Monday, October 02, 2006

Double Date... Finally, i rest my case... (Saturday 30/9/06)

"It's been three years and all the friends would just introduce some girls to me, and yet my 10 years old pal who never bother introduce even a single one to me..."

Yep, it refers to me, i can't be a good pal of cy if i never contribute my effort. What i mean was, i promised him before. Even i didn't, indirectly i must do, and that's what friends are for...

After came back from last night, i was quite mad at my girl's plannings. The whole meet up of hers and her girl friend was quite unpredictable. Her friend whined of difficult to find a guy, eventually she brought all guys to meet up my girl, including one of them is a contestant of Cornetto's Dating game, whichever... You know what'll happen if i really brought cy there?

Since it's not happened at all, everything's alright, and my girl called him and explained everything. It won't work through my words as always i've planned things out, disasters occur.

By today, i was working, and my girl called and told me her another friend from Klang asked her out and also seeking a man of her life, i mean... At first, getting to know each other...

I was happy, and planned everything out as though i've confidence to work things out. This time, please please God, let me settle it and rest my case...

After work, i waited my girl to come and fetch me, then fetch cy to Damansara's Curve to meet up her girl friend. Once i've planned to go Ikea to browse any nice and cheap wardrobe. And yes, it's been a month i've stayed in Pudu and my clothes still lying on floor, waiting for my caretaking.

We met at the Starbucks, Ikano. I don't know much of these two's reactions after meeting each other, but it's best to let them improvise their conversation. And therefore, we ended up guys walked their own path, while girls on their own.

At 3pm, we meet up. By 6pm, cy had to leave for his cousin's wedding dinner nearby my place. And between this moment, it's a rush, and i was way too worried...

4 of us had our light lunch at O'Brien's place, had some nice sandwiches. Mmm... Delicious... Too bad, i'm all over of my stomach ache that kept bugging me since i'm outstation, i just ate a few. Also, i forgotten to take a few pictures of the sandwiches... Just me and cy, that's all...

And so, the girls had their good meal, we chatted along and later on, the girls left to shopping at the Curve, while both of us left to Ikea and look for nice furnitures. During our way there, cy said the girl's quite a nice girl. Yeah, she's also works accounting firm, and she's not those hardcore partying girl, modest, decent, and much much more on good sides. She's pretty, and somehow it takes some time for this gentleman to consider his choices...

the plant...
the description...
Anyhow, i couldn't find exactly budget of a wardrobe at Ikea. There's a cheap one, but too little compartment to fill my other types of clothes. Yes, i'm aware and particular of it's designs and usage. On the other hand, was it convenient to fit in the car, that's all the questions.

My girl's friend never join us after my girl came to meet us up at the plants department. Her friend wanted to join us for dinner and she changed her plan to have dinner with her mom since cy can't join us... Hmmm... Who's tolerating who then?

my best pal and me...
At 6pm, cy said it's too early to be there. So we went to Taman Connaught's Giant to browse some plants and the wardrobe. Previously we came, about a month ago, was interested at a wardrobe that looked alike Ikea's design. Unfortunately, the wardrobe remained only one and there's no preordered stocks. I'm so fucking sad that it has been one of my love at first sight wardrobe... Sigh, we came all the way for nothing...

After fetching cy to his cousin's wedding dinner at Imbi, we went back to my place and chilled out, just like what we used to do...

Throughout the day, i'm very happy and satisfied of the plan worked out such fine situation, even though i've to carry stomach ache burden along the matchmaking thingy...

Just have to depend on time, both of their desires and fate.

Let things be done naturally then...


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