Monday, October 09, 2006

In vain with work and favor... Helping pal's wedding shoot Part 2... (Sunday 8/10/06)

Yesterday cy did the wedding shoot all by himself, while i had to work. I feel sympathy at him, carrying the camera while with the tripod and microphone. I already knew it's kinda hard to handle by a person, or else that person would only know shooting instead of taking breaks.

I informed my part time job's staffs that i'm not attending to work. Yesterday was the same story, cuz i need to go back to my parent's house to have grand dinner. Since then, i've slacked off the part time job three weeks in a row... Yet, i've considered that i should quit, and maybe in the future, precisely, i would've jobs offered by cy, do shootings and stuffs.

Day 3, it's the wedding's dinner. By 6pm, i should be at his house. Hmm... I hope there's lot more girls at the dinner, so we won't be getting bored during the shoot.

My girl slept overnight at my place, and she left earlier at 10am. Since there's nothing to do at home, i went to Pudu Pasar and checked out some nice electronic stuffs there.

I remembered last time that the long stretch of the whole road, there were not much stalls doing business. Now, the whole stretch flooded with stalls, selling various stuffs. Some stalls selling rare items, some just exactly you could see it sells almost the same as the next few stalls away. I hardly could walk through the crowds, every consumers busy looking at the items.

There's a stall i'm interested. It sells lighters and cigarette boxes and protectors. I thought of buying one cigarette protector but most of the designs were fragile, or it happens to drag out some strings loosen from the pocket. It happens to me most of the time even a lighter, so i'm afraid that i've to skip to another item, which it's so must-buy/must-have thing...

Actually, most of my close friends knew what's that item. I don't think it's necessary to review it here. Heh...

Then, i went to an electronic shop, and i found i cable, it's a walkman jack which it works as an extension. Remember that i've mentioned the interviews, all i'm using was the pc microphone. Looks crappy ain't? Once i had think through it's purpose, i never hesitate myself to buy it. It could be useful when it's link to a wireless microphone that i owned.

Well, with a wireless microphone to interview people, wasn't it looked cool? I mean, usually it's with the cable, quite hassle to carry the cable and run around, you know how the restaurant's crowds are...

I went back home by 12.30pm, despised the lunch, i just enjoy my time watching anime and played God Hand...

Seriously, i don't think much of the gameplayers would like this game. I love the game is because it's fighting skills are damn fucking cool, and it's not really easy to play, i mean, if you've the interests to try it out, it's a good recommendation for all the Beat'em Up fans out there.

Also, minorly i did some house chores like washing clothes and cleaning up some stuffs, it has consumed most of my afternoon.

It's about 4.30pm, and i got myself ready for the shoot. I met with cy by his house's nearby. He came and was shocked that i only wore a tee, not a formal shirt. He's with his working attitude again, kept scolding me and left me said nothing at all. I forgotten that i shouldn't wash my shirts so i could wear it on this night.

Swiftly, we rushed back to his house and simply grabbed a long sleeve shirt, then straight to the restaurant in Kuchai Lama.

Luckily, not much people arrived. We got ourselves prepared of the equipments, went in and found out the receptionists... Oh my god... A girl with her outstanding beauty... The rest were also cun. So cy started get busy of himself, with the cam he ran in and out of the restaurant, while i followed him like glue. Heh, he did really needing an assistant to smoothen his job. I was carrying tripod and the wireless microphone.

From then, we started interviewing guests and the married couples' family members and relatives. Most of them camera shy, and some thought we're making them a big star... I mean, it's just part of the wedding's most essential media to keepsake and review again in the future for all the people who knew them. I don't think they would understand what's the purpose of the shoots, so i guess they're just not cooperating, and that's really troubling us... Yes, i'm not happy at their shyness.

The kids... Hmmm, the very 1st day of shoot, they've been disasterous. They came and disturbed us again and maybe, cy's not mad about them cuz they're cute, a little nuisance but it's easier to control them. I don't say i'm mad about them, their parents also never respect our work at all. It's not like we've all the time and timing of shoot. Sometimes we missed some nice shots, and definately we tried to cover all the necessary shots.

Well, there was one particular table with most of the pretty girls that both me and cy interested. I saw one but she's sort of horny when she was interviewed by us. Then, i saw another girl, which was talk, long 'Sunsilk' hair type, pretty cute face, and mostly, her tits were huge and she wore black blouse with low front cut, and long black pants to suit the whole attire appearance.

Oh my god, what i didn't know, she's married with a nerd guy, and her child, a boy which was around 8 years old already. But then again, she's HOT! I can't really take my eyes off her everytime i walk passed through her table, that's just next to the table both me and cy interested...

There were differences between bride's family and relatives' side and bridegroom's... The bride's side much much pretty girls, and much much happenings ever... While the bridegroom's side... I think only his best man, his best friend and close friends were happening, the rest...


You know what i mean.

I guess this wedding dinner was a successful one. The food's great, i can see that. The guests were all happy, and so did the bride and bridegroom's family members. The fellows took their chances to be on stage singing Karaoke entertaining guests.

I only took some food, while cy ate less than me. He got very busy taking good shots at every moment happened in the restaurant. We were asked to be seated at a table near the stage, with bride's relatives. I wasn't that much hungry, just worried of the shots, i mean worried of cy needing me to help.

The dinner ends around 11pm, while everyone's in rush to go home. Why? It's Sunday, and everyone's worried to wake up late on Monday. Since then, we were at the main entrance taking shots, interviews at the satisfied guests and relatives. I think the last interviews were much much better than earlier ones. The people got drunk, obviously everyone's in daring mode. Especially the bridegroom's best friend aka best man, he was so drunk and he went hilarious that made all of us laughed like hell. I can't bare to see him acting childish and wacky. You know, not every wedding dinner does have these happening friends. I wish mine will be much better than them, the more wacky, the more happier we'll be.

Lastly, everyone's back home, while me, cy and Liliane still around. Liliane asked me to drive her home because she was drunk. Therefore, cy had to follow my lead to her place.

On the way sending her back, we talked much of things. She's quite a nice person to talk to, i mean, she could share thoughts of life. She even asked if i'm available to help her on sound engineering job.

(Damn, i don't even have a pc, i wished... I do wish i had one, so i could do some cool sound and music... Shit, i've to turn her down though...)

She didn't sigh at my lacking of resources, but encouraged me to do so. Since she was in the advertising field (i'm not sure if she was...), she knew lots of these projects that could get in hand. It's just too bad for me, too bad...

On our way back, we stopped by at my place nearby, there's a foodcourt. We had our dinner+supper, then cy fetched me back home...

It was around 2am, and my working clothes were not ironed yet. Sigh, gotta sleep before i'm late for work, no choice but to wear the same from last week...

Thank God we made it...


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