Friday, February 24, 2006

In Progress to be part of the TEAM... Part 3 (Wednesday 23/2/06)

It's been few days later after i talk to my dad. I'm still thinking about his rejection.

I didn't slept for the whole night, companied Seng at our station. I'm stucked up of how to find a way to convince my dad. I'm like nowhere to go, only Seng is the closest to me to regain my mind's strength. Early in the morning, i had calls from EON Bank's retriever, he messaged me and said he'll have to tow my car away... That's it, i know i'm already hopeless now. My dad doesn't want to help but encouraged me to be in the end. Surely he knows it's the best for me... He thinks... And it's about my part of life, he thinks... He wants to be controlling me... He knew he's right... I'm wrong... I can never prove i'm right... Anymore...

First of all, i hated the society cheated me. Previously i worked for Pepsi. I can't say i'm stupid enough not asking when's my payment will received. Now i've finished my job, and the other way round they would hesitate, procrastinate their promises. I hated it so much that i'm nowhere to go, nothing i could do about it. I don't have money, car and a job. Am i hopeless now? Yes, a total one. Maybe some might be the worst one than me, but i always think i'm the worst one, doubt the rest.

I'm here at the station, all the way watching Seng playing Silkroad Online game leveling his character. He's not worried to have no work or prospects. He had 3 prospects for this month, waiting for them to be part of his team. I've none, of course, cuz i haven't joined his team, and because i believe i can do it, no one believes it. Until the day i REALLY could prove it, it was late, everyone's far from me, just like i started playing online games, and everyone's far from me because i started late. It gives me so much relevant scenarios which could apply my theory of doing this business and yet my dad could think i can't and useless, and also they could do because their rich, and whenever i said it wasn't, he'll ask me to follow them, not him. I don't why he's thinking like that. I'm not sure if my sisters are happy about their life now. I'm sure they knew, but just don't know how to change it. If they've given a chance to be better, they just say they're better for the moment, not in better for a better chance. They don't believe this and that, cuz my dad implanted them his mind all the years. They can do much they wanted but it's too late, cuz they're in late 30's. And i'm sure what they've achieved can apply to my life. And i clearly know why i never wanted to be like them. I know what i want out of life, be better than them. Now's the chance, and i'm been cast away from my family because of this so called cheating business...

Other than this, other business which requires you to cheat more in order to survive, it's no cheating, perhaps it's learning... Bullshit, i can't say i knew everything, but i've gone through the method, and same goes to cy. We've been in sales before and he knew he had to cheat, be someone he doesn't want to be. He knew all these things and he never wanna get involve again. I knew too, but in this business is not about cheating. You think cheating won't get bad deeds in return? I've had a lot from my past, and i'm being cheated by lots of companies, and i'm terrified to be cheated anymore... Most of all, my dad don't understand and wanted me to get involve in these cheating society again...

I'm so sad, felt ugly at my situation now. Supposed last night i should meet my girl, after meeting Seng, i went home. I thought a lot of why's, like my dad's case, causes between my heart and lungs squeezed tightly. It's not the first time i had this symptoms, since i worked in Meikah, i had sort of the same symptoms. When i'm in stress, i'll have these symptoms, sometimes pain in heart, then lungs. I wonder if my dad has heart attack, did my grandfather died because of the heart attack too? And if so, it could be same to me, a chained sickness. Sometimes i'm in pain, i couldn't work for a day. And then it creates misunderstood between my dad and my superior because i never tell them why i absent to work. Seriously, i never told anything about this to my family, my friends and even my girl, cuz i understand why they don't believe me that i felt pain like this. I'm young, and therefore it's hard for them to see. When i'm in pain, i'll kept it to myself. Talking about seeing a doctor... I don't want to know what's going on with me. What if i did? Do my dad really gonna help me? What he'll say to me if i'm in pain like this? "Useless son, always gives me problems..." clearly enough to my actions, i never wanted to disappoint my dad, and no one, in this world, could understand... They only knew i just wanted to have fun, and forgetting i ever had a family in mind... And i know i'm running out of time, i'm sick, and so my dad. Before my time runs out, that's it. One chance in the lifetime has ruined... And i'm in the ruin now...

You know what, i finally understand no matter what i did, i never get applauses from everyone. Why i need so much effort to do what's the best for me and in the end everybody thinks i'm bullshitting? Fair enough, i don't have to come up any ideas to persuade or more to do the best for me, no more. I'm fucking wasting my time and effort, everything i do was wrong. So be wrong, let them hate me, disappoint at me, forgetting about me, once and for all. But i hope what i did it's not gonna be a pollution to this business. I'm sacrificing myself to let other fathers understand what their sons want to do for their life, not the fathers want their sons to do for their life. If not, why in the first place giving him life to see this cruelty world? I really hope what i've sacrificed, it's gonna change a father's thoughts, not thinking of this wasting effort of mine as bullshit. Nobody's doing it, but i've started it, and hope no one after me will follow my steps but to understand my sacrifices... I'm not stupid, this sacrifice could really help a lot of people out there, to be strong and open mind to all what's cheating and not cheating. There's so much more i could say about good and bad but you must seek the truth to what's beneath. If you never breach the walls of curiousity, never in your life will know what's good for you, or what's bad. Try out and learn, with life of trial and error, you'll grow, and be success in future, never be like my dad, who claimed himself successful but never could provide me a chance to try out this business, and he's a failure... He's old, and everyone's respecting him. I can't put myself respecting him for what i knew his mind of old methods. I can't blame but i have to, because he never wanted to understand me.

"when your baby's born, he's crying, for every reasons he wanted to tell you what he needed, it's very hard for you to understand what he wants. Slowly, you'll find answers, by trying everything that could possibly make him at ease. And the time he grown to a small kid, and always wanted to play, ask you to buy toys for him. And you think buying toys is pampering him. And all he knows he likes the toys, and surely you need to understand why he wanted it, not by neglecting his interests. After he joined schooling, he wanted to learn music, art, computers, all sorts of hobbies. You think it's just a part of interests but useless to prove himself he could make it out larger than life, but if you understand why he wanted these, maybe he really likes it, no matter you don't like, he'll try his ways to make you give him. When he's out to society, he wanted to work as a profession job, and schooling fees is getting expensive and he wanted to be someone he could be claimed as successful. Mostly, you know whether it's good or bad, but not opening your mind to understand. Of course, you job could provide better life to raise him at his age now, but all he wanted to be someone, himself as a part to prove he could just to make you proud. And you would give him, and with trial and error, he does nothing but failure. And possibly he never wanted to tell you he failed, he tried lots and lots of ideas until you had enough to see him in pain. Your son will never feel pain, but learned lots of things that you've seen thoroughly in your previous life, just as a matter of fact, you knew, and you don't want your son to be like this. And he knew, he must to be like this, as his choice was made, and always he'll tell you, you won't understand cuz you think he can't, and mutual misunderstanding started here, you kept telling him you can't, you won't provide the chance he wanted to attemp. Then he started to hate you, why you never give him try. He knew you're protective to him but he's not yet proving himself to you he could do it. And you'll feel disappointed at him because he never listens to you anymore, because you wanted to control his life..."

And that's all i needed to say. I can't see what i can do to my future children, i wanted to give better life than my dad and all my dad wanted is peaceful. Never will be peaceful to be judge if you don't know what's coming in the future. A chance to make a better life, starts now, and never procrastinate your ideas from negatives. Try listen to those who REALLY achieved a better life, a REAL successful person, not as claimed as successful as my dad.

I believe everyone knows what 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'. My dad's Poor Dad, the successful Ricky could be my 'Rich Dad', but he's not old enough to be my dad, he can be my brother.

What's rich? What's poor?

A real defination lies here...

Rich Dad:

1. Rich enough to provide better life for himself and for his family.

2. Rich enough to have own free time to do the things he wanted, and dreamed of. Like more time with family, vacations, hobbies...

3. Rich enough to have less stress, healthier life. No worries on bills and debts, free from all of it.

4. Rich enough to help others to be like him. Automatically he'll be respected from the people he helped and gained most of the dignity he ever wanted in his life.

5. Rich enough to prove himself he could do whatever he had failed many times in his past life.

Poor Dad:

1. Poor enough to stress himself how much more he needed to provide for his family every month of his life...

2. Poor enough to stress himself at work more than his family, whenever he's busy he won't be at home when his family are waiting for him. When his wife asking about vacation, like what other families did, he can't simply take leave (to many responsiblities for him a must to be at work) and have money (every expenses already paid enough to survive without an extra) to take them for a happy vacation.

3. Poor enough to have sickness from stress at work, headaches, negative thoughts on all the boundaries. Bills from education fees of his children, insurance, food, utilities, house, cars, loans, and so much more, he could hardly breathe just to manage all these all by himself.

4. Poor enough to seek help from others, and eventually the more help he found, the more disrespects from others. Soon the more deeds he owed, the less help he found when he really desperated. When it's time his friends needed his help, he also can't provide and his friends are losing hope on him as always being a problem to himself, and to them...

5. Poor enough to prove to himself he could, and the more and more negatives he could get from his friends and his family, his mind will creates hatred, to all he ever encountered, not to himself, as he never found a chance to change his life, as he was always lead his life as he had to, from his dad, the great. Thanks to his dad, he's misleading his life in this new era of society...

That's all i needed to say. Fathers out there, you may hate me. Not always everyone does has the right thing to prove, if you concentrate enough these points and understand it, it'll sure helped you to be a better person in life.

Know and understand the difference, 'KNOWING' it, and 'UNDERSTANDING' it.

Thanks for reading, this is my last post of all. The time you're reading these, after a few days later i'm long gone. Please make sure you understand my words, don't make my sacrifices a waste. I'm doing it for the sons of the fathers who ever wanted to prove they can.

Thank you very much, Good Bye...


Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

hey man, dun think too much, please quit SYN b4 u get regreted in the future... can u read mandaring?please check out this chinese forum which talk about SYN

Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:51:00 AM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

yes, i know how to read chinese. and as for your information, knowing it and understanding it.. so you've your point of view, i've mine. thanks for the warning but a will of changing is always a decision for us to make.

Monday, February 27, 2006 3:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

Hey fren!

DCHL/SYN ppl just want ur money only.I also been to the HLA building b4 which my fren invite me n intro this business to me but I nvr join,they just 1 2 brainwash u.I suggest u better dun join otherwise u will regret like hell.

Friday, April 14, 2006 7:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

well, u quoted Rich Dad, Poor Dad... not only LB use that, u know... most MLM businesses use that as well.

allow me to recommend u this book, Tuesdays with Morrie. Hope u will enjoy it.

Friday, April 14, 2006 7:58:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

to b3rnard7,

yes i know you regret... cuz you're not fully understand how is the thing works... you just probably know it's a lie or fake cuz it's already set in your mind. it works like if your friend told you a movie was so good that you haven't watch it, you'll doubt it's good or not... but you went and watch it, you'll find it's not really that good. and from this fact, you only be as your own opinion, never accept what people have to tell you. one single cube object was not created for you to see one side, it's either you turn it around and look another sides, and fully understand how it works... and therefore, if it's really cheating people's money, how come there's so many people joined? adn i'm sure 3,000+ of them are not stupid, and not as clever as you, but they know what they wanted in their life. and you have your destined life to be as negative as you wanted to, we have no objection to it. we only showing this opportunity as a new generation of business, that has already begun worldwide and you never possibly knowing it or truely understanding it. sorry to say that but it depends on you how you look a something which is a lie, or true...

Saturday, April 15, 2006 3:16:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

to andrew,

thanks for the recommendation... the only reason of me using so much of rich dad and poor dad becuase this is the only book made a realisation to me and the only book i read.

do let me know more relevant books you've read and good to be recommended...


Saturday, April 15, 2006 3:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

Dude, i've read your blog. Well, those things that you write are true, but that doesn't make LB the only choice.

1.Think of it la, Lamps? Who wants these overpriced lamps? Juz think of the products first.....then anaylse who will buy them if there is no marketing plan.

2.Second, the entry price. If you feel persuading your dad is hard enough, how much harder it is to persuade others to join the rm2345? Addition, what if the products in (1) is not good? Or the potential is very little?

3.Think also about the additional costs you need. You need a BMW to convince ppl that you are earning, else, if they see you poor, why would they join you? Next, you need to waste so much time like you mentioned.

4.Simply put, think of the market and the company's products. If you feel people your age will buy those Lamps to use daily, and it's really a necessity, by all means do it. If not, juz recruiting ppl bcoz of the marketing plan just isn't right.

Lastly....let me tell you one TRUTH. Your family is more important than rm100million. No matter what your frens or that S.Yeam tell you....remember, YOUR own Father's advice is DEFINITELY 100% FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Your frens may lie, but trust me, Your family are the ones that you can really trust. matter how bad you think your father is, he's still your father.

PS- If you really wanna earn money, i also got a company i'm doing. It's called GML. It's just four months old. And the services, well, it's very good for me and i'm using it. Somemore wanna enter also very cheap need few K. haha....SMS me 0126630088 if interested.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:15:00 AM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

From: Clem
to me - Apr 19
(in reply on Apr 25)

Dude, i've read your blog. Well, those things that you write are true, but that doesn't make LB the only choice.

[A: Yes, it's true that Lampe Besidp is not the only choice for me, but seeing a true good opportunity opened right in front of me, the decision has to be made and hesitation is a waste of time. Too much consideration will only bring nothing unless you do it. No harm to try, but it'll harm when it haunt your curiosity out of nowhere in future... till you won't be able to wipe off this misery.]

1.Think of it la, Lamps? Who wants these overpriced lamps? Juz think of the products first.....then anaylse who will buy them if there is no marketing plan.

A: Lampe Berger, originated from Paris which carried over 150 years of history, till now in Malaysia, the company was nominated with ISO9002. Every lamps were handmade by prestigious artists, and each of the designs were only released in limited amount. When every designs launched to the market, it became more valueable, just like paintings. If you look carefully at the lamps, you'll be sure how distinguished it was produced. And each of the designs were made in good materials that can hold the high heat burning pressure, and precisely, it could last a long time. Of course there are people who doubt it'll blow up after long term high heating. So to say, imagine if it really happened to be blown up itself, not by human affection, you wouldn't believe how much you could claim the insurance from Lampe Berger, you'll be fucking rich than you're now. Some designs became antiques and were displayed in any authorised Lampe Berger outlet with highly auctioned price. Simple to say, again, it's just like paintings, like art. What if Leonardo Da Vinci handmade a lamp for Lampe Berger which cost millions? How you will gonna say it's overpriced? Versace, Dolce and Gabbana... These branded stuffs are so expensive and maybe you or me can't afford those. Think of it, for many years these outlets maintained their business, mostly we all saw the outlets hardly to have walk-in customers, but you don't even know how much their profit margin annually... Maybe you don't appreciate art, so these lamps are worthless for you to value. Also, i could tell that you don't understand how this marketing plan works. SYN marketing plan doesn't involve the members to go and sell these lamps to customers... Interesting ain't? Seriously, making you understand how it works from here won't help either because... It's a company's policy, you wanted to know, you ought to explore it by paying a visit at D.C.H.L next to Orange. Words can't describe much of it's importancy.

2.Second, the entry price. If you feel persuading your dad is hard enough, how much harder it is to persuade others to join the rm2345? Addition, what if the products in (1) is not good? Or the potential is very little?

A: Have you ever tried to pursue someone by telling them doing a business only cost a few hundred? Or less than a hundred? Maybe few years back someone might believe it cuz it's probably a new thing and it's convincing... And yet from the cheating schemes, everyone were paranoid and continue facing to their reality without pursueing their dreams, even thought it can become true. And most of all, can you define what's a business? A small food stall like mine already cost me more than RM3,000, and which kind of business that really costs less than a thousand and from that small amount, it'll make you fucking wealthy or so? In this reality, nothing that you've offered a little that can lead you a big return. Also, business is investment, the little you invest, the little amount you get. A simple theory. Of course, the RM2345 of a business might cost a lot for someone who can't afford... Everyone's buying a car, house, insurance, and renovate their houses. What's RM2345 for them? Talking about business, you earn money from it time to time, an investment of a potential business will bring more income in future, if you know how it works. Also, RM2345 comes with products of Lampe Berger and Estabelle. When you do a business, you need products to do samples, right? Joining as a member in a company without products in hand is not good enough, and probably people think you're the cheating one. Again, joining a membership, and then you need to buy their products, and definately a necessity, and how much it's gonna cost you later on? Could it be RM2345 after discounted? About my dad, he's much more conservative and was being cheated from the scheme before. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or maybe just the sake of advising me. Common sense, when you're trying to do something, your family are the ones who banned you the most, but if you're in trouble, your family are the ones who helped you most... My family are typical Chinese, so in their minds, they played safe. I'm just less ordinary, i endangered my future to see if this could bring back my dreams. Yes, convincing my dad is lot more difficult and seemed impossible to convince others. How about, you only could convince your dad and never can convince others? Have you thought of that? If i kept thinking i can't convince my dad or others, i won't be here sharing these positives to you, and probably i'm dumb. There's no difficult or easy, it's only matter of solutions...

3.Think also about the additional costs you need. You need a BMW to convince ppl that you are earning, else, if they see you poor, why would they join you? Next, you need to waste so much time like you mentioned.

A: Erm, did i say i need a BMW to convince people? I don't mind if i own BMW and using it to convince people, but it's just not the way it seems... Nobody starts in business drives BMW unless their parents bought for them, it's silly to say such materialistic theory. Have you been involved with a rich Tan Seri who wants a partner like you, with average lifestyle, working in his company and giving you half of his shares? Or any other rich people? Sorry to say, i don't think your friends who works in his dad's company could hire you work with him as partners but paying you wages instead of shares... Wake up, man. If a fortune business works, why would that fella bother to ask you join him while he has all the fortune, correct or not? Even you would do the same. *Sigh* And of course, how partners starts in a business? Both might be average but big thinkers, started from scratch, over boundaries of life, after all, they became rich and famous, just like the creators of Amway... Waste of time doing something meaningful for the future is reasonable, nothing comes a quick package. I'm looking for someone that can be potential enough to work as partners, not customers. Simply found one that's not potential, in the end it's a real waste of time, don't you agree? Doing this business requires not only the matter of persistent, but reasons for yourself. Doing a thing must have at least a reason, if not why doing so?

4.Simply put, think of the market and the company's products. If you feel people your age will buy those Lamps to use daily, and it's really a necessity, by all means do it. If not, juz recruiting ppl bcoz of the marketing plan just isn't right.

A: You won't believe, i've the same thought like you at first when i stepped in the gallery and grew big eyes on the prices... But, think of it. If it can't sell, why it's growing bigger and much more expensive than expected? Besides, we're not highly encouraged to buy it as a necessity monthly. If i earn lots of money, of course i'll buy more and treat it as gifts to friends and families. Same to you, you can't encourage yourself to buy every single GML product monthly? Why suffer if you can't managed? Common sense la... As i've stated above, you just partly knew how the marketing plan works, but hardly understand it.

Lastly....let me tell you one TRUTH. Your family is more important than rm100million. No matter what your frens or that S.Yeam tell you....remember, YOUR own Father's advice is DEFINITELY 100% FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Your frens may lie, but trust me, Your family are the ones that you can really trust. matter how bad you think your father is, he's still your father.

A: Clem, it's a small thought of a reality from you. Yes, family is important. You're looking at it now, not future. What you want to pursue? What you can provide? What can put you at ease? Gee, 100million is over exaggerated, but i'm not really expecting that amount, if given so ok la. The main point is not there. What our parents gone through, they've good advices but not all necessary suitable to use in this millenium. Can you just hardworking enough to hard earn a few k's? Being honest? Good hearted? You could, and things maybe became worst before you knew. Things work out in trends, they'll come and go, only matters if you could grasp the very moment to fortune, you're lucky. Handphone shops, cybercafes, China products, funky restaurants and pubs, yoga, fitness... You see new things in life came out of nowhere, and true enough to think that those you can or can't afford, or not potentially enough to invest as business. When really time provens everything, it just to late for you to discover and those who've evolved from it, moved on with their fortunes... If everything our parents said are truly good, what they've proven to you? Every parents love to have their children to get highly educated, like parents said doctors good. They implant this ambition in you. Then you went overseas spent 10 years of medical courses and came back to have no job, or could possibly earning less than you expected... You'll never know, things getting much more expensive years by years... And you probably could sense that working can't have consistent raise not until the company could afford... If you can't earn much, who would you blame? I don't think you would blame your parents, or yourself. It's all about timing. Not to say everything my parents said are bad, it's not really applying for this era and i need to have a change of my life, not as a rich bastard, but free debts with free time, at ease... I really love my family, but i dislike their teachings, over protecting me. You can't possibly 100% listen to your parents, you're individual, you should have your own thoughts what you should do. Parents just giving advises, they just can't force you to do things you don't like. Think of it, if your parents in this era could only provide you a house only, in future, would you like to provide your children to have more than just a house? People evolve, getting better and better, that's how we survive. We all usually easy to make mistakes, they just pointed out your weakness, and it's only you who could change it, not your parents. 100% trust is not to them, it's to yourself. In the end, your life is in your control, not them.

PS- If you really wanna earn money, i also got a company i'm doing. It's called GML. It's just four months old. And the services, well, it's very good for me and i'm using it. Somemore wanna enter also very cheap need few K. haha....SMS me 0126630088 if interested.

A: Thanks Clem, your questions are really meaningful to me cuz it's always good to have myself answering all of them. Thanks for the offer and i'm sticking with the same path i'm heading. I went through some cheap investment sort of business but it's not as interesting as SYN's network marketing. If you accept my offer, maybe we could have drinks one day, if you're around Ampang or Cheras.

Posted by Clem to MunkiieDude: The Underground "Bible"© at 4/19/2006 01:15:52 AM

Friday, April 28, 2006 4:22:00 PM  

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