Sunday, September 04, 2005


I read an artical from Wapsville about Pirate's Day in England (probably). It's kinda interesting and they have a wapsite describing the pirate's vocabulary, believe that. So, let's get on to it, shall we?

Talk Like A Pirate Day Mobile Edition
Double up on all your adjectives and you'll be bountifully bombastic with your phrasing. Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"Drop all your "g"'s when you speak and you'll get words like "rowin'", "sailin'" and "fightin'". Dropping all of your "v"'s will get you words like "ne'er", "e'er" and "o'er".
Instead of saying "I am", sailors say, "I be".
Instead of saying "You are", sailors say, "You be".
Instead of saying, "They are", sailors say, "They be".
Pirate vocabulary:
* Arrrrr: Much like the Hawaiian "aloha," it can mean hello, good-bye, etc.
* Ahoy: Hey!
* Avast: Stop!
* Aye: Yes.
* Fathom: depth measurement of six feet
* Go on the account: to embark on a piratical cruise
* Grog: A pirate's favorite drink.
* Jack: a flag or a sailor
* Landlubber: "Land-lover," someone not used to life onboard a ship.
* Lass: A woman.
* League: three miles
* List: lean to one side
* Loaded to the Gunwhales: drunk
* Matey: A shipmate or a friend.
* Me: My.
* Privateer: a pirate officially sanctioned by a national power
* Scallywag: A bad person. A scoundrel.
* Son of a Biscuit Eater: a derogatory term indicating a bastard son of a sailor
* Sprogs: raw, untrained recruits
* Squiffy: a buffoon
* Squadron: a group of ten or less warships
* Sweet trade: the career of piracy
* Thar: The opposite of "here."
* Yo-ho-ho: Pirate laughter
Do we have time to do all these? Impressive..


Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going. I'm sure you'd be interested in when god made you in regards to information on when god made you

Sunday, September 04, 2005 5:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

HI andyreymex

I found some drop ship directory companies.

Do people really make money online using them?

Monday, October 24, 2005 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous needs to say with no harm...

andyreymex, why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a work from home pc site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'this post' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.

Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:21:00 PM  

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