Monday, July 25, 2005

Door to Door. . Not?

Woke up 7pm.. Late already lor!!!

In a swift, all the necessary chores in the morning done, speeded to my office like crazy frog.. Brrrumm, beng, beng, brooom, broom.. Beeeee~ng.. Beeee~~ng! (my car's exhaust pipe 2 inches, so imagine the loudness..)

Had breakfast with my collegues, then went office 9pm sharp.. My boss coming in at noon, so i went out doing door to door sales, starting at D block the highest floor.. Shit, my phone can't call out, cut line already..

Everything seems smooth, the staff there really polite, let me in to promote my company's product, no objections from them.. Then an idea came up: if ever who maybe in charge on office equipments was not around, i should attached another piece of letter written company's profile and my introduction, plus the purpose, so the person gets the idea rather i come with only selling intention, despite knowing their existence and nature of the company.. Gotta try do something about it, maybe cy could help me that..

12 noon, received message from my 3rd cousin, Janice, who's working in PJ, meeting her at Coffee Bean in Section 8 having lunch together.. Why coffee bean? Got food meh?

She can't recognise me while i'm on working attire, she's impressed that i looked good that way.. I knew that all the while.. *blushed* no la, once in a while of being proud, understand a bit ok?She paid the food for me, knew i was broke and saving some cash for the petrol.. I never expected having lunch in such place, cuz i like budget food during weekdays. I told her my job, and the on going task i'm having today. She gave some tips on how to make the clients have confidence at me, somehow it all depend on me, gotta twist my mind thinking pranks and interest attractions. I told her my plan of giving another attachment on the brochue, and she seemed agreed, don't know la, cuz i think i'm creating such tactics may impressed the clients i'm approaching, it's important rather a brochue, the clients treated it like trash.I followed Janice back to her office at Jln 222, cuz i need her name card for the references, also i meeting her again for another lunch on wednesday, by that time i'm gonna be fetching her.
Then Edmund called, asked me if i'm joining him at Sunway Pyramid. So i went there and he tricked me there's a project proposal, wanted me to be there and learn something.. Fuck, i thought i could do more door to door, busted the mood, sat with him and Janice (this time was my real collegue, not my cousin sis). We had drinks at Starbucks and we sat there a long time, Edmund was telling stories again of our company's history, between boss and staffs. Quite long story, until i'm late for paying my phone bill..

Janice followed Edmund out, never know how exactly she managed to come out together with him.. So i sent her back to office to collect her car.. Hmm.. She's driving Perdana.. Doing sales? Wow..

Went home, tired. Watch Ong Bak again, no movie can watch. Been like hang around doing nothing, then my girl called. Talked about today's activities, about half an hour. Then i called cy see if i could use his resources.. He's sleeping though, missed the chance, should call him earlier. Now writing today's blog.. Yeah.. Ironed my clothes, watched tv shows, never do any comparisons, think tomorrow i'll do.. In the morning..


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