares available in the internet. On next month, i'll be working for my uncle. Sigh, what will happen then? Will it be me starting to quarrel with them or the other way round? I'm worried...


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