Saturday, September 30, 2006

Outstation... To north with my cousin brother! Day 2... (Tuesday 26/9/06)

Woke up at 7.30pm. My cousin brother's cellphone rang earlier than the alarms i've set. The aircond was like freezing, even it's cold, i still don't feel like sleeping again. My eyes widely opened, looking forward to see new places and meet new people. Last night i heard we're going to Kangar, north of Alor Setar, in Kubang Pasu... (weird name though...)

And so, we headed to Kangar. As we've passed through small roads in inner states, then we reached a flyover bridge linking end route to Thailand and Langkawi. I don't know what's the idea of painting the bridge in vivid colors, contra to the max. Yellow and blue... Maybe it's a trademark color for the state itself.

on the left to Langkawi, on the right to Thailand border... and this bridge caught my attention... colors are odd...
We reached the client's place, and we went to have breakfast nearby. The restaurant's food selections were rare, there's cheap fried meehoon and kuey teow, while the other dishes, like curry chicken, curry squids, curry fish, curry this, curry that... And i wasn't mistaken the place, yet it's a Chinese restaurant, and it sells curry dishes... Hmmm...

Once taken breakfast, we're back in business. As the owner, our client, kept talking about the developement in the state. I could only remember that he mentioned about the Koreans who came here and operated a factory producing copper plates, like those medals, trophys, and some other high class design items. They only operated the factory over 3 months and it went bankruptcy.

He also said that one of the Korean guy got married with a beautiful Malay girl. Yet he's a PR, he was restricted to go back his homeland. Also, the owner once helped the Korean guys to test out the old machines that moulds the designs (i'm not quite sure if i'm making sense at this, but try to catch my drift, ok?), and he was scared the hell of himself to start it. He asked one of the Koreans if the machine was safe to run, for a few times he asked until the fella went berserk at his temper. Without any choices left, he urged everyone to stay away from the machine. With a
metal plate protecting his face, he reached the button and...

--- "POW!!!" ---

The main leg of the hook (i'm not so sure what's with his hypothetical metaphor, but just catch the drift la...) hitted his face, even with the metal plate protection, strucked fucking hard and threw him away from the machine. I looked at his right eye and the injury left a scar, not quite visible unless looked carefully. Then he went on with the contracts and projects thingy.

Then, started to rain, and there goes my cousin brother, "Big stud by now lor..."

After owner's non stop story telling, we went off to Kangar's city area to meet another client...

Well, it's not huge, i could say it's a town though. We spent quite some time there, talking and discussing within business issue.
The lady boss was not around, and we're intense to get the payment so we never had to run around and might save more time to meet other clients.

We took off to outskirt of the city, where this client's shop was fully equipped with massive selections of electronics and hardwares. Most of the workers are from Thailand. Nothing much, just the customers flow went non-stop and we were there like nothing to do almost an hour, just to wait for the owner settled down from serving the customers. Thereafter, my cousin said it would be the best to take lunch by then cuz it's already 1.30pm and might not have any food left... Yeah, it's puasa, most of the restaurants (Malay) closed.

We came back to the previous shop and a little while, the lady boss came. No need to consider who might be, her attire was classy, and the way she talks quite snobbish. My cousin brother told me that she's in that kind of character, but as long i get to know her well, she's a fine woman with tolerances and considerations. Then, we went for lunch.

Kedai... Kopi... Malaysia... made in Malaysia, filled with Malaysians, and operated by Malaysians... and then, it reminded so many things that i've to keep quiet...
Once we were at the nearby restaurant, i saw the same kinda stall selling curry dishes. The sign showed, 'Nasi Indonesia'... That's right, i get it. It's famous among the rest liked fish ball soup. My cousin brother went disappointed that the food was out of order. We had a swift lunch and headed to previous' shop's branch around the town.

What about having this colorful theme at our lovely Kuala Lumpur?
and mosty the colors, yellow and blue, always used on government buildings... and yet the whole country wasn't that much of colorful, but it's alright... not weird for those without...
So the branch selling lightning and other electrical stuffs. Once i got in, my cousin brother greeted a girl at her desk, with the pc blocking my view, i never take notice on her looks. My cousin brother went joking with her like wanna hug her or something, and something like, "Why? You called me Leng Lui? I am Leng Lui so you don't have to remind me."

I turned around from the lightning display and...

Oh my god...

You know what i saw?

Teenage beauty...

She had just finished her secondary schooling and still haven't decided to take a particular course.

Nevermind about the details, her voice and her beauty had drove me wild and i'm surrounding with beautiful lightnings...

Once the lady boss gave us the payment, we went to Jitra, outskirt of Kangar. We passed through a very beautiful large Buddhist temple. I wanted to take the picture of it but my cousin brother drove very fast... Damn... Once we're there, the owner wasn't there and we've wasted our trip.

We went back to Alor Setar city area, passing through Sultan Perlis' mansion. Not really that big, ok ok only. Then we reached to another client's place. Nothing much, skip this.

and some are plain colors... and i think those random colors costs much than their expected budget though...
Then we went another area in the city. Boring... Nothing much also, just a Malay guy, could be a contractor, spoke in Hokkien language. As seems as he's expecting both of us impressed by his extra ability, but none of us expressed. Heh, he's out of the league of the whole nation's own.

and just another view of the bridge.. and you've guessed it... it's colorful... attracting kids...
Sawah Padi... and it's huge...
can you notice the effect of taking pictures while on the car in high speed...????
i can tell you, i only could see a mountain in that moment... the rest of the area was all the while blank...
clear view of the sawah padi...
now the small one lane road leads to the partly widened road...
the land's big here, and any buildings, for example, schools might have bigger space to construct 3 football fields... and don't even think of 'ponteng' during schooling time...
One last stop, which few blocks next to a new built hotel. The lady boss was a hot mama. At first i doubt she's married, indeed, her daughter was playing around in the counter which was not visible for me to notice her. After the business conversation, my cousin brother bought something from the shop. Suddenly i thought of buying a table lamp. They took out the very last stocks, one was table stand type and another one was gripped type. Both with long necks and adjustable, plus it's equipped with locks, so the adjustment won't loose. Great, and i bought it. For me, a table lamp was one of my essential needs for my room. Either i use it to read or drawings. Good deal, RM38. Don't get me wrong, i only bought it once and even it's spoiled, it'll be another story to tell, disregarding the price.

the airport, and these planes represent the airport... and these can't fly...
i don't see any activities going on...
yeah, it's huge...
We went back to the restaurant we ate last night, finally my cousin brother got to eat the fish ball soup. To me, it's quite common, but as long as its filling my hunger.

We headed back to our hostel. Met this guy Eric, another same field salesman. Just coincidently he stayed in the same hostel. My cousin brother noticed his car was next to his. I went to take bath while my cousin brother talked to him about business.

Perlis Tower... 10 times shorter than KL Tower... tsk tsk!
another view of the Perlis Tower... looks huge but em... it's not like they're having high buildings around...
After bath, i started to write this post. Few moments later, we went out to the same restaurant again with Eric. He's the only one hadn't taken his dinner. After dinner, my cousin brother insisted to go town to buy newspaper. Lastly, we headed back to hostel

Actually this trip was nice, in 2 days i felt that it's kinda boring, yet in the future i'll be running this turf and i could see myself getting old and bored of going out. I don't know, i rather spend good time at my own place in KL, with close friends around, and especially with my girl.


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