Thursday, August 04, 2005

Crappy Information...

You know, i've been had enough doing diary on my workdays, not to say it got worst, just the matters that i don't have to oblige on daily activities written out, of course if there's any special kind of encounters i met, i'll put down in blogs.

I'm not very sure what i've gone through in this blog, or shall say i'm not focusing on my title i made. Stories of my life and such, i believe people don't really concern about your activities, but something interesting. My life's activities interesting, does it make people interested reading it? Even if for me, i'll go for interesting articals in the newspaper, same goes to the blog.

I'm sure all the while i've created this blog only my girl and my best pal reading it, other than that, it meant to be my past memories. Some pictures tell a thousand words. I made thousand words out of it, i'm crappy.. I do cherish my past life, how i struggled, be in love, broken heart, tears in darkness, loneliness, new found excitement and knowledge. It's so vital in my life.

No matter how much i write here, nobody appreciate it. That's why i called it underground, plus bible. Underground, nobody cares. Bible? Some people read, some people don't. Boring ma.. How about underground bible? Even if you read, do you care to understand or interested? I don't make fancies on my blog, i used money to do it. I don't have pc at home, a little chances to use my friend's pc, so i go cc usually, spent quite a sum, even my phone bill. I don't write blog in cc anymore, i use my handphone, wrote all i need to write, attached with pictures if any, send over by email to my own email, same address both. It works somehow, spent less time in cc cuz it counts by hours, rm2 per hour for heaven sake, costly to do blog. Before this method, i save all the texts and wait till i go cy's house, i use infrared device to connect to my phone and download all necessaries. But it wasted lotsa time, and cy's not happy of me bugging him doing something on pc, chances are low for me to use. Blame me, i can't afford a pc now, even cheap. Bought car and savings went low, what the fuck i expected?

Call me stupid, but i felt genius. I thought all these methods of blogging most of the time. I can't imagine myself thinking of these solutions to make things simplify, cost effective and time saving. I can do blogging while i'm eating or having a drink, typing in one hand using T9 predictive, while taking dump, not during shower, silly. Driving time? Too dangerous, somehow manage to sms. Before sleeping time, lying on bed.. Can you do all these on pc? Laptop's convenient, but absurd to do on dumping time. (small table for the laptop in the toilet? Not afraid of moist?)

Crappy talk ends here, some other time i'll continue..


Blogger chinyew needs to say with no harm...

is not that i'm not happy everytime
you use my pc, its just that everytime you look for me to yum
cah, its actually to use the pc.
its the sincerity of intentions that pisses me off.


Thursday, August 04, 2005 11:35:00 PM  
Blogger chinyew needs to say with no harm...

as i said, i'm fine if you wanna use my pc. you just have to honestly tell me that's all.


Friday, August 05, 2005 4:23:00 AM  

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*For your information, all these photos taken from other websites have no intentionally violate the copyright laws and offensively disgrace the nature of the photos. When it comes to my own photos, it'll be freely for any users who wishes to make copies and keep for their respectful purposes. Any violation made will be taken in action, so I hope there's no disgraceness upon my creations. Thank You.