Saturday, June 11, 2005

Star Wars..

it was friday night, finished work, all well dressed up, rushing my time to his place so i won't be left out of parking. it's common to have so many visitors in mid valley, either the people came just for a casual drinks, or movies. after all, we reached in very early time. met cy's friend's friend, don't know who are they. paid the tickets and we went outside the mall for a walk.

we had a conversation about love relationship, for all the months had passed, cy's feeling stil hanging around. somehow he found that god has given him a sign searching a mind set to calm himself. the topic was getting more sensitive when it camee to be my issue, and we skipped it.

the show started at 12.30am, we went in and i felt amazed of the interior comfort. sliding sofas with tall tables served with drinks and popcorns on the house, it's paid, along with the ticket.. that's what they meant of Gold Class, limited seats, wide space and full privacy. the crowds were modest, i could tell from the environment.

there's not much to say about the time we're watching, some part of the scenes we did put some comments. after the show, all i knew that i pee a lot, maybe around 500ml of urine.. i know it sounds gross, fuck it. my first time watching movie in Gold Class, felt extremely amazed..

it's very late and still we went for some drinks. soon enough after we had the previous conversation, cy discover an understanding from the show, did preached me some few facts of life. i felt the same way from the show but not so detailed as him cuz he's always smarter than me, wisdomised from books and researches, me? i'm suck, never took initiative to learn other teachings on facts of life. i'm buddhist, prayed in my childhood, regularly with my aunt. since i moved to kl, i'm starting to dislike the way of praying cuz my mom overwhelmed herself on religious belief, and really did made my dad mad about it cuz my mom hardly spend her time at home doing house chores, totally pathetic. a lot of facts that by theory, we only belive something that's watching over our lives, something powerful enough to control the circulation, nature and circumstances.

you know what i'm talking about, people. just believe that.


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