Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Almost Got Robbed... (Wednesday 8/6/06)

Yup, it's not the first time, but this case brought me some pain. Listen...

My girl's gonna leave for a holiday with her mom and her relatives on Thursday night for a trip to Redang, before she goes, she came to pay me a visit after work...

And so, she left almost midnight, and i accompanied her to her car. I was quite hungry at that time, thinking of a delicious Roti Telur, i went to a distanced 24 hours mamak and had one. I took a short cut right at the food court, the road was silenced, and usually the wildered dogs will keep barking to anyone who passes through it. On the halfway, came a sound of a motorcycle, it stopped at my right. The passenger touched my shoulder with a quick dive out from the bike. I thought i knew them, with a quick swift of thoughts, i ran. I knew something bad is gonna happen...

It were malay boys, damn it's my bad day encountering these parasites of society, who just got nothing to do but assaulting people just to have some cash. I never thought i could ran that fast till he can't chase me. The bike's sounds nearing me, and of course, i could think it might bang on me. Swiftly, i saw 2 trucks parked side by side, i slot in. I was wearing sort of slippery sandals, so i accidently slid and almost got into below of the truck. I still ran, that bloody malay bastard kicked me and i fell again, and i still eager to run on stairs of the shops, and again he stopped me from his mighty kick.

I felt i was hurt, on my palm and legs, probably scratches. I looked back to that bastard, didn't really saw how he looked like or what, only knew he was with his helmet, and the bike was blocking the slot in between the trucks. I raised my hand showing pitiful on them, and yelled, "Mengapa? (Why?)". Yeah, it sounds silly though, i was freaked out mad, obviously i'm out of vocabulary. That bastard stopped, he thought i'm through of running and turning in. They're wrong, another swift, a ran again, and clearly to hear that bastard and the bike was haunting right behind me. Until the end of the junction, i turned, and thank God... There's people at the restaurants... I stopped and looked back, panting a little, with nervous and painful at my injuries. Then, i heard the bike sound faded from that road.

I walked passing through the restaurant, the workers looked amazed at me, maybe they noticed i was chased, and possibly they noticed i'm injured. I felt uneasy on my legs, after the outrun, i'm quite settle down and walked slow, trying to adjust the pain from the injuries. I wore white short pants, i knew it'll get dirty from the fall and slide, pretty sad cuz i hardly wore it cuz it's a nice short pants... I didn't notice that my palm was bleeding, i tried to make the dust away from my pants and there goes my pants with my blood stains... *sigh*

There's a mamak near my place where i don't usually go there because it's always crowded with old folks and Indons. I need to take a short rest after the outrun, and i guess i should check my injuries. I ordered a take-away drink, sat down and shocked to look at the injury slightly below on my right knee... A fucking deep cut, about an inch... I never see my flesh got that deep cut before, and seriously, i almost fainted cuz i don like to see things like these, gore... The mamak's worker came and saw me with blood on my palm and legs, he was shocked too, after seeing my right knee... He stood there, blankly. I smiled at him, and told him i'll be alright. His collegue saw it too, and brought me some bandages before he made a drink for me. The very moment i took up my courage and looked carefully at the wound to see if any stones contained it. The worker still stood there, holding the bandages, looking at me peeling off some ripped skin of the wound. I found a stone, and i hardly could see clearly the rest because whenever it is a fresh wound, the flesh would looked like white in colour, even i stretch the wound. I felt a little pain of it, i guess it might be very painful in few minutes away. Nevertheless, i asked the worker if he could put on the bandages. He was blank, undecided. I looked at him, with my fingers putting pressure on the wound, and he refreshed himself by taking out the bandages and applied on my wound. Why on earth has this fella hesitate to help others? *sigh* But i'm thankful to him. And my drink was ready, with my bleeding palm, fuck it, i'm throwing my pants away soon, just to take my money out and pay for the drink. I left, slower than before, back to my place...

My housemate, Bangladesh residents, saw me walking like a cripple, look antonished at me, during his late cooking session. It's been awhile he saw me in good condition and turned sour in the next moment. I explained to him, and you know la, usually Bangladesh people came here and learned B.M. doesn't mean they really can speak fluently, so it's sort of difficult to explain to them, one word by words i told him. He was sort of understand which i don't think so. Then, i went in my room to strip off my pants, get easy on cleaning...

I never rushed myself to clean the wounds first, i sat, lit my cigarette, puffed slowly. I recall back my stupidity yelling 'Why' at them. Actually that stupidity saved me, mayba all the sudden i'm smart enough to get away. I hope whatever i've said this could not possible to be another case in future whereby i really get wacked and robbed, please God, make this a karma just once to clear my sins, please. I puffed, and recall back the mamak worker. He's pretty unsettle down encountering this matter.

Once i've finished my cigy, i'm sort of afraid to get more pain on the cleaning part. I felt that kinda pain before, even worst than this. Previously i had 2 times of motorcycle accident, that makes me never ever dare to ride a bike. Thus, even i walk also i get these injuries, similar to my previous accidents, what a dreadful world... And so, i went into toilet, i started with my palms, i yelp quietly. Then my elbows, left leg... Then my right knee... I yelled like my balls burst in pieces... I think all the way to living room also can hear my scream. Hey, it's painful man, when Rambo's hurt, he yelled too. A strong man will yell if the pain struck his nerves.. My right knee didn't bleed that much, weird. Afterall, i don't even have any anticeptic liquids to clear off the bacterias from the wound. So i guess the water is good enough temporary.

I went to my room, took some big rolls of toilet papers to dry out the wounds and blood. Without any bandages, i only folded big rounds of toilet paper to cover the wound. And of course, it an open one inch wound, i took an adhensive tapes, slowly closing up the open wound and put on the rolled toilet paper and applied the tape tightly. My legs are hairy, and it stretched till it's gonna tear off all the hairs... (i know it sounded funny...) I know it's tightness wouldn't last long, i wrapped it around with a cloth and pressured it as much as it stopped bleeding again. You know, the pain caught me shivering madly in cold, i could stuttered in this condition, even there's no rain, nor air-cond and fan, totally room temperature... I thought of my girl, and she definately will be so worried at me getting such injuries. I remembered last car accident i met nearby her house, she cried like i'm dead already, which i'm not, touch wood! I felt like never wanna tell her about it. But anyway i've planned to write this post, and it's best to tell her asap before she rage against our trusts. I planned to sms her right at the morning, the time she wokes up for work. I thought she might take leave just to see me, but i'll urged her not to, i mean, it's not the first time i got this kind of injury, i can managed to take care of myself.

I even thought of taking some pics on the wounds, but the deep cut wound was gruesome, so i don't wanna remember how it looks like, regardless after recovered, seeing the scar better la... (Actually my girl told me not to, cuz she'll get more sad to look at it. Same to me, i feel like vomitting seeing my wound... Puh...)

Deep one-inch cut, never feel pain at first... until... AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!....
And so, i watched some movies all the way till morning. I can't even sleep, i shivered like fuck, caused by the pain, and can't even fucking concentrate on watching the shows. My girl replied my sms and she won't be coming to see as she needs to work. She urged me to see a doctor, i mean, i'm staying on 2nd floor of the shoplots, the stairs would've killed me if i ever attempt to. I need to stretch my right leg full time until i feel the wound closed. Yes, i'm all alone and it's difficult for me to walk around. I did went to pee, only 2 minutes of standing up already taken half of my life away. It's so painful, i always remember this pain, pressures on the wounds, like there were vinegars on it. It took me about 10 minutes to let the pain fades while sitting on my bed. Next thing i knew, it bled again, feeling the liquid sliding down on my foot, darn it. About 10am, i was asleep. I'm all tired controlling the pain.

Well, i guess my right knee would take a few weeks time to heal. I knew there's a gig and my band's in it, and it might be a cancellation, i can't play drums temporary, if my wounds healed. Also, the cheapskate bandages. The adhensive tape was not breathable, it starts getting itchy around my right knee and for the moment i can't just take out the bandages. Sigh, have to stay on like that in few days.

I managed to buy dinner at a time, took of one hell of walking distance even it's just in front of my place. Everyone who seen me before were antonished too, just as i was in good condition and suddenly... Heh, shit happens man, don't you agree?

My girl only came back on Sunday, and she'll come to visit me on Monday, taken leave earlier inclusive the trip.

If anyone never encountered this cruel matter, please be cautious on bike riders, and never ever walk at a quiet road. Always take the crowded area route even if it's gonna take a long way home. Take my advices, as it's a lesson to me already, although i'm saved. I won't take that bloody road as it'll haunt me for the rest of my life. Hey, it'll cost me life if i'm gonna try my luck again.

Remember that, fellas!

*Thank you God for giving me mercy on things happened to me. I know i did sins in my life but the punishment has the purpose to guide me to be a better person. I'm saved and i might saved others too as it happened to me, not to others.*


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