Sunday, August 21, 2005

Oh oh oh.. Gizmo? Like Superhero Name..

Gadgets. Innovation. And design.. Yes, there goes the tagline.. Hey, why am i promoting all these? Is my findings during freetime, when my itchy fingers on my phone...

There's a lot more for us out there to learn what we have in this present, so-called future, like KL had LRT (underground and above the streets, cool uh?), Twin Tower (only foreigners came here just to see that amazing shit, can see no touch, needs authority to go up, if not you can convict any crime at all, or commit suicide, man. I don't know how tall it was, if let's say you're jumping downwards, guaranteed flat splat like jelly), nightlife (Hmm..)?

Whatever, just browse the site at the click of the logo pic or just simply look at the latest items they have here..

Mathias Bengsston Erosion Chair
It’s pretty amazing what you can do with a laser and 254 cut and glued plywood layers. Designer Mathias Bengsston says:
This arm chair explores the process of sculpting a 3-D form to produce furniture from a stack of flat sheets.
The form is modeled by hand then digitized by a computer, then sliced. The resulting shape of each slice is mapped onto an aluminum, corrugated cardboard or plywood sheet, which is cut accordingly. When the stack is re-assembled, a chair is formed, looking like a kind of symmetrical erosion.Right, so, of course, no price or anything. Check out the website again, here. Story VIA Inhabitat.

The Car Can Cooler
It’s not enough that people are wanting to Pot Roast stuff in their cars, now there’s a way to cool your drinks to go with that. Simply plug the $40 can cooler into the cigarette plug and keep two beverages nice and cold.
You can get it from GadgetUniverse, though the website is broken at the moment. Story VIA Alt1040.

Tennis Ball Bracelet

You know, the nice thing about having a website, is you get to talk about whatever the hell you feel like. No one tells you what to do. For instance, I have the freedom to tell you about something so useless you’d be hardpressed to recycle it even as a paperweight. Yet, it looks somewhat interesting, and as a result, gets to be talked about right here.

It’s billed as a bracelet, and it’s a simple cross-section of a tennis ball. That’s it. It’s made by this German dude, Elke Munkert, a self confessed schmuck (?). He seems to have a healthy obsession with objects made out of tennis balls. If you’re into that sort of thing, you might want to visit his website here. Story VIA Designspotter.

PMPEvent’s Viliv P1

We talked about this sexy beast a while ago. Back then, we didn’t even know the name, let alone whether it was even real. Well, it turns out, it might have been after all, and it’s monicker is the Viliv P1.
To recap: it looks so good, I’d mortgage my soul to get one. Also: 20GB HDD, CF slot, 4-inch widescreen, user-replaceable battery, touch-wheel navigation. Added: good looks galore.
Okay, okay, this is all flake. Go inside and you’ll get a nice list of all the nice features it’s supposed to have. Just so you know, it even has GPS… for whatever reason.
(Read more…)

The Evergreen D900SX

I just happen to really like DVD players that can handle DivX. Of course, this has nothing at all to do with the BitTorrent/DVD-RW combination that allows you to fit up to 6 movies per disc. No, see, I just like knowing that my player can do cool stuff.
This particular model, the D900SX from Evergreen, for instance, can handle the now two month old DivX 6.0, and has the ability to play DivX 5.0.5 files at 119fps. It’s in English and plays PAL/NTSC. Some tinkering from GeekStuff4U has also made it region free. My question now, of course, is why exactly I’d want to play video at 119fps. Any ideas, anyone?
It looks sort of neat, and you can get it for $97, right here. Story VIA Akihabara.


Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

Well for Pete's sake you have done a great job with getting your blog set up. I am so glad I found it while looking for a Payday Loan online.

Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

GUIdebook interviews Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball
The GUIdebook a site dedicated to all things GUI in operating systems, has an interview with Jon Gruberauthor of the fairly well known Daring Fireball a blog dedicated to self described Mac Geekery.
Hey, you have a nice blog here! I'm going to bookmark you!

I have a magician blog. It pretty much covers magician related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:44:00 AM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

What did i do? thanks for the compliments.. do come back for the more crappy info i made all the while..

Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:45:00 AM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

hey vnr406, whoever you are, i appreciate of your comments about my blog, although it seems crappy to my pal cy "The 30 Day Artist", do check out his website too.

see ya around..

Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:57:00 AM  

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