Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New job.. 1st Day of Work

I can't believe that i need to get up 6.30am again, although it's near, but i had to consider about the traffic in the morning, can't bare myself woke up late and get things disorganised.

I never know that i reached my office 7.20am, about 20 minutes drive. Yesterday i went to my girl's relative's house in Sierramas, big house, 4 person accommodation.. Em, my girl's aunt bought a lot of bread, so she gave a few and i asked my girl to reserve one for my breakfast.. So i ate bread and a cup of teh tarik. Heard cigarettes prices raised, everyone's terrified. No wonder i saw cy smoking Pall Mall lights.. Cheap ma.. And i did bought Winston 10's, rm3.10.. Not rm2.80 meh?

So it was 8am, everyone's getting in the office. Can't see where's Miss Liew, just as i thought of her, she arrived, and gave me a short tour and introduction to all the staffs, too bad getting knowing their names in harsh but i'll forget who's who in names later on. Coop with it later then.

No water unless it's hot, meant for making hot beverages, got to get my own supplies. Asked about door access card, she'll do for me later then.

I was seated on a desk of my own, with personal pc with internet connection (wow, can i get to msn or yahoo during free and boring time), drawers with some stationaries and dustbin. Only the place was just the nearest to the entrance, i'm like a receptionist, the door access button was at my desk, i'm in a position to open the door for anyone to come in or out~ Found some old name cards from the previous staff, same post as mine. Kavin.. Where he got such name? Anyway, he looks like around my age, instinct..

Kenny Leong, my superior, arrived and greeted me. Before that, Ms Liew gave some documents of the clients and work progress for me to browse through, get to know how's things work as for my position. So Kenny saw me with the docs, so he said nothing but get along with his paper work.

Then Ms Liew came passed me the door access card, told me she'll do a company email address for me, also name cards. For only i came in the first day, everything that without i request, were in proper order, i'm fully impressed, showed that the company is consistent on any issue to make sure it's proper.

Soon, Kenny asked me to follow him to meet the suppliers. What do you know, he's driving Camry, Ms Liew told me he's one of the bosses.. Actually he doesn't look like a boss, the way he work on papers like any other small position staffs.. Saw the stickers on the windscreen, resident of Tropicana, golf club member and some not recognised. He worked to be rich, so i might wrongly judge him from his attitude.. He talked soft, humble, really bothered about if i could drink or not, cuz i might had to entertain clients. Also if i bother about talking vulgar languages. I said it's normal to KL people, when it's about business, most of the languages was in vulgar, quite entertaining and funny, no doubt, that's how the world works, twisted. He's agreed with me, so he went on with his phone calls vulgaring the suppliers, and yet his vulgars were softcores.. Haha.. I'm a hustler, i'm a i'm a hustler, homey!

Met carpenter, in 6th mile of Cheras, so near to my place. Then met graphicals, opposite Bandar Tun Razak, that i don't remember how to go there again, entrance and exit were different routes.

Went back office, Kenny taught me some of his designs of work principle to have things went organised in time, then i continued my browsing. Then some good food smells flourished the whole office. Until Kenny called me to join for party, huh? Party? Got up overlook from the partition, saw KFC and Pizza Hut meals.. Mmm.. Yum yum.. Munch.. Burp.. Ate 2 pieces of chicken and a bottle of Gatorade, orange flavour, then i'm full. Then a speech made out from a staff also around my age, about he's glad to work here la, bla bla bla.. Then Mr Chia, Vice President gave a speech saying that staff resigning for furthering his studies.. Crap, really just as same as my girl pursueing? It seemed to have staffs leaving for good, and i'm in to be new pork chop newbie. Ok ok, cut away those negatives..

After lunch time till evening, i'm still browsing the files. Ms Liew made some temporary name cards and email address for me, asked me to make my own profile on pc so the pc can connect to the printers. Also she sent an testing email to me to confirm. By then, i need to configure the preferences on Microsoft Outlook that i never thought i'll be using POP3 mail accounts since i have Gmail POP3 account set in my phone, for the reason that I DON'T HAVE MY OWN PC..

In between after lunch and evening, i did chat with cy, he was invited for dinner.. Pooi San.. Oh well, he went emo again. Just don't know how he'll decide and coop up his feelings, as it already a year passed.. I can't blame him much, i might be the same if i were in his shoes.. Of course not until 1 year la.. Look how i went through with Rin and Fatrisha.. Nevermind, i didn't mention about them in this blog before..
Andrik and my sis on msn too, we did chat but had to work, cut down the urge..

Finished work at 5.30pm, jam along Kesas, reached before 6.30pm. My girl called and was excited about my first day.. Oh, she's so sweet, care about everything of me.. She told me she didn't work for today, she got nose block again, after caught a light flu yesterday. She had a last minute notice of course time reallocation, she was in rush to go for her class, for the time being she thought of me, she called..

Took bath, watched tv programmes.. ZzZzZz.. 10.30pm woke up again, can't sleep back, stomach growling, went supper, never did dinner..

Till 1 am, can't fell asleep, stomach growling like tornado wave inside.. I think i'm having a sickness, it's been like that since last Thursday, can't really fart and shit.. What's going on with me?


Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

how can u say ur jealous? u own a pc at ur own room, i'm just temporary in the office, not most of the time i got to post blogs here, need privacy ma, if not my boss look at it die lor..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:18:00 PM  

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