Friday, April 28, 2006

Meeting People at D.C.H.L... (Friday 19/4/06)

Recently i received comments from the readers, some gave encouragement and some don't. Anyhow, i appreciate all the feedbacks, it could be useful in the future.

Although i'm not yet a member, i still go to SYN office. Ironically, the people i knew there never discourage me not to be there. I knew myself haven't had the chance to join, because of the money part. I guess you might laugh at me of doing impossible stuffs, looks dumb in sense. Surprisingly, i'm not the only one who's dumb enough to go there not as a member. I knew a few who are same as my situation, there's more i didn't know, a higher status member told me so. Actually at first i felt shy and embarrassed of myself, the members always thought that i've joined. It's tiring to tell them i'm not yet a member, and they never show any disappointment but shared their opinions of how to make it come true. I had my bad past, and that's a great boundary for me doing so.

I went to the office almost 3 times a week, just to meet people, sharing thoughts and get to know why they joined as members. Some younger than me who had succeeded and with proof, they drive luxury cars. Nobody said they have their parents paying for the car, only those who never believe will. Their history starting from scratch was tremendously suffocate. Of course, 80% of them doesn't have the amount to join as franchise. How they managed to get those money? Borrow? Sell items? Savings? Lots of ideas came through their minds and eventually they made out miracles from the scratch. Either me, nobody could ever believe how they do it. Their history always been told to anyone who felt curious of them, imagine 3 members who joined 2 years or more telling you a 8 month old teenage member who drives a BMW M3's history, which it was his first car. He's only 19 now, and everyone who would see him drive by could think he's datuk's son... Ironic, ironic...

Don't get me wrong, having a great success, everyone deserves to get their luxuries to enjoy their life, not by being snobbish and show-off to those who can't. Seriously, you made a fortune from a business, do you still think of spending your fortune on something cheap? You might, but you'll get more certain opinions to those with red-eyes... "Wah, you're so rich, buy Mercedes la, why think of buying a Waja? If me i would enjoy my life with fortune..." Sounds silly to you, but a life's fact, you need to entertain yourself with your fortune. As a matter of fact, you earned a little, you only entertain yourself a little then...

I don't feel envy at them, and once i was told, "You should envy them. It's an encouragement for you to be like them, earn more than them, be better than them... They're a good example for everyone who's not." if you're in a competition, you'll always envy to those who are better than you. Of course, you'll always get your shit together, encourage yourself that you'll beat him. Also i was told, "Don't you want to be like them? Driving luxury cars, going holidays overseas, buying gadgets, being with family happily, girlfriend treated you like a real man..." Money is so important for life now, the less you have, the more miseries you'll encounter. Some might say love, love can just drink water and filled your empty stomach? Ok, this part maybe too materialistic. My point of view is not only making lots of money and be a rich bastard, i always want to have a peaceful mind... Without debts and more free time to spend. Most of the people in debts, on car and house loans, mostly. I don't have these headaches, but in future i will have, so i need to be prepared or else when everything is hard to afford, i'm doomed...

The people i meet all true friendly, they advise lots of things in life you'll never heard from the cruel society. Heh, you might think they're just pretending. A person who pretends can clearly noticeable, like salesman and other relevant field, just to entertain customers. In the office, they meet lots of people with problems, and imagine they had to give so much advises, aren't they tired? Help a person could make your day lively. You go to church for services, can the priest pretend to help you? They're just like priest, modern ones. Not just advising only, i called SYN office 'The Encyclopedia'. About a thousand of members in the office, everyone worked different jobs before, encountered different different difficulties before, and met lots of different people before. I knew a member who worked as engineer, earning more than 20k per month, and after 2 years of joining as member, he's earning 20k per month now, and he don't have to travel outstations anymore, and he's free to wake up in the afternoon... No strings attached. He told me lots of engineering stuffs, how it works, his company and people he met. So much that he can't finished his stories... Once i got myself really addicted on listening to other people's story, on wood factory business, renovation business, handphone business, restaurant business. Those who had factories, they even closed it and joined as members. They knew what's coming to them, and the decision was made and now they don't have to worry about their business. Sounds dumb, but reasonable. Also, meeting pretty chicks is my favourite, imagine they were telling their stories to you, you look at their eyes, lips, nose, every single beauty of them you enjoy... You'll fucking pay more attention to what they say than guys... Haha, not true to me, everyone to me is the same, if the stories are interesting la... Somehow meeting these chicks, you ask for their numbers, they'll give you without questioning why you needed them... That's fucking easy way to hook up with chicks, dude. Better than hooking up chicks in clubs... Don't be mistaken, i mean, they're really HOT, ELEGANCE chicks. With straps, low cut blouse and many more on sexy dresses... (Oh my god, i'm a pervert... That proves me i'm a man!) If only you want to get proof, you should be there and check it out. Haha...


Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

its great to know u are intended to join the business, but since u've heard so many success story, y not as well listen to failure story? u know, people who joined, but cat make it, big time, even owes others money.

cez u get to learn more from failed case study.

just a humble advice

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:01:00 PM  

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