Sunday, June 05, 2005

David Tao's Promo Tour

Posted by Hello

Before David Tao's promo, i'm stucked in between my job, i already told you guys i'm working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week unless i'm sick and tired, only can take off days. I've promised my girl to go there with her in any chances, in the end i did. the story goes..

I was in Bangi operating expo, the weather was so hot and we're sweating every single minute.I had a good staff who worked in my company more than a year, he's enthusiastic on the work and precisely he's a foreigner, so had to work and earn cash, save some and go back t his country. But i never heard that he wanted to go back cuz he always wanted to be malaysian citizen, Myanmar wasa chaos country to him.

I received a call from my boss, asking me to leave for Kelantan. I'm surprised of the call cuz i hate to go such places, far and Malay territory. I've been there, with my boss and other staffs, opened a shop there. The shop was facing at the main road, the people speaks in the languages we hardly could understand, also the most notorious, the rubber factory.. God damn it, the fucking shit smell was fucking dumb shit stink the hell would have vanished in centuries, see how fatal it was..

We carried out our work for a week and we manage to handle our puke sense, only one staff who fell sick by cause of food and the fucking smell. We don't spend much time on our work too, trying to avoid ouselves topuke, pathetic reasons.

Then again, i told my boss if i'm going there again, i might need a day off to sort things out before things got rotten of being there in a long period. So i was given permission, head back my place and changed nice outfit, fetched my girl and head to Sunway Lagoon.

I've received a call from my good friend telling me some firends clubbing, asked me if i'm joining. And i agreed, but i'll be going just after the promo tour. My girl brought the cd, wondered if David would held a autograph session. We were there and it's almost night time, packed and fucking long queue, everyone's sweating pigs, the walk to the stage was far too, and i wish i could wear some tee with thin fabrics, my girl was wearing sphegetti straps, how lucky she was.

The stage was near to the wave pool side, so it was packed, until some crowds had to stand on waters. The event started at 8pm, everyone's lost their patience cuz David was not out for performance. Some games were played and gifted with goodie bags, not me, too far to get selected. My girl was happy and excited, even more when David came out at 9pm. Fuck, 1 hour of patience and sweat, anyway it's worth awhile. He started to joke around and the host was telling him that the crowds are mostly guys. He said it was nothing to mind about, he gave a nice compliment to the guys: "although all the guys were more than the girls, what i've seen most of you are great looking!" We all cheered out loud, and seriously, the grils here were no match to my girl, some fat, full of acnes, very low height, braces, long faces, disorderly outfitted, and they were crazed without controlling themsleves, even they looked like Honkies to me.

He sang pretty well, all new songs. I saw there's a stall selling his new LP just further away from stage, on second thought, i'm sure there'll be an autograph session. Finally David agreed to have a final autograph session, and it's gonna be a long queue. My girl was so happy and i let her brought the cd and let David signed on it. She was on queue at the stage about half an hour, got back and was happy about it, kept telling me she was anxious and excited, lost in words to David. In reply, David asked her how's her feeling cuz she's stoned and still standing without a word out from her mouth. It happened to me 2 years ago when David came doing his 3rd album promo tour, so it's common to all of us, you know what, face to face with your most favourite idol, what the fuck you expected?

Again it was a great experience going such event, and David did said he'll come again for another concert.


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