Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Quake......4......XBox 360 and PC...which one I could play???

Finally, after Quake 3.. i wasn't enjoyed playing Quake 3 cuz i don't like multiplayer thingy in a game like that, somehow it entertained me, back in 8 years ago, when i was working in JB, twice i came back to KL looked for cy and stayed overnight at his place, while he's taking SPM.. i remember that, oh well.. i flunked my studies since i'm form 3 (bla bla bla).. so, there's no cars between us, we usually walked downpath his house nearby (quite far if you really walk), look for cybercafe, that was the time Counterstrike became famous and most of the seats were taken, and even the owners with business minded really knew how to decorate the place like high class, as i know the place i've been (near Public Bank at Tmn Desa) closed down, both, kids were so good and clans builded from areas (like Sunway, PJ, Cheras..), even forums spilled the threads..

now, only Malays concentrate on Counterstrike, while Chinese concentrate on Warcraft. When i'm trying to do my blog after work (sometimes), most of the player yell here and there, worst than previous times Counterstrike "why you kill me?" "god damn it, i'm gonna kill you!!". Now "monster jam!!" whatsoever, and the players lure and kill the clans and kept yelling "don't die" or "come over and i'll slice you apart" (all dubbed in english, as i know they were yelling in chinese, plus vulgar words). i don't really enjoy the scene, so noisy, what to do, i don't have my own pc, can't fight them, better join them.. what, i'm no Warcraft freak, Quake rulez baby!! the logo tells i'm a big fan, man, i kept Quake 2 (my favourite, even though no story line, fuck it, i enjoyed killing beasts..) and still with me, especially the soundtrack, composed by Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails (Marilyn Manson's Guru). the soundtracks was awesome man, i tell you.. track one was the best, the drum beats really got me carried away, head banging like sohai..

Okies, here's the story.. of Quake 4.. the trailer? i watched it, CGI like Final Fantasy... God damn cun..

In the Mid-21st century, a barbaric alien race called the Strogg launched a massive invasion on Earth. Originally believed to be an attemp to strip the planet of it's natural resources, humans soon discover that the Strogg are simply after only the human remains of those they kill. Through a horrific process, the limbs and flesh of the fallen are fused with metal and machinery to create the monstrosities that are the alien Strogg.

The Strogg and humans battle for years on Earth, but as resources become depleted. Earth mounts a counter-assault on the Strogg homeworld. The first assault force is launched from the fleet and encounters overwhelming resistants - most of the drop-ships are destroyed by the Strogg homeworld's massive defense weapon known as "The Big Gun". However, one surviving marine breaks through and is able to destroy the big gun and ultimately defeat the Strogg leader, The Makron. But the war did not end there.

"You are Matthew Kane, a member of the elite Rhino Squad and part of the next massive invasion that spans across the entire Stroggos planet. Equipped with hi-tech weapons, vehicles and teamed with Earth's top marine squadron you soon realized that this war is far from over. In fact, your worst nightmare is soon realized when you discover that the only way to defeat the Strogg, is to become one of them..."

Quake 4 was a sequeal of Quake 2, Quake 3 was a flob.. so get some info online..

This is awesome, i'm so anxious to get to know how it'll be becoming one of the strogg, maybe have special weapons and hard to be killed or something.. i know it's gonna be ugly, what the hell, it's just a game, not Squall turn out to be a frog and Rinoa is going for prostitution.. i mean, check out the trailer of the game, fucking realistic, some pictures posted here not to say perfectly rendered like Final Fantasy, only it matters the gaming has become realistically than PS2 or other games now.. maybe Halo 2 can be realistically, or Half-Life 2.. i don't know, i played Halo 2 once on XBox (not 360), Half-Life 2 can't be played cuz the game needed license key.. stupid game, so it makes most of the people never played the game, better forget it..

Not release yet, just have to wait guys, cuz 360's not out yet.. one thing, click on the pictures below to enlarge them for better view, dudes..

real shooting graphics..

realistic scenes, with monsters.. real too..

scene of your team mate terminated, nice tones..

investigate your mate how'd he died in cruelty..

check this out baby, the graphics are no way to fraud..

ahh.. monsters..

machines to ride, look how the blast's graphics man..

terrified.. fucking terrified with this beast plus machines, bottomless freak.. with freaking cannon..

how would you like to ride on big robo machines and kill those tiny nitwits..

this is how you'll become one of them, in order to destroy their existences..

concept art of The Makron.. yet i know it was, sorry.. but it's nice art, right? no way i could draw that..

guns, hi-tech weapons.. can't get it from the marines or mafias.. too futuristic..

rendered characters, i noticed that the guns are not that properly rendered..

but the armors look cool, man, better than Half-Life.. (I'm not Half-Life fan, so the game was like a mimic of this game.. just it's kinda human and not futuristic.

ok, that's about it, not much info, but you want more, please check out from the webs, bro..


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