Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cat Shitting

Posted by Hello

This picture was taken from Kelantan, I was there for like almost a month and not much customers by that time. Happenly i wanted to buy somthing across the streets and i saw a cat was shitting there without any fear and embarassment, its eyes looks kinda gentle, weird, got no other pictures to start my blog, hehe.
Since we had moved opposite the grand market in Wakaf Che Yeh, things changed a lot. Example, supposed we're operating business in a shop, it's all about cutting cost, and my boss decided to move in an expo cuz the rent was cheaper and easier to handle documents and registration. Bad point is, Kelantan is a place always in hot weather, hardly rain, and the temperature was 34 degrees on daytime, 32 degrees at night time, killing huh?

I've heard a lot of stories about the people there. I'm not sure if I'm telling this may cause offensive to them, but hey, if klates mind about my critics, why they bother doing much negatives? Ok, first i've heard from my staffs about girls. Whoever muslims came from another state searching soul mates, Kelantan is the place. Its near Thailand, so most of them were mixed, drown up with beautiful features, looks, body, you name it, even they're hardworking types, do care about family business, thrifty, don't even mind about how you look, fat? Ugly? They only need you to be honest and sincere to them, and they'll make themsleves a slave to you, the best dessert at night, do you right. Tempting eh? The religion believers are so strong minded that they have to follow their prayer's time, not even miss a single one. Somehow it's kinda odd if they are strictly not allowed going places without wearing a "tudung" ( i don't know how to explain it in English). So i'll always get confused on their looks, almost look alike if only they're not pretty, and i know i can remember those who were pretties, hehe.. Common sense la.. Some doesn't bother wearing tudung cuz the weather is so hot and made their hair looks like bird nest and starting to have foul smells, sometimes when i get close to them, i felt like fainting and puking, seriously. Some they do care about their smells, they bought perfume cologne just to fade away the foul smells, sometimes it smells so strong that i felt the same, fainting and puking. Another term is definately outrageous: i went to town for some shopping, saw a place where people can sit and relax. Therefore it's not only one particular place for everyone, it's seperated.. One for the mens, the other one for the ladies.. I don't really think the crowds followed the rules, i've seen an old man sitting and relaxing at the ladies' booth, so he was offending. Although he's old, rules are rules.. But i took no action, cuz i found it bullshit. Well, that's all the information i know, anyone interest can go there for holiday, there's people from other countries too, like Germany, England, etc..

Boys in Kelantan.. No offence, what i've heard they don't work for their lives. Even they do work, they don't put any effort, not in least, i'm telling you. Being friends with them is totally out of the questions, cuz they're cpcksuckers, they won;t be sincere to you. They don't have jobs, means they don't have money. Without any money with them, they can't survive without food and other expenses. So what they'll do? They're fucking smart, making plans and strategies on how to steal, even rob. Cars stolen each day, houses break-ins, it's so devastating staying there, you'll find yourself paranoid every moment when you look atthem. They dominate the place, if happenly you've any misunderstood with them, don't even think of fighting back, they'll remember you and find back ups to beat the hell out of you. They're punks, worship guerilla nazi styles, with stupid hair cuts covering their eyes, curly, always likes to gear up with caps and accessories, tight tee, second hand Levi's jeans carrot cut, wears second hand branded shoes with shoemarks almost wear out. And bundles are hot selling there, i wonder if they do notice about the bundles, like worn by other people who had skin disease that can be contagious and outbreaks the town. I heard they don't even bath, nazi rules, that's for sure, they'll stink like fucking skunk pig shit, joining groups by groups, gathering themselves at shoplots day dreaming of getting chicks, fame and luxuries. I don't say they don't have chicks, the Kelantan girls are horny, easy to get and the boys only let them work for money, gave the boys some on expenses. The boys just hang around daytime and wait for their chicks come bac and fuck. Seems peaceful life to me, honestly useless..

Any Kelantan boys reading this, i'm sure you're gonna and hate me, but this is what i've heard, and somehow experienced. I work in company and did employed Kelantan boys, all the facts i've told yall had happened because they proven it. I heard critics from you boys about chinese too, so it's a fair play. Any critics brings improvement for the future, no hatred, you don't like what i'm saying, change,make better fututre in Kelantan, everyone's looking forward to this.


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