Monday, October 10, 2005

Tough, damn it's tough..

Friday, Kenny came in earlier than previously, i was online finding definations of the materials found on the documents, like Tyvek and Tarpauline, only advertising companies know. Cy was on MSN chatting with me, he had a role in new local movie called 'Cicak-Man', starred famous local artists like Yusri KRU and Erra Fazira. I was surprised to hear that the role he got was an omen, i told him before KRU Group of Companies was our previous clients.

So far it's just some following up calls to make the whole day, till Kenny gave me an appraisal form.. Wow, i never had one once, he described the whole idea of how i should put my target on my job scope, if i don't achieve what i supposed to, there'll be some answering to my superior.. Damn, it's kinda errie commitment type, but it's good to have it, a prove to protect my rights on getting a raise or something, so by the end of the day, there's no arguments involved, only if the appraisal form sided me, or shall say i proved my efforts.

I'm fucking tired man..For a few months after, finally decided to clean up my room.. I know i know, gross right? I'm lazy, all i do is sleep when i'm back home. My girl had class, so i went to look for her later at 10pm, she spent an overnight at my place.

Aw, that awful, i don't mean to let you sleepless last night.. (tee hee)Saturday, she had class at 2pm, sent her home, talked to her mom and her dad scolding her for staying out, then i sent her to LRT. Then called Yulius to pay him a visit.. He's working in Marmalade, wow a comfy place, real nice and relaxing.. It's nice to have me and my girl do celebrations there, together with Yulius and Eleanor, perhaps more close friends celebrating together, a perfect gathering place..

You got a wrong direction to take a picture, Ellie.. so dark..Eleanor was there too, Yulius was like free to talk to me, then i know he's head of the cafe, boss la.. In fact, the place wholly owned by Eleanor's sister, i ordered Cappucino, on the house, i didn't expect that (thanks, i would like to have more house pouring please.. Kidding!) then got to know my girl's class was again postponed to another month, so she had to join me with Yulius and had dinner there.. Damn, RM30+ gone on meals.. I've been there almost the whole day, as i called cy and Andrik to see if they're coming over. All of them stood me up. I'm kinda frustrated at first, got me a minor headache, don't know what to do later at night. Then heard cy planned to go Soda, and i've to borrow some clothes from Yulius.. After that, changed plan again.. Then again Andrik was in Hartamas, oh well, gotta meet him. Yus got a nice effects for his new guitar, weird combinations of sounds but cool, not so costly. He had great life now, from time to time he's strangled on his will to survive, at least i know my buddy's doing great, i'm eased. Just hope he won't forget what we had good times few years back, if it wasn't that, i might seeing him like i see Benson, Fang Heng and others that not close to me.. (cy told me you're being anti-social, but in my case, i understand your situation, you've to work man!)This dog is real spitting drooling saliva.. yuck!

First at Mamak, then switched to Decanter (the way pronuncing Decanter sounded like cranky, no slang at all.), Fang Heng, Benson and some girls were there. Then got to know cy started his session.. Hey i want my session man, when's gonna be at? I think another option will be.. Yus, mind if i join your session? Hah!

Again my girl spent another overnight at my place, but this time i slept a lot, till afternoon. Only lunch, got home and watched DVDs, then sent my girl home, sitting at Mamak, composing this post.. Oh well, i haven't read through the appraisal form and ironing my clothes.. And not sleepy too.. Shit, it's going to be another day of tiredness..


Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

eh eh,my dog's saliva is good for the skin.consider yourself lucky. you'd be even luckier if you managed to catch one of her famous sneezes and farts.

awwww,yulius looks so sexy with our baby wheezy...must rape him again.

Monday, October 10, 2005 11:52:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

what's the dog's name again? Wheezy? damn, it's female and it's damn ugly la, fat also.. ok ok i know it's ur lovely dog..

i like animals got excited running around my legs and playing with my toes, in won't be such an urge to get my legs clean up cuz my legs usually dirty.. hahah...

i got my rest more than i need, darling.. don't worry, i'm fine..

don't always rape yulius la, sure he can't really work over 12 hours..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:12:00 PM  

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