Monday, November 28, 2005

6th Jamming Session

I can't see it from here.. hmm.. what the fuck is that?It's been like a whole week i've stayed overnight at cy's place, watched movies, discussing about our gig preparation... Almost everynight...

Saturday, supposed need to meet up my girl at KLCC and make a technical solutions for her new supplementary line's services, woke up late, about 12pm, soon enough to know i had to go meet her up at her place even it's not about the KLCC thing, Delicious Ice Cream for my delicious darlingjust an essential meet up every weekend. We missed each other, a day in a week probably brought us this far, less argument, it seems like everything is so new for us to talk about, work stress, gossips, news and some intimate moments at my place... I blew it, i know, my apologies...

Watching movies together is an ideal to get us closer, and most importantly she didn't mind stay in and get cozy comfort. Her friend, She thinks this picture looks like a modelLianni, birthday today, invited us to have dinner together at Sunway's Kim Gary. I mean, wow, a nice and expensive place to dine in, my girl usually talked about this place, how nice and various selections the food have there. Can't blame that my first time being there, i don't spend my money on these places, or shall say i can't afford, not like any typical office staffs. ...and perhaps she's right...I'm earn much, just to cover my expenses, other than that, my limitation restricted me having more than 5 times eating at McDonald's.

Lianni reached earlier, she got table while we just arrived. Everyone's in the waiting line, just how lucky we were. The menu's twisted my mind, not exactly i was looking at the food names, the prices... Oh my God, that's way of like... Wait a minute, it make no differences than eating at McDonald's, came desserts and drinks... heh, i don't like my coffee served with milk...just some extra charges couldn't possibly cost more.

I had a camera borrowed from my carpenter, brought along for her special occasion, sometimes not everyone remembered taking a memorable photos with friends celebrating together. Took photos on food, ourselves and just my girl and her. LPC likes this Mango snow mountain... mmm... does it really tempting people out there?A few moments later, after our food served, a guy came in with a girl sat a few metres away from our table with a pillar covering him. Lianni was surprised that he was here, then story telling about this guy's affair in her friend's workplace. We doubted him having another affair with that girl, the way we look at their ways communicating each other, i don't see they're having relationship, We had sets of dinner, perfect combinations... mmm...just casual meet up. However, i took their pictures (not so clear) for Lianni, just in case she needed it to save her friend from being cheated.

The food was great, Baked Cheese Rice with Pork set, came with a pudding as dessert, creamed soup and a cup of coffee with milk. (I hated to have with milk in my coffee.) Then we left soon after the meal. So my girl wanted to watch Cello, as the way she pronounced it, Just see how we managed to finished up the food, even if a girl finishing it...sounded like it's a rare movie to find, as i know there's a movie called Cello, but not Chello... (sorry darling...)

Bought GunGrave in 2 DVDs and Macross Zero 5 episods in one single DVD. My girl bought Cello and Just Like Heaven. So we went back to my place, watched Just Like Heaven, then Macross. Cy and Jordan were expecting me to come over cy's place and watch movie, something relevant to Kurt Cobain's life. Sounded interesting but my girl wasn't happy that i've to stay overnight again, somehow i just had to go and join them, at least i know it's still weekend.

Aww... how lucky i am in between 2 cuntet chicks... like James Bond...Both also Leng Lui, both also best friends... Me? i'm just mistaken their table...Got to watch a movie called 'Last Days', an inspiration from Kurt Cobain's life in his fame and band 'Nirvana', starring Michael Pitt (The Dreamers) and featuring Kim Gordan (Sonic Youth). Well, i know this movie is gonna twist and bore people who watched it, as far as i know, it's a good movie, portrayed every single burden that Kurt Cobain had gone through, if people haven't read his comic of his life and Nirvana.

Sunday afternoon, again woke up at 12pm. mmm, she's pretty...Went to eat fish head soup again, and spotted a lot more cun chicks around. Afterall, lots of dispute going on judging the chick's looks, how pretty and sexy stuffs like that. I went dizzy having such topic running in my head, i just know i didn't sleep well, my back kinda hurt and i felt lie going home to have another sleep. Macross Zero got me stayed for another few hours finishing it, so i got home almost 5pm. Collected my laundry, watched GunGrave till episod 7. Then went to meet Jordan, this time i'm fetching him there, as i concerned my car's mileage got a little fast decreasing for my next car service, but what the hell, investment don't come contributeless before you get a fair returns.
Me got dopey eyes, yup, i purposely did it... (cy's criticizing...)Crawford came along, and we got ourselves ready for the session after some discussions and plannings. I brought my camera too, since Crawford had nothing to do, he'll take some shots of us practising. This time Jordan had his 'Pei Pa' (Sitar) ready with mini pickup, but settings gone wrong and not loud enough. So much plannings made and we jammed 2 hours, and each of us paying RM10 for the long session, and i felt this session has only served a purpose, for reference only, not completed song, at least we know ourselves where should we go in sequences. Everyone's got themselves enthusiastic on the plannings, each of us wrote down the references from the demos, except Yulius. Well, i knew he'll come around with us, just by here letting you know if you're reading this, dude, get the fucking REFERENCE! Demo... Instructor CY is in busy mode trying to have us in proper preparations before the recording starts...And so the music were played and everythings are under planned. Short supper ate, sent Jordan back to his car, went home, thought about this Friday's session. I left a few bucks to survive until the end of this month, damn pitiful. No one can feel it here cuz they don't care, so i'm just talking crap here though. Jordan's taking much pressure practising and blending into our kind of music, actually it's simple, relaxed your mind, think of something you need to play with, in emotional stuffs, happy or sad, by tunes and by right, it goes on what it represents your feeling.


Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

pity yus lar,he's been bugging all of you for the demo since day 1, and even until now nobody's given it to him,so it's hard.he had to listen to my one minute recordings on the handphone as reference,which isn't much at all.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:44:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

ok, maybe he could spend an hour at chin yew's house to do some cd burning, usually when you guys arrived, after jamming sure you guy left in hurry. i don't know how to explain, but if he really wantred the demo, he knew what he had to do then. not asking, pursueing by himself...

no offence k?

Friday, December 02, 2005 11:10:00 AM  
Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

no,trying to explain to you his situation.he works 6days a week, from 7.30am to 10pm.most of the days,he wont even take his break because he's devoted to his job, and on his day off,a tuesday,he has to run errands for the cafe. everytime he wants to go to chin yew's hse early,chin yew's late because of course,he has other things to we end up waiting outside.and the reason why he leaves immediately after jamming is because you guys DON'T GO HOME IMMEDIATELY... instead,you spend a minimum of 2HOURS sitting at the MAMAK.while the rest of you HAVE the time to waste,he honestly doesnt.

tonite he's going out to meet you guys to jam,even though he's so tired he can collapse.but the good thing about him is that unlike many, he doesnt even complain about how you guys manage the time without much of his consent.

and think about it...dont tell me he didnt pursue that whole demo thing...EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees you people he asks EACH ONE of you. he called chin yew up so often to ask for the demo.

i'm not upset about the things you've mentioned.i'm upset because all of you can sit there and believe he isn't trying.

yulius is by far the most patient and harworking person I know.if nobody even looks at his part of the story,then that's just plain unfair.

Sunday, December 04, 2005 10:24:00 PM  
Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

dont get me wrong yarh,i'm not angry at you.just telling you his situation,because he never stands up for himself.and i dont blame you for thinking he's lacking the effort; he never tells you guys much about himself. but trust me lar andy...he's trying his hardest to please everyone.i can sit down and type points siding his part,but no reason to do such a thing. you guys are friends who should know him better than i do, after all.

i just wish everyone can see what a great guy he is without randomly judging him according to everyone's pleasure.

but 'nuff said...hope you guys have a better session tonight. i was starved the last time i tagged along,so i won't be there to indulge in the noise. :)

i still owe you dinner for helping me with the fashion show track. mamak only yarh?:P

Sunday, December 04, 2005 10:46:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

ok la, i know about yulius... somehow whenever we need to go mamak for a drink after jamming session, we discuss about it, rather we discuss at chin yew's house cuzhis mom's at home and probably will disturb his mom sleeping. also jordan usually talk in loud voices, so no matter how it became an essential for us to gether ourselves at the mamak to discuss the band's issue. i'm sorry that i had the blame on him, just if we're going to do something, no matter how we had to show it the intiative and determination. i also work like in the morning, not till night but still physically and mentally tired too, just like last weekend i work as freelance production assistant for chin yew's company, torturing... soon i'll post my weekend stories, then you'll know... like dying only...

anyway, yulius, i'm sorry for blaming you...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:04:00 AM  

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