Gig in Tmn Seputih

Cy's bro tagged along, 5 of us in my car, drove there and the place was uphill.. Damn scared that my car won't pushed hard enough, 1300cc engine, duh! Reached there, the trees were decorated with a umbrella covered with a long piece of transparent white cloth each, nice.
The gig started as we reached, sounds like Shania Twain live. The current performers were both foreigners, which country from? Name of the band? No idea. But the main thing is they really put on a good show, we're there as they sang few songs left, then came a group (Malays, 4 piece and the singer is chinese) called Lissa.. The chicks, both singer and pianist, seemed pretty. The guitarist caught me and cy's attention. He has long hair, bearded, seemed like a long timer on music line. We never really sat down and listen to them, busy browsing the arts, that'll be later i make comments on the arts. First song they performed, "Kiss Me" from Six Spence None The Richer. Gosh, they sang cover song? They blew it right at the spot.. Boo, not entertaining.. Tell me guys, what's art for? Copying? Then goes to another song, even my girl commented about it.. The guitarist flunk it badly, tuning was out, timing was out, colaboration sucks.. Cy's the first one told me that, i didn't know, cuz i'm not paying attention to them, while i was looking at the paintings..

Then we went upstairs, Lissa just finished performing, good.. Just when we're passing by going to the stairs, a girl dressed in white lying on the decor i described earlier about the trees outside the main entrance. I thought she might caught some disease and perhaps it's safe to be in there watching the show. Her face was totally creamed white, like ghost. It's alright, everyone's there, i'm not freaking out cuz it's not a ghost, well, if i'm alone, maybe she's a ghost! Another "Sohai"..
First encounter at the staircase's halfway.. A tv set with a video on, showing a guy with a chinese gothic written paper in yellow, pasted at his forehead and he kept blowing it. Cy told me it'll changed to different colors.. Well, there's a remote control, so i fast forward the scene and it color did changed, to Green! Gosh, for a moment i kept fast forwarding, it stopped and rerun the video again.. Fuck man, this guy had some freaking mind going on, lucky that he's not selling the vcd, no price tagged.. Fuck, i think nobody's going to buy it, no point at all watching the video with a guy blowing a piece of paper at his forehead till it changes color, two in advance, for 6

A few art paintings and some mixed medias kinda impressive too, again encountered another video. This time got worsen, KL always traffic jam, and this artist film the scene taken in Sg Besi's road all the way to Seremban toll, for about 56 minutes he filmed it. He's driving Kembara, if i'm not mistaken. The camera was behind the front seats, specifically adjusted for the jam view. The background music changed every moment, which the artist (he's driving, though) changed the tracks from the car's cd player. Cy's bro sat there and observed.. Yeah yeah, some sort of pathetic when cy said about it. The video was crap, though it was art. Was it art trying to fraud it's nature? Traffic jam could be in photos, not video.. Sort of like news media to me, but no point showing it at the gallery, so to say.. I hope for the last time, again another "Sohai"..
That's about it, cy call it for a day, crappy time to have there. Then we went down, right below the staircase there's storeroom, tagged with name of artist and art..??? What? The storeroom also an art? Me and cy checked it out, some plain clothes and jeans folded nice and accordingly at the end of it, some lightning and dirts around, oh man, this is art? Wait till you see my room, that's art, be my guest..
Can't stop commenting them "Sohai"..

Everyone went in, the cameramen still there, focusing at the undies..
A: "gosh, she's talented, why not she do porn instead?"
B: "damn, i should've taken the closer shot from below.."
C: "i never get a hard on like this before.. Better keep this video a copy for my own to jack off.."
(Well i tell you, these conversations are made up, no point asking around about it!)
So we left, full of disappointment and negative comments, somehow Penny said they put up a show like that, it considered they made effort to have something going on for their achievements. Medias came and promoting their place, so it's not going to be a rip-off.
Guys, if you, i mean one of you did went there, i'm surely you'll find some bad impression on me commenting the gallery and the gig. And also i'm just putting my feelings of my day, no harm to let it go in here. Please don't find ways to spank me up, it's not going for political. I'm sure there's people who been there may had the same point of view with me, only they don't post on websites, or possible they did.
I forgot what's the organisation name, some kinda like high voltage with some Malay wordings. I had the flier with me, just few pictures i can show it here. Maybe you guys can check out their website, some artist out there maybe interested, not to say i'm not, just browsing.. Passing along, get to know what's up, that's it. Another thing, the event held on 17th Aug till 21st.

The Location Map
Read my words: i don't really bust people's potential, just as they used it inversatile, as i know. Surely they could be complimented, or shall be criticised. Whatsoever, my post here does not HARM any subjects above, just feel free to browse or leave if you disagree. Thanks a bunch of supports..
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