Wednesday, September 28, 2005

CSSB Marketing.. My new company..

Communications Super Highway Sdn Bhd

Woah, i finally got the job. The last time i was working as a salesman in Kelana Jaya but things didn't turn out that well, so i need another proper job to secure my finance and my future too..

I've been discussing this issue to my pal cy, and he gave me a good advice about what i need to pursue in my life. Sometimes i think money's better, maybe i'll work for a company that doesn't require any qualifications, pays a lot and never can promise me to have any opportunity to work in another big company, just had to stay still in the same company doing the same shit. Not that i never experienced it before, it just happened few months ago that my previous company collapsed. I worked 3 fucking years (oh yeah, i still can't get over it..) and.. nevermind, it doesn't matter right now, i found a better job, big international company and really can secure my future needs, and of course, they pay me well.. i can't predict anything about the company now cuz i just got the offer letter and i haven't put any signature on it..

I mean, why is so special about this job thing? I'm not really sure, somehow i need to share my experience to everyone that possibly didn't know in detail about my background and status. I'm writing this blog, created it and everyone's reading, and they have rights to know a little more about myself regardless my profile from the very beginning, that doesn't help to know better from me, it's simplified..

I remembered that cy told me i should pursue a job which i really can be proffesion from it, not to say being a salesman can't make me a better life in future, there's a lot of competitors now and all requires ladies to be on this sales posts, not guys, not to say we can't perform, not as good as the pretties. Some may agree some may not, that's how i think, i'm not capable to win ladies in sales. And if i can't perform well, i can't make as much money as i want, desperately for now.. So what i do, i can't stay long there cuz it's too far from my place, everyone disagree my pursue of this sales job because it's far. I got the pain in the ass paying much petrol and recent petrol price rise been a havoc to everyone. Yup, they do pay my petrol usage, and it's not going to be enough. I've calculated and i've been using more than i expected. So what to do, i quit the job, focus on better job i could find from the newpapers, make calls to any company which looking for right candidates to fill their available posts, send resume via emails, not fax, cuz no fax, fuck.. tried to call them but in reply they much concern about sending mails to them rather entertaining calls and making appointment for interview.

I spent most of the time online at cybercafe finding jobs. I found some and applied, after that i had to wait for the reply. Sometimes i need to check on my emails to see if there's any replies, and there's some, found CSSB, as near as it goes, in Sri Petaling, no toll, around 10km range per trip, food stalls everywhere, Carrefour's nearby and seriously, less traffic jam, and i don't to worried about getting late for work.. They gave me reply by emails and require me to attend an appointment made on Monday (that was like 2 weeks ago), so i went..

First, i was there earlier than the appointment just to make sure if the place was right to work, pretty nice the interior refurbished and only best thing, i don't have to pay any parking fee and most of the time all occupied, so i had to make plans where should i park my car if i work there. Then, i had some drinks, worried about what should i say and prepare myself being throw off cuz i don;t have qualifications.. i been through that, the employers really concern about a person's status and knowledge.. i'm scared, i wish that i wasn't there then and went home with empty hopes.. Nah, i just had some funky thoughts just to ease my mind of being scared confronting boundaries..

I went in just in time as supposed. Ms Liew, who replied my by email came to me and gave me the application form to fill in. When it comes to fill in the qualifications, i'm doomed, simply i filled in my previous studies in Saito Academy for a year's course. Then about my working experience.. i fucking work for fucking 10 years.. what should i write? Um, ok, just about the Meikah job and the sales job. Soon, Ms Liew came to me again and asked if i did bring along my qualifications.. uh oh, just as i thought, she did asked.. i told her i don't have, she asked me if i didn't bring, and again i say it aloud.. "i don't HAVE.." she was like, "ok.." not much to reply..

I filled everything i could, she came again and i gave to her, then she invited me to the conference room, small and simply just for a small business talk for the suppliers. If the conference room small, which means that most of the big bosses spent their business talks in the director's room. So i waited quite some time, wondering how should i answer in every question whoever in charge asked...


Came in, a middle aged guy, his name's Kenny (again Kenny), with quite powerful words came out from his mouth made me terrified and anxiety, showed to myself that i'm not confident enough.. He's Marketing Manager, so if i'm employed, i'll be under his supervision, probably. So he started to ask me some questions, i answered, and eventually he did asked me quite personal questions, and he prefer me to tell him so, in nice way. So for some time, i knew i should've say something about my background, at least there's some chances for me to persuade him employing me. Then came to my qualifications.. uh oh, so far he didn't find any shameful of me coming here to find a job, he went on and on, told me about the salary, how's the payment goes, claims, medical, whatsoever.. funny thing was, he told me if i ever went outstation for like a few days, i should stay there and possibly in a hotel, and he was nice telling me the company shouldn't have the mind of saving cost on hotels and food, so it's bettet to have me staying in a rm100+ single bedroom rather a rm25 motel, cuz it's not the way how the company treats their employees.. Well, that's really great to hear that, not say that i'm greedy of staying such luxury hotel, i'm peace in mind to work in a company with deep tolerances and considerates..

Then regarding about food, it's funny to find out that the sums of a day's expenses would be like rm30-rm50, not too sure, as what he said.. i was like, i told him in honesty, why would a person spending a day's meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner all together equaled to rm30? My goodness, rm20 per day was a time bomb for the end of the month, who would be the stupid to spend that way.. Again that i remind myself, it's just an assumption, that don't mean i'm going to eat 3 meals rm30, maybe he's the one eating luxury food all the way when he's outstation, har har.. frankly, he found odd to my questions and replies, i could tell from his looks on me..

Therefore, he was not quite satisfied at my application form, no qualifications, no experience, i mean i do have, previously in Rocteam at Kuchai Lama, 3 months and i stopped, no transport, but now no stopping me cuz i have a car, at last, i can do much more than previously. So the end of the interview, he told me i might not be in shortlisted cuz there's more better candidates that can potentially fill the posts, but they'll put a consideration on me, of course, for the honesty i've been then.

For the last words i made before i go, i told Kenny that it's a great pleasure to have a right talk with him, like he doesn't care that i'm not capable or something. I'm thrilled to have myself working for him as he would be a great teamplayer and good in giving advises and teachings when i'm under his supervision. So for sake of it, i might convince him to take me as a part of the company's property. If it doesn't, i don't know, i might start over and find another job, losing hope finding Account Executive in advertising firm, meeting great bosses to have better scope and working environment, stucked in slacking life.. devastating..

2 days later, Ms Liew called again, asked me for 2nd interview.. I'm thrilled, yay, i can go for another shot.. am i not being thrilled from here? I guessed that i already thrilled from then, i lost it now..

This time the Vice president Mr Chia interviewed me.. oh gosh, he had such difficult questions that i couldn't really put a proper answer to each of it.. yup, this time i'm fucking terrified.. I remembered that he asked me, what's my strength.. i replied "Good communication skills with any other strangers and classes". What's my weakness.. i replied "NERVOUS".. did i say something wrong about it? Sure i am NERVOUS, any kind of situation that's really getting me goodies, perhaps sex.. haha, funny though.. so again he did asked me about my previous studies and working experience. Somehow i busted my replies on the studies, he found that my sisters working in big companies and potentially manage to help me further my studies, so i told him the truth, i fucked up my relationship with my family 10 years ago, mutual misunderstanding and i'm hot and hard headed, paid me the price of being that, ended up i was like nothing, rubbish society now.. That's negative, nothing seems difficult for me to overcome, if not i already been dead by now, commit suicide or something, just to stop stressing myself being better, or achieving something i couldn't. There's a lot of things in life that i should be responsible of, so i need to stay on and live on, just to make sure i'm truly satisfied to what i really need in life, ok, for heaven's sake, last time it was the riches, now a simple, painless, debtless, hassle-free, worry-free, whatever, just simple..

Well, the more we go on, i knew there's something going on in Mr Chia's mind, maybe he wouldn't want someone without qualifications and experience in the advertising field, as he wouldn't want to give that person a chance to live on and be a better person in next few years time. He did asked me, what can i see myself in the next few years time? For sure i can't answer it properly, so i just tell him, i might have a good raise, higher position and well respected from the other employees and employer for the achievement i made. I don't find myself open an advertising company and be like him, and i'm sure if i do, i might get lotsa boundaries and difficulties that i couldn't bare, and i might lost everything i achieved, just like my previous employer. For the Last question he asked, what can i provide to make him convinced to take me as his employee, what makes me so good that he'll employ me? Oh man, in the name of GOD, i don't know how to answer that.. seriously, i don't praise myself being good at this and that, all i know if i did perform well, that's the answer, time will tell. I told him i did answer that previous in Rocteam, and he's not digging it. He told me there're things i've said doesn't mean it'll work on him.. for some reason, the subject skipped and we talk some other things, i felt depressed, i couldn't answer that..

So it was like a fine interview, rather than had a short one. Lastly before i go, again i made some last words to Mr Chia, althought he found me nothing to perform for his company. I said, "Sir, i knew it's going to be as tough as you had to make a good consideration on me if you need a right person to work for you. Most of the time i was told that i shouldn't work this kinda place, i should've work in lower class job, but all these words are not making me to fall back. I know that i don't have any qualifications and experiences, but i've been taken a lot of courage and faith to step in this company to ask for a job. I may not have a good working experience, background and field that are not relevant to this company, it doesn't mean that i don't get a chance to prove myself that i can. From this company, i can build a career base, if i don't start now, never i could to have a better life to live on, so i came here, talked to you, it's rather a challenge to show myself nothing is impossible. I hope i can really be selected and work with you in full service, sir." (these words i made up a bit, but it's really what i mean, can't expect me to record every single word i've spitted?)

So Mr Chia's responds like, aiya, so so only.. hey, a good speech right? It came out spontaneously, try to figure it out, dude.

Then he told me, "There're lots of applicants applying this post, and most of them are high degree holders, Phd and stuffs like that. And the truth is, i wanted these people working in my company, as what they have, they could impressed me. But once again i want my employees to have good attitudes, easy going people. So whatever degree they have, without a good attitude, they couldn't simply fit in my company. Attitude is important, depends on that person dealing with others. I want my workers to work hard, as 'always subjected', work smart and most important, if you don't know anything about certain things, do 'ask'. What happens if you don't ask, no matter how you work smart or work hard, it didn't work out well, in the end you screwed up yourself."

Yeah, for fucking sure he's right. But some people may have different opinion but i dig his.. He told me he'll have a discussion made on shortlisted to see if i'm selected, and he didn't promised that i will be selected, as i again, no qualifications and experiences.. He'll ask someone to call me the next Monday (this week) to comfirm my application successness, if there's no reply.. i know la, go fucking find another job..

Then i left.. went home, slacking again.. boring~

On Sunday, ah, i remembered the most, lastly on evening, thought of looking for cy after meeting my girl, he told me he's meeting Chi Siang for a drink. So i joined him, he wanted me to fetch him, and also John, what a surprise, thought John's working like a dog recently. Then cy said we're having drinks in Sri Petaling... hmm, so we're going there again? I mean, me.. Once we're there, i'm taking the right turn near my new company's location.. cy pointed the place, for fucking certain, it's just 3 shops away from my new company, the Mamak.. We sat down, ordered drinks and waiting Chi Siang to come. So i told cy about my new company, he told me, "Do you know, it's an Omen!! If it's wasn't Chi Siang, you won't find any omens.." Yeah, bless me man, i wished that i comfirmed..

There's a subject about richer getting richer and poorer getting poorer, debated by Chi Siang and cy, a real nice experience on such issue.. but then, i'll make out another post about that, not here.. hey, i've been typing this in MicroShit Word, officially not.. it's from Openoffice's program, hehe. i'm fed up on typing in blogger cuz if you did take too much time in it, somehow the sign in time expired and if you did log in again, the whole fucking post was fucking gone.. i hate so much. Wasted my prepaid money, and wasted the midnight sleeping time, getting interested posting but lost the field while the post was gone.. fuck, fuck, FUCK!!

Monday.. ah.. a call from CSSB.. yup, i successfully made it, employed, and Ms Liew told me about it.. yay, i guessed the yay part gone now, i've celebrated it with my girl.. some intimate time together.. Ms Liew asked me to come over again anytime to sign the offer letter.. wow, i haven't started work and i was getting offer letter? That's odd, maybe i worked in small companies and they don't have such policies, but in fact, their HQ's in Hong Kong, i've checked in internet.. (not quite sure is Hong Kong, help me check the website please to make sure) yeah, forget to tell you guys, Mr Chia didn't know about the company had a website, that was fucking funny to me.

I made the plan getting it on Wednesday afternoon, lunch time. So i went, and Ms Liew handed me the offer letter, so she said that the second copy can give back on Monday, 3rd October, the day i'll start my career journey. I don't really understand the situation, i could possibly just sign the papers and leave, but from her advise saying that i should read through the letters before i do sign it. So i guess that i should give back on Monday for fucking safe than sorry..

I went to look for my girl, she was so excited about my new job, more excited than me.. i'm sure i found the right kinda girl, who really do concern everything that possibly happened to me, good or bad, i'm blessed. Showed her the company's website, drank soup that her mother made, only that's nopt salty, what a healthy family, but still i prefer cy's mother's cooking, soup mostly.. damn, i wanted to go cy's house for sometime, for the soup... left me some, cy.. please.. mmm, yummy..

Only one regulations written on the offer letter that i don't like.. i can't find other part time job during my services in this company. I called cy and asked for some opinion, as always he replied in sense on sarcasm, oh well, his new job changed him damn well, seperated the real cy since the first day i knew him, funny and innnocent, became a little cunning. No doubt, he still care for me, as i care for him too, like what he'll be when he's in Poppy Garden flirting with girls, most of that moment i wanted to back him up, but so far all he had to do is be at his own, whenever there's rejection, take it up and put it down, find another one, sure there's one kena, not in a harsh way of course.. (Harsh Sethi, ah i can't seem to call him out for a drink, busy bear..) What the.. ok ok, so as usual the company always write certain rules cuz never a company encourage their employees to work part time, as the company dropped their dignity that they're not paying much for their employees.. Yeah, he's right.. how stupid i am, but still i can work part time, only if i'm not always have to go outstation.. (i'm required to, outstation or overseas, my god, Hong Kong?) So cy insisted me to call his friend Jeft to find a good aprt time job, cuz Jeft got so many lubang.. not pimples la.. just many ways and opportunies to find a suitable part time job..

It's been like 6 pages from this Word, like essay i'm writing, agreed?

Ok, the salary was fine, can survive, car maintenence paid every month, increment 5% per year (i was told like that, but i'll ask Kenny again..), personal accident insurance (i think it's a package for a big group of companies), tolls, petrol, parking fees, food, hotels was on company's tab, can be claimed by receipts except food.. remember that, rm30 per day, 3 meals? For heaven's sake! I must be eating meals in Coffee Bean.. 5 1/2 days per week, maybe Saturday's not working.. the way Kenny telling me about Saturday, "some people got lazy and don't really work on Saturday, but if you are required to come back, you gotta finish that work." 8am to 5.30pm, oh no, 8am, again i had to wake up on 6.30am.. Resolution, no more yamcha on weekdays, suffocating..

Till then, i'll post my first day's work later on, but not occassionally, just a week's summary of my work.


Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

Dude....wassup man.... yus here..haven't been seeing you for quite sometime. how have you been doing???me fine. i am working in a cafe called marmalade in mont kiara near baskin robbins. okey man..dont know what else to say.... lets smoke up sometime with crawford, ehh??

Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:33:00 AM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

sure thing, but only i had the stuffs.. man, u still smoke up? didn't elie restricted u? ah i mean, my girl didn't stop me either, it's fun man!! catch up with you sometime..

Friday, September 30, 2005 4:16:00 AM  
Blogger chinyew needs to say with no harm...

ellie restricting him? ha.

anyway, good to hear bout yr new job. good luck! and have fun!


Friday, September 30, 2005 11:38:00 AM  
Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

eh chin yew...shhhhhh....andy doesnt have to know about my little secrets,yarh?:P

yes,andy...i restrict yus. bad,baddddd yulius....

Friday, September 30, 2005 10:59:00 PM  

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