Friday, October 07, 2005

Got deeper acknowledgement..

Already past few days since i've started work, spent time looking through the documents and other company's previous order, boy my boss did have potential to grab all the big clients, he's not just as a simple man who's partly own the company rather he would done things all by himself without any back supports. Try to figure out this way, this ain't big company, every companies in this group runs under one roof, which means individually the bosses handle their cases maybe at least 2 persons whose doing it. When i went through the POP3 mails left on Microsoft Outlook, all the mails sent randomly from clients to company staffs seems well organised, example if ever one staff taking leave, well responsible to note everyone by mail, just to make sure who they'll refer when he/she is not around. Also the staffs and clients do send chained mails about donations, greetings, notice of events, etc. The staffs and bosses don't verbally or on notice board spreading news of company trips and notices but by mails, so what i think was it's kinda like a principle, whichever it made a full use of IT. I don't know any other companies would do that, but this is a good first time experience for me, have my own pc, desk and internet connection! (my favourite resource to keep in touch with friends)

Well, Tuesday's like a LRT trip with boss to Sogo and Bukit Bintang. Never i heard or seen a boss would think off traffic jams in KL but drive there, tagging along with the jams, also found themselves essential to drive there, rather taking public transports. I guess Kenny knew he might have to make things simplify and effectiveness, just when i heard he wanted to use LRT, i was suprised. Thus we reached our destination not even half an hour, punctual before our clients reached there. On every journey, Kenny and i talked about personal issues, like he did asked again about my issues, while he initially talked his sons, about more that i'm eased being with him. He's much humble, that's what i like about him, really he do bother how i feel when he asked something.

Wednesday was the fucked up day, bored to death, all day download necessary programs to my pc, while chatting with friends, and while browsing through the documents. I supposed to wait for the graphic's owner's daughter come to deliver away some goods, by golly she came and swept my feet off, thin with a cute face, nice straight hair cut with cute voice, i'm kinda stuttered a lot and from her face i could tell she knew i was nervous.. Hey, she's pretty, i'm nervous on every pretties, and her boyfriend sent her to get the stuffs, so no point to say that i'm interested in her, i only knew i'm so attached to my darling girl, the best of the best.. Sorry darling, i can't control my nervous on pretties, born naturally. Yeah, puasa started, no wonder there's less staffs in the office, yet the aircond's my worst enemy.. Brrr!

Thursday.. Again my boss came in late, don't know where he went, cuz i felt like a stupid stucked in the office got nothing to do, other bosses unintentionally spotted me on my desk surfing and reading documents, not comfortable anyway. Thought of calling my boss but i think he's onto something, may disturb him so.. Damn, found one of our clients was KRU.. And last year Kenny proposed them doing company profile and events stationary. Name cards, all the people working there Malays or some mix races, not a Chinese. Lots of department, Graphics, Films, Musics, all in one medias and still accepting our quotations, till it stops somewhere last year. Then Ms Liew asked me fetch her to Pudu police station. Along the way i chatted a lot with her, she's fine and i got some weird feelings about her.. She's partly childish, a little carried away about her stories, got too much energized at her issues, talked too aloud, freaked me a shit. Also she's nerdy, the conversation excited her, i felt that way. Perhaps the office people have their weird characters, not as i controlled myself no matter what.

She almost told me everything about the staffs and bosses, then i came to know how i was recruited.. Wanna hear it?

I told you guys before that i was employed just as my pay was low and i'm good at my last words on 2nd interview. What i'm right was the last words, not the salary. Mr Chia, president of company, did said my age now too late to start a new carrier, i can remember that cuz it went through my mind, a good strike, i might hate him of what he said. And yes, he's way too particular about someone's age, rather qualifications and experiences. He has his points, encouraging people to have a life achievement on their jobs, preferably if they started earlier than my age. A lot came for the interview, good scores and qualifications, experienced applicants, all i can say is i'm not a dime for a chance to get employed. And because of Mr Chia's expectation, he chose me, believing what i've said and presented myself well during both interviews. Heard those applicants can't even talk and present well. For me, it's no big deal talking and answering questions cuz it's just a simple way to talk to anyone without exposing mistakes, make them feel you're humble and honest, keep it low. Only this way convincing enough. So end of it, i was given chance to take on the job based on my communication skills, thank god.

I knew what it'll be if i'm brave enough to show impossibility becoming a fact, that i can choose my path without thinking my incapabilities on this job. Never try, never know. So i need to fall down often, and get up often to remind myself don't hold back from boundaries, when i crossed over it, i could find a peace of mind or another greater fall, until i'm patience enough to get what i want in life.. success with respect.. Ok la, if i got rich then good la, start a pub, call every friends i knew and we'll gonna down the beers all night long.. I must be dreaming.. Visions, andy, visions.. Focus!


Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

i'm appreciating, and i'm trying really hard and smart to work things out.. thanks for all the nice words, darling.. muax muax..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:21:00 PM  

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