Friday, September 30, 2005

Richer Getting Richer, Poorer Getting Poorer..

Yes, as i've stated before in "CSSB Marketing.. My new company..", there're a conversation about it when i went yamcha with friends.

All i know about the issue was simply a scene of a grandmother tagging along his grandchild, wearing dirty torn clothes begging for sympathy. A ringgit spent to them will cost us nothing but happiness, willing to give such donation that can really bring them joy and help. But what will Chi Siang say about that?

His terms were different, just like only there's one kinda situation came, you can really spent a ringgit to them, but what makes you think of it when a row of queue waiting for the same sympathy? Can you really spend that much of a ringgit to more? The well spoken business minded friend believes that if they wanted a better solution rather begging money from tables to tables, they should do something about it, they can't really expect themselves doing it every fucking day just to get over a day's suffocation.. i agree that term, only matters to me was a ringgit won't hurt, but it depends on how they approaches you.. do they just say something that's really common in begging money, like they don't really care you will give them a ringgit or not, or just muted, holding a cup waving in front of you. If there's an asking from a person, that person deserved a respect. So how can you give a ringgit that you're not respected?

I've been experience before when i was on duty in Shah Alam during my previous job. An indian Lady came to my shop asking help in polite, but she didn't mention about anything regarding donation. "Can you help me?" "Yes of course, are you looking for something particular?" "Yes, in fact it's regarding about my son, he's sick and needs a certain therapy that really costly to me, so as a mother i wished to have a decent help from you, maybe a ringgit as per donation from you, just a deed that really matters to my son. I probably sure this is no obligation at all, but if you're willing to help, i'm glad that you're, may God bless everyone." I mean, wow, what a fucking good speech, i certainly not pulling back my feelings of sympathy to her, she did showed a bit of sadness, but when in time of asking, a smile is always essential. Ok, i pulled out rm5 from my wallet (oh yeah, it's about end of the month, i'm broke!) and gave to her. Seriously, she doesn't have any support documents to show his son, only the medical visits in a hospital just quite recent as i saw from the date itself. From what i concern, a politeness from her really tingles my heart..

So, in sense of helping people like that, a ringgit doesn't hurt. How about Chi Siang's terms again? Well, the part of helping, it's better to offer them a straight solution: get them a job, or maybe lead them to church, temple or elsewhere to have people helping them find a proper solution for them. A job is possible, but not sure if they could perform, only matters that they're beggars, they don't have a home, a job will do, where should they stay? if happenly they need clothes to work, who provide them? Charity society? There're lots of progress had to do before giving them solution, and are you really sure yourself giving up some time do the solution shit to them? For me, i knew how to preach to them, tell them find your own solution rather begging around, in terms of Chi Siang's.. hehe, i'm sure i can't do that, in that spontanenous moment, i'll get offended, maybe the beggars shouting at me in the public, or just do something that'll embarrassed myself. Gosh.. a ringgit won't hurt, man, why all the hassle?

Some other political issue did mention, polling, voting, some shit of governmental issue, i ain't saying out here. I'm not really concern about these things cuz i had better issue of myself to worry, more than you could ever imagine.

I was sleeping till my girl called me at 8.30pm today, asking me if i could let her have the car for tomorrow's work. I'm fine with it, it's part of her car, so i prepared myself to go to her house. Then again she called, just after i took my bath, telling me she's coming to get the car with her friend. The plan was ridiculous, that'll make more hassle than i go there, come back to my house and she drive home. So i left to her house..

I almost reached the traffic lights near Stamford College, her mother called, asking me to go back, my girl doesn't need my car.. what the hell, it's wasting petrol to go all away there for nothing, so i told her mom i'm almost at her place. She hung up like she's not happy about this.

My girl got in my car, told me her mom slapped her leg, the red sign came out. She told me it was a palm, but less swalloned than just now. Damn, she's 24, still getting slapped by her mom? What in the world had to do when someone asked for a car for a good sake? A Slap? Man, i hate these parents, for nothing just to give themselves a reason to be right at all times in front of their children, sounds just like my parents, but no slap, only negative talking..

I was hungry, stopped by Jaleel and had Iced Milo, special drink that really kaw all the time, also the half boiled eggs, mmm.. actually never taste it before, only nasi lemak.. My girl told me everything that happened only in an hour time, how she got slapped. First thing, she got to know her parents taking a half day leave tomorrow and had to use the car around 4pm. So for sure she can't use the car for her work, then she called me just to ask for my car. Then before that, her friend Vincent, recently bugging her to go out with him, asked her to go SS2 Pasar Malam have drinks, as usual my girl was had enough of all these guys seducing her while she's a knot with me. So Vincent was the one who suggested to go with her to my place and get the car, and i found it absurd, no reason to believe what Vincent is trying to do. My girl told me he had to meet me, like i'm a hotshot. I knew this is going to happen, for the sake of coming all the way here just to have a good look at me, wondering why in world my girl has to stuck up with me? What's the problem really, i mean, i can't deserved to have a affair with an accountant? What am i not capable of? Actually it's part of benefitting himself, he gets to know me, later on he can go out having drinks with my girl.

I knew what's gonna be if he did find who i am. First, he knew i'm currently jobless and looking for a job. My girl did asked him for help, as he's a manager of a some sort of recruitment company.Yup, he's rich, drives nice luxury car, bought his own house, and he's hitting on my girl, cuz he knew my girl is ain't typical, she's in accounts, might be useful to be his wife to work out in his company in the future. Seriously, my girl hates that kinda thoughts. She don't want anyone interested in her just to have herself useful, what if she's not in accounts? Therefore he knew i was just not as what he expected, a successful guy like him, so from there on, he'll pursue his way to attemp a propose to my girl so she could ditch me for my incapability. What he'll do is brainwash my girl, telling her why in the first place choosing me as her soulmate? And also telling her he's much better than anyone and will give her a good life than me.. Man, i'm sick of these people, why he never find someone he's type, rich, capable? My girl told me he had been in a relationship with a rich girl before, and things won't work right cuz the girl's materialistic. He can't officially support her as she wanted things the best, and of course the cost is expensive, he'll broke for the sake of it.

My girl cried that she's been suffered from the words of negatives, like why she chose me. I told her in the first place, why i chose her instead of other pretties i could go for? She's nice, no problems to me, no need to make calls everyday to cheer her, don't have to make myself go fancy restaurants with her, a simply casual date on every meeting is already enough to make her satisfied..

I've been struggling to get much better status to myself that i never did in my life, i thought i could just live on a happy simple life, pursue things i need, not like that. Perhaps i've changed, from negatives to positives, no more being a child and destroyer to myself, need to coop up things well, be a successful person in everyways, and of course, a better life that i promised my girl, no more striving like now.

Sometimes it's really hard for me to make her understand what she really wants from a guy, she's been brainwashed from her parents, relatives, friends and the guys too. They all disliked me because i'm not suitable for her, i just work in a retail shop as a supervisor, like no life, paid good, but what's wrong with that? I'm not selling drugs, not selling pirated VCDs and working in a pub, i'm just like others, working, find money, have my own problems, so what? She knew that she don't like guys to show off their achievement, but seriously i don't, but i share. They could have bringing her to fancy restaurants, but i could bring her to hawker stalls that really cook good food, and taste much delicious than you have to pay more. They could spend money on clubs with her, but i could go with her free, no money involved, regardless the parking fee. They could have friends partying with her, but i have friends to say things about life and i could guide her more. They could have their own cars, houses and their own company, but i have my place to stay, my own car and i don't have a company, less worries on financial and workers.

In the end, i couldn't blame anything about them, they just had to be live in good life, i'm not. They have problems but not as much that i'm encountering. They can be right to find such good girl like my girl rather me finding my girl to be my girl was wrong. They've not encountering any other people's issues that can really strike our heart out, like what could it be happier if there's no attemp to achieving something in greed? I came, and i saw, a lot, and discussed about it. It's scary. I know that no other people in my life i knew could possibly encountering my problems, what if they do, they can't survive, just what my buddy told me, live on. Whatever it takes, it's a test from God, we just had to get over it. I knew myself can't be devastated, i had to be positive.

I had a friend, he's fucking rich and owns everything he wants. He once told me he's envy at me. I find it odd, no one envy at me, i'm such a loser from the very beginning. He told me no matter hwta he owns, he owns no freedom. He can't choose his bride, in sense of his status. He had to go when his father told him, he got no choice. He prefers to be like me, carefree from everything, even he doesn't own everything.. I felt sympathy, poor rich man's son, lacking of freedom he wants. Some are satisfied but some don't. I know how it felt.

At least i could do now, i had to do my best for my future, and not letting my girl away because of all the words she was told. I'm not letting this mind set on her, cuz she's not the one to accept, she's way too decent to go for the darkside. Yulius, my man, your relationship really made a good example to me and my girl, you had a great girlfriend that really didn't bother about your status, even after 6 years, you guys still stayed strong, and i wished that i had the same like you. And my girl, get to know them and see what you could find a reason why there's so much more about our relationship rather thinking about other poeple's opinion about me. I'm not as bad as they think, if they ever get out from that fucking tiny box! (thanks for the box metaphor, cy!) Elie, i'm not offending you, just want to find a good solution to convince my girl's thought of me.. anyway, thanks for reading, may things work well on me!

Where miseries beyond boundaries.. *sob* *sob*


Blogger ellie ng needs to say with no harm...

stupid spam crap.

anyway,when yus and i got together,it was hell all the way thru.firstly because they thought i made him break up with his ex.but i fact,i didnt even know she existed til it was too late.

secondly,my mom hated his guts because he's entire family went against him because of his background,thinking that he's only with me for the money.

thirdly,my friends considered him unworthy of me,partly because of the money factor(i dont blame them...have to understand that we're brought up differently.),and partly because he's such a quiet guy,he keeps mostly to himself.u should've seen the amount of friends telling me not to be with him...and when we eventually got together,they told me it wouldnt,we're the only couple which lasted out of the gang.

fourthly,his mom EXPECTS my mom to pay for everything in his life.she thinks we're filthy rich,when we're actually not.she expects us to take care of him,and buy him things,and bring him on trips,and because of the way she uses my family,i'm still going through the hurt that she's so inconsiderate about our sacrifices so far.yet i have to love her as his mother.

and yes,we suffered through many wasn't until he started working for my family that they realized what i've known from the day i met him;that he's a wonderful person with the kindest heart and the strongest patience you will ever meet.and now my family loves him more than they love me...dammit.:P

your girlfriend needs to understand that it honestly doesnt matter what they say,because at the end of the day,it's just down to the two of you.i cant even explain to you how happy yulius makes me,and it's because of the simple fact that i managed to push aside everyone's opinions,and just trust in him and i.i think your girlfriend just needs some time... it's a very hard thing to get used to.just be there for her,be patient with her problems.

yulius made me a better person. honestly.and if i could turn time around,i'd go through all the hurt and pain again just to get to where we are now. :) Your girl will figure things out if things are meant to be.problems come and go,whether we like it or not.just have to face them with an open heart and mind.

Friday, September 30, 2005 10:56:00 PM  
Blogger andyreymex needs to say with no harm...

that's exactly what i've told her, a lot of wonderful things in life doesn't count in riches, but most of the people thinks that money really brings her happiness, and yet she never thought it was. She's very fragile on negative talks on people, soft hearted, i can't blame her, it's her nature. only matter of fact, i've been patience of all kinds of negative thoughts from other parties, sometimes i thought i might break down, not the first time, i guess you've seen it when i was with nicole. previously i made a wrong choice on love, but now it's more than love i chosen, it's not easy for me if one day we're really had to be apart, i don't know who else can be the one replace her, i mean definately no one, she's so good to be true, never ever i'll find another, i mean better like her. she hates guys making use of her being someone to have a proffession in life, to me i rather to have less problem, simple and kind loving person who'll lighten up my life. she's the one changed me from dark forces, i'm not being naive and get breaking down so easily now. she's my courage.

i'm thankful to have you writing this comment, sorry to say :p, it may be useful for her to read through and think about what's real and what's not in life.

thank you again..

how u think of my blog? suck? hah..

Saturday, October 01, 2005 3:45:00 AM  

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