Sunday, September 04, 2005

My Dream: Assassin!!

Brrr.. sounds suspend right? Heck, i'm not assassin my own, boy. i wish i'm purify, but i'm not, not to say i've killed someone or did something sinful.. wait a minute, i lied, that's my sin.. Heck, everyone did their bad part, so what's sin anyway? What in the world people do sin cuz they have the purpose to do so? And the dream i've just about last night really realistic, i'm tellin ya.. no joke, for heaven sake. Have you tried that dream on some scene you might actually feel the pain like in real life, like cut on the palm or hit on the ground? I bet you feel it the next thing you knew you did hit on the ground off from your bed.. Cut the crap, watch my show, baby...

I was with my partner, drove to a valley to look for a guy, brought us a pair of berretta, got our location, drove there.

It was an amusement park, where all the families and couples having fun there. Our objective was to kill two people, that's why there's me and my partner on this assignment. So my partner went his way to look for his objective, while i was searching mine. I found my guy, he's around late 30's, kinda bald, angry face like his father just died without putting his name on his will.. I slowly approached him, noticed that he doesn't know his day might come to an end from me. I'm not nervous, and everyone's passing me by, not aware that i'm gonna pull a great scene for everyone. When i was at him, i pull out my gun and pointed at his right chest, near to the heart position, and pulled the trigger.. *pling*.. God damn it, it's a set up! The bullet was empty cased, geez.. He looked at me like he's gonna slice me up. Without any thoughts, i withdrawn, running at haste towards my car, my partner was on it, he knew it was a set up too, hurried me jump in and pressed on to the max...

I thought we made the escape, but the chase is on! They're at our back, fucked! My partner was panicked, he didn't know where to go, swifted at nearby a school. We left the car, run in to a alley which all the walls were created like a maze, found a place to hide ourselves.. But we're way too late to hide, they're on us, one of the guy (he's gonna kill him but not so) hold up my friend with a gun pointing at his head. He didn't fight back, begged the baldy guy whose pointing a gun at me, not to kill me. Then the baldy guy pointed the gun at my right rib, standby his trigger. Gosh, i'm gonna die by his own hands, i begged him too, knowing that i've failed my assignment thoughout the set up, i can't bared myself die just like that, as a failure of my purpose.. "You've tried to kill me, and now it's time you taste the fact!" *BANG!*.. Right at my right rib, believe it or not, i feel it.. Before he made the shot, i was holding his hands tightly, trying to persuade him. And at the moment he pulled the trigger, i held my breath tight, once the bullet penetrated, i stunned, felt the flow of the bullet inside me. Trust me, the feeling of getting shot is bad.. The bullet went in wuite deep, not went through, stucked halfway in my body. The feel was like numb, no feel of pain at first, then the blood flowed out in instant, squirting out like water gun but in low pressure. And then i felt i'm like a balloon losing pressure, i turned out to be weak, i closed my eyes (even though i'm dreaming, it's kinda real,m pay attention first at the scene, ok?) like i'm fainting, heard the yell from my friend "Andy!!!".

Then i awake, knowing that i had this weird dream and i do remember every part.. I know it's not a good thing to tell out dreams i made, cuz in tradition, it may happen for real in my life. For heaven sake, who made out stories for their own dreams, if happenly they could remember it. If not then what? Live on!


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