Monday, October 09, 2006

In vain with work and favor... Helping pal's wedding shoot Part 1... (Friday 6/10/06)

My pal cy called me few days ago that he accepted a shooting for a newly wed's memoriable video on this weekend. I only told that the shoot took place on grand wedding dinner somewhere in Cheras, Saturday. On Friday, supposingly every Chinese families will have their grand dinner at home, while in my case, because of my mom's a vegetarian, the dinner was placed on Saturday.

it's kinda hard for me to take the photoshot all by myself... while i'm helping my pal here...
So during considerations, i could only help him after my dinner. So the plan was set and i've informed my pc software staffs that i won't be attending to work...

Seriously, i've been slacking off 3 weeks in a row. Yet i shouldn't but things got out of hand, i became scheduled for my own private issues rather trading my time to a part time job. I did do some thoughts, should i, or shouldn't i, quit the damn part time job. Worth it? That i won't be getting any free DVDs to watch at home, i had to buy my own. Also, my sightseeing sessions are over then.

... at least now Liliane from behind helped me to take some nice pictures...
Today, my pal called again. He needed me to help him shoot bachelor party at the groom's house, also the bride's house. He also said perhaps the best that i could help him on Saturday morning till afternoon. I said i can't, yet Saturday's a half day job, i just can't go jeopardize again. While his tone, became more sighs and desperates coming through the phone. I knew it's not an easy way to reject his proposal.

Thus, i called my cousin if i could take a day leave. I went honest to tell him i'm helping my pal to shoot some wedding videos while he couldn't handle everything himself. Yet, he disagreed, and here's what he said to me,

he's handling it very well... and i'm quite worried of any faulty would happen during the shots...
"You're under my company's policy that you shouldn't work for your friend's job. If he knew he's gonna take such job, he should find someone unlike you who has to work on Saturdays as usual. Or else he shouldn't take the job in the first place."

Sigh... I'm not so in tense of helping cy cuz i've told him i've to work on Saturdays. And still, he's much too uptight doing the shoot all by himself.

yeeeaaaaappp, that's me, heh... tired la my hands... kept holding the microphone in idle for long, cramping la...
Whatever, i'll see what i can do later.

After work, i went home get changed, and headed to cy's place. He was having dinner with his mom around 6.30pm and i reached at his place nearby at 7pm after. After fetching me, we headed to Lagenda Mas somewhere inside the premises.

these were the friends of the bride, most of them lengchais and lengluis...
Since the client provided us directions by a map drawn by her, we were quite lost... I mean, once the map reached it's end, some directions written in 'Turn left, first left, right' and so on, which were not really applicable for me or cy (in fact, cy's much hopeless on sense of directions...). Somehow the address guided us through the route, with a road sign highly visible during night time. Whew! That's topsy turvy...

So our client Liliane waited us to be there and take some good shots at the guests and some interviews of the family members and friends were made. Perhaps that it's our first time to approach, we only had few gears that looks nerdy and fucking low-cost equipments. Tell me, i brought the wireless microphone and it's my mistake that i never realised his video cam's jack input was just as right socket of the male, while my adapter's way too big and it doesn't fit, that's why in the end, without any choices, we used to computer microphone... With the stand attached and it's really nerdy to show it in front of the ones interviewed...

do i looked cranky with the pc microphone? you know, we got no choice, last minute thought of the equipments...
Later on, Liliane brought us to the bridegroom's house, just as under the same canopy, guests entertained themselves with chats, food and drinks. We did the same at the bride's house, interviewed friends, relatives and family. Later on, we headed back to the bride's house.

Still, cy wanted me to help him desperately. Again i called my cousin around midnight, talked to him thoroughly...

i guess they felt odd and hilarious of us trying to do things seriously, but they never expected us to be paid, for SURE!
In the end, i'm stucked up. There's no way my cousin would allow cuz if he did permitted me to take a day leave and help my pal, he's gonna get scoldings from my 3rd uncle. Yes, for me, i don't care much if a friend's request of help. I'm about to fuck up tomorrow's day job while i still can help him... But think about it, i've given in myself helping them, all i've done past month will be a waste. Also, my girl's not gonna happy about it, and things would get more complicated than starting of this year.

Cy's in vain, i can foresee his plans of interviewing done on the 2nd day could be cancelled, only shots of the process of the wedding... It's his first attempt, and somehow me, as a good pal, should support him all the way, but helplessly. It's all about my company's policy... Somehow being honest also can't help much.

the bride's brother was one the most friendly, he's quite and easy guy for us to interview, rather the rest would've been lost for words in front of the camera...
Since then, i helped cy as much as possible, as usual he'll be scolding people like me that are not as efficent as he wanted. So far, i'm not used to interview people, and i stutter a lot while questioning. I mean, if this situation was another person who helped my pal, i'm sure that person would get pissed off instantly after all cy's requirements were way too over than average.

i'm telling you, it's not EASY to work as a film crew...
Well, it's his first attempt, of course it has to be done nicely. I don't mind if he's carrying those kinda attitude, i'm used for getting scolded.

ah, i love this aunt, she's a very nice woman who really talked much of her loving niece (bride)...
When every guest left for tomorrow's big day, it's already 1am and it rained heavily. We left after a smoke and cy fetched me back home...

I hope he'll be alright tomorrow, doing shooting alone...


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