Friday, August 19, 2005

The film: 10 mph

Two guys quit stodgy corporate jobs, scrounged up all the savings they could, collected credit cards, and stepped - or better yet - scooted forward to follow their biggest dream: to become filmmakers. Josh Caldwell rode a Segway from Seattle to Boston, while his buddy Hunter Weeks directed a film they both shot about the experience and about the moments leading up to this crazy twist on the American road trip. From cubicle farms to the open road, the film will chronicle how these guys ultimately changed their lives forever. They did what so many of us have always wanted to do - gave it all up for the passion inside.

Does he had to travel like that?

10MPH - Next: Travels With Aibo

Think GEEK!

Geeks, for geeks only the site.. only matters if you know where it heads, to things which coolios don't own, with their heavy chains tangling their necks. Geek stuffs usually compact, specialty and unique. Check the site out at my links. Or if you're reading this, mind as well click on the pic above..

These are the few things promo..

Star Wars Force FX Lightsabers
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to isolation, isolation leads to imagination, imagination leads to genius, genius leads to getting one of these Lightsabers! Sensor driven digital sound and light effects!

$118.99 [ more... ]

The PlusDeck 2 is a full-logic cassette deck for your PC. The perfect tool for archiving your old cassette tapes of prank phone calls and 80s hair bands into digital media files for playback on your PC. $149.99 [ more... ]

Shower Shock Caffeinated Soap
It means what it says. Shower Shock is caffeinated soap. Soap with caffeine in it. And guess what, our caffeinated soap is even self-cleaning. Think about that for a second. Now buy some. $6.99 - $37.99 [ more... ]

All information collected at (log in wap from phone, moron!)

I'm dreaming again.. Missed "Lost" Finale..

I had a dream again..

I don't remember much as yesterday's. All i know cy, Penny, and some others i don't know who.

A little assumption of my dream...

We all in a graduation period, secondary, college.. Whatever. We're organizing an event where we all gonna have wars, like SeeD.. Penny was the organizer, while cy and me were preparing paper documents of registrations. We're in a office, Penny's desk was bigger than us. All the while cy was busy at his desk, i was standing at Penny's desk, she was piling up the money she collected for the funds of weapons. It was a big load, damn it, a fortune in front of me. I never noticed i'm dreaming, in real life i won't greed on money until i backstab my friends.

Soon the scenario changed, we were in a classroom, there's a lecturer giving speech but i'm not paying any attention at all, i was talking to Penny, about the war. I was nervous, getting to know who's our enemy, what kinda weapon i'm gonna use, where's the war location, how many people are going for war, are we going to sacrifice, why cy never said anything about it? Questions fired out, no reply, she was smiling at me. I thought it was some kinda joke, like we're going for Paintball challenge. We're not, for real we're at war, rockets, bombs sounds everywhere, all the sudden happened after my questions. Cy went out of class with his weapon, Penny followed, and the weapon of mine was on my table, i never noticed that at all. It's a gunblade.. Wow, Squall's gunblade..

Then i woke up.. At 4am again..

Few miss calls from cy. Another Lost finale, missed it. Yulius message me too, he was there.. Aw.. Fuck, thought i could see him too..

Damn dream.. Stupid..

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Car Dream...

After i came home from work, found out my neck was killing me, aching too much that i couldn't turn my head sideways. Must be the gaming session i made last night, i was lying out of proportion. Put on some medication oil, slowly i felt sleepy, lying on the bed thinking of things, then.. The dream goes like this...

I was back in my primary school in Klang, it was like i'm working there, doesn't seemed like a school to me but for real, it was. I met back with my school mates from secondary school (Sri Garden), where i knew cy but i didn't really get along with him, by that time i was a bad boy, trying to get along with the school punks, skip schools, smoking and some other bad things we did. From the dream, we're adults, everyone has their own pursues, like i was surprised to find that we're working in the same place, but still when i was in Klang, we usually spoke mandarin and hokkien, and we spoke cantonese, same like everyone else.. Weird..

So there's a friend, Benson, and he was in need to use my car to go somewhere while his car was driven by his mom. So i let him had it till his mom came and passed her car keys to me. After Benson came back, he knew i got his car keys, so intended that i'd use his car while he'd use my car just for the day, but i refused. So we exchanged keys and went back to work.. (i don't know, work or not, the scene just skipping much)

Then i met my girl, all the sudden she appeared at my workplace. We both like had plans made and soon we headed to fetch my car and.. Good grief, my car was.. My girl discovered that a small truck was parking at the place where Benson parked, the side structure of the truck was attached with my car's side, wrecked badly and some stickers were torn off, that's why my girl recognised my car was detached and put onto this truck like a spare parts. Usually i parked my car in the building's territory, thanks to Benson, my car was stolen, wrecked and sold as spare parts.. I was freaked out tremendously.. Almost lost my breath.. I cursed and swore a lot, like never before, stomping the ground and kept looking at the wrecked part of my car, the stickers were torn off.. Fuck..

Suddenly the scene changed, i was at a condominium, where Benson supposed staying.. I'm not sure if the building's the right one, cuz i had never been there and the place i'm at was unfamiliar. I met Kok Sing and Nelson, at some sort of table near the lifts, that's about i'm gonna take the lift. They met us (i'm with my girl, she seemed following me everywhere), invited us and i started whining about my case. Kok Sing was working as insurance agent, and he didn't say anything. Nelson was like "sigh, it's kinda normal to have cars stolen and became wrecked like yours." Easy for him to say. Then came the food out of nowhere, damn, i turned my head and saw nobody served the food, as i was so concentrating at their meals.. Double cintan soup with an egg each. Nelson noticed that i'm looking at the food, so he said he'll treat me and my girl for the food if i wanted to. Weird, all the while i knew Nelson was a rich bastard, he don't really spent his time at places like these having cheap meals, and he offered a treat on me? And i was so intense to look for Benson, i took out my phone and made calls to him. Then.. I woke up, 4am..

Good grief.. What a weird dream i have, guess i should wake up and get ready for my work..

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Final Fantasy 8

I finished playing the game. How come in a short time? Heh, i played with gameshark codes, invinciblity, easy to fight the monsters and bosses. Last time i wonder why the game was so famous, besides the song (Eyes On Me) from Faye Wong, the graphics was good, back in the old days. The movies was great, the creations of the machines, buildings and scenery were impressive. I can't stop thinking of the game while working, even when i'm with my girl, like one of a kind..

I used my character with my nickname on, while the girl's name was my girl's name. The GFs were in stupid names, of course, like sNaKeHeAd, cUtEbItCh, gRuMpYcAt, etc.. It was fun, the storyline was absolute fantastic, more to illusions and somehow real to life. Of course in our there's no SeeD, if there is, i would be SeeD, cuz it's cool, the Garden was amazing, full facilities and great environment, maybe can score some chicks too, while they think i'm cool being SeeD.

The main character had attitude problem, but somehow friends around him still stick with him, even supported him as a leader in the Garden, no complains and jealousy, only his archenemy Seifer, was with the Sorceress, intention to rule the world.

The Ending was great, everyone's in the video cam, in the Garden having some sort of celebration party. The kissing part between main character and the girl was skipped by the camera zooming out for the scenery of the moon. Damn, i wish i could see how far the graphics go.

The most sad part was Laguna, he lost Raine (from Winhill), the love he had after Julia (The main character's girl's mother), while he's on pursue to find Ellone (the girl everyone in the game was looking for) in Esthar (the name like my girl's name..), due he's busy on pursue, the war came at Winhill and Raine was killed. So the last movie showed that Laguna was at Raine's tomb looking at his ring, reminded him how he proposed Raine for eternity love with stupidity, as he always was. It was so romantic, rather than other Final Fantasy games, this is considered the best game i've played..

Thanks cy, all the while i wanted to finished the game and after you handed me the ps, i had great times at home after work enjoying this game, sorry for not telling you verbally, cuz i don't think you'll be interested. Besides, blogging is for my part of memories, so i should jot it down here and let it stay for another 10 or 20 years, rather diaries, bored in writing, no fun.. Thanks to you, i'm learning HTML by bits, at least i know how to operate for all the while i'm wondering how it works. I'll put my comments on your paintings later, don't worry, i know you're looking forward to it.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

No More Haze.. Sickness Blaze..

sigh, i think the haze was gone then. rather on friday night after i met my girl, sent her home right i woke up at 5am, the time she wasn't supposed to be, in fact she'll get grounded or maybe scolded for that reason, perhaps it's not a good thing to happen to her for get scolded by her parents.. after fetched her home, i don't know what's going on with me, i felt uneasy, later on i felt my body was weakening... yup, i guessed it's time for me to fall sick..

it was so outrageous, the sick was totally dominate my strength to do things, dort of like going to toilet peeing, or even shitting.. i drank water like drinking nothing down in my throat. i can't even feel appetite to have something in my stomach.

i tried to get up, it was too painful to do so. it was friday, i took my chances. i never went to work, called my superior and informed him, he doesn't sound really convinced.. fuck it, i'm doomed in sickness. what chances i took, what i mean was i stayed up while i was sick, despite the sickness, i controlled myself getting up, do something which i do normally, carrying the sick burden. i know it's hard, man, i got the grip to myself. it was so dizzy, i mean, i'm in hell, my body burned like lava. i turned on movies, i can't really watch it. i turned on playstation, i felt numb on playing, even the characters were talking, i assumed that there were just talking to me, not to the others, then unconciously i followed their instructions on doing things they wanted in the game, so automatically, and numb too. i was stupid, but it helps to get through some levels, and really, honestly really, i don't have the determination to complete any levels at all, i was without interests, the sickness was really controlling me and i can't make it go away.

i know i didn't ate any pills to stop the pain, i took my chances, liked i said, the feeling is versatile, like i'm with the weed thingy mind doing things, which weeds never gave any pain to me, only halucinations and some kinda funky funny mind on thinking things in weird perspective. oh my, can't tell much about it, you guys out there may probably never stood up and be like me this way, better stay in bed and recover soon. i doing this like stile (, i read his stories before, he's crazy, and he did it until he finds himself now, kinda successful merchandiser. forget about the porn thing he has, only matters is he's doing fine, with his determination. stupid relevant, i mean, to this, i know what i'm talking about, rather you could understand.. he did stupid stuff, so do i, while i was sick.. hehe..

i'm done on saturday 3pm, went to sleep. nobody called me, even my girl, like i'm dead. i woke up at 5am.. gosh, look at the time. ok, i felt a little dizzy, too much sleeping, then i went out for a breakfast, so far i was overslept for over 16 hours, i deserved to eat something. then i went to cc and update my blog, played RAN (i got the link right below, at the picture of the girl, she's cute but not my type.. asians.. also my character's pic which looked similar to me..i guessed not!) to gain some exp, then about 9pm i message my girl, just that she went breakfast with her friend Lenny, had Dim Sum, then later on she called back and told me she's going to 1 Utama for shopping spree, with her friends, and her parents.. damn, i thought she could come over and take care of me, with the advantage of saving money on travels. she promised that she'll come over in the evening. i felt tired waiting for her, spent the time till 1-2pm, fell asleep again, cuz the pain came..

again i woke up, 8pm... drag shit, i knew i wouldn't be able to see my girl.. message her and felt sorry for stooding her up. she's not disappointed though, insist to come over to my place although it was less time to spend with me.. hmmm, then she bought a movie, Herbie, wanted to watch with me. great, at least we have movie to watch, so by the end, i was discourage her to come, but then i wished she would come, then she did.

watched the movie, she went home by herself.. then what? i'm writing this blog here! hah, don't you think i've wasted my whole weekend for the fucking sickness? yeah, i did, if i never got sick, at least on saturday i could meet cy and he maybe meeting other friends..

whatever, wait till i write another blog..

Optimus Keyboard

Release date: 14.07.2005


art director, designer and interface developer
Artemy Lebedev

laying on of hands
Timur Burbayev

Alexey Zalata

Nikolai Vershinin

Anna Ponomaryova

Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment.

Enter” key is big in size and nearly square in form
Additional block of keys on the left is meant for switching between programs or modes

Optimus is good for any layouts—Cyrillic, Ancient Greek, Georgian, Arabic—and so on to infinity: notes, numerals, special symbols, HTML codes, mathematical functions.

English lower-case
Russian upper-case

Patents pending.

Cool keyboard, ain't?

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.