Sunday, June 05, 2005

Lost interest but..

I've been very busy at job recently, which in sense of few months of not doing anythin about my emails, online games and also my blog. My good friend was telling me that i've dead blog, i wish i could log in and type something interesting about my discovers in life, whenever i was home, i got lazy. I don't own a pc at home, my good friend has one and he has the time and opportunity. I work 12 hours or more, includes going to work and going back home, it does consume time, so mostly i slept at least 6 hours a day, and i've to work almost everyday.

Before my good friend was single by now, he spend most of his time with his loved one, we hardly meet each other and we don't go clubbing anymore. Everyone got busier and busier, time goes by, situation and personality changes. I work in this company for 3 years, no raise, only deducted 30% from what i deserve since last year, and truly remember it was the time i just bought a brand new car and my boss told us the company is cutting cost and wish all of us considered of continue working or quit. I'm still here, striving, almost half past dead.

And by the mean while, i was introduced to this blog. I like it a lot, whenever i need to spit some anger and memories, this is where i need to go, leave all the issues here, then in few years later i might review back, as reference or just recall back just to make sure i'm not left out on something precious happened in my life. I did a few as you can see, later on i was sent outstation supervise other branches. A lot of supervisors quit, just as the cut-cost announced. Some left with few days sales money about rm5,000++. Then again i've to encounter some major problems in finance and staffs, which i can't let others do.

I tried to blame myself of being a pioneer in my company, i'm too smart, friendly, everyone likes me, i guess, and soon things got screw up, conspiracy started. Therefore again staffs leaving for a new life, and i was supposed to leave too. I can't, i wish i could, but it's the point of being a friend of my boss, he did took care of me very well indeed previously, and i'm honestly not trying to take him for granted. So my time spending getting less, no time for pubs, clubbing, drinking, or even meet my girl. I'm in full responsible on everything, and i feel like i'm more than a boss, better. My boss getting cunning these days, after the bank closes at 4pm, he'll start disconnect his phone contacts and sometime i've to depend myself to sort things out, without his knowledge.

And from that moment, i'm becoming cunning, i took my lead, simply make any day as my off day, or just do my own stuffs even when i'm on duty, with no hard feelings, cuz i know my company won't suspect anything i do, they don't even have the time to survey the branches as they need to do so. I'm truly disappointed at this company, without proper system and lack of staffs, this will lead company closing down and my boss become failure again, once more i'll hear them eating one single bread sharing each other.

So, when i started handle my free time, again i can meet my good friend again, spend time with my girl, go cybercafe and play nfsu2, even i check mails! And now i never thought that my phone can do more miracles, example, i can write my own blog in my phone first, if i can get my hands on the pc, i can simply transfer this file to pc and directly paste it at the blog, so it can be updated. Some people figure out that, but i'm too busy and forgetful on things surrounding me, i'm slow thinker though.. Hope this routine will never stops.


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