Friday, December 08, 2006

The Cat in my place and the Dog in my uncle's house... (Thursday 7/12/06)

Everytime i wanna go out, or even come back to work, or just came back from next door, or was out late night for supper, the cat was never been missing around my sight. usually i would stay in my room without letting the cat come inside to survey comfort. Not to worry, it's not those stray cats which will eat up and thrashed your garbage all over the floor. this is a very decent one, that it's pampered way too much before i came.

Just like one time i was at the ground floor opening the gate and the cat meows as it came to me for cuddles. Yet, i'm still not home yet, so i just ignored it and went up to my place. Of course it followed me until it gets kicks and pains from me. The staircase was already dark and probably i'm the one who can't see in dark, and i had to walk as much focus on the feelings as possible while this stupid cat always get on my way...

Besides this male cat, there's another female dog which i don't even wanna talk about it, that damn dog was insane and once bit my hand while letting my girl out from my place, or coming in to my place, it gets really pissed at people having good time walking in and out...

Also, most of the dinner time i went to my uncle's place. He has a female dog which definately larger than the dog at my place 10 or 20 times... i mean, the dog at my place is just a puppy, and it's limit of growth has stopped. this wild female dog really likes people to pamper and when i wanna get out from the house, it became furious and acted just as same as the stupid dog at my place...

Damn, it made me hated to go have dinner at my uncle's place as the dog barked furiously few times at me, and i'm not when's the time it really bites me then... whatever...

I love animals, and comparing in between these aniamls i always met, i prefer the Cat!

Yeah, it's not bad having a pet at home. Sometimes the animals made you mad, sometimes you'll feel stress released while watching the animals playing around, sometimes acting silly that made you laugh...

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.