Friday, October 21, 2005

The Kwong's cockshits stirred my life

Yeah, till now i still can't get over it, it's not even over yet, the elder brother of Kwong still out there. My dad didn't believe his old friend was playing a plot so they could let themselves in peace of claiming bankruptcy. They been telling everyone their elder son didn't even make any calls to them, and also my dad got suspicious on the youngest brother, who now works in Kluang, selling drinks. I can't believe the old workers were still been convinced by the younger brother, just to think how lucky that i'm not in possessed. They knew i'll betray them, oh well i will then.

I remembered that i made a few money advances from my boss, through the sales money, given permission to do so. Thereafter it piled up quite some amount that when they had to close down, they searched for me, thought i would've run away. I received their call and his follower threatened me to pay back in 2 days, assume the amount was RM1500 (example), without further the conversation, i went to their house where the father just got out from hospital, caught a minor heart attack after the bankruptcy. He screwed me upside down just as i didn't help out to carry stuffs out from the office, the day when all the gangsters surrounded them. I felt sympathy and sorry to them, even the younger brother, who used to be a close friend of mine, turned out to be an enemy, don't even let me see him. So i went home, thought about finding a new job.

A few times i asked my dad out for drinks to discuss about this case. He was furious about it, he never told me he had lend a sum of money to them and got cheated in the end. I checked through my EPF statement, what i've owe them was cleared by the amount, and it turned out to be them owing me money. What should they say then? Of course with their wicked mind, i won't get any. So i told my dad the whole story, told me not to be afraid, he'll do what he could for the sake of teaching them a lesson. I don't want them given a lesson, perhaps a haunted one, eternally problems to them so they'll know why they should kept their dignity instead of humble? You never believe how snobbish they are. The elder brother swears like no other, the younger brother's a faggot type that always screw and torture people, especially Bangla people. The father was like always righteous, even if it's ridiculous. The mother was ok, can't find her real negatives, just babbling much and complains.

My 3rd uncle was one of the victim too, but he's not a small timer to handle such cases. He has loads of contacts that really can bust out that son of the bitch. My dad told me he knew their plots, and he wished he could have the picture of that asshole. I had one, in my cd, i took it when he came to my shop for surveyance. I told my dad i had it, and he said he's gonna distribute his picture nationwide, let everyone finds him like finding Osama. I'm afraid that picture looked familiar to those who had seen, my dad told me i'm covered with protection, one call away the backup will be there for me.

It looks like a serious case to me, for all the years they've succeeded in business, now they've busted deeply. I'm not sure what's gonna happen next but it taught me a lot of experience. Never ever snobbish to anyone either you're rich or successful, humble is the key for well respected person..

Oh yeah, if i could have a good look of them being squashed by the gangs, i'm relieved! But it's not going to happen in front of me, cuz i only let others do the dirty jobs, i just heard and never gonna spectate.. Safe as i can be.

Oh how i wished i never work for them for 3 years. I lost most of my precious time and good things in life. For every moment now i cherish, took pictures and videos to keep reminding me i'm having a good life, i won't deceive what God provided me.

My car is my life

it's true, if it wasn't my car, i won't be able to work such good job, weekends to relax, 8-5.30pm, a pantry just nice to make a couple of coffee, claimable tolls and petrols, meeting people and if i'm lucky enough, i might bump into some cute chicks (joking).. Last but not least, a career job.. A step to find a better life for future.

Somehow in my life experience, i tried to get a job which is kinda similar to what i'm working now, without a car. So usually they'll ask me, how am i supposed to go when i need to without a car? With a simple reply: "i'll take buses to be there." In that case, i could've been a laughing stock to everyone. I became hopeless looking for a decent job, not to say dirty construction work, or taxi driver, or retail outlet something like that.

Think about it, i do have the talent working in a office without any qualification, i do own a car, so i got this job. I worked in retail company before, when i was without a car, and it really kept me in troubles, like when i was in Bangi, all malay food, expensive and if i wanted to eat chinese food, it'll be like 5km above distance. No bus, hardly could find a cab, a total isolate place, to those who had cars, it's unlucky for me. I've strived way too long until i decided to own a car. Usually when i told my dad i'll buy my own car, he always gave me negatives. I understand that he had to advise me that way so i won't get struggled by low financial monthly. Everyone gets to do something they like when they have cars, do part time job, look for friends at night for some drinks, and for working time too. These days i noticed that without a car, i'm not going anywhere. Bus? Well, that really consumed a lot of time, and wasted along the way waiting, the jam.. And the fare raised, gave headaches to passengers. No wonder lately i seen lots of new car plate numbers, tremendously increased, so got the whole Golden Triangle stucked up jam.

Seriously, my car is my breath, without it, i'm breathless and steps away leaving earth.

Before i own the car, i always think of looking for friends and do part time, now i think it's better to stay at home, save mileage and petrol, only if it's necessary, i'll drive. I planned as on weekdays it's best to stay at home rather loitering around the streets. Mostly at night you might see some drunk drivers recklessly driving and may cost you an accident, and i almost had it, few times dough, but i'm always aware to that. I don't use my car go streets with heavy traffics, so if i wanna go somewhere, it's gonna be at night time. Funny that i don't really drive fast, i don't like to get summons from the cops. Just recently my girl purposely found out my car got 2 summons but not sure what's my penalty. Damn, i didn't sped!

Somehow i can't lose this car, not even thinking of selling it, cuz it had became part of my life, my very 1st car, to get good job, and get to see my darling whenever i want.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

3rd week Monday's Dullness...

The whole day was totally dull, nothing much to do.

Went to client's outlets took some pictures for clients to view the completed tasks. Since Kenny took away the camera, i had to use carpenter's camera.

Along my destination, it's sort of near to my girl's workplace, so i just dropped by, picked her up for lunch in Ming Tian at Sunway, both of us ate vegetarian food, the 15th on Lunar calender. We were just few blocks away from The One, so there're many pretties and cuties to look at.

After my destinations, went back office. Noticed the mail server and internet down. So for a few hours couldn't surf net, while i had the camera, i just transfered all the photos included the carpenter's daughter's pictures... (haha, earlier he told me not to...)

John called for a dinner with me, just about the time i finished work. Went to fetch him and had budget dinner at OUG. Later on, we were like bored, walked around the shop lots, went in the amusement centre, watching people gambling. Went to meet Sam too, the guy i knew selling VCDs... Bought Sky High and again hang around in amusement centre. Damn fucking bored, for sure i don't gamble, but still looking at those gamblers putting loads of coins and prayed they'll make some more cash in hand for every tomorrow... I wished i had more then, not through this way. Only the matter of fact, the scene reminded me the days i had been gambling my whole month's salary for a year... Terrible isn't it?

So i went home, watched Lost and Spawn 3 cartoon version.

Quote of my day:
"aiya, never mind la, we understand your situation. We don't really mind if you held the rent, if it's convenient you can pay whenever you can, we're fine with that..."

Darling, you know what i'm talking about...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Super-rush, Weekend Relaxation

I'm blinded with this glasses, thickened!After the whole week of hard work and tiredness, finally... I can meet my darling!! Yay, of course Friday night she had class, so when I finished work also (due the previous post) 8pm I went home. flavor.. mmmm...Took bath, went to cybercafe as quickly as I email my client regarding the counter, my office email server down again... everyday the same problem came up...

Went to my girl's house, her contact lenses were overdue, so I insisted her to wear glasses, she knew it's gonna look damn ugly on her.. I mean, how about me? So before we left her house, I did show her some sites and videos I'd taken during my work, some songs, ate Guylian... ...took a few before we go out,but later on we finished it...(Haha, Eliie, thought I never get to taste it?) and headed to my place. She even stayed overnight at my place.

Tried to ask her pose nicely...Next day, Saturday, planned to look for Yulius but woke up quite late, my darling sleep so deep and I also partly awake and not, trying to get sober before I missed out the fun and relaxation of the day. Called up anyone who possibly be there and I already know they just entertained me saying 'yes, I'll be there' sort of reply but never turn up, that doesn't matter, I did my part as a friend inviting. my girl likes this pic, but i looked childish...there you go, with my shades on, you look terrific!The whole day was the same like last week, but this time less few hours in marathon, talking, having some nice complementary cakes baked by Eleanor's mom, so nice and tasty but having too much... ehem, too filling... and so I brought my guitar Jackson as Yulius requested, don't know what he really want from my guitar but I just have to let him play with it. Some dvd's and audio cd's for him, and later at night after he closed his café, went to his house and played PS2, borrowed some cun dvds and vcds, had crab meat with bread for supper, surfing internet and later on cy called, Perfect couple?he didn't go anywhere joining friends in parties and clubs... that's odd, he won't be missing out the occasions at night... Wheezy, this female dog really drooled a lot, spitting much saliva and foul smell... yuck! But Ellie likes it that way, although she's sensitive on animals...

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Bought a big bottle of beer, went to cy's house, Chi Siang's there with his girl, watching movie together. My girl felt very sleepy until her eyes sore and turned red. WHEEEEEEEEEZZZZZYYYYY... (always run here and there...)When the show's over, Chi Siang went home and we had something on in his room... (Not orgy la...)Absolutely perfect... Then, went home and my girl stayed overnight at my place again...

The next day, Sunday... terrible happened first thing in the morning, my girl got scolded because she's been like away from home 2 nights, hehe... I'm sorry to make her got scolded; anyway nice to hug someone you love to sleep at night, am I right? So I wouldn't miss my chances, even in future I'll have more, but it won't be the same if I don't started out earlier...

hey dude, i know you don't like your pictures taken, but it's for our memories...She told me she had class in the afternoon at 2pm, had breakfast together, and then I sent her home. Thought of going back to my parent's house to pay a visit but they're out to look for relatives, so I called up Jeff, he just woke up, along the way almost passing through cy's house, I called him, he was at home, so went to his house hang around. Soon Jeff called back for a drink, we went out, talked about his life in Ipoh, found out he's been hooking up with a gorgeous chick from Myanmar in Thailand during his holiday trip, can speak Hokkien, even she's so hygienic, once she went to stay overnight with Jeff, with lots of body care products, all individually use, one for hands, one for legs sort of... and these people from Myanmar or Thailand, they don't really earn much, standardized RM450 minimum by conversion, both of us felt like sleepy on it...I mean most of the jobs they found the salary was a kind of similar. I hope he's not gonna screw up again, and I prayed this pretty girl never ever try to play a fool on my bro... same advisory from my girl.

Chewy dumbell... aww, it's so cute...6pm, went to church... Baptist for 53 committed children and adults. What I like about this church in Kuchai Lama is the songs they sang really soothing and happy, sometimes the songs sang emotionally, and the girls... my my, they all pretties. What I knew about going to Chinese temple, you don't get to see much pretties but aunties... and all the smokes covering the air, for a long period staying in the temple, your eyes getting wet, felt like stitching eyes, pain and can't hold on but tears dropped. In church it's clean, air conditioned, feels great.sometimes i don't get a clear picture of it, mostly when it was in dark color... I'm not saying I don't support Buddhist, I'm a Buddhist, so I guessed I felt much better in church comparing to temple... they've stories to tell, about how much faith they had put out for believing God is watching and blessing over them... I put Jesus Christ picture on my phone, so whenever I see him, I always believe that when I'm distress, I'll try talking to Him and hoped he'll listen and try to open a path for me to solve my problems. I like to listen to people's life experience, I learned a lot from them, that's why church is the place for me to look for guidance. can see but cannot touch... so 'bah bai'...after buy only can touch...Went to 7-11 bought ice-creams, next door was the pet shop, Chi Siang's ex-gf working there, that's what i was told.

Later on, Penny came over to pick us up for a drink, meeting Chi Siang and John at Bjorn, new café about a month since opening in Tmn Desa. About 1-2 hours we were there, and then back to cy's house, watched Hui brother's movie, about 3am we all went home... got myself ironing my shirt and pants for tomorrow's work, and it's torturous, you know cy, I'm tripping mad...!

And then... I'm sure next day I won't be able to wake up early...

Think it's hard, but it's easy anyway..

It's Friday, my boss Kenny gonna leave to China for a meeting.. And he had gave me some briefs of the tasks, sounded like real hard to me, a day with 9 locations to go.. Till then, some changes made, throughout the day 6 trips but of course it's like 150km above.. I don't really concern much of the petrol, cuz i'll get to claim those, earlier of the month, have to do some savings, damn the tolls are wallet flatters..

Where the journey begins..

Nice office for me...Morning, surfing net while waiting for the client's office open so i can call them. (My worktime 8am-5.30pm, so some other companies might start at 9am.) When i'm done with the calls, i've to go Tasik Selatan look for graphics to see how the signboard look like. Too bad Kim's not around, cuz she's handling this task.. (also lost the chance to meet her, she's pretty la..) Guided the crew to the installation site. The owner was an old folk, he's very doubtful about our way to do a job, always forgetful on something. It's about the signboard without the DBKL licence number attached on it. He kept on babbling that the officials would come and give him summons. Always couldn't find a real nice parking nearby my office...My lord, i'm in a rush, kept me listening to him complaining stuffs. I left, leaving the crew to handle to rest.

I received a call earlier about the goods were ready for collection, hurried back to office, got the goods, head down to Klang. Usually i took the shortcut but it's kinda old stiff road with all commercial vehicles taking it. Just a fucking bad timing, it seems lots of traffic jam throughout the route. As i had promised to be at client's place around 12.30pm, took the usual highway that i had to pay another RM1.50, reached at 12.45pm. The client called earlier that she made a lunch appointment with her clients.. So.. I just had to pass to the receptionist. Also get the standing for sampling, fully occupied my right seat.

Went to look for my girl have lunch. She saw the standing got her way and she had to sit behind.. Haha, she's sort of unhappy, can't sit beside me.. I was late fetching her, around 1.20pm.. Sorry darling, work important..

After lunch, went to Subang, deep in out of nowhere, there's factories, not so exposed to the publicity, whoever might think it could be a nice place to do pirated vcd factory..

Called a client from Damansara, supposingly we were appointed for a project, through his disappointed reply, he had to rush it by passing to another agent.. Fuck man, i was just nearby, thought i could use some time meeting him to gain relationships..

I've been calling Kenny most of the time when i'm uncertain on something, just a short while he's off the hook, then with a very silent background, he answered me every questions i asked, humblely..

Went back office again, make myself a cup of Milo.. Ahh.. And a few biscuits to match the tea time.. Ahh.. Then the fucking server cut off the internet, some mails delivered to my account today, stated urgent and i couldn't read it. Ms Liew tried to reconnect and failed. Can't post blogs and emails, especially i did some video diaries to my darling so she can watch me when i'm on duty.

When coming from Sg Besi, it's not jam...Went to meet a client at RHB HQ Tun Razak, fucking jam. Delivered goods to him, happy about it, he's cool with me, just about time i reached he almost leaving for home.

Lastly, Reject Shop at Pertama Complex.. That's so so jam like mother fucking asshole.. When i'm trying to get home, the whole journey took me 2 hours.. I wished i could go home from Sri Petaling's direction..

...But going through The Kampung Pandan's roundabout... omg...Jeff came back from Ipoh, invited me to join him at Hartamas. My girl had class so i had to wait for her till 10pm, went to pick her up and brought her there to meet him..

Continue on other post, god damn i'm so tired, work the fucking whole day, if it wasn't the lunch at Sunway, i probably started to get my job done..

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.