Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'll Be Back...

as i said above... and from below, i knew i've been gone for long time, and there are things need to be settle. and yet it's not done, and i don't think i'm gonna waste this blog away... it became my life...

my history...

and further more, it leads to my future.

and definately it's important, vital to me...

stay tune...


Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

hey man, are u inside SYN now?so curious to know about ur SYN story...

Friday, April 14, 2006 4:28:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

i'm not yet inside, no money, still saving for it.. also i still go to their place and meet new people, and shared our past and present's stories... and also met some cun chicks... going there is like reloading gun shells, coming out to this cruel society is warzone.. with weapons but no bullets can't drive you further... the only way to survive is to prepare yourself in certain negative paths... and always gain the positive, which i mean from the SYN office, to balance your determination... either you just hang onto negatives, always you'll back out from something you afraid of... with positives, you'll be strong in emotions and thoughts, stabilized your commitment... simple to say, what you do, don't give up...

every company does have these motivational seminars, to improve staffs working determination, MLM does have to, it only depends on people who thought it might be some bullshit lectures and bibles... to me, i'll gain more experience and ease my mind from the negatives... same goes to religious people who're not confide to their peaceful life and search for answers from GOD... we in this society, we need people who could really guide us towards things and facts we wanted...

i went to office also being said from people that i'm not a franchise or member but still come and pay them visits and get to know people. hey even started to encourage me to be strong everyday... i don't think my parents nor friends will do... as far as i know, my best pal cy and my girl who supported me all the way when i got very down from the previous... and thanks to SYN and their seminars, i'm with strong mind to pursue what i want in my future, no matter if it's gonna be hard, as far as i concern, i'm still young and chances are there, i won't wait and i'll go for it...

Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

glad to know ur mind is very positive and optimistic, but if u say u like this kind of environment and ppl, not only SYN can provide u, there is a lot of other MLM company provide u the same thing and they may even better than SYN. Most important, they dint require RM30k to join. so y not consider others??please dun misunderstand, i am not from any MLM company, just a stranger pass by and was attracted by ur SYN articles, just my 2 cents :)

Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:58:00 PM  

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