Friday, February 24, 2006

In Progress to be part of the TEAM... Part 3 (Wednesday 23/2/06)

It's been few days later after i talk to my dad. I'm still thinking about his rejection.

I didn't slept for the whole night, companied Seng at our station. I'm stucked up of how to find a way to convince my dad. I'm like nowhere to go, only Seng is the closest to me to regain my mind's strength. Early in the morning, i had calls from EON Bank's retriever, he messaged me and said he'll have to tow my car away... That's it, i know i'm already hopeless now. My dad doesn't want to help but encouraged me to be in the end. Surely he knows it's the best for me... He thinks... And it's about my part of life, he thinks... He wants to be controlling me... He knew he's right... I'm wrong... I can never prove i'm right... Anymore...

First of all, i hated the society cheated me. Previously i worked for Pepsi. I can't say i'm stupid enough not asking when's my payment will received. Now i've finished my job, and the other way round they would hesitate, procrastinate their promises. I hated it so much that i'm nowhere to go, nothing i could do about it. I don't have money, car and a job. Am i hopeless now? Yes, a total one. Maybe some might be the worst one than me, but i always think i'm the worst one, doubt the rest.

I'm here at the station, all the way watching Seng playing Silkroad Online game leveling his character. He's not worried to have no work or prospects. He had 3 prospects for this month, waiting for them to be part of his team. I've none, of course, cuz i haven't joined his team, and because i believe i can do it, no one believes it. Until the day i REALLY could prove it, it was late, everyone's far from me, just like i started playing online games, and everyone's far from me because i started late. It gives me so much relevant scenarios which could apply my theory of doing this business and yet my dad could think i can't and useless, and also they could do because their rich, and whenever i said it wasn't, he'll ask me to follow them, not him. I don't why he's thinking like that. I'm not sure if my sisters are happy about their life now. I'm sure they knew, but just don't know how to change it. If they've given a chance to be better, they just say they're better for the moment, not in better for a better chance. They don't believe this and that, cuz my dad implanted them his mind all the years. They can do much they wanted but it's too late, cuz they're in late 30's. And i'm sure what they've achieved can apply to my life. And i clearly know why i never wanted to be like them. I know what i want out of life, be better than them. Now's the chance, and i'm been cast away from my family because of this so called cheating business...

Other than this, other business which requires you to cheat more in order to survive, it's no cheating, perhaps it's learning... Bullshit, i can't say i knew everything, but i've gone through the method, and same goes to cy. We've been in sales before and he knew he had to cheat, be someone he doesn't want to be. He knew all these things and he never wanna get involve again. I knew too, but in this business is not about cheating. You think cheating won't get bad deeds in return? I've had a lot from my past, and i'm being cheated by lots of companies, and i'm terrified to be cheated anymore... Most of all, my dad don't understand and wanted me to get involve in these cheating society again...

I'm so sad, felt ugly at my situation now. Supposed last night i should meet my girl, after meeting Seng, i went home. I thought a lot of why's, like my dad's case, causes between my heart and lungs squeezed tightly. It's not the first time i had this symptoms, since i worked in Meikah, i had sort of the same symptoms. When i'm in stress, i'll have these symptoms, sometimes pain in heart, then lungs. I wonder if my dad has heart attack, did my grandfather died because of the heart attack too? And if so, it could be same to me, a chained sickness. Sometimes i'm in pain, i couldn't work for a day. And then it creates misunderstood between my dad and my superior because i never tell them why i absent to work. Seriously, i never told anything about this to my family, my friends and even my girl, cuz i understand why they don't believe me that i felt pain like this. I'm young, and therefore it's hard for them to see. When i'm in pain, i'll kept it to myself. Talking about seeing a doctor... I don't want to know what's going on with me. What if i did? Do my dad really gonna help me? What he'll say to me if i'm in pain like this? "Useless son, always gives me problems..." clearly enough to my actions, i never wanted to disappoint my dad, and no one, in this world, could understand... They only knew i just wanted to have fun, and forgetting i ever had a family in mind... And i know i'm running out of time, i'm sick, and so my dad. Before my time runs out, that's it. One chance in the lifetime has ruined... And i'm in the ruin now...

You know what, i finally understand no matter what i did, i never get applauses from everyone. Why i need so much effort to do what's the best for me and in the end everybody thinks i'm bullshitting? Fair enough, i don't have to come up any ideas to persuade or more to do the best for me, no more. I'm fucking wasting my time and effort, everything i do was wrong. So be wrong, let them hate me, disappoint at me, forgetting about me, once and for all. But i hope what i did it's not gonna be a pollution to this business. I'm sacrificing myself to let other fathers understand what their sons want to do for their life, not the fathers want their sons to do for their life. If not, why in the first place giving him life to see this cruelty world? I really hope what i've sacrificed, it's gonna change a father's thoughts, not thinking of this wasting effort of mine as bullshit. Nobody's doing it, but i've started it, and hope no one after me will follow my steps but to understand my sacrifices... I'm not stupid, this sacrifice could really help a lot of people out there, to be strong and open mind to all what's cheating and not cheating. There's so much more i could say about good and bad but you must seek the truth to what's beneath. If you never breach the walls of curiousity, never in your life will know what's good for you, or what's bad. Try out and learn, with life of trial and error, you'll grow, and be success in future, never be like my dad, who claimed himself successful but never could provide me a chance to try out this business, and he's a failure... He's old, and everyone's respecting him. I can't put myself respecting him for what i knew his mind of old methods. I can't blame but i have to, because he never wanted to understand me.

"when your baby's born, he's crying, for every reasons he wanted to tell you what he needed, it's very hard for you to understand what he wants. Slowly, you'll find answers, by trying everything that could possibly make him at ease. And the time he grown to a small kid, and always wanted to play, ask you to buy toys for him. And you think buying toys is pampering him. And all he knows he likes the toys, and surely you need to understand why he wanted it, not by neglecting his interests. After he joined schooling, he wanted to learn music, art, computers, all sorts of hobbies. You think it's just a part of interests but useless to prove himself he could make it out larger than life, but if you understand why he wanted these, maybe he really likes it, no matter you don't like, he'll try his ways to make you give him. When he's out to society, he wanted to work as a profession job, and schooling fees is getting expensive and he wanted to be someone he could be claimed as successful. Mostly, you know whether it's good or bad, but not opening your mind to understand. Of course, you job could provide better life to raise him at his age now, but all he wanted to be someone, himself as a part to prove he could just to make you proud. And you would give him, and with trial and error, he does nothing but failure. And possibly he never wanted to tell you he failed, he tried lots and lots of ideas until you had enough to see him in pain. Your son will never feel pain, but learned lots of things that you've seen thoroughly in your previous life, just as a matter of fact, you knew, and you don't want your son to be like this. And he knew, he must to be like this, as his choice was made, and always he'll tell you, you won't understand cuz you think he can't, and mutual misunderstanding started here, you kept telling him you can't, you won't provide the chance he wanted to attemp. Then he started to hate you, why you never give him try. He knew you're protective to him but he's not yet proving himself to you he could do it. And you'll feel disappointed at him because he never listens to you anymore, because you wanted to control his life..."

And that's all i needed to say. I can't see what i can do to my future children, i wanted to give better life than my dad and all my dad wanted is peaceful. Never will be peaceful to be judge if you don't know what's coming in the future. A chance to make a better life, starts now, and never procrastinate your ideas from negatives. Try listen to those who REALLY achieved a better life, a REAL successful person, not as claimed as successful as my dad.

I believe everyone knows what 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'. My dad's Poor Dad, the successful Ricky could be my 'Rich Dad', but he's not old enough to be my dad, he can be my brother.

What's rich? What's poor?

A real defination lies here...

Rich Dad:

1. Rich enough to provide better life for himself and for his family.

2. Rich enough to have own free time to do the things he wanted, and dreamed of. Like more time with family, vacations, hobbies...

3. Rich enough to have less stress, healthier life. No worries on bills and debts, free from all of it.

4. Rich enough to help others to be like him. Automatically he'll be respected from the people he helped and gained most of the dignity he ever wanted in his life.

5. Rich enough to prove himself he could do whatever he had failed many times in his past life.

Poor Dad:

1. Poor enough to stress himself how much more he needed to provide for his family every month of his life...

2. Poor enough to stress himself at work more than his family, whenever he's busy he won't be at home when his family are waiting for him. When his wife asking about vacation, like what other families did, he can't simply take leave (to many responsiblities for him a must to be at work) and have money (every expenses already paid enough to survive without an extra) to take them for a happy vacation.

3. Poor enough to have sickness from stress at work, headaches, negative thoughts on all the boundaries. Bills from education fees of his children, insurance, food, utilities, house, cars, loans, and so much more, he could hardly breathe just to manage all these all by himself.

4. Poor enough to seek help from others, and eventually the more help he found, the more disrespects from others. Soon the more deeds he owed, the less help he found when he really desperated. When it's time his friends needed his help, he also can't provide and his friends are losing hope on him as always being a problem to himself, and to them...

5. Poor enough to prove to himself he could, and the more and more negatives he could get from his friends and his family, his mind will creates hatred, to all he ever encountered, not to himself, as he never found a chance to change his life, as he was always lead his life as he had to, from his dad, the great. Thanks to his dad, he's misleading his life in this new era of society...

That's all i needed to say. Fathers out there, you may hate me. Not always everyone does has the right thing to prove, if you concentrate enough these points and understand it, it'll sure helped you to be a better person in life.

Know and understand the difference, 'KNOWING' it, and 'UNDERSTANDING' it.

Thanks for reading, this is my last post of all. The time you're reading these, after a few days later i'm long gone. Please make sure you understand my words, don't make my sacrifices a waste. I'm doing it for the sons of the fathers who ever wanted to prove they can.

Thank you very much, Good Bye...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

In Progress to be part of the TEAM... Part 2 (Friday 17/2/06)

The day i need to speak up like a man with all hearts and determination upon my pursue... Whenever i decided to talk to my dad about matters that it's impossible to be accepted, naturally fears created in me. I might thought of the bad circumstances and therefore i'm intimidated doing it. Which i mean that i won't push myself to a limit until i know it can't be done.

Around evening, before dinner time, i went back home. My dad was still in anger, cuz he once said if i ever come home with my car, i'm not welcome home. He wished so much that i could bare off this burden in order to secure my life. It's part of the alchemist's theory, if something that you want badly for yourself, you must give out the equivalent of the thing. Like i need the car, i gave myself so much reason why i need the car, then the security part. Maybe the other way round should be the best option, but the moment i'm in desperate to own myself a car, not just the convenience, but doing things pretty much easier than without it. The most of all, i bought the car all by myself, and it's not easy for me just to let it go, think about how i save the money with suffer and stress from the job and got this convenient asset.

I sat down, my mom starts babbling about my past... Yeah, sure thing for them, my past really matters to them, not my future, that's what i think, whatever. And so i said to my dad about the reasons why i'm into this business. He kept on saying, "if you wanna work, just work, if you're telling me about this, forget it, get out and find your ways..." In my past, whenever i heard him say this, i always get heated, blasted all my hatred feelings at him, rushed out from the house. I do that so many times and before i realised it, i thought it's all other's fault. When i came in sense, it's all about me who started it, and this is what i get, neglection from my family. Whatever impressive things i do will always being rejected, cuz they never wanna concern what i want to achieve, it's all lies to them... Hey, i'm not saying all this in hatred, there's a continuation on this part, roughly let you know how i feel...

And i found my dad seriously thinking hard of giving me a chance, but he'll never reveal. He always will put up an arrogant face upon any matters i do, unlike an understanding father to let his son do with trial and error. Whatever he said is always right. In his days, the methods with courtesy he used could apply, but i've seen thoroughly this new generation is hard for me to survive with that method anymore, getting more people cheating each other because of money. Maybe my dad never reached highly enough on these scams before, so for what he knew, he heard from other people's words, not always by his experiences. How i know that? When i ask him some relevant questions, he hardly could answer it, always would say, "No matter how you think, you just had to listen to me, i won't leave you suffer like you did to yourself..." I've been into shitty situation, but i never thought of i lost something but gaining more that i became stronger than those never attempted... You know, when you've been stupid on doing something, at least another time you won't put yourself into that same thing again. I can't say i worked 10 years could provide me anything, just the matter of how i see things in my life, and most of the time i tried it out, even though it's seemed impossible, but some i worked out fine, and naturally it's a new discovery for me. My dad's being protective to me, just the way he performed never once i really needed, i just naturally want to experience it. So both of us occured mutual misunderstanding.

After all things i could say to him about the business i wanna do, my mom said she'll support me if i wanna do business like a taxi driver or Char Kueh Teow stall, few thousands won't be a problem... So what i think was, this business requires about the same amount, but i don't have to secure this business every month, one shot of a price with elevating income. However, it seriously takes time and much more effort than normal business, the mind. They laughed, and it's sort of a dreaming point to everyone. Yes, a point that's true, but somebody's trying to make their dreams come true, was it a crime or shameful thing to do? Who said making a dream come true doesn't require money? And also, the great income wasn't a joke, everyone who joined within 2 years, had proven themselves making at least RM5,000 to RM10,000 per month, better than working 10 years to achieve managerial level with RM4,000 to RM8,000 per month. Everything has proven possibilities now, just the matter how a person THINKS it's GOOD, or BAD... 2 days ago, i brought my dad to explore the office, the people and the friends i made. Today, he's clearly enough to think it's still a cheating business... What do i say, everything in this world cheating, a man with family and debts, why would he thought of cheating to gain more so he could provide what he had to? For example, a salesman, given a list of price for his products, and therefore he'll try to manage the mark ups and sell it to others, no matter how the clients think it's cheap or expensive, or cheating, that depends on his skills of communication. Everytime he did it, he saw the amount more than he needs, and he'll do more, till the end of the day he'll never stops, and a few times clients knew he cheated, they'll switch their suppliers, and he'll find more to cheat. I've been in sales so many times, every step i take was cheating, just to survive, as long i know i did it because it's for my own... And i became selfish... So why my dad still thinks it's cheating, cuz he's been in Amway. I'm in Amway before, and i know it's true, cheating, the main part is the marketing plan can be applied to some of the people, not us. You know what's the difference between real business and Amway...? Almost the same... Why those people who joined Amway and they failed? Because they don't have much money to secure their status, just the same as the real business, whoever stands, who has the most money will stay on, who has not enough will just have to quit for good. I'm always curious on things people said, like this Lampe Berger, what's the 'hidden' reasons they joined this business? It's because this business is not only the matter of making money, every job or business you do will make money, but in return what sort of point of views do you see in your particular business?

Let's say, doing real business is all about money. You got to have money to survive, and no matter what you meet in your business life, it's all about money and status, which makes a person automatically arrogant and proud to have the luxury life. When it comes to be a good friend who did the same business like yours, highly unlikely they'll give way to you, on such earning more than the other one. I've seen my boss, who has a good friend doing the same business, but till the end they never worked out to be better friends, got much worst. When they meet again, the more superficial character has revealed, i can see it thoroughly... It's so cruel to have such ending, even the next time you wanted to have a friend working as a partner with you in your business, the same old politics will occur. There are so many symptoms will happen and not many people realised it. Hey, speaking about this, i never wanted to experience it, cuz i seen the dreaded part, it's so ugly. I always looking for the best opportunity to fit my desires on doing a business that to have dreams we could achieve together, could spend time discussing matters on business like we never did, less stress, could learn more from other partners which could share everything they knew without a doubt, friends working together without politics, learning new skills and life experiences from others that you never thought and approached of, without a doubt also, and much much more, never you'll get a chance to learn in this world of selfish society. Same as you work in a new sales company, you don't have the experience of selling at all, you made friends in your company, they treated you well, talking about entertainment, relationships and hobbies. But when it comes to teaching you how to do sales, they'll teach you... Have you ever thought how much they've taught you? You almost give yourself a true answer, "they helped me much, at least..." If you got lucky to make a friend who taught you everything, and you've worked out so well until he's not over your league, he's faded, and when he came in senses, he shall said to himself, "yes, actually he would be thankful to me i taught him so well, but i'm not making as much as him, what's my problem?" Maybe it's his problem, and he never put this blame on you, usually. Of course it's been a while you made the opportunity to eat up all his guidance and you had more chances to dig more than his, even dig his clients using your skills, perhaps he never knew. When he found out you're stabbing his back, he knew that he shouldn't give much to you and kept more to himself. I never say i never did that, precisely i did, and i got my pay back, a bad deed. Before and now i never wanted to cheat, i tried to be honest, and therefore someone did the cheating on me, cuz they know they needed to do so in order to survive, i felt very bad and wanted to pay back, but once i started again, it never ends and it'll goes on, till one day i'll never realised i might failed later at my 40's, cuz i cheated others too much. Last time i met this old man, he's once my superior working in property, also some sort of MLM method. I never analysed how the thing works, cuz all they told me it could earn more money, and all was about money... And the money is tricky, it'll change a person's life entirely with greed, so they'll challenge each other, they thought it's fun, to encourage you to be more competative and determination. But what if one of them failed? He'll be saying, "I've been cheated...! Damn, i'm wasted..." I said that too, in the past. I've seen so many cheating, below and above, where i never could see it coming...

My dad listened to all the things i've stated above, and still he sticks with his decision, again he'll say, "i don't mind you do other decent jobs, if you ever want to talk again about this business, you better leave or else i'll spank you out..." All the words he spitted out hurts me entirely and wanna kill myself, like i'm hopeless already in 25... But it's my past thought, but now, after the friends i joined, taught me and encourage me to be brave on things you desperately wanted, never give up and try harder. I guess not all the jobs or friends would say so much than these friends. They gave me lots of options, cuz they've been through what i'm attempting now, and what they've told me was not only what they've thought of, they shared with their partners and they've given the best that i never ever could learn from, it's so special and relieving. I never felt hatred and anger, i knew i must be in a position whereby i need to put all heart so my dad would understand. I've prepared myself to know i've not given the best out of me, it'll take time and more effort to let my dad knows what i want out of my life, not just about earning big bucks.

Seriously think about it, what sort of innovations to make a person's life lived in more convenient and less worried? Talking about mobile phone, once it was released, it was expensive. Of course an investment to make sure things went well without hassle is more persistant than none. I remembered myself owning a mobile phone when i was 16. I had only some friends to call, and not much calling from them, the cost of incoming calls are much more expensive, and it's not acceptable to be convenient unless it's in essential matters. My dad used to say, it's all about glamour and wasting money. But after 10 years, my dad used mobile phone for few years, and i take his previous advice is an excuse. For now he used it, is because it's convenient, and whenever there's essential, he'll make use of it. Just like all the youngsters nowadays, easier to get communicated and things went much more convenient than 10 years ago, same like computers on accounts, using softwares to generate and managing company's business. The more and more innovation came, the more people would make use of it to live a better life. Also, these marketing plans are the same as these evolutions, don't you think so? I can't agree this business is the best, i'm trying to share what i think the best of it. 10 years ago, or more, someone created this marketing plan, and when it's a new thing, not much people accepting it as a reliable plan. It really depends on which type of people think it's the best for them, so some had joined the plan and worked their way up, and so later, they've proven the achievement, naturally when their friends knew about it, or relatives or family members, will automatically do the same and they go all the way and found themselves in prosperous life. And a few years later, some stupid fool making a scam, on such investment business that fully convinced lots of believers to join the plan, and the creator had made a fortune, forgetting his responsibility and screwed people's life. What comes next? Some may just had to live with it and hatred of the plan, telling others not to be cheated in these scams. When a true one finally created a better plan, boycotted the previous scams, he went suffered to achieve it until it took him 5-10, or 20 years, he finally made it, and still not much convincing others about this business is not about cheating... And the marketing plan evolves, making much more easier for everyone to try out and it seems too easy to believe and hard to do, and it gained more failures than achievers. However, the plan was proven to be good and when it was done alone, some may success, and most failed. It's naturally what was planned, selling products, the more you sell, you'll earn more, and just about concentrating the percentage part, how much you'll gain the most? Of course, you had to sell more than it's seemed harder than you do sales on house and health products which is not in the common market price. So to say, it's created to be sophisticated, significant other, and it's not for sale in common markets. And some marketing plans which requires you to maintain the points of selling, if you can't make the sales target, there goes the month and the another will be the fresh start, and constantly you'll buy it and secure it, just like a real business out there. And so as been said, cheating, brought from decades and implanted everyone that it's evil, using other people's money to make money for your own. Actually these worked out the same as the real business, only we never realised it. Like i said, when it comes to true business, if you wanna make money, before you do that, you've to survive few waves, that's been used few decades ago, and now things went different and everyone has no idea how their parents could survive in the past and made a fortune for them in the present, and they realised themselves whatever they dreamed of, after entering the world of working, they got no choice but to put away their dreams, and lived on, with all the stress they earned, and still they think their value are just justified from the society, not by themselves. It's all about trend, when it became dull, someone will turn its table. Sadly, when they wanna justify themselves, it's very hard to prove it. Once they work, they knew how bad is to work for someone, get cheated, scolded, stressed and other symptoms... Then they're ready to approach to do their own business, and they see worst than they work for someone, and they'll choose to be working, and be peaceful although it's not peaceful...

Funny thing how Steven Yeam, and others work out this plan. At first i went to the office and Ricky's the one shown me the plan. I thought it was the same like Amway, and seriously i got bored, but anyhow i entertained him. And then i asked myself, if it's good, would it be better than Amway? Would it be something i want out of my life? Why would the people gave themselves reasons to do this even they had already knew it's cheating? I've analysed few months, i learned the facts of the differences of others with this plan, and i see it clearly not only the simple fact of making money...

1. You see, doing something which with great returns never will be only a person could do. Example, a robbery. Can only a person do it? Yes, but exactly what i've said, great returns... In millions, could a person do that? At least i know, 3 person rob a bank? In the end they failed also, and surely for the next robbery case, will be much more people doing it, with plans and everything necessary. 3 robbers, a driver, a transporter, 2 analysist, 3 or more meeting spot, plan A and B... It makes a huge team to do the best out of it. I'm sure you've seen movies like "The Italian Job" and "Ocean's Eleven". It takes true believing on each other, big group to do so. When they plan, they shared their opinions, and used the best one to create a flawless plan, when it comes in real time, things will work out well definately... Think of this teamwork, it's even harder than doing in this networking business, takes more courage and beliefs, don't you think so? When there's a time, a friend of yours formed a group to rob a bank, and wants you to be part of the team, and what will you think? In return, you'll get few millions, for a million to a person doesn't need to work for his whole life. So this ticks your mind, wanna do it or not? "Hey, what if i get caught? What about if there's one who'll cheat us? Why can't we just do something useful and decent?" See, these sort of questions bugging you. And i could say, you won't be the only person who thinks all these matters, there would be someone who would just do it, without hesitate and considerating the consequences, to him, it's a chance of a lifetime. He gave himself reasonably enough to do so, as always, there's questions on failing, but he's positive enough to think, "What if i succeed?" That's the real question... So in this business, it's just the same, do the thing in team, helping each other, of course in decent way, sharing opinions together, work together to make it better, not cheating people, but helping the ones who needed this opportunity. I've said to Ricky once, "I think this is cheating people's money..." He replied, "How about i put this, i'll say this food is very tasty, you should spend your money trying this, you'll won't regret. Eventually you'll taste it, and what you've gained is the taste, and you'll bring friends and family to taste it. And the owner became your friend, hopefully that you'll bring more friends and relatives to taste his food. So, did you ever earn a penny from him? Or just a simple earning of the taste? How about i ask you to spend your savings in this business, that could make you live a better life in future, would you be excited to taste what i've tasted now? As per your dispute, would you rather be cheated to become successful in your life?" At first, i felt he's striking me back badly, i hardly could say a thing. It's true enough, we've been cheated for bad, and somehow we've been cheated for good, we never realised that either...

(it's funny that i could say all these, i knew this could be something that i've been brainwashed. Think of it, is that easy to brainwash a person? This is a common sense, a realisation which we never had, someday, sometime we'll be told as the fact of other side we never seen. It's been 3 months and i've learned so much from them, am i crazy or just getting mature in mind?)

2. Well, any kind of business would need a huge amount, and some may just be a little, it depends on the proposal, and the return. The bigger you put, the more you gain, in which to speak in alchemist theory. (not just only the money, but effort) I've said it clearly, why someone who did business could just bankrupt and closing down within years, or even months? It's because of the money, you need to secure your rent, expenses, salary and some shit. Fuck, the moment you've started it, you knew it's harder than few years later. That's a set in mind, after few years, you'll get you profits, running like a water flow to you. Then another few years, your products became so common and the same as the price, or maybe raised due to the market demands, people won't set their minds without buying your products, they would suffer... So to speak, next few shops of yours dealing the same business as yours. And you became despised, you hated them being there diverting your customers to their shop, with promotions and free gifts. You simply can't handle their ways, you did your own, and when it battles with prices, the products became worthless, and you've to sell the remains in cheaper price whichever it's out of the demand, less and less people would wanna buy those leftovers. It's a reality check, would you buy something that's old and outdated? Now you get what i mean, just as simple as that. Some business others made merely could survive waves on off peak seasons, they have different characteristic time, they hardly input than output on their products, same goes to suppliers, and manufacturers, and some may never meet their target because it's less demanded, so they'll be more leftovers produced and when on peak seasons came, all the old ones distributed to all the branches and sold to all demanding customers. And have you realised that most of the drinks and food you purchased from supermarkets during on peak seasons had already been almost to their due dates? I've learned this fact from my part time job as Pepsi Promoter (no dispute on this, but a general fact, with no disrespect), some never realised but some told me they knew, so i knew, or just partly realised, and so i believing it ever since. And these promotions in cheaper price really attracts customers, and so on and on, it went cheaper and cheaper, don't get me wrong, food and drinks always in demand of price, so it'll never goes only up but down also.

Talking about the last time i went joining Amway, i had to pay RM80 for membership, privileged to use the finest products from Amway. Actually the moment i joined, i never thought of buying anything at first. And of course, i attended the seminars and house meetings. You know, all i heard are more to money issue. When i always think of money, i think of problems. They kept saying about making millions and millions that it's so good to be true, and really kept me thinking about more problems. The people i met, mostly doctors, lawyers, bank officers in high ranks, they became Amway members within months or years, they bought all Amway products for home use, and also give away to their close ones. Everyone should know, it's not cheap to buy their products, and you gotta use it each of every month... Why said so? Because they said, it's essential for us cuz it's our business, it's our selling point, so why never bother using it to prove your prospects you used it and you'll know what kind of convincing part for your prospects. Yes, i would agree, my income has forbidded me to buy anything, which gives another problem that i can't further my chances. Believe me, i never quit at first. I still go for seminars, this and that... Spent seriously more than i purchase the products of Amway. And so, for few months of experiencing it, i found it cheating... You know why? What i see, the good point is, you don't have to work in specific time, you got all the free time you need. If you worked hard, you'll be in some status that you'll earn more from your downlines... You'll get free Mercedes Benz, house and something free which cost a fortune for average guy. You'll get the chance to stand on the stage to talk about your old stories how you managed to make it this level of success... However, the bad point is, i don't have the extra money to buy the products. And i was told to buy each of every month, and sell it too, i guess i never knew the true reasons at first, then i know, if i never do that, i'll have to be at the same level of fresh start in a new month. The more i use or sell, the more i gain. I felt it's like using the accumilated loyalty points from the petrol i filled for my car to exchange a free item. Get my point? No matter how much i bought, i could used the pv points to earn back the money, and use the money to buy the products again, like it's circulating within my premises... So how do i expand it? Of course, sell it... Everyone's selling it, so i got to be a salesman, knocking at people's door to ask if they needed a better products for their use. Think of it, i can't even do it now, cuz much cases like robbery, it's already a set in mind to those residents not to talk to strangers. Well, being an Amway salesman already worst than robbery, as the trend already dull and useless. Simple as what i'm told, use it for own use, or give to others if you bought much for each and every month... And so, my dad once told me he did Amway 20 years ago, so he would've been through what i've been through. It became much tougher to penetrate his mind that the marketing plan has evolved and it's trying it's best to convince the people they're not cheating, as what Steven Yeam is trying to pass on this message. At the end, i quitted, and my upline chased me on phone calls like mad, scolded me like a dog, lecture me of the things i shouldn't do like leaving this Amway thing... You know how pretty sure i felt. First, he's been brainwashed himself that dealing such business as was set in mind of one thing, money... As they've said how harmonious of the future with this business has truly revealed a person's greed. I'm a downline and i'm obligated to work hard for him, as i heard, "you must work hard or else you won't be successful!" Not, "hey come on, let's work it out harder together, we'll be successful soon..." The basic of lecture in a person's mind, whether it's soothing or with a great impact, could change a person's point of view to what they're dealing. For this moment, it's not even the business affected your mind, it's the person, your upline. If you worked in a company and your superior used harsh and stubborn lectures on you, how would you think? "fuck, you'll see one day, if you do that again, i'll crush you with my hands!" You'll fucking hate your superior, backstab him everyday with your colleagues and somehow he's terminated because of his act, and you all be happy and peacefully doing your job, until the next one becomes his substitute. That's what i think it's cheating in such marketing plan that really brainwashed a person to become just like my upline. He bought almost everything of Amway products, and he hardly could sell it, and precisely he knew he had to buy more products to secure his status, and therefore he lost most of his savings and getting out of luck securing. The next thing he approached, Insurance Agent. And believe me, he called me few times and wanted to talk to me, and i've doubt that he succeeded. Cuz in the most of the people who succeeded, why would they bother to call up the quitters to tell them they've made it? Of course in conclusion, they knew it wasn't the idea to prove it works, all the matters of a person's determination. Wrong, it should be the money, if you hadn't realising it. So when it comes to be this SYN's marketing plan, it's not as cheap and not expensive either, as low as RM2,000 to start with a package of Lampe Berger or Estabele products worth the same as you paid for the franchise privilege, once you paid, and that's all you have to. In sense of securing, you don't have to buy or sell the products by obligations. Surely, the products are meant for personal use, even could treat it as samples for describing the product usage. Selling it could be a waste, cuz it's really a good product (for Lampe Berger) to vaporize the air pollution like second-hand smoke, enhance the nature of air with the essence of aroma from the plants, different selected plants with it's unique effects on different symptoms of sickness we usually heard of, like sensitive nose, which in long term of usage could eventually slightened the symptoms to none, which at least it could help a person live healthier than with pollution in the air, everywhere. It's perfumed and highly exposing it's aroma within a wide range of an area with just only an hour of burning time and long lasting smell to ease a person's stress. Surely it works for many hospitals in foreign countries, which shortened patience's relieving period, enhanced a better antibody on most common sickness, and calmed people's mood. It's expensive, and it's not to say this business is about selling. I'm sure nobody's doing it. I firstly asked my friend Seng, "What? You're asking me to sell these products? Come on, nobody wants to buy these, it's too expensive and impossible... You think we're in better life? In this cruel and reality world?" then he replied, "Of course not, i'm not selling those either. That's why you're needed to be here, to understand how this business works for everyone..."

3. The purpose of the marketing plan is recruiting more partners that really in full heart to commit in this business, no doubt it's money making to each other, like a barter system, only this time involves people, so the one who recruits his partners should put full responsibilities on teamwork and help each other, sharing ideas and opinions to improve, and learn from each other, peacefully. I can't guarantee that everyone's being the same, i just hope it will, it all depends on that person's attitude. It's common sense, once it's not done proper by one, which is not been advised, surely the whole team ruined. A robber fucks up his team's plan, the whole thing fucked up as well, get it? And it explains why Amway succeeded people could stay on? They can't be fucked up their lines cuz they have the money to secure it. So teamwork could bring the whole teammates success, without selfishness for yourself and greed of making money only, a lot of things could make a true human being out of yourself, naturally you'll never know, "Did i do the right thing?"

4. Everyone thinks seminars crap. Hey, you know what's the meaning of seminar? We in this SYN, we called it 'Business Preview'. It's surely a business, we preview to all the newbies which never heard or really understand the true fact of an MLM business. Some may heard it's cheating. Those who thinks it's cheating, they may approached the wrong information, and it's no harm to know a new generation of networking plan generated few millionaires in years ago. You see, you knew it's harmful, but understanding a new one it's not harmful. Get the right words, 'knowing', and 'understanding'. For example, i knew King Kong is a good movie, and i told my friend how good it was. Yet he's doubting how good it was, and somehow he knew lots of film makers attempted to produce better one but happens to be flob. He hesitate to watch it, and all the while i've been talking about this movie to my other friends, together with him, once some drinks at mamak stall. And so, my other friends would tell him it was good, and he's trying to believe it. He's still hesitate, cuz he doesn't wanna waste his money at the cinema. And then, once, he wanted to watch it, and it was closed for preview. He went sad, cuz he likes to experience movies at cinema. Thus, he bought the DVD and went home to watch. Likely, it's so good for him to know it's splendid, and it's about the end of this topic from his friends, and he can't share it with full excitement, but least he could say, "i should've know it earlier, then i wasn't left out then..." That's 'understanding' it, without much precise experiencing, but only knowing it, a little by little, you'll have more questions to yourself and never be answered by yourself too. It's exactly what i'm trying to let other feel, the moment Seng just telling me, and the moment i saw the whole thing with my own eyes... It's totally different. Please, there's no obligation for you to follow what i seen, just let you make sure you're not confused that everything's wrong, there must be the right one for you to explore and understand. And the best part, they've training classes. Once i'm in Amway, all they have, every Tuesday, Business Preview, every week was told from a script, over and over again, just like brainwashing. On every Thursday, house meeting. A leader, who's taking care of more than 40 people in his house with his own wisdom, provided some of the opinions which may not always apply to everyone. (this is all i know, perhaps they've upgraded their strategies now, and so i'm speaking about what i've learn in the past, so no disrespect upon this point.) In DCHL, they've specified some training rooms with different languages, with some of selected leaders to guide us what we should do when we're in this business, how and what. More and more solutions revealed if we attend these classes. They don't really speak from the scripts, naturally they knew what they've gone through, with trial and error. A little by little the information will pass on to us and from the criterias of the business, we knew more reasons why we should believe and understand this business that it requires us to be in a teamwork, and not just making money that simple. So far, i don't think it's crap cuz this is what we should learn, cuz we've been too proud to know we're always at the right track of living, listening to those who knows but not understand. Not to say we needed life therapy, we need to understand where are we heading, what kind of achievement we want. Seriously it helps a lot of those people who lost their ways of life. Don't laugh, some might being dull in life, after an understanding, they'll make sure what sort of life they're choosing, that's realisation before it's too late to know.

5. I could say the income in the future is tremendous. People i met from Lampe Berger really give a proof, they earned that much, even if young teenagers or in his 30's, driving BMWs. It's more than a hundred of BMWs parked at the Restaurant Royal China on 9th February. More than a thousand of SYN members attended and fully crowded the whole restaurant. It's grand, huge like i never seen before. It was paid RM160 per head and i was invited and paid for... And not all guests were invited, "who's gonna pay that kind of amount per head?" Their faces never shown remorses, all were freed from burdens, freed from their most unwanted problems, they've overcome the whole damn thing, and i want to be that kind of situation... Free from debts, from anything i owed... That's what i wanted the most, and this business really an opportunity for me. I don't want to put free time, sort of don't have to work ideas. The best part, working with friends, making money together, happy and have fun together, pursue our dreams together, no problems to worry together... You can't say this is an obsession, it's a desperation. Everyone needs it, why not you?

6. Well, as you've earned bunch of money, it's time for returning deeds. Yes, thinking of helping your partners doing business together, never forget that you've friends who wanted this opportunity. Or just they never appreciated this opportunity, but in future they needed help in financial issues. Let them know, once they've helped you, you gotta help them with all hearts, with this, it creates more harmony. I dreamed that i would help someone in need, with my achievements, i won't procrastinate like i'm in the past, helpless and couldn't help others too. Maybe you think i'm just talking crap only, some friends might knew how i treated a friend, better than a girlfriend of mine... (no dispute, girls are always choices, but once a good friend that's already 10 years of relationship, you can't simply say it's a choice, it's a fate...) and your family too, who were always the first one to ban you doing things you wanted out of your life and they're also your first priority to put in your mind, without them, you're not even a dime in this society. So pay back is essential, no hard feelings in the past of what they've prejudiced your doings. You've made it, not in a proud way but a little low down to thank your family, without their cold water splashes on you in the past, you won't be doing this and succeed with all hearts and determination.

And so these are the things i've told my dad, and guess what? He had come in senses, and not into the conclusion yet, i knew he pulled back a little, still stubborn to let me assure him i can make this work. It's always an effort for me to stand a chance, as early as possible, i could let him see my achievement before he's gone. He's 70+ now, i've got no time, and so even it's stupid for me to work out this business, i'll be stupid and regretting for letting this chance gone and lived the same old shit for the rest of my life...

Conclusion on Part 3...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

In Progress to be part of the TEAM... Part 1 (16/2/06)

Seng called me the whole afternoon, and i was still sleeping. About 3 times he called and i answered the 4th one. He's at the our station waiting for me. I refreshen up myself and went to see him.

After last night i brought my dad to the office, Seng wanted to know what's the result. Believe me, after that, my dad needs to recover from his anger, i think 1 day is enough for me to be patience. Sum, was still in vain, earlier this morning he went out with Seng to do some document stuff, each one photocopy of Bank Book statement and IC front and back... I partly heard what happened, Sum's elder brother was the one who could convince his dad to give him the money to start out this business. Seng called Sum's brother and found out he was a member of Lampe Berger. Seng was suprised and can't further the details which he wanted to convince him. He's a member and never he would take the venture to work out some extra income. And doubtly, how could he flunk his money for the business without doing anything, but also in return he still has all the products to use. Usually after anyone who realised the network is really making a person to earn more money they ever wish, no matter how also they'll work it out.

Talking about Sum, he's sort of a person who stutter, he tries to talk about something to assure others to feel interesting. Hmm, although he's not that good but he's trying his best. He knew this business could do better for his tomorrow, and the way he tried to explain his point of view, mostly are just for his personal limitation. Yes, it's not easy to do it, just the same as you do sales or other relevant jobs which you had to convince your customers to buy or use your products. He's quite low self-esteem at he's ability, "somehow i'll take it slow..." Anyone would take it slow, only which situation you gonna apply it. He's very much concerning his stories more than we tried to tell him it's common. Whatever it is, this business provided trainings every weekdays, by the higher rankings with experience. Besides, he's a good friend, just tell you a little of himself...

Seng's was known as "Yamcha King", everyday you could see him at our station nearby mamak with different people having drinks all the while. Few years ago, i already seen him doing so. And the yamcha thing is very contagious, leads everyone he knew would join him, talk about online games... But now it's all about doing this business, a little he did talk about online games cuz he's the main guider to all the friends he knew. He could finished Final Fantasy's game in 72 hours personal record, professional in RPG and Strategy games like Warcraft. Last time i thought he talk crap, i seen him played with 8 players and his character died twice while others' characters died more than 10 times in an hour's challenge. Due to online game, so far he's the highest, but he had to slow down due to his business. I was guided by him playing Silkroad (hey, sometimes i pay package took me few hours to finish the credits, i pay because it's cheaper rate, just to check mails and downloads to my phone using my new BlueTooth, and so the rest left i'll play online game...) and my character is in stable with skills, without using my improper instinct to upgrade my character's level. Once you did the wrong one, you've to start over again, and it's waste of time and effort, also money... Anyhow, it's just a game, but for online games, seriously it's wasting... So don't under estimate the revolutionized games... My record of yamcha only 6 hours, with cy. Seng could go up to 18 hours... I don't know what yamcha is all about, drink and talk, non stop for 18 hours? That could make a person crazy... And he never got crazy either, just a chore to him already. Lots of things he did were overwhelmed.

Later on, we went back to our station and watch our friends playing Silkroad and Jin Yung... I did surf a little, posting and uploading my phone's photos into Multiply. Then i saw them left to elsewhere. After i've logged out, they were at the mamak again... Fuck man, how many times we've to yamcha? And again Seng's trying to deal with Sum's problem. I was bored to death, don't know why, usually i'm interested to listen to them... Maybe Sum's stutters got me *yawn*... Wai finished his work, joined us together yamcha. Soon, Wai went home and all of us decided to go Pandan Perdana look for Shui yamcha... again... Blasted...

I wished i could decide not to go, but how about Seng? Mainly Sum's matters hadn't resolved, so need more supporters to give alternatives for Sum. We reached the and Shui's not even there yet. While waiting him, we watched others playing Silkroad... Seng's busy discussing Silkroad's strategies with his friends, Sum left to another cybercafe to look for his friends, i'm left alone, cold inside. I went outside, smoke, played with cats, thinking of how my dad's consideration. Usually i always give myself the worst expectation, but this time i'm in positive mind. I think my dad's not stupid, just he doesn't want me to get his offer that easy, he wanted me to put more effort... It's almost the 3rd month coming, and i've got no results from it, still striving to prove that i'm for real...

What i'm going through now, it's the same as the others who already joined SYN. It sounds crazy and stupid, but when you've the determination, anything will go to the brighter side. No doubt it's gonna be tough, maybe losing your dignity a little by doing so. After all you did, when it comes to you, the better future, when you look back, somehow it's funny and worth it. You wanted something so badly you able to do crazy and stupid things to achieve it.

Soon we can't bare waiting Shui arrive, we went yamcha again... In a Chinese restaurant, had some meals, fucking hungry while waiting and waiting... Chew came over too, and he spoke to me a lot. He told me about a person's proudness (we malaysian always call face like "give him face la" or "he's losing face") can't be put in a value. With that value, in certain circumstances can be fatal. My ex boss used to be that proud and the more he does, i lost my job, he bankrupt his business... What he means was wheneve people said that you can't do this and do that, and usually people who are sensitive will surely agreed themselves they can't, and probably won't do it cuz the proudness... Once we set our mind to do it, even though others throwing it to you, you just had to do it, regardless your proudness. That's how the succeeders gets the respects. They won't stay down, they go forward, marching with blank mind, think of nothing, only action. I knew about it earlier but the way he put it, the more i could understand the fact. Chew's ability to tell out some morality was good, i'm glad to have a friend like him, talk nice with courtesy and modest...

After the meal, we went to mamak yamcha again... Fuck, how many times already, could you count for me?

Lucas, another succeeder, came and joined us, together with his young partner. After Sum, it's all about the teenager... He's 18 and working in a restaurant at Kepong as chef's assistant. His only problem was he wanted to gather more money to go higher level, so he came to have more guidance from us... Not me, i'm not in that situation to go higher, only joining part... Ricky came with his wife, and he asked me what's my result. I said i'll know about it tomorrow. Then i asked if he called my dad. He said when he called, my dad's still taking his afternoon nap... They did talk and my dad replied he wanted to take a few days of consideration. I don't think i'm hesitating anymore, tomorrow no matter how, agreed or not agreed, i'll go and talk to him, any tactics i'll use, good or bad, talk until he spank me or scold me in front of all the uncles or aunts, to make sure this time i'm not wasting my effort... Forget about my 'face', it never thick or thin, just no feelings at all... Ha...

Then Ricky asked how i managed to make my dad be there. Once i told him i wanted to bring him there. When i called him, he's angry, of course i've to lie to him so he won't reject my invite even though he never say never wanna go in the first place. Actually at that time, i was terrified, and hope it went well, pressured in me all the time. When i think back, it's very funny, everyone laughed about it. Ricky said there's another case, his partner's friend who used a tactic like this...

He told his dad he wanted to borrow money to do this business, and surely every father won't simply give the money to his son. So what he do, he knew what time his dad wakes up in the morning. And so he set his alarm clock half an hour before his dad, and sat in the living room. While his dad was ready to go out, surely he'll find his son sitting at the living room. So his dad will ask why he was there, and he said he couldn't sleep cuz kept thinking of doing it. Of course this is not one time jackpot, he did severally, and even when dinner's time, he hold his chopsticks halfway to the dishes, and pause a little by little. Surely his dad will ask him what's wrong. And so he'll say he has no appetite, then he put down his chopsticks, and went back to his room. Of course he never been no appetite, later at night he sneak out from the house to the nearest food stalls to eat. And thereafter his self-torturing period, he finally tells his mom, "why you bother born me as to suffer in this world..." usually mother will feel very sympathy and sad about her son, so his mom will make her move, to convince his dad to let him have the money, and so his dad provides...

We all laughed, it's bad, but good tactic, won't get spanked and scolded... Well doing, better than me. After few discussions, it's already getting late and everyone left to their cribs. I don't know why today i'm sort of moody, must be bored and yamcha too much already... Damn, somehow in future i'll break my own record... Yamcha all the way!

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.