Lots to describe...


Money prizes...?
It was the night i went to have drinks with business friends in Pandan Perdana, Chew, one of the leader told me i was invited to SYN's Annual Dinner... Considered the huge one and grand to everyone who never experienced before...
Just like how? Imagine usually the restaurant you went with your family or your relatives, either with your clients or superiors, most of the time you get to drink beers but not as until you get drunk, or just smoke like you're at mamak stall. When the booze came free-flow, situation won't be much more organised then.

Actually i've heard lots of stories from Chew about the business partners, most of them drive BMW, all the way, some maybe Ferarri, or Benz Sports... It's more than a hundred of BMWs attended one of the business partner's wedding dinner at a high class hotel banquet. When somebody telling me this, they'll have some sort of excitement which whoever listened can almost click the feel from that person. You never seen it you'll never know, so it's sort of a good chance for me to explore, rather blindly believe someone's remarks...
So it begins like this...

The whole day i was doing my stuffs like sending my punch card and uniforms back to Bizarre marketing and went to apply job at Synovate, Mid Valley. First, i did know i've to wait for my payment for a certain period, however i treated as i didn't know about. While consulting with Bizarre's executive, i asked him when i'll get my payment. He sighed for awhile and said it's sort of difficult to tell as he's not in charge of these matters. Thus, i said about the part time's fact, eventually people seeking part time jobs just because they needed more pocket money, also most of the time they'll get the payment as soon as the job finished. He sighed again and tried to explain things doesn't come that simple.

What more could i say, when a company wanted promoters urgently, we provide the services by first hand, and when it comes to payment, they'll hesitate to sort it out. What i've heard was only 20 plus of promoters, and the company (Pepsi and Permanis) couldn't make haste dealing people's payment. Yeah yeah, they have lots of departments in a company which they never compromise to setup a specific department for part timers. When people realised that the company take action doubtly, there won't be anyone who's willing to offer to work for them next time. Sorry to say but it has to be done in good impression.
Secondly, i went to meet my girl for lunch. Then only i went to Mid Valley. Synovate was located at Menara IGB, 18th floor. The company was full of fresh grads, sitting at their desks with old computer softwares and telephone making. It seems like telemarketing to me, but the whole idea was to do surveyance on projects given.

Once i was there, i was told to fill up application forms, then i'm conducted by Mr. Chan whose a field manager. I asked him lots of questions about how to deal with the job i'm given. The way he explained, heh, just like he almost hard to get it explained. Then i met Chen Nie (the girl i met during my part time job at Fajar Pandan Indah, who's working for Synovate part time in the morning and part time as Ambassador at Zouk during night time), she was surprised that i'm there looking for a job. After my interview with Mr Chan, we talked about few things and i left, back to home. I tried to call my dad about my car's problem (after Kia Seng's open house, my car's tire went flat and during the change, i accidently broke one of the screws, so it remained 3 screws at a tire...), his phone was off, so i've to go to meet Seng and the others at my place's cybercafe...

Since there's a friend i just met has a car, i joined his ride to Restaurant Royal China along Jalan Ampang, opposite Citibank, the place formerly known as Embassy, the club i used to go few years back. While passing through the opposite road of our destination, crowds already packed the entrance full of luxury cars. We parked the car near the place and while walking there, people from SYN also heading there too, dressed formally. We just simply dressed in casual, a tee with jeans, leather shoes or sport shoes... How embarrassing, but when we reached the entrance, everyone's not dressed in formal either, considered we're lucky... Each of us given a ticket to redeem an Ang Pow, so while we're at the redemption counter, pretty girls were there operating it, accompanied with God of Prosperity (Chai Shen), hehe... The scene was exaggerating, about a hundred of tables with all the members of SYN were there, chit chats and photo shooting. I met back my old school mates too, also the members of SYN. Our table was number 59, i heard the drinks (beers and red wines, no brandy or whisky) were free-flowed,

so we get to drink all night long without worrying our bills and drinks went finished. My my, the girls dressed hot, i mean FUCKING HOT, so cun till me and my friends can't take our eyes off them. The girls just passing through our table from different directions and i hardly make the opportunity to snap photos at them. There were 9 of us, only Seng can't drink beer. Before the meal came, i already got high, it felt fucking great, a goodness of relief...
There is also game shows but before it started, 2 hosts came out and entertained us with a guy, who himself a manager of the restaurant, sang a few songs of Chinese New Year. He danced great and i could hardly believe he managed to entertain us without thinking his status in there, i wonder how his juniors would thought of him...

The show begins after the karaoke from the manager, and the food was served too to each table. I knew it'll be difficult for the waiters to do their job, so we serve ourselves, the waiters only serve us beers...
First, the lucky draw for 3 winners, then game show. 6 groups of 24 people were selected to play 'dressed a guy to look like God of Prosperity'. I tell you, it's fucking funny. The participants were given 5 minutes to complete the dressing and make ups. And so the participants went busy doing their best to make out a good God of Prosperity with their own goodie bags given. The bags given were randomly items, so it ended out vary and 6 God of Prosperity were look different. Everyone's busy taking pictures and laughed all the way due to their funny looks. Once there was a winner, to be exactly looks like God of Prosperity judged by the audience, will received RM500.

Also by randomly, the hosts will pick 3 lucky draw winners to receive hampers. Then another game show, the participants will have to mimic the Lion Dance, given a mini Lion Head, a mask of Smiling God and a drum set. So there was a girl played Lion Head and won the audience's hearts. They won RM500 thereafter.
Another game show was drinking beer contest. 4 groups with 4 people each will be given a tall beer glass, which i heard each of it contained 2 jugs of beer, and so they had to finish it in the shortest time to be declared as winners. Of course, one of the groups, there's an old man who could drink most of it, and so his group won. No doubt the other participants lost cuz before the game show started, everyone's busy 'Yam Seng' (Cheers) here and there, noisy enough that could hardly listen to the hosts even they've the microphones with them.

Then another game show, the participants had to say out loud of Chinese New Year's wishes. 6 of them and one of them was a girl, and she won cuz she said the most of the wishes while the guys just managed to say 9 or 10 of the wishes... I think by that time everyone's drunk and couldn't think or concentrate. I was fucking drunk too, but still go on.
Lastly, the grand prizes came, with few amounts more than RM1000 to be won. And most of the time our table didn't win anything, later on Steven Yeam became host and personally he gave out a prize which he'll have a grand dinner with the winners. And so Chew was selected and invited to go for the Grand Dinner. But the prize had a condition, the winners must be in an acceptable status, not anyone could possibly join it.

Therefore, the dinner has ended, everyone left few by few, some still can't get enough of drinking, some still at the table trying to get sober, some lying on the table couldn't wake up... We left in a hurry cuz my friends had to work the next day. After my friend sent us to our place, i'm still in vain whether i need to go home or not, cuz i'm still drunk and i couldn't sleep in that condition. And so i went to play a few round of games, then i went home and sleep.
Not just the only dinner i attended, on Sunday (it's Chinese New Year's last day and Chinese's Valentine's Day) there's a party at Federal Hotel, along Jalan Bukit Bintang, everyone's invited with their dates or no date. I could say knowing these friends really enlightened my life, with fun and thrills, also enjoy the entertainment like i never experience before...
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