Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Quake......4......XBox 360 and PC...which one I could play???

Finally, after Quake 3.. i wasn't enjoyed playing Quake 3 cuz i don't like multiplayer thingy in a game like that, somehow it entertained me, back in 8 years ago, when i was working in JB, twice i came back to KL looked for cy and stayed overnight at his place, while he's taking SPM.. i remember that, oh well.. i flunked my studies since i'm form 3 (bla bla bla).. so, there's no cars between us, we usually walked downpath his house nearby (quite far if you really walk), look for cybercafe, that was the time Counterstrike became famous and most of the seats were taken, and even the owners with business minded really knew how to decorate the place like high class, as i know the place i've been (near Public Bank at Tmn Desa) closed down, both, kids were so good and clans builded from areas (like Sunway, PJ, Cheras..), even forums spilled the threads..

now, only Malays concentrate on Counterstrike, while Chinese concentrate on Warcraft. When i'm trying to do my blog after work (sometimes), most of the player yell here and there, worst than previous times Counterstrike "why you kill me?" "god damn it, i'm gonna kill you!!". Now "monster jam!!" whatsoever, and the players lure and kill the clans and kept yelling "don't die" or "come over and i'll slice you apart" (all dubbed in english, as i know they were yelling in chinese, plus vulgar words). i don't really enjoy the scene, so noisy, what to do, i don't have my own pc, can't fight them, better join them.. what, i'm no Warcraft freak, Quake rulez baby!! the logo tells i'm a big fan, man, i kept Quake 2 (my favourite, even though no story line, fuck it, i enjoyed killing beasts..) and still with me, especially the soundtrack, composed by Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails (Marilyn Manson's Guru). the soundtracks was awesome man, i tell you.. track one was the best, the drum beats really got me carried away, head banging like sohai..

Okies, here's the story.. of Quake 4.. the trailer? i watched it, CGI like Final Fantasy... God damn cun..

In the Mid-21st century, a barbaric alien race called the Strogg launched a massive invasion on Earth. Originally believed to be an attemp to strip the planet of it's natural resources, humans soon discover that the Strogg are simply after only the human remains of those they kill. Through a horrific process, the limbs and flesh of the fallen are fused with metal and machinery to create the monstrosities that are the alien Strogg.

The Strogg and humans battle for years on Earth, but as resources become depleted. Earth mounts a counter-assault on the Strogg homeworld. The first assault force is launched from the fleet and encounters overwhelming resistants - most of the drop-ships are destroyed by the Strogg homeworld's massive defense weapon known as "The Big Gun". However, one surviving marine breaks through and is able to destroy the big gun and ultimately defeat the Strogg leader, The Makron. But the war did not end there.

"You are Matthew Kane, a member of the elite Rhino Squad and part of the next massive invasion that spans across the entire Stroggos planet. Equipped with hi-tech weapons, vehicles and teamed with Earth's top marine squadron you soon realized that this war is far from over. In fact, your worst nightmare is soon realized when you discover that the only way to defeat the Strogg, is to become one of them..."

Quake 4 was a sequeal of Quake 2, Quake 3 was a flob.. so get some info online..

This is awesome, i'm so anxious to get to know how it'll be becoming one of the strogg, maybe have special weapons and hard to be killed or something.. i know it's gonna be ugly, what the hell, it's just a game, not Squall turn out to be a frog and Rinoa is going for prostitution.. i mean, check out the trailer of the game, fucking realistic, some pictures posted here not to say perfectly rendered like Final Fantasy, only it matters the gaming has become realistically than PS2 or other games now.. maybe Halo 2 can be realistically, or Half-Life 2.. i don't know, i played Halo 2 once on XBox (not 360), Half-Life 2 can't be played cuz the game needed license key.. stupid game, so it makes most of the people never played the game, better forget it..

Not release yet, just have to wait guys, cuz 360's not out yet.. one thing, click on the pictures below to enlarge them for better view, dudes..

real shooting graphics..

realistic scenes, with monsters.. real too..

scene of your team mate terminated, nice tones..

investigate your mate how'd he died in cruelty..

check this out baby, the graphics are no way to fraud..

ahh.. monsters..

machines to ride, look how the blast's graphics man..

terrified.. fucking terrified with this beast plus machines, bottomless freak.. with freaking cannon..

how would you like to ride on big robo machines and kill those tiny nitwits..

this is how you'll become one of them, in order to destroy their existences..

concept art of The Makron.. yet i know it was, sorry.. but it's nice art, right? no way i could draw that..

guns, hi-tech weapons.. can't get it from the marines or mafias.. too futuristic..

rendered characters, i noticed that the guns are not that properly rendered..

but the armors look cool, man, better than Half-Life.. (I'm not Half-Life fan, so the game was like a mimic of this game.. just it's kinda human and not futuristic.

ok, that's about it, not much info, but you want more, please check out from the webs, bro..

Monday, August 22, 2005

Charlize's Destiny... To My Fantasy..

I was browsing Yahoo, then suddenly came up this movie sneak preview, trailer i mean... Æon Flux.. Damn cool, i've watched the trailer, but i can't say it's a good movie, hopefully it'll fulfilled any guys, fan of Charlize, hope the movie won't turn out to be crap. The costumes were ok, since she doesn't have big tits, just nice to fit those tight costumes. She usually act in romantic or drama movies, somehow this time all of the the sudden she's acting as an assassin, full action packed character..

Aeon Flux is the archetypal action goddess. Beautiful, acrobatic, has a wonderful figure and not too clingy in her relationships with members of the opposite sex!

Aeon has no conscience and no worries about killing people. She does however have a mild sense of right and wrong. She is not keen o­n the idea of injustice and I think she would feel very bad about hurting anyone that wouldn’t hurt her.

She even has a certain compassion for her friends. In Isthmus Crypticus for instance, she would not kill her friend Una despite Una’s attempt to destroy Aeon.

This contradicts sharply with the gratuitous violence of War and Aeon Flux (the pilot) where the amount of death and destruction wielded was almost intolerable.

Aeon has o­ne weakness, and it’s a big o­ne! She is in love with Trevor Goodchild the leader of her opposing culture, the Breens and the person responsible for most of her missions.

Invariably Aeon must destroy something that Trevor in o­ne of his madcap fantasies, has created. However, it seems that she also takes o­n some jobs for him too!

Maybe Aeon is a double agent or simply takes o­n the work she thinks most appropriate to her skills. More likely she is a free agent, taking o­n whatever assignments she likes.

She tends to die a lot (in short episodes) which can be really infuriating! by the way, have you noticed that it has NEVER been Trevor that has killed her? Pretty unusual considering their love-hate relationship.

Not much is known of her background. It seems we have not yet had the pleasure of finding out how she was raised and what helped her form her attitudes to life.

Mind you, if you take a closer look at Aeon Flux, what do we really see? She is most certainly beautiful and ruthless, but lets face it, she botches just as many missions as she completes.

She has a terrible habit of being emotional when she really should be dispassionate, she makes snap decisions while being prone to unexpected sessions of awkwardness and fallibility. She is occasionally delightfully sadistic and gratuitous. - AND she has died several times!

This is ALL woman! (sorry, couldn't resist).

Æon Flux is an animated science fiction television series that aired on MTV. It premiered in 1991 on MTV's Liquid Television experimental animation show as a six-part serial of short films, followed in 1992 by five individual short episodes. In 1995 a season of ten half-hour episodes aired as a stand-alone series. Æon Flux was created by Korean American animator Peter Chung. Also see Æon Flux (film)

Æon Flux is set in a surreal, futuristic universe of mutant creatures, clones, and robots. The title character is a tall, sexy, scantily-clad secret agent from the country of Monica, skilled in assassination and acrobatics. Her mission is to infiltrate the strongholds of the neighboring country of Bregna, which is led by her sworn enemy, and sometimes lover, Trevor Goodchild. Monica represents a dynamic anarchist society while Bregna embodies a centralized scientific planned state. The names of their respective characters reflect this: Flux as the self-directed agent from Monica and Goodchild as the technocratic leader of the Breen. This juxtaposition also maps accordingly to the characterizations of Eris and Greyface in the discordian mythos.

The visual style of Æon Flux was deeply influenced by the figurative paintings and drawings of the Austrian artist Egon Schiele. Other key influences on Æon Flux can be found in Japanese anime (especially grittier fare like Akira), and European comic works such as the work of Moebius (particularly in lineforms, color palettes, and figure characterizations). Graphic violence and sexuality, including fetishism and domination, are frequently depicted. One peculiarity of the series is that every short and some full episodes end with the recurring, violent death of

Æon Flux. Another is that, with the exception of a single spoken word, all of the short episodes are completely devoid of dialogue. Peter Chung has said that this plot ambiguity and disregard for continuity are meant as a satire of mainstream action films, and his stories often emphasize the futility of violence and the ambiguity of personal morality.

Superman Returns...

Brandon Routh as Superman.. Boy, he did looked like Christopher Reeve..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Gig in Tmn Seputih

I should've wrote this earlier in previous post..

Saturday 7pm.. Woke up, called my girl, wondered if she's out with her friends. She's not. Then called cy, having dinner with his mom, told me he's going to a gig with Penny at Tmn Seputih. What kinda gig will be held in Tmn Seputih? So asked my girl and she's part of not willing to go, if it's performed in Malay songs.. Christ, not about racist, matters that we Chinese don't really indulge Malay songs, like you guys, from Canada or USA, do you listen to Hindustan songs? Kaliyon Ka Chamen (mean Rosebed Garden, a clip from Addictive).. get the hint, will ya?

Cy's bro tagged along, 5 of us in my car, drove there and the place was uphill.. Damn scared that my car won't pushed hard enough, 1300cc engine, duh! Reached there, the trees were decorated with a umbrella covered with a long piece of transparent white cloth each, nice.

The gig started as we reached, sounds like Shania Twain live. The current performers were both foreigners, which country from? Name of the band? No idea. But the main thing is they really put on a good show, we're there as they sang few songs left, then came a group (Malays, 4 piece and the singer is chinese) called Lissa.. The chicks, both singer and pianist, seemed pretty. The guitarist caught me and cy's attention. He has long hair, bearded, seemed like a long timer on music line. We never really sat down and listen to them, busy browsing the arts, that'll be later i make comments on the arts. First song they performed, "Kiss Me" from Six Spence None The Richer. Gosh, they sang cover song? They blew it right at the spot.. Boo, not entertaining.. Tell me guys, what's art for? Copying? Then goes to another song, even my girl commented about it.. The guitarist flunk it badly, tuning was out, timing was out, colaboration sucks.. Cy's the first one told me that, i didn't know, cuz i'm not paying attention to them, while i was looking at the paintings..

Ok, arts.. Captoons was nice, a little mimic of some other artist from Desperate Dan's comic magazine. The one with the skateboard paintings, cartoon alike, good.. Digital prints, great.. Some others so so.. There's a room next to the loo kinda dark, i thought was someone's bedroom, so i didn't check out. There's a cd player, thought someone left it for charging batteries.. Nope, an art.. Not for visual, can listen to it. I didn't read the title, just listen.. Z.. Z.. Z... Fuck, what the fuck was that? Shut it off and went to see some other paintings. Then saw a guy sat down and listen to that z.. z.. song, quite long.. Cy then told me: "This guy's nuts, the whole track was only z.. z.. z.. and why he bother to make some time observing that?" One word, lunatic.. (for chinese, that's fucking "Sohai") you guessed it!

Then we went upstairs, Lissa just finished performing, good.. Just when we're passing by going to the stairs, a girl dressed in white lying on the decor i described earlier about the trees outside the main entrance. I thought she might caught some disease and perhaps it's safe to be in there watching the show. Her face was totally creamed white, like ghost. It's alright, everyone's there, i'm not freaking out cuz it's not a ghost, well, if i'm alone, maybe she's a ghost! Another "Sohai"..

First encounter at the staircase's halfway.. A tv set with a video on, showing a guy with a chinese gothic written paper in yellow, pasted at his forehead and he kept blowing it. Cy told me it'll changed to different colors.. Well, there's a remote control, so i fast forward the scene and it color did changed, to Green! Gosh, for a moment i kept fast forwarding, it stopped and rerun the video again.. Fuck man, this guy had some freaking mind going on, lucky that he's not selling the vcd, no price tagged.. Fuck, i think nobody's going to buy it, no point at all watching the video with a guy blowing a piece of paper at his forehead till it changes color, two in advance, for 6 minutes, per day though? Inspirational? Get the hint.. Again another "Sohai"..

A few art paintings and some mixed medias kinda impressive too, again encountered another video. This time got worsen, KL always traffic jam, and this artist film the scene taken in Sg Besi's road all the way to Seremban toll, for about 56 minutes he filmed it. He's driving Kembara, if i'm not mistaken. The camera was behind the front seats, specifically adjusted for the jam view. The background music changed every moment, which the artist (he's driving, though) changed the tracks from the car's cd player. Cy's bro sat there and observed.. Yeah yeah, some sort of pathetic when cy said about it. The video was crap, though it was art. Was it art trying to fraud it's nature? Traffic jam could be in photos, not video.. Sort of like news media to me, but no point showing it at the gallery, so to say.. I hope for the last time, again another "Sohai"..

That's about it, cy call it for a day, crappy time to have there. Then we went down, right below the staircase there's storeroom, tagged with name of artist and art..??? What? The storeroom also an art? Me and cy checked it out, some plain clothes and jeans folded nice and accordingly at the end of it, some lightning and dirts around, oh man, this is art? Wait till you see my room, that's art, be my guest..

Can't stop commenting them "Sohai"..

The girl (like a ghost) went somewhere, and she was performing! There's a basin at the center corner of the door entrance, everyone's observing her doings. This time she cleaned her face, no cream and some blood stains behind her clothes, near her butt (i guess she had forgotten about the pads). Then quickly she ran outside, everyone's chasing her. So we went out, almost wanted to leave, then something tells her our disappointment, entertained us by taking off her undies.. Gosh, she did lifted her dress and.. Too bad, she double wearing undies, for sure. Cy asked about it, must be some kinda joke of an art performing like that, obscene baby! Then she smoked cigarette, puffed a few and the act ended.. Cy's bro went nearer for a close view, thought of just to make sure she's wearing something when she was taking of the "Pink" undies.. Fuck.. "Sohai" one last time, no more!

Everyone went in, the cameramen still there, focusing at the undies..

A: "gosh, she's talented, why not she do porn instead?"

B: "damn, i should've taken the closer shot from below.."

C: "i never get a hard on like this before.. Better keep this video a copy for my own to jack off.."

(Well i tell you, these conversations are made up, no point asking around about it!)

So we left, full of disappointment and negative comments, somehow Penny said they put up a show like that, it considered they made effort to have something going on for their achievements. Medias came and promoting their place, so it's not going to be a rip-off.

Guys, if you, i mean one of you did went there, i'm surely you'll find some bad impression on me commenting the gallery and the gig. And also i'm just putting my feelings of my day, no harm to let it go in here. Please don't find ways to spank me up, it's not going for political. I'm sure there's people who been there may had the same point of view with me, only they don't post on websites, or possible they did.

I forgot what's the organisation name, some kinda like high voltage with some Malay wordings. I had the flier with me, just few pictures i can show it here. Maybe you guys can check out their website, some artist out there maybe interested, not to say i'm not, just browsing.. Passing along, get to know what's up, that's it. Another thing, the event held on 17th Aug till 21st.

The Lost Generation Space

The Location Map

Read my words: i don't really bust people's potential, just as they used it inversatile, as i know. Surely they could be complimented, or shall be criticised. Whatsoever, my post here does not HARM any subjects above, just feel free to browse or leave if you disagree. Thanks a bunch of supports..

Oh oh oh.. Gizmo? Like Superhero Name..

Gadgets. Innovation. And design.. Yes, there goes the tagline.. Hey, why am i promoting all these? Is my findings during freetime, when my itchy fingers on my phone...

There's a lot more for us out there to learn what we have in this present, so-called future, like KL had LRT (underground and above the streets, cool uh?), Twin Tower (only foreigners came here just to see that amazing shit, can see no touch, needs authority to go up, if not you can convict any crime at all, or commit suicide, man. I don't know how tall it was, if let's say you're jumping downwards, guaranteed flat splat like jelly), nightlife (Hmm..)?

Whatever, just browse the site at the click of the logo pic or just simply look at the latest items they have here..

Mathias Bengsston Erosion Chair
It’s pretty amazing what you can do with a laser and 254 cut and glued plywood layers. Designer Mathias Bengsston says:
This arm chair explores the process of sculpting a 3-D form to produce furniture from a stack of flat sheets.
The form is modeled by hand then digitized by a computer, then sliced. The resulting shape of each slice is mapped onto an aluminum, corrugated cardboard or plywood sheet, which is cut accordingly. When the stack is re-assembled, a chair is formed, looking like a kind of symmetrical erosion.Right, so, of course, no price or anything. Check out the website again, here. Story VIA Inhabitat.

The Car Can Cooler
It’s not enough that people are wanting to Pot Roast stuff in their cars, now there’s a way to cool your drinks to go with that. Simply plug the $40 can cooler into the cigarette plug and keep two beverages nice and cold.
You can get it from GadgetUniverse, though the website is broken at the moment. Story VIA Alt1040.

Tennis Ball Bracelet

You know, the nice thing about having a website, is you get to talk about whatever the hell you feel like. No one tells you what to do. For instance, I have the freedom to tell you about something so useless you’d be hardpressed to recycle it even as a paperweight. Yet, it looks somewhat interesting, and as a result, gets to be talked about right here.

It’s billed as a bracelet, and it’s a simple cross-section of a tennis ball. That’s it. It’s made by this German dude, Elke Munkert, a self confessed schmuck (?). He seems to have a healthy obsession with objects made out of tennis balls. If you’re into that sort of thing, you might want to visit his website here. Story VIA Designspotter.

PMPEvent’s Viliv P1

We talked about this sexy beast a while ago. Back then, we didn’t even know the name, let alone whether it was even real. Well, it turns out, it might have been after all, and it’s monicker is the Viliv P1.
To recap: it looks so good, I’d mortgage my soul to get one. Also: 20GB HDD, CF slot, 4-inch widescreen, user-replaceable battery, touch-wheel navigation. Added: good looks galore.
Okay, okay, this is all flake. Go inside and you’ll get a nice list of all the nice features it’s supposed to have. Just so you know, it even has GPS… for whatever reason.
(Read more…)

The Evergreen D900SX

I just happen to really like DVD players that can handle DivX. Of course, this has nothing at all to do with the BitTorrent/DVD-RW combination that allows you to fit up to 6 movies per disc. No, see, I just like knowing that my player can do cool stuff.
This particular model, the D900SX from Evergreen, for instance, can handle the now two month old DivX 6.0, and has the ability to play DivX 5.0.5 files at 119fps. It’s in English and plays PAL/NTSC. Some tinkering from GeekStuff4U has also made it region free. My question now, of course, is why exactly I’d want to play video at 119fps. Any ideas, anyone?
It looks sort of neat, and you can get it for $97, right here. Story VIA Akihabara.

Schnappi... Schnappi...

SCHNAPPI!!! Heh, nothing much, found the cartoon character in wapsville, something special about this cartoon. You guys let me know about it ok?

Here's some pictures, there's ringtones, wallpapers, desktop wallpapers, games, whatever shits there are at the site. click on the Schnappi logo pic and it leads you to the site ok?

Boston Baru's Zhi Hun Gen

The one and only restaurant to have nice food, Zhi Hun Gen! Woah ho, you should know better.. It's in Klang, opposite Kandar, on the juntion of Jln Kapar, turn left, there's a row of shoplots there, on your left. If you happened to pass around that corner, you'll notice that the tables and the crowds were already dominate the small road, think about parking inside was absolutely ridiculous, can't even get out from that path, or either you think finding a parking there, useless too, too many people came and dominated the parking spaces too, you get what i mean.

Zhi Hun Gen.. Hokkien called it that way, if i'm gonna translate in here, no way man! There's no translation made, it's a name, not more than that. Why it's so strike out for me? Hmm, the food, i tell you, fucking cun man.. But to be honest, this food is not halal, so any malay readers, please have tolerance ok? It looked like Lou Shi Fun (Lou Shi=Rat, Fun=Noodle), Lou Shi Fun is white color, while Zhi Hun Gen is transparent. Spicy cooked and the flavour, mmm mmm, cun fuck..

Sorry i don't have the clear picture of the Zhi Hun Gen cuz i had it a night and the table i sat had no lights, dimmed and i only use my phone camera to take pictures, as you can realise from the pictures i posted in here..

If i go there again, i'll make sure i'll take the shot..

Ok, this restaurant opens at 7pm. There's a time i went with my girl just to let her had the taste of it, we were there at 5pm. The workers were busy preparing, and we asked one of the worker when we could really order the food. So he said they'll start business by 7pm, and we went to the nearest shopping arcade to burn some time.

We came back 7pm sharp, people were seated and the workers were busy preparing for the customers too.. Blasted, i thought maybe we'll be just in the right time, duh! Guess what, we waited for almost an hour to get to our food, 8pm we startyed to taste our bit. Damn, the portion was small, and i wanted more but too bad it's way too long for the queue.

So if happened you guys wanted to have a taste of it, drop by there, i'm sure i'm not blaffing of the goodness, the one and only, best of all, in Klang, no more, not Pahang, Ipoh some sort of places.

*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.